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COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for February, 2014]

  Got Questions? Join Online Parent Coaching for all the answers!

Dear Mark

I came across your site by accidental. But it is god send. I have a teenager with asperger and it is indeed a trying period. i find solace when I read your articles. It gives me a ray of hope.

Kind Regards

Dear Mr. Hutton, I am writing to you from Yamaguchi, Japan.  I am an 32 year old American woman living and working here in Japan.  My husband (37) and I have been married for almost nine years but separated for the last two.   We have two children together.  For the last few years I have intently been trying to figure out a solution to my marriage.  I bought your ebook several weeks ago and it has been quite helpful.  Thank you so much.  I do have some questions, however, that seem to be unique to our case. I apologize that this might me a long email, but I don't know what will and will not be relevant to you, so I am including everything. Sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors!

My husband and I have always had a "difficult" relationship.  It has never been easy.  I very much relate to the  experiences that you described in your book of what NT wives married to AS men can go through.  The resentment, anger and loneliness on my part.   The seemingly unresponsive and "selfish" behavior on his part.  He fits a lot of the descriptions of someone with AS. Lots of quirks and unusual ways of dealing with thing and social difficulties.    I always felt there was something "different" in our dynamic, there were certain things we just didn't seem to get about each other.  I just thought it was the stress of our life. Now that I am familiar with AS,  it is clear as day why he acts in these ways, and why I responded in such easy.   Unfortunately, in those days, because I was unaware of any of this, over time I became less kind or understanding, thinking he was completely self-centered.   I gave him hell, so to speak. I felt him drawing further and further away, burying himself in his work.  I felt more and more overwhelmed with my small children, alone with a husband who just did not seem even remotely interested in acknowledging my needs. I did feel crazy a lot of the time.  My self-esteem fell.  Yet, he said he still loved me, and we were trying to keep it together.  Then a little over three years ago, something happened that ultimately led to our current separation. We have been trying to resolve it ever since,  That is why I am writing you, hoping you may be able to shed some insight on our situation.

Our journey  started about three years ago. But first let me give you a little history.

 My husband and I, as I mentioned, had always struggled in our marriage.  Every year, we knew things were going down hill,  but we still loved each other and kept trying for the sake of kids.  When the US economy crashed, my husband was out of work.  Our children where still very young and I needed to be home with them. Thinking that it had been his work that was taking him away from family life , I encouraged him to go back to school, hoping he would have more time for us.   He did go to school, quite happily.  However, he encountered all kids of difficulties.  He sought out  academic counseling through his college.  It was from there that he was told he might have ADD among other learning disabilities.  Okay, but there seemed to be more to it than that.   Things were unraveling. He couldn't  keep up with what was the expected pace in the class.  My husband is brilliant.  He is one of the smartest people I know. He built a career for himself, without a degree, in computers.   Yet he couldn't seem to handle some of the simplest tasks his teachers were assigning.  It was during this time that  he also started seeking out psychological counseling for some unresolved issues he thought he was having around a tragic event that had occurred in his family the year before we were married.  My husbands uncle, a long sufferer of depression, strapped his two young sons to himself and jumped off a bridge, killing all three of them.  My husband had never really dealt properly with the grief over this.  We were married the following year and got busy raising our family. Six years later, he felt that his issues around his Uncle and young cousins death  were manifesting in ways that were beyond his control. He  became very difficult to connect to.  He was absent, both physically and emotionally and quite obsessed with school.    It was a stressful situation anyway.  We moved in with his parents to save money and there was very little privacy.  Our financial situation continued to deteriorate because we were not getting the financial help we were expecting due to his grades getting lower and lower every semester. I was starting to loose it.  I knew something was wrong, but I could not put my finger on it.  My own unhappiness and stress caused me to lash out.  Then one night, during a intimate moment, I pushed him off of me and started raging.  Telling him how he was never there for me and I didn't seem  important to him and he was just using me.   He wasn't really responding ( I know now why he couldn't respond,  but back then I just thought he didn't care) so I went around to the other side of the bed and brought my hand down hard where he was laying.  I had meant to hit his leg to get his attention but in the dark I couldn't see well and  I struck his arm.   He flinched violently. Almost like a two second seizure.  He was silent for while and then said something like it was time that we both went to bed.  I cried myself to sleep as he lay motionless beside me.
The next night he wanted  me to go out with him for coffee.  This was unusual.   I thought it was a effort to make-up.    But, much to my dismay, after we got our coffee, he told me that he needed me to promise that I would never hit him again, even if it had been somewhat of an accident.  He said that when I hit him the night before, he strained his shoulder trying to keep himself from hitting me back .  My husband had taken martial arts when he was younger, and he knew that if he ever hit me with his full force, he could quite easily inflict a blow that would kill me.  Yet, I couldn't promise that I would never hit him again, because it had just been an attempt on my part to get his attention. It could happen again.  I knew I could never  really hurt him so I didn't think it was so important.  I said I would try.  But that didn't seem good enough of an answer for him.  (I now see that this conversation was his attempt to try to tell me my actions made him feel out of control and he didn't know what to do about it) Either that night, or a few nights later, I don't remember, I had a dream that my husband had become "unreachable".  In the dream he was like a shell.  It was his body, but the eyes staring at me did not have a soul inside. He sat there with a snarl on his face.  His eyes dead.   No matter how much I begged him to "come back" he wouldn't…...or couldn't.  I woke up from this dream screaming.  Sick to my stomach.  The feeling stayed with me for days. That very same week, it was like a switch had been flipped in my husband.  He flinched and pulled away when I touched him, started sleeping on the couch most of the time, and over the next year, become so cold and distant that it shook me to the core. Until that point, he had been quite affectionate and when around, sweet.  I kept thinking he would eventually work through it, but we have not been intimate since that night.  That was over three years ago.  Although we have finally arrived at a point where he accepts hugs from me, he still doesn't want to touch me voluntarily.
 Over the course of that year he asked for a trial separation three times.  I consented the third time.  He moved out immediately, and we have been separated ever since.    It was during this year that we started marriage counseling as well.  And it was also during this year that a therapist suggested he might have Aspergers.  It explained a lot, for both of us.  He was in the process of getting a proper diagnosis when I took a job here in Japan. We knew it would interrupt the counseling we had begun, but we had both been struggling to find jobs and desperately needed an income.  He said that we might need to do something drastic anyway, like move to Japan, for our marriage to survive. I had spend many years in Japan as a child and felt comfortable moving back here so  I took the job with his blessing. We agreed that he would stay in California and finish school as well as stay in therapy.  He would visit in the summer and we would see how things went.  I hoped for the best.
It turned out, he missed the kids so much he joined us eight months later. The government subsidized program he was receiving counseling through,  cut it for budget reasons.    He was in the process of getting a diagnosis for AS when this happened (He did take the online test for AS and scored 155 out of 200) His last therapist diagnosed him with OCD as well. School was not going any better for him, so he decided to stay in Japan. He has been here consistently for a year.
We have tried to do the best we can here in Japan.  We found an American therapist  and we worked with him for some time.  We mentioned in the first few sessions,  that we thought AS was a factor in some of the issues of our marriage, but it more or less got left at that.  I found the therapy sessions quite helpful but my husband did not ( after reading your book and learning that traditional marriage therapy doesn't really work for people with AS, it makes sense that I benefited but my husband did not) We saw this therapist for over a year, but we recently decided to give it a break as it did not seem to be having a big impact on moving  us any closer to a resolution.
   I have tried to continue to love my husband and tried to understand him. I have to admit, I was hoping the move, change in environment and time would have healed a lot.  There has been some improvement.  But not drastic.  Especially for him.  As far as he is concerned, we are just as close to divorce as we were three years ago.  He is also having trouble finding work here and it is taking him time to adjust.  We have both tried very hard to work things out for the sake of our children and families, but there is something deeper that is not getting resolved.
About a month ago, a friend of mine sent me the link to your ebook and site.  It made me realize that what I have been doing is not enough.  I do believe my husband has AS and I do believe that the strategies outlined in your book can and are helping us.  However,  I also  think there is something else.  Some deeper psychological issue.  In addition to having OCD about usual stuff, I think he has suffered some sort of trauma in our relationship that was brought on by neither of us understanding what his needs had been.  Could my husband be dealing with PT-OCD (post traumatic-obsessive compulsive disorder)?  In my talks with him, when he seems to be able to get in touch with his feelings, I get the sense that if we could resolve this block that he has about being intimate with me  ( both sexually and simple hugging, kissing) then there could be some hope for us.  I suggest PT-OCD because if he was already under emotional stress with the trauma of his Uncle's death coupled with the poison in our marriage that climaxed into, what  for him was a nightmare scene that almost caused him to hit me ( something that he would never, ever be able to forgive himself for) then the OCD could have manifested itself as this:  in HIS mind, he  may think as long as he doesn't touch me, there will never be the risk of sex or intimacy, and therefore no chance of recreating a scene similar to the one that happened more than three years ago , which creates less to no chance of him ever  be in danger of feeling again like hitting me.  Unfortunately, this obsession means he lives with a marriage devoid of sex, affection or intimacy.  Even he cannot live with that.  That's why, to him, divorce seems inevitable.
I am not a psychiatrist  and I could be WAY OFF but I am just throwing things out there.   Based on stuff we have talked about, things he has said in therapy and facts that I know about him.   Interestingly enough, when I shared this theory with him, he agreed that it could be a possibility.  He does not usually agree with me!! I am including a link to an article on PT-OCD that we have both read and  resonated with. Just for information sake.
I am also including certain things he has said to me frequently over that last few years regarding our marriage, that tie in to what I have said above. They are not in any particular order.

1.He often says justice has not been served for the past year ( he feels I treated him unjustly, although I have apologized, changed my ways and even communicate differently with him than I used to)

2.Says he doesn't know what he needs for there to be reconciliation

3,Has said on several occasions that he needs to "start over" ( like a re-boot) for him to feel differently about our marriage and for his feeling towards me to change. For our marriage to reconcile he says he needs to literally start again as if we don't know each other.

4,Seems to have a dual internal thing going on.  Says very unemotionally that he feels we are very close to divorce and not much has changed despite our attempts. Yet his actions will often show otherwise.  Like his coming to Japan to be with his family ( he could have easily used the move as a way out,  filed for divorce and sent me the papers to sign). His willingness to go to therapy.  He doesn't want to be intimate or want to feel like we are married, but when I tell him I want to keep trying, that I love him and don't want a divorce, he seems happy.  I am quite confused by this as it don't seem consistent with what he say, unless my theory about PT-OCD could be true.

5,He says he is happier when he is not with me. Yet, he does certain things for me when I ask, and he still seems to care about what I think and what I like.   Although we live separately, we still operate very much as a family. He picks  the kids up from school  and brings them to my  house while I am at work and we eat meals together regularly.

6,He has said that so many of the failures in his life are connected to me and our marriage yet he seems to want to try….despite his belief we might be doomed.

7.he has said that the 'bad" stuff in our marriage plays over and over again in his head, like a tape.

8.He has said it might be better for us to divorce simply because if I got re-married, at leas our children will see what a normal relationships looks like.  But, on other occasions he says he hopes we don't get divorced.

9.He has said that being with me is sometimes like torture because there are things I unknowingly do that trigger his anxiety and he doesn't know how to reverse it. For example: A month or so ago, we were at a gathering together.  It was lunch and it was buffet style food.  My husband had to take a phone call when the food was being served.  Knowing he was hungry, I told him the food was ready and should I make him a plate.  He said no, thank you.  I thought he was just being polite.  After 10 min or so, when I saw how fast the food was going, I decided to make him a plate ( I  thought I was being considerate)  When he was finished with his call, I told him I made him a plate and it was on the table whenever he was ready.  But the food just sat and sat and sat.  He never touched it.  I tried not to be offended.  I thought maybe he was feeling ill.
In a later conversation, he was able to share with me that he had not wanted me to make him a plate because he knew the food would sit out for a few minutes and he was afraid germs would contaminate it. Furthermore, he could not bring himself to make a fresh plate without eating the first plate of food, because he wasn't sure if he would offend anyone.  He was starving and wanted to eat but was in this silent dilemma.   He  could not understand why I didn't just listen to him.  He said this kind of thing has gone on in our marriage for as long as he can remember.  It felt like torture.
  It was a true Aha! moment for me.  This conversation.  I knew he had some serious OCD about germs, and I knew he often questioned how to act in social situations, but I did not realize how far it went for him.  Ever since, I have tried to be more mindful of taking his word for what he says he wants.

10. he has said that the week after he almost hit me three years ago, he noticed his tastes changed for a few things.  Like, he has always loved Reese's peanut butter cups, but after that night, he doesn't like them anymore.

I want my marriage to work.  I love my husband. He is a good man.  In many ways he is kind, gentle, and considerate.  He is a good father.  I want my children to grow up in an intact home.    The strategies outlined in your book are definitely helping.  But there is something deeper.  I do not think  for one second that I am innocent in all of this.  I know I have done my share to do the damage that happened in the past.  Everyday for the last three years I have made efforts to repair that damage.  And in his own way, my husband has too.  We have both tried, hard.  But we have been separated for two years and worked with four marriage therapist.   How long is too long?  I want to know. What is keeping us from healing?  I can live with Aspergers.  I already am… but that does not seem to be the only issuer. Am I on to something with the PT-OCD?  Can we live together, relatively happily again as husband and wife? Can you share any insights?

Thank you so much for the time you took to read this email.  I know it was a staggering amount of information.  I almost have to laugh at myself for how much came out.  I am sort of freaked out about sending it, but here it goes.
I hope to hear back from you soon.



My 18 year old Aspergers son is having a very difficult time with the transition, responsibilities, and structural difference in college.  He failed all but one of his classes last semester, and is not doing too well this semester.  Due to the pressure to perform and fear of losing his scholarship, he has fallen into a difficult state of mind (e.g., doesn’t care, doesn’t do work, constantly lies, etc.), which has further complicated our ability to communicate with him. Do you think that college might be too much for him to handle at this time? Should we consider a technical career? He is a brilliant young man with a complex diagnosis, and a lifetime dream of becoming an engineer.


Given the circumstances that you have outlined, clearly college life is not working for him at this time. This is quite obvious, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that college will NEVER work for him – just not now.

College life is tough on young adults with Aspergers, mostly because the level of structure is greatly reduced. In other words, students can (for the most part) come and go whenever, wherever they want to… very little resemblance to the more structured atmosphere in high school. The social aspects of college life are also more complex. Even among “typical” students, freshmen students' self-ratings of their emotional health drop significantly in their first year.

Your son was micromanaged as he went through the high school years. As a result, he was often protected from a lot of disappointments. But, once young adults with Aspergers get to college and they’re on their own, life’s disappointments happen, and they are often lacking that resiliency to deal effectively with those events (e.g., getting a poor grade, girlfriend breaking up with them, not fitting in with the crowd, etc.).

Having said this, I agree that technical school (preferably one close to home) would be a good option at this point. 50% of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed; many, in fact, are resorting to the kinds of entry-level jobs that they went to college to avoid. But things are looking up for skilled workers. As a recent survey reported, 40% of employers complained that they were unable to find sufficient skilled workers to fill their available positions. For students who can get into the programs that prepare them for such jobs, the employment future could be promising.

The value of a vocational program varies greatly. Many private companies have jumped into the market, hoping to tap into the rich river of federal student aid money flowing into the trade school market. Unfortunately, many of their programs are overpriced, unaccredited, or lack strong placement programs, which means that students who enroll in these for-profit schools' programs can easily find themselves graduating with a lot of debt and few job prospects.

Luckily, there are several ways vocational students can protect themselves from choosing a bad program. The first step is ensuring that the program they're considering is accredited: The Department of Education has an easy-to-use accreditation database.

Having checked to see that the program carries a U.S. government seal of approval, the next step is ensuring that its benefits are worth its cost. Companies like Glassdoor and can give a good idea of the likely salaries that graduates of a particular program will garner. Depending on this, students can calculate the amount of money that they can reasonably expect to borrow. A general rule of thumb is that your loans shouldn't exceed one year's post-graduation salary.

Another great resource is Department of Education's default rate database, which reports on the percentage of students who default on their loans. Schools with high default rates may be charging too much for a particular certification.


Hi Mark, My 13 year old son just had the worst meltdown ever in his life & mine!  I had to stop myself from having the local childrens hospital come & take him away today.  1st off I like the idea of your product but my son has 3 so called labeled disabilities at work fighting each other at all times.  When he was 18 months old I knew he had autism or aspergers but he was not diagnosed until age 8 with aspergers.  Right before that diagnosis at age 8 he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.  Absolutely no family history of diabetes at all.  At age 6 I was told he had dyslexia but not the kind that affects reading.  His is comprehension & expression based. He reads way higher levels than his age group states.  I do agree with the dyslexia diagnosis & we have worked thru a lot of those issues when he was  6 & 7. Then he got sick &  the diagnosis for diabetes popped up.  He never got to finish the full dyslexia training, the school filled his spot while he was in the hospital.    At the same time he was just starting ABA therapy & it was working.  Then the diabetes & aspergers seemed to be fighting each other all the time.  My personal belief is that the aspergers & the diabetes are linked in some way.  I have not found any parent yet that has said their child has diabetes & aspergers.  Possibly a gut connection but I've already changed his diet to gluten free for many years & pulled dairy , soy, yeast, too.     He is 13 & hormones play a huge part in this too. He has a huge amount of  stress from being bullied by teachers & staff in school(he was pulled from school & homeschooled & now does online public school), insulin introduced into an already compromised immune system, & therapists & doctors & family who all want him on medications.  I am the only help he's got( HIS BEHAVIORS HAVE PRETTY MUCH SHOT THE AMOUNT OF HELP WE GET) & I'm told there is NO HELP FOR KIDS HIS AGE!!! I've heard this now in 3 different states.  My thoughts are...I just haven't found it yet!  My question for you is: I am dealing with type 1 diabetes & aspergers, both which have frustrated, irritable, angry & up to violent potentials. Plus many more!  Will this program honestly help? I'm not at a point where I can keep buying things that repeat what I've already learned, I'm actually losing my business due to my son's actions & behaviors.  He is very violent towards me, defiant, refuses to help with what we need to do for his health, is refusing to eat & sleep & the normally out going kid he is won't go outside, won't make eye contact anymore & is not happy at all.  Also is this geared for just younger kids? I would appreciate any help or direction you could send me.


I really like your articles I follow on LinkedIn.  I have a son who in now 15 going on 16 in May and has been diagnosed and tested since he was in preschool, everyone knew something was off but nothing exact stuck out as being what the problem was.  They ruled out ADD ADHD and eventually came up with PDD Nos in his second grade year.  In Middle school he has the most severe emotional anger and OCD type of behavior and was counseled by a neuropsychologist that works with ADD, Addiction and does testing and he did sessions with him and diagnosed him as ASD.  There were times that year my son wouldn't come out of his room and barricaded himself in, he seemed emotionally unavailable and defiant.  He has never had luck with having friends or mostly he will get a friend and then it doesn't last.

We are moving from Colorado back to Texas this summer for my husbands job and he seems just fine with it but we noticed he had a few friends for the first part of the year and over the summer that he is now not even texting or calling at all.  He told me he is choosing to spend time alone and likes it that way but there is nothing wrong.

I am concerned of course and we have tried some social skills groups and he has hated them and said he wouldn't go back, the other kids seem more extreme and out of sorts to him.  He is like a normal kids, doesn't do badly at school and with us he communicated and interacts well.

My husband is shy and keeps to himself except for work and family and thinks we should leave him be but I worry that he is isolating himself and not building social skills and wish i knew what really happened with the friends he no longer talks to.

Do you have any suggestions?  Would we be able to do skype sessions and what is the cost?  I really feel I need help and someone my son can listen to who will help him understand what is going on with him, what can help him and motivate him to want to try and get help.


We had a major blowout tonight and I was hoping to relay the events and find out whether you can critique me a bit please

Tonight around 8:30pm I asked the kids to all come out and help in the kitchen. My son Kyle dragged the chain a bit but he eventually came out and started putting things away. He started getting frustrated that he couldn't close a cupboard door (he has been on edge a bit tonight) and started banging it and kicking the contents. He also started swearing.which he knows is not acceptable

At this point my wife told him to him that he needed to stop swearing at which time he stated the words he said were not swearing. I supported my wife that it was swearing and that if he didn't stop he would need to go to bed. He kept on that it wasn't swearing and I then told him that he must be tired and that he can go to bed once the kitchen is cleaned.

It was at this point that he said that if he couldn't stay up any longer then he wouldn't clean the kitchen I then told him that he should just go to bed then. He wouldn't go and kept wandering around the kitchen and house in defiance.

Unfortunately it all escalated out of control at that point and I don't think it is really relevant to go into details

We have been advised at another time that if he loses his cool to the point there is so sense of reason and we can't get him to withdraw, that we should leave the house. At this time of night with two children asleep it is very difficult to do this so I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to keep him at the end of the house that had no sleeping people. He has now escaped out of the house and has now gone out of the house (not really sure where)

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated


I have a question about our 5yr old. His meltdowns have decreased in frequency from 1 to 9 a day (his peak of meltdowns last year at the age of 4) with length of 3min to 40min. This year we are in kindergarten and his meltdowns at home have decreased to maybe 1 a week if that and they are super brief (1-2min). At school he didn't have a meltdown until oct. then it increased to 2 a week. Now he is still at 2 a week but he is no longer just screaming, he will start to throw things, hit, kick etc and the length is increasing from 5-10min to 30min. They are now trying to avoid triggers like cleaning up center times by having him go to a sensory room to play with an EA. He has great relationships with the EA and the school teacher.

Why is he escalating now? is he more comfortable in the environment? Is he just finally getting to feel done at school? What can we do to help him more at school. I am a gr.1 teacher myself and understand a lot about ASD and have worked a lot with inner city students etc. I understand the language, I understand the importance of Self Regulation etc. I am just at a loss as to where to go with my own son at this point.


Mr. Hutton,

I just recently stumbled cross your website trying to find information on dealing with children who have Aspergers.  My husband and I have a 12 year old daughter and a 6 year old son named Wyatt.  We live in Ramsey, Indiana and attend Lincoln Hills Christian Church.  I understand from your site that you and your wife live in Indiana as well.  Wyatt has always been a handful to say the least.  Always going a hundred miles an hour!  We are having a very difficult time dealing with Wyatt and his frequent meltdowns.  They seemed to start becoming a very common problem a year ago, with anger being a concern since he was very small.  He is becoming more violent and hard to control and I'm becoming increasingly concerned.  Our money is very tight and I just want to make sure before we spend this there's a chance it will help.  Our family life is suffering from the chaos of it all and it feels like we are all walking on eggshells waiting for an explosion all the time.  Every morning he gets on the school bus its a huge relief, because it can be such an exhausting struggle.  Our youth minister, who is a nurse mentioned Aspergers to us two years ago but we didn't see it, now we do.  He is a very intelligent, sweet little guy, but he can turn so unexpectedly and be out of control.  He hasn't had any fits once he is in the school building and is actually very quiet and well behaved at school.  Getting him in the building at least once a week, more or less, has proven to be a very difficult task at times, requiring assistance from school staff.  He recently told me school was boring, and he doesn't understand why nobody will be his friend, and the lights in school are too bright.  I am very concerned about him and how to help him cope with his emotions.  Also how to have a calmer family life.  I don't know how to help his sister deal with him in appropriate calm manners which can be very difficult.  She doesn't understand what's wrong or how to deal with it, and quite frankly we don't know how to deal with him.  Any help or advice would be amazing!  Thank you and God bless you.


Dear Mark,

I jumped right in when I thought that there might be some help out there with my 26 and a half year old son, Brandon. I may have jumped too soon, however, as I read that you had a book on how to launch your Aspergers child. While getting him launched is the problem, the other problem and question is: should he first be diagnosed? I have tried in the past but after reading your website, Im even more convinced the diagnosis of Aspergers has been missed. Is there a definitive test?

At the age of 17, the summary of his neuropsychological assessment says that he needs an evaluation to determine if he still has breathing problems when he was born.  He had two episodes of not breathing as an infant. I recently had him tested for Sleep Apnea while he still had insurance and he fell well into the normal range. His overall IQ at 17 was in the 120s. The summary went on to say that he had slower processing speed than compared with aged mates. It also states that he has superior verbal abilities.

 While that may be true in testing, he rarely speaks to us unless its a sports-oriented conversation.  He cannot think of what to say quickly or sometimes at all. He is void of any social skills unless he is online. The summary concludes that he has an executive functioning disorder and/or anxiety disorder, potentially impacted by a sleep disorder.  My thoughts were always that they missed the actual problem, whatever it is. This testing was done in 2005.

He has a history of dropping out of school, including high school.  He completed his junior year of college, at which point he dropped out again. I was broke trying to get him through a technical school (computers) which I think he would have liked it to go on forever so that he never had to grow up. He is obsessed with computer gaming and is up late at night.

His father, my first husband, died at age 53,from pancreatic cancer. My husband struggled with addiction and depression. Brandon had already dropped out of high school just before learning of his dads illness.

My new husband, and Brandon and I live in Florida, in a retirement community; Brandon moved here a year ago. Under the influence of my new husband, he learned that he now had to get his first job. He was 25 at that time.  Prior to that, he was living in Rhode island with a family friend but was neither working or going to school.

After several months of applying for jobs down here, he was hired by Walmart to stock shelves. He was let go after 6 months; we dont know why.

Because of his age, he is uninsured. He spends all his time in his room and always has. He has problems with his ears. He had one friend up north but I;m not sure he still does. He has no interest in socializing. He cant hold a knife and fork the correct way yet he was great at Legos. Foreign languages came easily for him. He speaks in a monotone with a flat affect. Eye contact is difficult for him.

My first question is where to go from here? He has seen several doctors in the past and has had two hospitalizations, due to school refusal. They all lead to him being prescribed generic Prozac, which I found he rarely took.

I realize Ive given you a lot to absorb, but my husband and I are concerned that if something doesnt change, we will be supporting him the rest of his life, something we cannot afford.



How do I help my grandchild through such a difficult time in our life? Part II. My husband has lung cancer that is progressing and it makes my grandson very, very sad. He envisions that he is Dr. Who and will get in the tartis and go back and get papas sickness and take with him in the tartis and regenerate. He will come back but with a different face and hair but the voice will be the same. I am doing as you first suggested by validating and being honest but I dont quite know how to handle the sadness he feels and I am worried that he goes into these make believe worlds, that seem very real to him, to cope so often. He acts out a lot. I try to explain why papa has to die but cant get past Adam and Eve because he wants to blow everything up, regenerate and fix things and then he begins the regeneration on him all over again. How do I get to the real fears and feelings inside him?


The ways “special needs” kids express grief are usually different from the way grown-ups express it. Kids are not always able to use words to express their feelings. Instead, they often express them through behavior. Even kids who are able to express themselves verbally may not always be able to express the many, sometimes conflicting, emotions they have. Kids may:

Become very quiet or very talkative. They may become overactive.
Cling to grown-ups and want extra time and attention.
Have difficulty completing school work. Their grades may drop.
Have difficulty getting along with other kids.
Have temper tantrums, angry outbursts, or refuse to obey grown-ups.
Return to younger behaviors, such as wetting the bed after they have been dry for months or years.

How kids express grief usually depends on how they perceive the loss (including death). Each youngster's perception of loss varies according to age and emotional development. In general:

Kids between the ages of 10 and 12 start to understand loss (including death) the way grown-ups do. They see death as permanent and irreversible. They are curious about what and how things happen. For example, if they have been affected by a hurricane, they may want to learn how hurricanes develop. If a person close to them dies, they may want to know how bodies are prepared after death, what the rites and rituals of burial mean, and what happens to a person after he or she dies.
Kids between the ages of 6 and 10 do not always fully understand events that occur in their lives. They may understand only part of what is going on around them and they may invent conclusions or draw the wrong conclusions about things they do not understand, resulting in misconceptions about what is happening. They may develop fears, such as fear of death.
Kids between the ages of 3 and 6 often think that any major change in their lives is a result of their actions or wishes. This is called magical thinking. These kids often feel responsible for any loss that occurs. If they see a loss as a threat, they may think that they are being punished for something. If people leave them (such as in divorce), they may feel abandoned and scared. These kids may react to loss by being afraid to be alone or to leave the people they love. They may not want to sleep alone at night and may refuse to go to day care or school. Other ways that kids this age may express feelings of grief are by developing eating, sleeping, or toileting problems.

The way moms and dads and other caregivers help a youngster who is grieving often lays the foundation for how the youngster will react to losses as an adult. It's important to help a youngster grieve, because:

Information needs to be shared. Sometimes moms and dads and other caring grown-ups think it is best not to tell kids what is happening after a loss. Not telling kids about a major loss may cause them to develop unrealistic fears and concerns. Kids may also feel insecure because they know the grown-ups are not being honest. Not telling a youngster that a loved one has died may prolong the youngster's grief.
Their concerns need to be addressed. Each youngster's concerns after a major loss differ, depending on the youngster's age and emotional development. For example, after the loss of a parent, a young youngster may ask who will take him or her to school. It is important for grown-ups to listen to a youngster's concerns and answer any questions or concerns.
Their feelings are real. It is important for grown-ups to acknowledge that each youngster has unique feelings after a major loss.
Their feelings need to be expressed. Kids who do not express their feelings may develop other problems, such as behavior problems or physical illnesses.
Their misconceptions need to be clarified. Kids often do not know why losses occur. They may think that they caused the loss or that they are being punished for something they did. Correcting such misconceptions may relieve a youngster's anxiety and fear.

Before you try to help your grandson deal with a loss, examine your own thoughts and feelings about loss, particularly about death. Recall your first experience with loss. What helped you deal with it? What was not helpful to you? This is especially important if you experienced your first major loss when you were a youngster. Remembering your experience may help you recognize and understand your grandson's feelings. Also, the things that helped you may also be helpful to your grandson.

Tell other significant grown-ups in your grandson's life about his recent loss. Child care providers, teachers, and school counselors may also be able to help your grandson work through his grief. Here are some steps for helping Aspergers and HFA kids during the grieving process:

1. Provide safety and security. To express their feelings related to loss, kids need an adult who makes them feel safe and secure. Consider your grandson's personality and his comfort level in talking about feelings and concerns.

2. Consider the youngster's emotional development. Consider the youngster's age and emotional development so that you can explain loss and death in a way that he will understand. Learn about the emotional considerations for kids of different ages.

3. Make a plan. Think about how and when to approach your grandson.

4. Use an activity. Activities create different ways for kids to express their feelings related to loss. Try an activity that fits your style and your grandson's developmental level. If one activity does not work, try another one. Some suggestions include the following:

o Draw pictures. Drawing pictures of feelings may be easier than talking about them. Ask your grandson to draw a picture of what is happening to him. You can also draw a picture of what is happening to you. After finishing your drawing, explain what you drew and ask your grandson to explain his picture. You can use drawing pictures along with storytelling to help your grandson deal with grief.
o Make up stories. Storytelling lets you and your grandson change what happens in the story. Your grandson can change sad and gloomy feelings to more positive ones that provide warmth and comfort.
o Play or act. Acting out feelings through play can be very helpful for some kids. You can use stuffed animals, puppets, or other toys to act out what is going on. Sometimes it is easier for a youngster to allow a favorite stuffed animal to speak for him or her; it may be easier for a young youngster to talk with the animal, either alone or with an adult present, than to talk directly with an adult.
o Read books or watch DVDs. Books and DVDs can help kids understand the concept of loss and death. Ask a librarian about books and DVDs for kids your grandson's age. After reading the book or watching the DVD, talk with your grandson about the story and especially about his feelings.

5. Evaluate the activity. Observe your grandson during and after the activity. What emotions did your grandson express during the activity? What emotions did your grandson express afterward? Talk with your grandson about these emotions. Let your grandson know that all feelings are normal. Clear up any misconceptions he has.

Practice one of the activities above in the presence of another adult. After the activity, ask the adult to tell you how effective they think the activity was for your grandson.


Hi Mr Hutten,
Our daughter gave us your name as a reference that she has been using to help her and her husband deal with their 9 year old son with asperger.  She says your updates are good.   Alex was finally diagnosed a few months ago and is receiving additional help at school now.
As a grandparent, my husband and I are trying to learn more and more about this.  We currently live 200 plus miles from them up in northern Ohio.  Any suggestions to help us understand our grandson more would be greatly appreciated.  We also want to be a strong support for Alex's mom and dad and sister.  Believe it or not, but by just writing this email, I feel like I am taking a step forward.  Thank you for listening.


Hi there. My name's Kate Brennan (husband is Todd). Our son is 4 and was diagnosed with Asperger's at 3.5 yo. He's increasingly disobedient to the point where it can land him in danger (for example, running off in car parks - thinking it's funny, touching hot stoves/ovens etc). About 90% of the time he does the opposite of what is asked, or just doesn't do what he's told to do. Sometimes this is also detrimental to the safety of his younger brother, which is obviously also a major concern.

I do realize that a part of this is probably age related but it's getting out of control. He has a true rebellion against authority (especially at home, and especially with me - his Mum).

Any suggestions on how to deal with this? We've tried most every consequence we can think of, and charting doesn't seem to work - he wants immediate reward and gets bored extremely easily.


The situation I have is that my sons day to day behaviour is manageable in his home life. Its outside with some social situations and the most distressing is school. I have just taken him out of a 600 pupil school because of his meltdowns and bullying. I have home schooled for a month to try and observe his approaches to learning... I have noticed his lack of confidence - yet we have got through a lot of work being at home and I thought we have built up some self esteem again. Yet for him and for me... home ed isnt the right way forward...

I have now found a lovely 200 pupil school, which he attended for this first time today. The were very co-operative and I gave them a list of things to be aware of. I had arranged to meet him at lunchtime and bring him home. Yet even for those couple of hours, he just was so anxious and distressed that they couldn't cope with him and the head called for me to come in. They had to remove him from the classroom because of the impact on the other children as well as on himself.


Hi Mark,

Been reading your online coaching which I think may be of help to me and my little grandson age 6 1/2. Whilst he has no diagnosis, my Private OT who thinks it is Attachment Disorder.  I really would appreciate your help in parenting. Having a difficult time with education.  He is a lovely little boy and I want to handle him the right way and help him be the adorable boy that I see much of the time.  I am stressed out about schooling and their not understanding.  Also if I do something wrong with him he hits out and pushes me which yesterday I did not handle well so I need advice too on how to prevent triggers etc.

Glad to have someone who will help me.  Yesterday was such a bad day for me and Charlie.  It was triggered by me - I was helping him get dressed for school and thought I would do some joint compressions which I learned from OT.  He started to hit me and push me really hard - I couldn't take being pushed around so I shouted and hit back in self-defence.  Shouting so loud he was frightened of me.  Settled and went to school - very bad day in school, did not settle.  I went to bed early - shattered with high BP

Calm this morning and had a better day at school.  Told the assistant she should be giving him movement breaks - so she did.  However I came home in tears because it is an uphill struggle teaching others and this morning she wasn't listening.  Rang my OT and she has observed him in school and will be talking to them again now she knows Charlie better - finally got an OT who the school will work with.  She is giving Charlie 6 sessions - movement and writing.  Then it will probably be back to my private OT who has been amazing and worked with him since October 2014.

Doing his homework this evening - tv put on hold and when he hit me I turned TV off - meltdown and hitting me.  This time I kept my cool and took the hits and held him as well and it was 15 mins.  Put him to bed and left him as he was hitting again. Went up to him later when he and I had settled said his prayers with him and he should be asleep by now.

I cannot stand and take hits and pushing.  No child should do that to their grannie or any adult :(

Otherwise an adorable, charming 6 year old.  I have been doing all the meetings, searching, and taking everything to do with schooling. His mum can't do it and leaves me to it.

Latest thing I have been reading is about diet - gf, cf and MSG and aspartame free.  I try to give him omega 3 nightly - sure it made a difference as he was calmer in the mornings.

So I am confused about his management though when he is settled he is brilliant.  Just tired with all these meetings.

Hello Mark
i am hoping you can give me some advice on how to handle my current situation.  My husband and I have been separated for 12 months.  We had struggled for a few years as he withdrew more and more as a result of work and family stresses, and was easily able to be convinced that another woman, his girlfriend from 35 years ago, would make life happier.  He lived with her for 10 months and moved back to our home town 4 weeks ago,  after a major explosion. 
it was only after he left that I was made aware by a friend that he probably has Aspergers – all of the other men in his family clearly do, my husband is probably the least affected in the family.  The more I have learned the more I believe it is true, and have realised that none of his behaviour was ever intended to hurt me. 
Anyway since he moved back we have spent a bit of time together and it has been really enjoyable.  I am trying to approach things in a much different and less confusing way for him.  He says he is very confused and doesn’t know what he wants, his head is soup, just needs time to get his head sorted out etc.  I understand this and am trying very hard not to confuse him further, even though it isn’t always easy as I am feeling some pretty strong emotions after not seeing him at all for 9 months.  The major problem at the moment is that the other woman will not get out of his life.  She is putting a lot of pressure on him to return to her home.  He has stated that he knows she just wants his income back in her house. 
last week i told him that I can’t see him while this woman is still a presence in his life, as he has been seeing her quite a few times.  He didn’t like haring that and said he couldn’t imagine not seeing me.  His behaviour makes it clear that he loves me and wants to do things to make me happy.  He has explained that he has no intention of returning to her, his words were:
-it was a big mistake
-I was unhappy the whole time
- it was never a relationship
-I wish it had never happened
He said he is trying to tell her it is over, but he says she just has a problem he needs to help her with, it’s complicated, to trust him she will be out of his life soon.  i don’t believe she will let go very easily. 
I asked him how spending time with me makes him feel, he said it makes him feel wonderful, feel like he belongs, it just makes him feel.  Spending time with her makes him feel sorry, he looked very sad when he said this. 
Am I doing the right thing not seeing him, or am I just adding more pressure and making it harder for him?  Or do I need to let him see me as it is a place where he feels comfortable and safe?
A person on a forum I go to said that Aspies find it hard to assert themselves and feel like they are being mean, so he probably finds it hard to tell this woman to get lost.  And because she has a lifestyle she can’t afford without his income he somehow feels responsible.  He says he doesn’t want her to lose her home, and I think somehow believes that would be his fault – maybe instead of trying to milk him she could get a full time job, give up her huge makeup and hairdressing bills or maybe get rid of some of her horses.  I feel so sad that he is so vulnerable and gullible.
Our son is 4 and was diagnosed with Asperger's at 3.5 yo. He's increasingly disobedient to the point where it can land him in danger (for example, running off in car parks - thinking it's funny, touching hot stoves/ovens etc). About 90% of the time he does the opposite of what is asked, or just doesn't do what he's told to do. Sometimes this is also detrimental to the safety of his younger brother, which is obviously also a major concern.

I do realize that a part of this is probably age related but it's getting out of control. He has a true rebellion against authority (especially at home, and especially with me - his Mum).

Any suggestions on how to deal with this? We've tried most every consequence we can think of, and charting doesn't seem to work - he wants immediate reward and gets bored extremely easily.


How do I help my 16 year old newly diagnosed autistic son get a job and become independent? I am at my wits end right now not knowing what to do to help him. My fiance' is a store manager at a local grocery store and told me to try and bring him to the store today so he could give him some jobs to do so that he could earn some of his hours he needs for his occupational job prep class in high school. He needs these hours in order to graduate in 2 years. He is currently in 10th grade. Well, I took him to the store and Ray (fiance') gave him a job to do by cleaning the dirt and dust off the windowsills at the front of the store but Max (son) said he could not remember how he was told to do it so I was told to just bring him home. Max want someone right there with him to show him how to do the job and complains that he cannot remember what and how he was told to do the job. Is that possible? He is so hard to understand....his vocabulary skills are way behind. I just do not know what to do.


I have a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers in 2012.  My question is about ocd behaviors he is exhibiting and although I have tried various methods of helping him without causing him worsened anxiety, I have had minimal and short lived success.  He 'urinates' about 15-20 times a minute. No uti or other physical condition -  just a compulsive need that I am unable to decipher.  His compulsions vary and rotate from cursing to urinating from cursing to urinating.   I am at a loss for an answer or solution or a gentle way to help.  I also have a 2 yr old daughter who curses like a sailor as she adores her older brother! Any help or suggestions or just the knowledge that these are compulsions exhibited by other Aspies / ADHD children would be much appreciated :-) Thank you in advance and thank you for all you do.....


I am 99.9% sure my fiancé's 20 year old son has aspergers.  My nephew has it so I know a lot about it.  My fiancé has never said anything about his son other than he was on ADD medication in grade school.  My question is 2 fold:  Best approach for talking to my fiancé about it and also any recommendations for therapist and/or psychiatrist in the bay area.  He has had a job for a few months but has already had a few "encounters" and he was let go of his previous job after a few months.  He is driving trucks and that is his passion so he has the drive but I fear the other issues will continue to be a problem.  He lives with his mom but plans to live with us almost full time once our house is built.  My daughters noticed within the first time they met him as have others but his dad is either in denial or doesn't want his child labeled.  I appreciate any suggestions and referrals.


 We are struggling on a daily basis; it's been over six years since our first born girl began causing havoc in our home and our sense of family unity and purpose for living together...other than sheer endurance and survival...was attacked internally by the chaos that her behavior caused.  Counseling, medication, behavioral change...only worse with time...our family is in shambles at this point.  Lots of yelling by parents of a totally incorrigible daughter who daily tells us that she can't wait to leave here, and that we need some help; there is something wrong with us   -    she's right - there is - we are parents who can't take it anymore and nobody seems to quite get-it.  Our tolerance level is nil.  Over six years of daily strife has taken its toll.  I feel sorry for our other three children who are exposed to this discord and dissension regularly - it's all they know!  
Our daughter just recently turned seventeen.  She has set such a precedent for all the rest of our children for rude behavior - arrogance - lying - foul language -blaming others and not owning responsibility - clamoring for all the privileges without any of the work - entitled and disrespectful attitude.  I am at the point where I'm feeling so desperate that I wander why God even gave children to my husband and I; we obviously don't know what we are doing.  I'm feeling that each of my children would be better off with other parents who have the energy and enthusiasm to love them so dearly and provide a calm and nurturing home for them.  This is definitely not the idea I had for a home environment for our children.  There really is difficulty in all of our relationships now over the course of such chronic stress.  It feels unhealthy and dysfunctional.  It seems that separating her from our family is the only benevolent option at this point, for her sake and the sake of the mental health of the rest of the family.  Everything is so dauntingly expensive for us, though.  What to do - this is an awful feeling - I'm praying that your emails will have some pointers when others have been unhelpful.  It is like trying to counsel a drunk.  Unless they admit they have issues, forget trying to help them.  Our daughter sees our family as "the problem"...that we just won't let her do what she wants...she's not incorrigible, we are just so too strict and she can't take it!  Anyway, my husband and I admit that we so need help in dealing with this.  We are weak and heavy laden and just need this torture to stop.

Hello Mr. Hutten.

Have a son who will be 21 years old in August. 
He currently resides with his father, to my knowledge.

The father has cut off communication for the SECOND time without explanation EXCEPT this time, he moved him out of state and has remarried for the 3rd or 4th time. Has 2 other children from 2 other relationships, as well. We share a son and a daughter, who just turned 18 years old last month.

Several years ago, our son was possibly diagnosed with Asperger's. The father blames it on our divorce. To my knowledge, the therapist wanted to see our son 5 more times but the father refused. 

From what I've read, it's genetic. After reading, I'm wondering if I should be tested ......?

Son was also born a month early, he was a "preemie" at 5 lbs 3 oz. He also had "blue spells". 

I tried to explain to the father that as his mother, I hold the patience and understanding that this child needs. He refuses to "co-parent". 

Concerned for our son and his future but I feel as though my hands are tied ....... I feel as though all I can do at this point is educate myself and wait ..............................

Wondering what your thoughts are on this?


Thank you so much for these articles. It is so true we are having this same issue with my Grandson at school,the teachers see a "Normal" 13 year old boy and say to me "he is old enough to do all by himself."They say "I see nothing wrong with him except he needs to respect adults more"He comes home crying and saying why can't people except me for who I am,why do the have to Bully me.The teachers can't even protect me. We just don"t know what to do. There is no help in RI. We are very lost and fearing we will lose or Boy due to ignorance in this state about any disibilities you don't see. Maby one day you will come to RI and help.


My question is a little complicated, still trying to figure it out myself:)
 Can  people with Aspergers experience strain in marriage in the form of a trauma that require special treatment? Perhaps they may process  an incident differently and therefore be unable to eventually understand and forgive their spouse without help? Also can the effects of the trauma worsen over time due to some of the symptoms or disorders associated with AS, specifically developing into something like  OCD?

It seems my husband has experienced some form of deep trauma in our marriage.
It is not just one incident, but a cumulative  effect over years of arguing and frustration that he couldn't make sense of.   There was a final incident three years ago, one which he says was the "straw that broke the camels back". An intimate moment between us that escalated into me bringing my hand down hard onto his side of the bed to get his attention but accidentally hitting his thigh.  The pain ALMOST  caused him to hit me back.  Till this day he fears that had he not been able to stop himself, he might have killed me with one blow.

Ever since that day three years ago, my husband has been a different man towards me.  The first two years he flinched when I touched him, acted very cold and distant and wanted very little to do with me.   He asked for a trial seperation two years ago and we have been living separately although we still very much operate as a family (dinners together, time on weekends) with our two children.    This past year he has started to consent to an occasional hug. However,  we have not had sex for three years  or had any kind of physical intimacy. He believes the marriage is doomed because be feels he cannot overcome how he feels toward me. He says he believes there was an injustice that I did towards him and that he can't trust me not to fluctuate in my moods and behavior.  I have done all I can to keep our marriage from divorce but very little has change for him. However despite the fact that he says he feels this way, he also seems to have instances where he recognizes that what he is experiencing is based primarily on what he perceived happened and that infact, through the difficulties and emotional pain of the last few years we  have created a kinder and more harmonious relationship than we ever had before.   

Going back to the reason I say "trauma"is because the change was so sudden.  He has mentioned over time, that the same week his feelings for me changed, other things changed as well.  Food that had been long-time favorites were no longer so.  He said he walked differently.  Even his preferences in what he found attractive in women ( women who look like me; small, dark, petite were no longer attractive)changed significantly.  A sudden change in feelings towards someone or something ( after a negative experience) has  occurred for  him before.  He says although he has tried in the past to 'undo' the sudden aversion or disinterest that sets in, he has never succeeded.  That is why he has very little hope for us.   I am mentioning these things because it could be relevant.   

I would also like to add that I know my husband has Obsessive- Compulsive tendancies regarding certain things. No official OCD diagnosis but he was in the process of getting a diagnosis as well as AS diagnosis when we left for Japan ( where i am currently working). Could trauma from the negative cycles in our marriage have been made worse by  OC tendency that for him  says: as long as we are not intimate as a couple he won't have to go through our previous issues again?

We have worked with three marriage councelors over the the last three years.  Although helpful for me, not for him.  Actually he says all of their suggestions felt to him that it would make the situation worse.   Can you offer any insights?


Hi Mark,

My son’s name is John.  He is 9 years old and he was diagnosed with Asperger.  Through his childhood John has received service with OT and speech therapy.  

When John was 5 years old I got divorce and moved to a different location.  The new school is small and they don’t have special rooms for kids with autism.  The first year at this school  John’s behavior changed from a sweet boy to kicking, and scratching. He was removed from school and placed into BOCES .  It took two and a half years to have him move back to regular classes.  I made him repeated second grade in order to comeback to regular class and release him from any anxiety of  new learning and new kids.  John went back to the same school he attended when he was 5 years old.  The second grade at the regular school was great .  He was an honors student.  The third grade started great. He was engaged into school activities.  However, 4 weeks ago he started to change.  On February 4th, the school called me stating that John was having a meltdown and he was throwing  things and kicking . I picked him up from school and the next day he told me that he didn’t feel good.  I called the doctor and made an appointment to make sure that a physical condition was affecting his behavior.  I have been sending John to school.  But, by the middle of the day the schools calls and I have to pick him up.  The school had reset  last week and I stayed with him.  There was not bad behavior and he acted normal.  I tried to find out with John why he didn’t like school and he answer was “I don’t know”.   The only thing that I was able to pull out was that he was worried about school.   I’m extremely worried that John continues with this behavior as it can cause for the school to send him back to BOCES which it will be a set back on his progress.

I also found out that the week before of his meltdown, he hesitated to go to the class room in the morning.

Could you please give a little guidance on this situation.   What can I do and the school do to help John to go back to his regular class and to continue with this academics.

My son has been in a relationship with a manipulative girl since last October. She gives him it tight for not replying to her text quick enough etc
Anyway he started punching walls in our home and himself to cope .
He's 17 and really has it in his head she is the be all and end all. She encourages him to take money from the house etc she has been thrown out by her own parents on numerous occasions.
My son started self medicating on legal highs. Now any time they row he goes off wandering with " a friend" and they do legal highs. I'm worried sick. He doesn't care about his appearance anymore, he's a bully towards me, he thinks everyone has a problem except for him. He has changed so much and told me I didn't even know who he was any more.
I don't give him money any more but it is this so called friend that is providing him with legal highs.
I've been to police and they have a description of him and say they will pick him up and search him if they see him.
I've been to school but they are useless, they know drugs occur in school but not interested. I self referred to educational psychologist for the anger outbursts and he started EMDR yesterday. But there is no communication from Ed psych to me.
I've bent over backwards trying to support him. He has all the right words and fires everything back at me - making me feel like worst parent ever. He seems to have no conscience. I've lost my boy in only 6 months!


I am NT female and had over 7 years with my AS male partner. There is a great deal of love between us but it got too difficult. He became an alcoholic and is now in a dry house and doing well, attending college and actually going on a ASD course. It may help him to understand himself a little. We are in contact via phone and fb and I dare say that we'll likely meet up again at some point. I know I love him but I don't know if I can handle more of a this man that doesn't connect feelings wise with me. Yet he's so endearing and will show his love in doing things like cooking etc. I hope your book can help me more than anyone. I'm a buddhist (Nicherin Daishonin) yet I believe that my AS man understands more about non attachment than I ever will.


We have made great strides in the meltdowns, and suddenly he decided on his own to be totally potty trained, and his "time issues" with speech (I will go to the ranch yesterday) seem to be alleviated.
The next expression issue I would like to work on is him saying he does not want to do something when he really does - he is mad about something or some of the arrangements and describes his feelings as "throwing the baby out with the bathwater"  I sit and talk about what really may be going on but I see no improvement.  Is this a part of aspergers? and inability to identify or describe the feelings inside?
My daughter (Barrett's mother) we probably has Aspbergers - I always thought she "marched to a different drum" and was self centered.   She also thinks she qualifies but does not seem motivated to get help so I am going to an Austism specialist in Dallas (6 hours away) to get help for me in dealing with both of them  She is also bipolar with thought disorganization.  So chaos reigns around her which is not great for Barrett the aspie. My son in law put his foot down about remodeling the house (they live in a lovely home in a fabulouse neighborhood - my daughter spends money to feel better when she is not planning trips to get away from the kids:)  Good or bad she has a very comfortable income which is her separate property not her husband's .
Neither my daughter or grandson could live through the kind of chaos that comes from remodeing.
I have meltdowns about my daughters behavior when it comes to her children - her husband hates confrontation and arguing  he wants her to go get help but wont'say so - all very typical I think  any other solutions other than counseling for me?
Do Aspbergers have a high rate of divorce??
I took her three children and their two housekeepers (4 year old, 3 year old and a year old baby) to my lake house for 5 days and had a wonderful time - that is not the case when my daughter is along which is sad.  he finds every excuse to disappear and leave me with the kids and responsibilites which I deeply resent.  I have told her so over and over to no avail.
my grandson is EXTREMELY attached to me - really wants to be with me all the time.  His 3 year old sister is simiarly attached - they do not want to go home.  They also both behave much better with me thatn their parents but I think that is very normal. but is this part of aspbergers"s to want to be with one person all the time not necessarily the parent - I am very dependable and organized and I am a PLANNER!  I do what I say I will do - all of these things may set up a more comfortable environment for Barrett???? 


Reasons for "Bad" Behavior in Aspergers and HFA Children

“Does Aspergers come and go? I have a 5 year old tentatively diagnosed with Aspergers, but while he's always special, there are weeks when it's like a switch is turned on and everything turns 'bad' - these are the times when we struggle to enjoy him as a person. His resilience becomes very low, he argues with everything we say, he refuses to play at all with others nicely ...well you know the sort of symptoms. But then after a week or so, the switch goes again and he's back to loveable with a few quirks! Is this normal?”

In this post, we will look at:
  • anxiety
  • social limitations
  • limitations in the ability to grasp social cues
  • a highly rigid style of thinking
  • limitations in generalizing from one situation to another 
  • and much more

CLICK HERE for an in-depth answer to the question above...

You Are On The Right Planet: A Message To All Aspies

There is a philosophy amongst some individuals in the autism community that people on the spectrum are living their lives on the "wrong planet."  Really?!

Why are children on the autism spectrum prone to "meltdowns"?

Children with ASD level 1 or High Functioning Autism (HFA) are prone to meltdowns when they find themselves trapped in a situation that is difficult to cope with, especially those which involve frustration, sensory overload, pain or confusion. These situations tend to happen more frequently for children who have one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Communication delays or challenges
  • Difficulty identifying and controlling emotions 
  • Difficulty understanding cause and effect 
  • Difficulty with social comprehension
  • Executive functioning disruption 
  • Hypersensitivity to sensory input
  • Low frustration threshold
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Resistance to change
  • Rigid or inflexible thinking
  • Sensory integration dysfunctions

Think of meltdowns as an “escape mechanism.” If the HFA child has the means to get himself out of a stressful situation before it becomes overwhelming, the cognitive and emotional pressure subsides. Without these means of escape, the stress will escalate, and the child’s body will begin to panic, setting him on a course towards neurological meltdown.

Escape routes are such things as:
  • Autonomy (the freedom to make their own decisions)
  • Coping and calming mechanisms (being able to soothe themselves under stress)
  • Independence (the ability to act on decisions)
  • Language and comprehension (understanding others and making themselves understood)
  • Motor and social skills (the ability to prevent or remove themselves from uncomfortable situations)

“Typical” children without autism have a functional set of escape routes. For example, they:
  • Can calm themselves down relatively quickly in most cases
  • Can communicate their needs and emotions
  • Can regulate the extra sensory input
  • Have the freedom to leave when a stressful situation becomes too much to handle
  • Know what it feels like when they are getting upset
  • Understand that most people don't deliberately try to hurt them

 ==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism

In short, “typical” children have coping strategies that allow emotional and cognitive stress to defuse. But, this is not the case with HFA children. When these “special needs” kids find themselves in a stressful situation from which they can’t easily escape, their brain becomes flooded with emotional, sensory or cognitive input, which jams the circuits and initiates a “fight-or-flight” response associated with panic.

Executive functions (e.g., memory, planning, reasoning, decision-making) start to short-circuit, which makes it even more difficult for these kids to find a way out of the painful situation. Eventually, the neurological pressure builds to the point where it is released externally as an outburst of physical energy (e.g., yelling, hitting, throwing things, etc.). Although this explosive reaction resembles a temper tantrum and often seems to come from nowhere, it's just one part of the meltdown cycle.

Meltdowns and temper tantrums can often look the same on the outside, but that’s where the similarity ends. A temper tantrum is a voluntary “battle of wills” to try and gain control over a situation. It’s designed to draw attention for the sole purpose of satisfying a want (e.g., having more time to play video games) or avoiding something that is unwanted (e.g., shutting off the computer and getting ready for bed), so once that goal has been met, the outburst quickly resolves itself.

Conversely, meltdowns are almost the complete opposite. A meltdown is an involuntary physical and emotional reaction to being placed in an overwhelming situation from which there is no easy escape. The child isn’t in control or trying to get attention, in fact he is often unaware of things happening around him.

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

“False Dilemma”: A Thinking Error in Children on the Autism Spectrum

Would you, as a parent, say your youngster with Asperger’s (AS) or High Functioning Autism (HFA) does any of the following:
  • Judges himself as strong or weak, smart or stupid?
  • Looks for too much certainty in a world full of uncertainty?
  • Over-monitors his decisions as right or wrong, good or bad?
  • Reacts emotionally when things don't look right?
  • Thinks in terms of extremes (i.e., all or nothing, black or white)?

If so, then your child may be experiencing a “false dilemma." In other words, she believes she is stuck in an awful predicament, when in reality, she is not. When AS and HFA children fall victim to a false dilemma, they have mistakenly reduced an entire spectrum of possibilities down to the two most extreme options, each the polar opposite of the other without any shades of grey in between. Often, those categories are of their own creation, and they are attempting to force the world to conform to their preconceptions about what it should look like.

A false dilemma means seeing the world only in terms of extremes. If things aren't "perfect," then they must be "horrible." If your youngster isn't "brilliant," then he thinks he must be "stupid." In real-life, situations are almost always shades of gray – not black or white. Falling victim to a false dilemma tends to exacerbate depression, anxiety, and a host of other everyday problems.

Unfortunately, under duress, AS and HFA children often regress to a primitive way of thinking. They are most prone to regressing to primitive thinking when they are having a hard time and feel overwhelmed by their own emotions. A “regression” is a backsliding from age-appropriate functioning/thinking to more immature ways of functioning/thinking. For that one moment, when the child starts relying on the words "always" or "never" and views the world in black and white terms, she is slipping back to the way she saw the world as a toddler.

Problems associated with false dilemmas:
  • A false dilemma often creates “artificial needs” in the child’s life that lead to disappointment and depression. This is his tendency to think that he “must” have something, or he “must” do something, or life “must” be a certain way – otherwise it will be unbearable. The false dilemma doesn’t open him up to the possibility that, even if life doesn’t work out exactly the way he thinks it should, he can still be happy.
  • When the child only see things in black and white, she misses out on alternative ways of viewing the world. These other perspectives may be just as good if not better than her current perspective. A false dilemma often creates a false choice between “A” and “B,” when “C” is the more accurate and helpful view. Unfortunately, if the child only thinks in black and white terms, then she is unlikely to even consider “C” a possibility in the first place.
  • A false dilemma makes AS and HFA children less adaptive to their surroundings. This hinders their development. It’s also what keeps them stuck in old habits and thought patterns. 
  • A false dilemma doesn’t just hurt the child, but also the relationships he tries to build with others. When he views the world in strict and over-simplistic terms, he is less likely to compromise and cooperate with others to meet common interests. This is because he doesn’t see the grey areas in life (which is a mind-blindness issue that most kids on the spectrum experience). He believes everything needs to be a specific way, and he isn’t willing to deviate from this narrow view of the world. This makes him stubborn and frustrating to live with.

Most AS and HFA children simply do not have the vocabulary to describe the middle ground. For example, the child either considers someone to be a friend or not. The concept of different levels of friendship and the gradual building of trust may be unknown.

Perhaps worst of all for children on the autism spectrum is the perfectionism pursuant to a false dilemma – and the self-condemnation which may follow. Many AS and HFA children often think they should be doing everything “right,” because if it’s not right (i.e., perfect), it’s certainly wrong. In this way, the false dilemma may underlie some of the “refusals” and “difficulty initiating” that parents and teachers often see in these children. So, learning (which involves, first, not knowing things and gradually learning them while making mistakes along the way) can be an excruciating process. Starting a writing assignment, for example, can be overwhelming to the point of paralysis.

How parents and teachers can help the AS or HFA child who experiences frequent false dilemmas:

AS and HFA children need to be taught two important concepts: (1) gradual change and (2) the vocabulary fitting specific situations.

1. First is to help the child perceive the concept of a graduated scale, levels, steps, processes, etc. There are numerous ways to make the concept concrete and establish a metaphor for reference. For example:
  • a glass filling with water (empty gradually, changing to full)
  • day versus night (view the in-between, dawn or sunset)
  • downstairs versus upstairs (take the stairs, stop partway)
  • speedometer (you can’t go from 1 to 100 in a quantum leap)
  • an actual grayscale in Photoshop could be used for those children who are into graphics or photography

Choose a metaphor to which your youngster may easily relate, and may fit the situation you first want to address. Depending on the age of the child and cognitive level, you can use the real items, drawings, or just conversation to develop the “graduated levels” concept.

2. Never try to “reason with” a child on the autism spectrum. Logic, reasoning, and explanation unfortunately results in the youngster becoming angry and more insistent on his viewpoint. It is better to let him have his viewpoint. When you catch yourself feeling frustrated that he simply won’t listen to reason, you need to recognize that he is stuck in a false dilemma and end the conversation. At a later point in time, when he is calm, you can bring up the topic and together make a list of all the possible ways to view the situation or all the possible solutions.

Write down all possible ideas regardless of how good they are, and do not make negative comments; otherwise, your youngster will become resistant. Write the pros and cons of each one and then discuss which idea looks the best. Through this technique, you are teaching your youngster how to look at situations from another perspective. He may still rigidly hold to his original idea, but at least you are teaching him how to consider other options. Also, you can encourage him to think about what someone else would do if they were in his situation. He may also be responsive to a suggestion that he ask others what they would do.


•    Anonymous said... I have Asperger Syndrome, and I also have trouble understanding where grey areas lie. Here are some things you can try that might help your child (or the child you work with) who is on the Autism Spectrum understand more about grey areas. Next time you have your child in the car with you, show him/her a traffic light, and explain what each of the lights mean. The red light means stop, the green light means go/keep going, and the yellow light means slow down and be ready to stop if you need to. If the traffic light has an arrow, this means it's only safe/unsafe to go in this direction. The yellow light and the arrow may be used as grey areas between stop and go. Also, have your child observe the light changing colors. Another thing you can do is while your child (or the child you work with) is waiting for his/her school bus, explain what the school bus lights and other signals mean. When the yellow lights turn on, this means that it's going to be time for your child to get on/off the bus soon, and that all other vehicles on the road should be ready to stop if needed. When the red lights turn on and the stop sign comes out, this means it's time for your child to get on/off the bus, and all other vehicles on the road NEED TO STOP, and may not go again until the stop sign closes and the red lights turn off.
•    Anonymous said... Many thanks for writing this blog. As a 50-something adult on the spectrum, I am giving the tips my energy and will endeavor to continue toward a place of grayer thinking. "My Aspergers Child" stuff often works for we elders, too. Great insight, I truly appreciate and will share (giving you credit, of course). Best! Liane Holliday Willey, EdD
•    Anonymous said... This is a great post, and would be really helpful in a video-type format, as my son's Aspie Dad has real issues with this, and would benefit from this info. Alas, he finds wordy posts like this make him tune out. On the other hand, it is a helpful read for me, so thank you!

Post your comment below…

The Traits of High-Functioning Autism: Fact Sheet

Is there a detailed list of traits associated with high functioning autism that we can use as a gauge to see whether or not to have our child assessed?

A child with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) or Asperger's often has many of the following traits:
  1. Has a different form of introspection and self-consciousness
  2. Has a fascination with a topic that is unusual in intensity or focus
  3. Takes longer to process social information due to using intelligence rather than intuition
  4. Needs assistance with some self-help and organizational skills
  5. Enjoys a very brief and low intensity expression of affection, and becomes confused or overwhelmed when greater levels of expression are experienced or expected
  6. Collects facts and figures about a specific topic
  7. Has a tendency to be considered disrespectful and rude by others
  8. Has a tendency to make a literal interpretation of what someone says
  9. Has an unusual profile of learning abilities
  10. Teachers often identify problems with organizational abilities, especially with homework assignments and essays
  11. Teachers soon recognize that the child has a distinctive learning style, being talented in understanding the logical and physical world, noticing details, and remembering and arranging facts in a systematic fashion
  12. Often has levels of anxiety, depression or anger that indicate a secondary mood disorder
  13. Can be easily distracted, especially in the classroom
  14. When problem solving, the child appears to have a one-track mind and a fear of failure
  15. Has a different, but not defective, way of thinking
  16. Is clumsy in terms of gait and coordination
  17. Has a delay in the development of the art of persuasion, compromise and conflict resolution
  18. Has delayed social maturity and social reasoning
  19. Has difficulty reading the messages in someone’s eyes
  20. Has difficulty making friends
  21. Is often teased by peers due to his/her “odd” mannerisms
  22. Has difficulty with the communication and control of emotions
  23. If the child with HFA is not successful socially at school, then academic success becomes more important as the primary motivation to attend school and for the development of self-esteem
  24. In adolescence, the interests can evolve to include electronics and computers, fantasy literature, science fiction, and a fascination with a particular person
  25. Much of the knowledge associated with the child's special interest is self-directed and self-taught
  26. Is vulnerable to feeling depressed, with about 1 in 3 HFA children having clinical depression
  27. Experiences physical and emotional exhaustion from socializing
  28. Has problems knowing when something may cause embarrassment to others
  29. Is remarkably honesty
  30. Has sensitivities to specific sounds, aromas, sights, tastes and touch 
  31. Can be immature in the development of the ability to catch, throw or kick a ball
  32. HFA girls often develop a special interest in fiction rather than facts 
  33. Often has academic abilities above his/her grade level
  34. Sometimes the special interest is a particular animal, and can be so intense that the child acts like the animal
  35. Has difficulties with handwriting
  36. Becomes hypervigilant, tense and distractible in sensory stimulating environments (e.g., in the classroom), unsure when the next painful sensory experience will occur
  37. The emotion management can be conceptualized as a problem with "energy management," specifically an excessive amount of emotional energy, and difficulty controlling and releasing the energy constructively
  38. Emotional maturity is usually at least three years behind that of his/her peers
  39. The special interest can be a source of enjoyment, knowledge, self-identity and self-esteem that can be constructively used by parents, teachers and therapists
  40. The most common sensory sensitivity is to very specific sounds
  41. There can be an under- or over- reaction to the experience of pain and discomfort
  42. The sense of balance, movement perception, and body orientation can be unusual
  43. May have a fixation on something neither human nor toy, or a fascination with a specific category of objects and the acquisition of as many examples as possible
  44. The child’s overriding priority may be to solve a problem rather than satisfy the social or emotional needs of others
  45. The child is usually renowned for being direct, speaking his/her mind and being determined and having a strong sense of social justice
  46. The child may actively seek and enjoy solitude, be a loyal friend, and have a distinct sense of humor
  47. The child usually has a strong desire to seek knowledge, truth and perfection with a different set of priorities than would be expected with "typical" children 
  48. The child values being creative rather than co-operative
  49. Can have difficulty with the management and expression of emotions
  50. May perceive errors that are not apparent to others, giving considerable attention to detail rather than noticing the “big picture”
  51. The child's special interest has several functions: to (a) create a sense of identity, (b) create an alternative world, (c) ensure greater predictability and certainty in life, (d) facilitate conversation and indicate intellectual ability, (e) help understand the physical world, (f) overcome anxiety, (g) provide pleasure, and (h) provide relaxation
  52. There seems to be two main categories of special interest: collections, and the acquisition of knowledge on a specific topic or concept
  53. Has a limited vocabulary to describe emotions, and a lack of subtlety and variety in emotional expression
  54. Tends to have a different perception of situations and sensory experiences
  55. May have problems expressing the degree of love and affection expected by others
  56. Unusual language abilities that include advanced vocabulary and syntax, but delayed conversation skills, unusual prosody, and a tendency to be pedantic
  57. Unusual or special interests can develop as early as age 2 to 3 years and may commence with a preoccupation with parts of objects (e.g., spinning the wheels of toy cars) or manipulating electrical switches
  58. HFA traits are more conspicuous in early childhood and gradually diminish during adolescence, but some traits remain throughout adulthood
  59. When one considers the attributes associated with the special interests, it is important to consider not only the benefits to the HFA child, but also the benefits to society
  60. The child’s coordination can be immature. and he/she may have a strange, sometimes idiosyncratic gait that lacks fluency and efficiency

If most of the traits above characterize your child, then an assessment by a qualified professional would be in order.

More resources for parents of children and teens with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook

==> Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book

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Autism is a highly intricate neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in communication, social interaction, and behavior. It...