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Reward System for Aspergers Children

Reward systems …do they work? We are trying to come up with some kind of reward system and what works??? Stickers? When he completes an assignment, he does not want to work at all, only on his terms.

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Children Who Talk Excessively: What Parents and Teachers Can Do

My 7-year-old and soon-to-be step son never (never) stops talking and says everything he thinks. It is SO bad - (as is his severe interrupting) - that it is seriously affecting me and my boyfriends 3 year relationship. When we met he only had bi-weekly visitations. Now he was given full custody as his biological mother and her new husband cannot handle it. I am exhausted and cannot get a word in edgewise. BF says he is "used to it" and I just need to be more patient. Does the one-sided verbiage get better or worse with age? How can we teach him? How can I get it through to BF that his son is only going to stand out even MORE as he gets older if this isn't worked on?

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Developing Friendships: Tips for Children and Teens with Aspergers


My daughter has difficulty socializing with her peers. One day, she has friends, and the next day no more. When conflicts arise, she doesn't know what to say, do. She doesn't know how to express in words her feelings. She tries, but it's confused. She sees things as black and white. How can I as a parent help her?


Here are some tips for those Aspergers (high functioning autistic) individuals who struggle with developing friendships:

1. Think about the person you want to be friends with. Anchor your thoughts on the other person. Here are some things to keep in mind:
  • How might they feel about what you want to say?
  • What might they think?
  • What do you know or remember about them?
  • What might they want to talk about?

2. Watch your non-verbal body language. Your physical presence ‘greases the wheel’ of conversation. How you present yourself physically will plant the seed in your friend’s mind that you want to talk to him/her. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:
  • Your shoulder and hip positions show whether you plan to stay and talk, or whether you just want to offer a quick message and leave.
  • Your body movements show what you plan to do next (e.g., do you want to stay, or do you want to leave?). Remember that your body posture and movements communicate messages to people, even if you don’t mean to.
  • Your body language and facial expression “talks” to people around you, showing them how you feel about things and how you feel about them.
  • It is critical to remember that effective communication is based on reading and understanding the body language and facial expressions of the people around us.
  • If your head, neck, shoulders, arms and hips are generally relaxed, you are showing the other person that you are at ease and comfortable with your communicative partners. At times, you need to physically relax your body to comfort your communicative partners.
  • How you stand and hold your body will show whether you want to talk to them or not.

3. Make eye-to-eye contact. Use your eyes to think about others and watch what they are thinking about. Eye contact is one of the mechanics of showing interest in people, but ‘thinking with the eyes’ is the broader concept that helps people with Aspergers understand the ‘why’ behind eye contact. It may be helpful to discuss eye contact and watch examples of proper eye contact. In this way, the individual with Aspergers will come to understand how to effectively use eye contact to talk with others.

One of the challenges that Aspergers individuals face is that they are very good at learning language, but do not always understand how to use language to build and maintain friendships. Language needs to be used to relate to the other individual’s beliefs, emotions, prior experiences and thoughts.

People with Aspergers are very talented at talking at length about areas that interest them. Unfortunately, they often talk “at” the other person rather than talking “with” them. As a result, others feel annoyed, mistakenly believing that the Aspergers person is self-centered. Here are some points to consider:
  • Add your own thoughts to connect your experiences to those of others.
  • Ask questions to learn more about people; make comments to show interest.
  • Listen with your eyes and ears to determine people’s intentions and hidden meanings.
  • Make comments that support a person’s idea, or add comments that support discussion of the idea without bluntly condemning other people’s thoughts.
  • Think about what you know about the person to whom you are talking.
  • Try connecting your ideas to things that are interesting to others.
  • Use small units of language (or body language) to support people’s ideas, or at least show you are actively listening.

RE:  "She sees things as black and white."  Click here for more information on this topic...

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

How Aspergers Teens/Young Adults Can Get a Girlfriend

This is a true story: “How a Geeky Aspergers Nerd like Me Got a Girlfriend” – By Michael

Hi everyone. My names is Michael and I have Aspergers (high functioning). I live in the Boston area and I’m 27 years old. I have a question for you: How can a guy with Aspergers – whose social skills suck, especially with the opposite sex – ever hope to get a girlfriend? Well I did it! And if I can do it – so can you!!!

For whatever its worth, I’m going to share with you some relationship advice. Maybe I can save you several years of “trial-and-error” like I had to go through. Trust me, it would be a lot easier – and a whole lot less painful – to simply go and beat your head against a brick wall for 15 minutes than to try to get a girl interested in dating you when you have no social skills.

So …here are my suggestions. And believe me, none of this can natural to me:

1. Be patient. Life does not usually work on the timetable you imagine. Your future sweetheart may cross your way tomorrow or a couple of years from now. A healthy romantic relationship will color your world regardless of how old you might be, therefore do not hurry into things, or you may wind up forcing the wrong individual into the "significant other" role, which will cause pain for everybody involved.

2. Put your arm around her shoulder for just a few seconds -- nothing perverted or harassing. Do not simply always wait for them to do it first. If they don't like it, they will certainly inform you. But touching someone conveys to them that you find them appealing, as well as that you are fairly self-confident. These two points can make someone feel more drawn to you.

3. Become an excellent conversationalist. Do not babble on and on about your mommy, your kitty, or your assortment of insects. A good conversationalist keeps finding things they have in common, and they do it in a laid-back, non-intrusive way. For instance, there is a distinction between asking someone "Have you ever held a snake?" and saying "Have you ever felt the tiny muscles on a snake as it crawls up your arm?" The second is much more descriptive, but provides too much information about a snake experience.

4. Close the deal. If you really like the girl you are speaking with, be the one who finishes the conversation. This helps prevent the discussion from lingering into an uncomfortable silence, demonstrates you are busy (i.e. not needy or desperate), and enables you to finish the dialogue on a positive note. Whenever you end the conversation, merely say "Hey, I have got to go, but it's been great speaking with you. Want to continue this over a cup of java someday?" If she says yes, get her telephone number and move on. If she says no, simply move on. That is just about all there's to it.

5. Do not use "canned material". The easiest method to come up with a connection with somebody is to come from the heart and live totally in the moment. What you say is not nearly as important as the way you say it. Meeting new people is all about exchanging energy, not being a wordsmith. When in doubt, just say “HEY.”

6. Flirt. A major part of being alluring is understanding how to flirt, and the people who are greatest at flirting are people who are forever in a fun and relaxed mind-set. It is the complete opposite of being serious, anxious, or bad-tempered.

7. Help someone. It may be her, or it may be someone else in the room. Is she carrying something heavy? Say "allow me to help you with that" and carry it for her. Is somebody short on funds? Give them a few bucks so they can eat lunch or dinner. Hold the door open for the next individual coming through, even if they have not reached it yet. Put simply, be a kind and generous individual. It will not only get her attention, but it will also cause you to feel good about yourself (you shouldn't be phony or do nice things only when she is around, though). Help folks on a regular basis, in a wide variety of ways. She will notice, and so will the folks she knows, and on the occasion that you come up in a conversation, people will say "He's such a good guy!" and this young lady will begin pondering "Yes...he is, isn't he?"

8. If you discover that girls have an interest in you and then pull away, stop being clingy. You may be scaring girls off with your enthusiasm (which can come off as desperation). Slow down, and steer clear of the temptation to idealize every girl you like. When you are using or even thinking the word "perfect" then you may be putting her on a pedestal. Fill your life with so many things to do that you are too busy to get obsessed with any one girl.

9. If you find yourself getting plenty of female friends but no "girlfriend", avoid the friend zone. The important thing here is to avoid investing time and effort in girls who don't wish to become your sweetheart. That may sound cold, but the truth is that you are "tying up" your feelings by keeping a close acquaintanceship with somebody that you have feelings for, but who is not romantically interested in you. It will be hard to develop feelings for someone else if your feelings for this individual are fueled each time you hang out. Even if you do find a way to develop feelings for another person, your heart might continually be torn and perplexed, and this will be tough to give your new relationship your undivided affection. Occasionally a good thing to do is to take a "friend zone" friendship down to the level of buddy so you can focus more on courting.

10. Keep an open mind. If you are seeking a girlfriend (i.e., someone who will be in a committed romantic relationship with you) you ought to be more willing to forget about initial shyness and clumsiness so that you can get acquainted with an individual over more than one date. Your future lover may be somebody that you initially did not view as "girlfriend material" but as you hang out with the girl, you find a lot more things you like about her and you all of a sudden end up romantically interested.

11. Make her chuckle. Girls love dudes that have a great sense of humor, and the answer to having a good sense of humor is to be fun loving, and unabashedly yourself. If you are not making fun of people in a mean-spirited way, anything goes. Is your sense of humor kinda dark? Slapstick? Cynical? Go with it, and do not be worried about whether she thinks you are humorous because you know what? If she cannot laugh along with you, then this is not a girl you need to invest lots of time with anyway. And you never know? Perhaps another girl (one whom you hadn't noticed before) will be laughing so hard that her soft drink comes out of her nostril, and maybe you have just found your true love.

12. Practice genuinely complimenting girls. Challenge yourself to find something beautiful in any girl. It does not need to be something physical; it can be a cute gesture, an admirable characteristic, a skill or talent. Recognizing and expressing true gratitude for any and every girl could make you more interested in girls and girls more interested in you.

13. Put yourself out there. It's not necessary to hit the pubs or the cafes if that is not your scene, but you need to do something that exposes you to new folks. Follow interests and pursuits that mean a great deal to you. The World Wide Web has made this a great deal easier. Check community forums, listings, classified ads, and listservs for events in your area or meetings which are likely to attract people with similar hobbies or interests. You may also check out new interests or activities--you might find a brand new passion and a lover in one fell swoop!

14. Something you should look at is letting her know you're single. Putting on a "single bracelet" is going to do the trick plus they are stylish. You can find nice ones at various online stores.

15. Talk to as many girls as you possibly can, not just girls you are instantly drawn to. This gives you sound practice in speaking with girls (particularly if you have any anxiousness about that) and studying how girls really feel and think, in general. Turn it into a goal to speak to a minimum of 5 new girls each day (in person, any girl, any age, any physical appearance, and any personality).

16. When you go on dates with girls, break the touch barrier. If you are afraid of touching somebody the wrong way, to the degree that you hesitate and never touch them first, your motives are good and all, but your "touch paralysis" is not assisting you at all in the romantic department. Take a couple of minor "touch risks".

Anyway, these things really worked for me. I was able to get a date with someone I really liked, and perhaps more importantly, the more she got to know me – the more she seemed to like me.

Oh …and did I tell you I proposed to my girlfriend (whose name is Kristi by the way) after only 3 weeks of dating her? No kiddin’! Here’s how that went down:

My Proposal—

I wanted the proposal to be a surprise (as much as possible anyway …Kristi had a hunch that it was coming)…

…not something boring like proposing over dinner …or something obvious like proposing at a moment she would clearly expect …or something bizarre like proposing with a ring tucked secretly in a plate of Linguini with Clam sauce.

I thought proposing in a church would be appropriate. Her brother is a pastor …my father was a pastor. And we had agreed from the beginning that God would be the foundation of our relationship.

So I had my mom call the secretary at Park Place Church of God (where my father pastored for 14 years) to see if she would be available to unlock the church on a Saturday night (February 14th – Valentine’s Day – at exactly 6:00 PM). Mom explained to the lady that I would be proposing to my girlfriend at that time. The secretary said “yes” …she would be at the south entrance to unlock the door at 6:00 PM.

But I still had a problem… If I told Kristi I wanted to take her to church on Valentine’s Day – she would be very suspicious. What would be my excuse? This will be too obvious.

Valentine’s Day came, and I didn’t have any bright ideas about how to get her to church without blowing my cover.

At 5:45 that evening, my mother called to ask if I had picked up some CDs off her front porch and put them in the house. I told her I had. She said she put them there for a reason – they were CDs of the previous Sunday morning service, and she put them out to be picked up by the CD delivery-person.

Then it hit me… this might be a good excuse to get Kristi to Park Place without being too transparent.

I lied and told her that mom had just called and needed us to go to the church to pick up some CDs of last Sunday’s service. And we needed to do that now before we went out to eat. She said “o.k.”

We got to the church at precisely 6:00 PM. The secretary (my partner-in-crime) greeted us and let us in.

I then offered to show Kristi around the church before we picked up the CDs from the office (which, there were no CDs).

We went down the Hallway of Former Pastors, and I showed her a picture of my father hanging on the wall. I recalled my father telling me that I would know when I found someone worth marrying, because I would love everything about her. This was definitely the case with Kristi. I had seen the good, bad and ugly – and loved it all unconditionally.

We went to the private Chapel and snooped around… passed the Sunday school rooms… then we on to the sanctuary.

I had an expensive ring burning a hole in my pocket, and I was eager to give it to her…

We walked slowly down the long aisle toward the front of the huge, empty sanctuary. It seemed very quiet, dark and somewhat haunted (by good rather than evil spirits, of course)… our footsteps echoing off the walls. I envisioned my father up there behind the pulpit – delivering his sermon -- as I had seen him do many times before.

We ended up at the altar and stopped for a moment. Something told me to “do it now.” So I got on my knees …began to cry …held the ring up to Kristi …and asked her to marry me.

She took the ring …said “yes” …and cried with me. We kneeled there -- hugging and crying for several minutes. After we both gained our composure, we headed back to the south exit.

On our way out, the secretary -- curious about how things went -- asked, “Well, did she say yes?” Kristi laughed, showed her the ring on her finger and said, “I knew this was coming!”

Anyway …long story short, we got married 3 weeks after I proposed. Yes, we moved quickly – from first date to marriage – but it has been the best decision of my life :)


Michael T.

Can you treat kids with HFA the same way you treat their siblings?

"My husband as well as most of his side of the family often accuse me of mollycoddling our 6 y.o. girl with high functioning autism. They believe she should receive the same treatment as her brothers. What do you say about this? Should you treat a child with the condition the same as those without it? I'm torn on this issues, because I know that my daughter has some special needs, yet I don't want to enable. Advice?"

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What issues should I consider when contemplating broaching Aspergers to my 28-year-old son?

What issues should I consider when contemplating broaching high functioning autism to my 28-year-old son? I want to help him -- he has no social life, lives at home, is rigid in his short is on the spectrum in both me and my husband's opinion. Should we tell him what we're thinking?

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Educating Others About Your Child

"My 8 year old son is going to begin testing in a few weeks. I'm not sure if he has high functioning autism or not, but he sure has many of the behaviors and tendencies. He does have sensory issues and severe anxiety. My question is about the constant judgment and ignorance of other parents and teachers. I do have plenty of supportive friends, but recently I've had some intense altercations with my son's teacher (saying he's only "oppositional" with me, he's fine at school and this is "something I need to work out in therapy"). Her comment was so ignorant - she knew nothing about his level of anxiety, his sensory issues or how he melts at the end of each day after just trying to hold it together. I also had another mom leave our playdate the other day because of inappropriate behavior (slamming a door b/c of frustration). She couldn't believe I let that happen. Ugh!! My parents and even husband have called me a pushover and too "soft" with my son. I feel like ALL of the blame is put on me!! I look forward to getting some answers through testing so I can educate others about the extreme difficulty and unpredictable nature of parenting a child with these challenges. It has been a very lonely and deflating parenting experience. Does anyone else have this experience or advice? Thank You!"

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Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...