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Aspergers: Inaccurate Stereotyping

"Is it fair to say that some people unfairly stereotype children and teenagers who have an autism spectrum disorder? It seems to me that society views this population as "trouble-makers" or mentally handicapped - and even dangerous (e.g., they get blamed for some school shootings), which is just plain ignorant in my opinion. What's your opinion please?"

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Helping Aspergers and HFA Children with Homework

Aspergers and High-Functioning Autistic (HFA) children may have a hard time staying focused on their assignments long enough to complete them.

They are highly intelligent and very creative individuals; however, they may have coexisting conditions such as ADHD or NVLD (Non-Verbal Learning Disability) that affect their ability to process information. As a result, moms and dads may need to assist with homework tasks to ensure they are completed on time.

Here are some tips for parents who want to help their child with homework:

1. As he advances through school, the homework will become more complex with projects that cannot be finished in one night. Help him break these projects into steps and write out a schedule for completion. Post the schedule where he can read it and check off each step as it is completed.

2. Create a space free from the distractions of television, toys and siblings.

3. Enforce a regular schedule for finishing homework to create a sense of structure.

4. Help him organize his schoolwork by using colored folders and notebooks. Encourage him to choose a color he associates with a specific subject, such as green for science or red for reading.

5. If homework involves assignments from more than one subject, consider taking a short break in between each subject. Use a timer with a loud ringer to indicate when the break is finished.

6. Maintain a presence in the area when he is working in order to be available to answer questions or gently remind him to stay on task.

7. Make sure all of the items needed for assignments are available in one spot. When supplies are centralized and organized, he will not need to get up to look for things.

8. Provide a planner to record assignments each day. Communicate with his teacher to ensure that assignments are recorded accurately in the planner and work is being turned in.

9. Teach him to pack his backpack the night before so everything is ready before the morning rush to school and no homework is left at home.

Preventing Homework-related Meltdowns—

There are some basic strategies that moms and dads can employ to help prevent those dreaded evening meltdowns. The first step is to observe the youngster and see what hinders him from completing his work. This is paramount to planning homework sessions. During these observations, jot down answers to the following about your son/daughter:

1. Does he fatigue quickly?
2. Is he easily distracted by noise or activity?
3. What frustrates or upsets him?
4. What is his best time of day?

• Break Down Large Assignments— Some homework assignments can be overwhelming for children on the autism spectrum. Moms and dads will sometimes need to work closely with their child to help him get started. Providing one or two examples may be all that is required in some instances. For more complicated work, parents may want to demonstrate how to break it down into smaller steps. This added attention may be needed for each unfamiliar assignment.

• Eliminate Vagueness— Sometimes assignments may be unclear, even to moms and dads. If this happens often, it would be best for parents to communicate with the teacher about their kid’s needs. Receiving more detailed instructions for upcoming assignments will go a long way to ensuring that homework gets done correctly and without tantrums. The key is to get the information ahead of time so that the youngster can be prepared, not surprised with an unknown.

• Establish Consistent Time and Place— After observing the youngster for a few days, establish a consistent time for homework, preferably when he is well fed and at his best. The amount of time he spends on homework nightly will vary by grade level. When homework length begins to increase, he may stay more focused with short breaks. Incorporate these into the schedule and make sure he has enough time to complete assignments without rushing. It is beneficial to have a special homework location away from the TV, radio, or other distractions. Aspergers and HFA kids can also be frustrated by clutter, so make sure that the workspace is organized and that all necessary materials for homework are available and easy to find.

• Incorporate Interests— A unique quality of kids on the spectrum is that they can develop abnormally intense interests in one or two subjects. Common ones may include weather, sports statistics, or computers. Using a little ingenuity, moms and dads can persuade the youngster to do seemingly unrelated work by integrating his interests. Kids fascinated by computers may be encouraged to complete writing assignments using an online dictionary, for instance. Kids who have nightly reading requirements could be allowed to choose books that are related to weather, dinosaurs, or other science topics of interest. If the youngster seems to dislike math, create word problems for practicing addition, subtraction, and multiplication using subjects such as baseball or cars.

Homework can be much easier for "special needs" children when they are offered structured and daily routines. Moms and dads can also work with teachers to clarify new or complex assignments.

Aspergers and HFA kids possess unique skills and can grow to be highly productive, thriving members of society. But, like everyone, they face their own set of challenges along the way. Homework may be one of those challenges. With careful planning however, moms and dads can make this necessary and important chore less worrisome and help to pave their youngster’s way to success.

==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Home and School

Is there a connection between Aspergers and homosexuality?

Currently, there is no known link between Aspergers and homosexuality that research has been able to determine. However, there is a growing body of subjective evidence that Aspergers adults are more likely than those without Aspergers to self-identify with sexualities other than heterosexuality (e.g., asexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, bisexuality).

Some research suggests that male homosexuality is inherited and caused by a lack of testosterone in the mother's blood during pregnancy (or an excess of it if the baby is female). Since it is easier for a woman to lack testosterone (the male hormone only found in low levels in females), this could explain the higher incidence of homosexuality among men than women.

Aspergers has many possible causes, and similar to homosexuality, there is a hereditary factor with the influence of testosterone on the fetus possibly being the most important factor. The incidence of Aspergers is also much greater among males, but unlike male homosexuality, it is allegedly not caused by a lack of testosterone – but an excess of it.

Researchers have discovered a link between high levels of testosterone in babies still in the womb and Aspergers traits in children. Babies exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb appear to be at greater risk for autistic characteristics. While researchers are careful to note that although they cannot prove testosterone exposure in the womb causes Aspergers, they strongly believe it may one day be implicated as one of the main factors related to this disorder. Children with Aspergers do seem to have an exaggeration of the typical male profile because they have a very strong interest in systems, like numbers, but have difficulties with empathy.

In could be said that, whereas a male homosexual's brain is too feminine due to a lack of testosterone during its formation, an autistic's brain is too masculine – even for a man. Thus, if there is a link between Aspergers and sexuality-preference, the link would most likely NOT be homosexual.

Most people with Aspergers are heterosexual, but many do not get married. Similarly, a gay male with Aspergers is likely never to have a long standing domestic partnership (let alone a “marriage”). 

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

•    Anonymous said… Although I consider myself heterosexual I see people as people not necessarily genders so I wouldn't rule out a homosexual relationship if the person made me happy, I was attracted and it felt right. I'm now living with my long term partner and hope this lasts but I do think it's possible that people on the spectrum like myself just see people as people x
•    Anonymous said… Complete non sense
•    Anonymous said… I agree with you child told me many times that gender isn't an issue. I'm at a stage that as long as my child is happy, I'm also happy.
•    Anonymous said… I have more of an interest in aspie children who are gender questioning because there appears to be a high percentage. I woulder f this is because
•    Anonymous said… I heard there's a connection between Aspies and twins
•    Anonymous said… I think it's the confusion in social situations that may cause people with aspergers to choose a same sex partner...getting put off, not understanding, awkwardness towards opposite sex
•    Anonymous said… If anything my son is too interested in the opposite sex for his age...
•    Anonymous said… Interesting. One of our observations as parents has been the blindness to society's taboo subjects - so open (often intense) curiosity about subjects many people never question themselves about.
•    Anonymous said… Is because of the black and white way our children see things and so feel that whatever way they feel they should just be accepted.
•    Anonymous said… Mine has always been interested in girls.....I mean always!!! He finds them all attractive. I don't know what's more worrying lol x
•    Anonymous said… Mine is in the early teen years and says he can tell when someone is attractive. He also says he is not interested in either gender. I've read this is also common in Aspies . He recognizes himself as an Asexual
•    Anonymous said… My son says all girls are beautiful but still makes sexual remarks about boys, I just see it as "it is what it is"
•    Anonymous said… My son sees no difference in gender. I think as he gets older it will be completely individual who he falls in love with. I don't believe he will look for a girlfriend in particular.
•    Anonymous said… My undergraduate thesis was related to this topic and I presented at IMFAR on it in 2012. Email me at for a copy of the article by Gilmour, Schalomon, and Smith (2012).
•    Anonymous said… No, not really!
•    Anonymous said… Only so far as Aspies get called 'gay' at school.
•    Anonymous said… PS, I'm 70 and still suffer from it.
•    Anonymous said… So the way I live my life is seriously uncommon and not expexted? Gay marriage, almost 10 yrs relationship, with Asperger... Well tell me something new smile emoticon
•    Anonymous said… There's a definite link between Aspergers and loving people for who they are, rather than their genitalia.
•    Anonymous said… Well I'm Gay and have Aspergers and did all my life. I think it's tougher on Gays since we have much less support especially when I was growing up.
•    Anonymous said… YES, there definitely is!! These are two things which happen to human beings! Connection identified, next subject please.

Post your comment below…

Evaluating Clients for Aspergers: Advice for Therapists


I am a family therapist for the Anderson Center of Saint John’s. A client of mine recently reported a childhood history of difficulty learning social rules, learning problems, and rocking behaviors, which he learned to stop. He also reports social difficulties as a young adult. What is the easiest method to evaluate him to rule out Aspergers?


Aspergers (AS) can be quite difficult to diagnose. Individuals with this condition can function relatively well in daily life; however, they are generally socially immature and may be perceived as strange or eccentric.

While the more overt symptoms of Aspergers are typically more apparent in early childhood, symptoms may only become apparent with the increasing functional and social demands of adolescence. In the teenager with Aspergers, the stress of unrecognized disability, limited achievement, and a sense of failure are often revealed by increasing contrast with siblings and peers. Family and peers may become exasperated by the individual's self-centered insensitivity, obsessiveness, and rigid inflexibility, further distorting personal relationships. Each one of these variables can add secondary disability and lead to dependency that is disproportionate to the individual's mental ability.

Grown-ups with Aspergers present with subtle and specific difficulties, particularly in communication, social interactions, and interests. However, not all individuals are affected as extremely as noted below:

• Social relationships: Relationships are one-sided, distant, or absent. An unempathic objectivity leads to difficulties ranging from understanding friendship (how friends differ from acquaintances) to developing sexual relationships (grasping rules that distinguish seduction from date rape). People with Aspergers misunderstand relationships and are either too intense or too detached.

• Interests: At the most extreme, an individual with Aspergers has an eccentric life with rigid routines and a systematic, narrow focus on activities such as stamp collecting, baseball statistics, or railway timetables. Interests remain circumscribed and, rather than being an avenue for social interaction, they are enjoyed in solitude.

• Communication: Conversation is often one-sided, long-winded, circumstantial, lecture-like, and delivered in a robotic fashion. Less obvious abnormalities include unrecognized, underlying discrepancies between verbal and nonverbal language and between comprehension and expression. Individuals may lack eye contact, have few facial expressions and awkward body movements, and they may eventually develop social anxiety and nervous tics.

Grown-ups with Aspergers may also have problems with future planning and organization. Some compensate for this by being extremely meticulous in their planning and keeping extensive written or mental checklists. Other possible symptoms include hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, violent outbursts, self-injurious behavior, rituals, odd posturing, and hand flapping.

When evaluating an individual for possible Aspergers, therapists can adhere to these guidelines…


• Waiting causes increased stress levels. Whenever possible, schedule clients for Aspergers assessment as the first or last appointment of the day. If this is not possible, allow them to wait in a small side room or in their car, or allow them to go home and come back at a later agreed time.

• Prevent other sensory overload by minimizing loud noises and high-pitched sounds.

• Be aware that hand flapping, rocking, or ear covering may be their calming mechanism, so do not stop the behavior unless absolutely necessary.

• Avoid bright lighting. Some individuals with Aspergers are very light sensitive and can even detect the flashing of fluorescent lights.


• Allow the individual extra time to process what you say to them.

• Ask for the information that you need, because an individual with Aspergers may not volunteer vital information without being asked directly, and because they may expect you to know what they are thinking.

• Avoid using facial expressions, body language, or gestures without verbal instructions, as these may be misunderstood.

• Explain what you are going to do before you do it, and use pictures when possible.

• Individuals with Aspergers do not understand personal space. Thus, they require more personal space than the average individual, or they may invade your space.

• Individuals with Aspergers take everything literally, so be concrete and avoid the use of idioms, irony, metaphors, and words with double meanings.

• Realize that the individual may not make eye contact during the interview, and do not assume that a nonverbal individual does not understand what you are saying.

• Use clear, simple language and speak in short sentences.

Physical Assessment:

• If performing something intrusive, such as phlebotomy, realize that individuals with Aspergers may have high or low pain tolerance or an unusual response to pain, such as laughter, humming, singing, or clothing removal. Use local anesthetics whenever possible.

• Give direct requests. Say, "Open your mouth." Don't say, "Can you open your mouth?" With the latter question, they may not understand that you are actually asking them to do something.

• Exams may prove very stressful, so warn the individual before touching him/her.

Therapists may choose to utilize an assessment tool to identify Aspergers. One that is easily available is the Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA), developed at the Aspergers Research Center (ARC), situated within the School of Clinical Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry, Section of Developmental Psychiatry, at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Other diagnostic rating scales can be found at Online Asperger Syndrome Information & Support (OASIS).

Because individuals with Aspergers may misperceive their situation, it really is helpful to complete the assessment with data from others, such as spouses, buddies, teachers, and employers. Additionally it is advisable to give the individual with Aspergers an itemized report of the assessment to avoid misunderstandings that may arise from spoken communication.

Differential Diagnoses:

The the signs of Aspergers imitate other disorders; therefore, therapists must become familiar with the most probable differential diagnoses:

• ADHD is characterized by impaired functioning in multiple settings, including home and school, and in relationships with peers. Symptoms include impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattention.

• Antisocial PD is characterized by a pattern of disregard for other individual's rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights.

• Catatonic schizophrenia is characterized by prominent psychomotor disturbances that may alternate between extremes such as hyperkinesis and stupor.

• Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by constant, exaggerated worrisome thoughts and tension about everyday routine life events and activities for a period of at least 6 months.

• Obsessive-compulsive PD is characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

• Panic disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of intense fear that strike often and without warning. Physical symptoms include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal distress, feelings of unreality, and fear of dying.

• Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by relatively stable and often paranoid delusions, usually accompanied by auditory hallucinations.

• Personality disorders (PD): Avoidant PD is characterized by a persistent and complex pattern of feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to what other individuals think about them, and social inhibition.

• Schizoid PD is characterized by a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings.

• Selective mutism is characterized by the persistent lack of speech in at least 1 social situation, despite the ability to speak in other situations.

• Simple schizophrenia (especially treatment-resistant) is characterized by an insidious but progressive development of oddities of conduct, inability to meet the demands of society, and a decline in total performance.

• Social phobia is characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations.

Aspergers is tough to diagnose, and the diagnosis ought to be confirmed by a mental health professional well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of Aspergers. However, a definitive diagnosis can be quite a relief because it allows individuals to learn about their condition, understand where and why they have difficulties, and obtain suitable support.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

Helping Teachers To Understand Your Aspergers Child


My son has been diagnosed with Asperger's and we are now working with the middle school for their evaluation processes to approve special education help. They are specifically stating that they do not believe the diagnosis based on observations of my son interacting with other children at school and being the 'life of the party' basically for the group.

I have tried to explain that this behavior is his way of coping with the lunchroom situation as a learned behavior and that he is not actually experiencing the situation the same way they are based on his comments to me at home each day about his interactions with the other students. How do I get these educated people to listen to lowly me, mom, and get him the help he needs that they seem to want to deny?


I’m assuming you have already started the IEP process (if not, type “IEP” in the search box above for more information).

I would get a note from the doctor who diagnosed your child with Aspergers so the teachers can verify (this will help establish some credibility). Then you should provide teachers with an information sheet to help educate them about Aspergers. Below is a sample information sheet that you can tailor to your individual needs. It should help teachers understand and deal with some of the everyday questions that come up regarding Aspergers:


Dear _______,

I am _____'s mother. My son has been diagnosed with Aspergers, which is a neurobiological disorder on the autistic spectrum. Kids with ASPERGERS may have difficulty using and understanding nonverbal behaviors and developing appropriate peer relationships, in part, because their interactions often lack spontaneous exchange. While they often have keen interests and skills in certain subjects, they also may have a great deal of difficulty with organization. ASPERGERS kids may appear to lack in empathy, have difficulty with sensory issues and very often strongly rely on routine.

Our son has many positive characteristics. However, listed below are some issues that may become apparent to you as you work with him. Many of the behaviors you will see are NOT under his control and they are not a result of malice or willful misbehavior. At times our son simply does not innately know how to appropriately respond.

No doubt, you will learn other strategies which will be helpful and we would appreciate your sharing with us. Please call us at any time if you have questions about our son or Aspergers. We can be reached at: __________

General Behaviors—

• At times, our son may experience "meltdowns" when nothing may help behavior. At times like this, please allow a "safe and quiet spot" where our son will be allowed to "cool off" Try to take note of what occurred before the meltdown (was it an unexpected change in routine, for example) and it's best to talk "after" the situation has calmed down.
• Foster a classroom atmosphere that supports the acceptance of differences and diversity.
• Generally speaking, an adult speaking in a calm voice will reap many benefits
• It is important to remember that, just because the youngster learns something in one situation, this doesn't automatically mean that he remembers or is able to generalize the learning to new situations.
• Note strengths often and visually. This will give our son the courage to keep on plugging.
• Our son may have vocal outbursts or shriek. Be prepared for them, especially when having a difficult time. Also, please let the other kids know that this is a way of dealing with stress or fear.
• Our son may need help with problem-solving situations. Please be willing to take the time to help with this.
• Our son reacts well to positive and patient styles of teaching.
• Aspergers is characterized by a sort of "Swiss cheese" type of development: that is, some things are learned age-appropriately, while other things may lag behind or be absent. Furthermore, kids may have skills years ahead of normal development (for example, a youngster may understand complex mathematics principles, yet not be able to remember to bring their homework home).
• When dividing up assignments, please assign teams rather than have the other kids "choose members", because this increases the chances that our son will be left out or teased.
• When it reaches a point that things in the classroom are going well, it means that we've gotten it right. It doesn't mean that our son is "cured", "never had a problem" or that "it's time to remove support". Increase demands gradually.
• When you see anger or other outbursts, our son is not being deliberately difficult. Instead, this is in a "fight/fright/flight" reaction. Think of this as an "electrical circuit overload" Prevention can sometimes head off situations if you see the warning signs coming.


• Allowing our son to write down the question or thought and providing a response in writing may break the stresses/cycle.
• It is more helpful if you avoid being pulled into this by answering the same thing over and over or raising your voice or pointing out that the question is being repeated. Instead, try to redirect our son's attention or find an alternative way so he can save face.
• Our son may repeat the same thing over and over again, and you may find that this increases as stress increases.


• Giving one or two warnings before a change of activity or schedule may be helpful
• Our son may have a great deal of difficulty with transitions. Having a picture or word schedule may be helpful.
• Please try to give as much advance notice as possible if there is going to be a change or disruption in the schedule.

Sensory Motor Skills/Auditory Processing—

• Breaking directions down into simple steps is quite helpful
• Directions are more easily understood if they are repeated clearly, simply and in a variety of ways.
• Our son has difficulty understanding a string of directions or too many words at one time
• Our son may act in a very clumsy way; he may also react very strongly to certain tastes, textures, smells and sounds.
• Speaking slower and in smaller phrases can help.
• Using picture cures or directions may also help


• Allow him to "move about" as sitting still for long periods of time can be very difficult (even a 5 minute walk around, with a peer can help a lot).
• He may get over-stimulated by loud noises, lights, strong tastes or textures, because of the heightened sensitivity to these things.
• Unstructured times (such as lunch, break and PE) may prove to be the most difficult for him. Please try to help provide some guidance during these more difficult times.
• With lots of other kids, chaos and noise, please try to help him find a quiet spot to which he can go for some "solace".

Visual Cues—

• Hand signals may be helpful, especially to reinforce certain messages, such as "wait your turn", "stop talking" (out of turn), or "speak more slowly or softly".
• Some ASPERGERS kids learn best with visual aids, such as picture schedules, written directions or drawings (other kids may do better with verbal instruction)


• When someone tries to help by finishing his sentences or interrupting, he often has to go back and start over to get the train of thought back.
• At times, it may take more than few seconds for my son to respond to questions. He needs to stop what he's thinking, put that somewhere, formulate an answer and then respond. Please wait patiently for the answer and encourage others to do the same. Otherwise, he will have to start over again.

Eye Contact—

• Unlike most of us, sometimes forcing eye contact breaks his concentration
• He may actually hear and understand you better if not forced to look directly at your eyes.
• At times, it looks as if my son is not listening to you when he really is. Don't assume that because he is not looking at you that he is not hearing you.

Social Skills and Friendships—

• Talking with the other members of the class may help, if done in a positive way and with the permission of the family. For example, talking about the fact that many or most of us have challenges and that the ASPERGERS youngster’s challenge is that he cannot read social situations well, just as others may need glasses or hearing aids.
• Identifying 1 or 2 empathetic children who can serve as "buddies" will help the youngster feel as though the world is a friendlier place
• Herein lays one of the biggest challenges for ASPERGERS kids. They may want to make friends very badly, yet not have a clue as to how to go about it.
• Children with Aspergers may be at greater risk for becoming "victims" of bullying behavior by other children. This is caused by a couple of factors:

1. Asperger kids want to be included and/or liked so badly that they are reluctant to "tell" on the bully, fearing rejection from the perpetrator or other children.
2. There is a great likelihood that the response or "rise" that the "bully" gets from the Asperger youngster reinforces this kind of behavior


• Let him know, if possible, when there will be a substitute teacher or a field trip occurring during regular school hours.
• Please let our son know of any anticipated changes as soon as you know them, especially with picture or word schedules.
• This is very important to most ASPERGERS kids, but can be very difficult to attain on a regular basis in our world.


• Sarcasm and some forums of humor are often not understood by my son. Even explanations of what is meant may not clarify, because the perspectives of ASPERGERS youngster can be unique and, at times, immovable.
• Although his vocabulary and use of language may seem high, ASPERGERS kids may not know the meaning of what they are saying even though the words sound correct.

Organizational Skills—

• If necessary allow him to copy the notes of other kids or provide him with a copy. Many ASPERGERS kids are also dysgraphic and they are unable to listen to you talk, read the board and take notes at the same time.
• It may be helpful to develop schedules (picture or written) for him.
• Our son lacks the ability of remember a lot of information or how to retrieve that information for its use.
• Please post schedules and homework assignments on the board and make a copy for him. Please make sure that these assignments get put into his backpack because he can't always be counted on to get everything home without some help.

In conclusion, please know that at times, some of my son's behaviors may be aggravating and annoying to you and to members of his class. Please know that this is normal and expected. Try not to let the difficult days color the fact that YOU are a wonderful teacher with a challenging situation and that nothing works all of the time (and some things don't even work most of the time). You will also be treated to a new and very unique view of the world that will entertain and fascinate you at times. Please feel free to share with us whatever you would like. We have heard it before. It will not shock us or make us think poorly of you. Communication is the key and by working together as a team we can provide the best for our son.

Thank you,

Parent’s Name: __________


Here is a real example, based on the template above, of an information sheet that one parent hand-delivered to her child’s teacher.

Dear Mrs. Shroud,

My child, Michael _____, has Aspergers. This means his patterns of thought and behavior will be a little different than you may be used to. Here are some issues that may come up, along with some suggestions:

My Aspergers child may have additional difficulty with:

• Balance
• Multiple step directions
• Multi-tasking
• Organization
• Tics and odd mannerisms (humming, repetitive motions, rocking, etc.)
• Transitions
• Unstructured time

Lists and visual aids are a great way to help with some of these challenges. Break down complex tasks into simpler steps, if possible, and please understand that multi-tasking (e.g., reading, answering questions, and filling out worksheet at the same time) simply may not be possible. Aspergers children thrive on routine and predictability.

Fine motor skills will affect:

• Button and shoe lacing skills
• Handwriting skills
• Scissor skills
• The ability to color within the lines

Please understand that handwriting is especially difficult and even painful for my Aspergers child. He is not slacking or messy on purpose, but working slowly to improve a difficult skill.

Meltdowns may occur because:

• Bad surprises can overwhelm and panic my child
• My child is easily frustrated and upset
• Time pressure and/or stress can cause panic
• Too much noise and activity can over-stimulate him

Please stay calm. If it looks like my child is getting worked up, don’t ignore him – he never pretends and it will only get worse. He is not falling apart on purpose, and has no idea what he looks like. This is not a bid for attention, but a very real feeling of frustration and panic. Please help him find a solution – even if it seems obvious – to the problem at hand.

My Aspergers child’s literal thinking makes it difficult for him to understand:

• Nuance and sarcasm
• Sayings/proverbs and sometimes jokes
• Shades of grey
• When rules do not apply

Aspergers children can be bossy and even offensive in reminding everyone of the rules. Their inflexibility is not a mask or pretense, but an inability to understand shades of grey.

Please be consistent with any rules, and clearly state when they do not apply. Remind my child that the rules apply the same to everyone. Help guide him when any situation presents shades of grey or nuance, to avoid confusion, misunderstandings, and/or meltdowns.

Social Skills Challenges will mean:

• Difficulty recognizing facial expression, tone of voice, and body language
• He does not automatically glance at others to check which task/page/worksheet needs to be done at the moment
• He may not stay with the group or do what the group is doing
• Inability to automatically understand how others are thinking or feeling
• Little to no eye contact
• Unintentional inappropriate behavior
• Volume control and/or monotone voice

This means that teamwork and cooperating in groups will be challenging for my Aspergers child. He will not always recognize when someone’s behavior is offensive (including his own), and will not understand when others become upset or even cruel.

Please be patient and help facilitate understanding on all sides. Speak clearly and avoid body language; use speech to get any points across, and don’t assume he understands what is happening socially. Watch out for bullying/teasing, misunderstandings, wandering, and ostracism.

Some common positives for Aspergers:

• Honesty and directness
• Intelligence
• Intense interest in facts and details
• Keen visual memory
• Love of learning (especially when the subject appeals)
• Think-outside-the-box mentality

Thank you!


Virginia _______


•    Anonymous said... My son is also HFA and is currently in an all-inclusion community classroom. This is working very well for him because the class and teachers are geared to work with and educate our children along with neurotypical children. All the children are hand-picked to be in this class and the parents want their kids there too. It's an excellent program.
•    Anonymous said... I've talked to every teacher my son has ever had till I was blue in the face...all requests for visual learning were ignored. I homeschool him now and he is so much happier learning the way he can understand it best...visually.
•    Anonymous said... In my area, there is a programme called Earlybird Plus which is a 12 week course attended by the parent and the teacher so you can both learn about Autism together. I was referred into it by my local CAMHS
•    Anonymous said... All good except if teacher is old school really doesn't bel children have learning delays thinking they can teach anyone and it's the parenting. Also old school teaching has the idea of my way or the highway. Not realising auditory learning may not be as effective for a visual learner.

Please post your comment below…

Aspergers Children and Anger Problems


My Aspergers son has anger problems. How can I help him understand what his real emotions are?


For kids with Aspergers (high functioning autism), anger can be a major challenge. Many people do not realize the strong connection between Aspergers and behavioral issues like anger, anxiety, and depression. The very characteristics of Aspergers lead to these behavioral issues. Some of these characteristics are:
  • Gross and fine motor problems
  • Inflexible thinking
  • Lack of language skills, especially social language, gestures and cues
  • Narrow interests
  • Sensory issues
  • Social skills weaknesses

Understanding anger in Aspergers children is quite simple. Nearly all of your son’s anger stems from frustration. The characteristics of Aspergers listed above (plus others) create a confusing and uncomfortable social environment. The natural reaction is frustration, and the natural escalation of frustration is anxiety, then anger. Helping an Aspergers child understand his anger and other emotions, however, can be quite difficult. You must help your son understand the cause of his emotions, and then develop a plan to avoid the negative emotions that stem from frustration. There are several options available for the mother/father searching for anger-management for their Aspergers children. Here are a couple of those options:

1. Home Solutions— Not everyone with Aspergers anger issues choose private therapy. For some people, these therapies are not covered by insurance or are simply not available. Others choose to handle therapy and learning situations at home, in their own way. This is perfectly acceptable, and in all honesty, quite helpful for the child even if you do choose private therapy. Support at home will increase progress. Some examples of home solutions are:
  • Five point scale assessments teach a youngster how to recognize his anger or anxiety and prepare to control their emotional responses.
  • Parenting discipline programs teach parents how to use proper discipline techniques, which in turn, may diffuse some of the youngster’s anxiety and anger.
  • Play therapy/activities make learning emotional control fun.
  • Social stories can be written for specific behavioral problems and situations. These stories can put your youngster’s feelings into words and offer him simple solutions.

2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy— Many people with Aspergers anger choose to try cognitive-behavioral therapy. This therapy is highly recommended for kids with Aspergers. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is individual therapy designed around the idea that a child’s emotions and thought processes are what control that child’s outward feelings and behaviors. Most people tend to blame the situation or other people. This therapy places the focus on a child’s internal thoughts. In other words, if we think a certain way, even though the situation makes us feel the opposite, we can begin to feel better about that situation.

For your Aspergers child, anger can get in the way of learning, playing, and life. Perhaps you can use some of the above suggestions to help him handle his anger and better understand his emotions.

I cover a lot of ground on anger issues for children with Aspergers in my eBook entitled My Aspergers Child: Preventing Tantrums and Meltdowns.

A Divine Cure for Aspergers?!

Last night I had a chat with one of my pastors regarding Aspergers, and he keeps declaring that he believes God will cure me eventually and I'll be normal. To tell the truth, this angers me and I am not sure why. In my opinion, Aspergers is a big part of who I am. Aspergers helps define how I think and feel – it is a major component of my entire life. When individuals speak about how I'll be cured, it tends to make me believe they are not accepting me for who I am. I also question if they would say the same to a blind person or someone with diabetes.

Is the fact that my handicap is one that affects the psychological part of me turn it into a disability that needs to be cured by The Lord? I am going to be truthful in saying this theological issue has caused me great discomfort with my religious organization – to the point of where I am beginning to feel uncomfortable. I do not think it is my pastor’s intent to hurt me in anyway; nonetheless, how do I encourage the church to accept me for who I am, Aspergers and all?

P.S. Also, I'd like to know if you have any similar dilemmas and just how you got through them.

P.S.S. Thanks to for posting this!




I can see your point, if it were me however, I don't think I would be looking at this as "lack of acceptance" - rather I would see it as your pastor's attempt at "stepping out in faith". Let me ask you: If you had the choice to have Aspergers or to NOT have Aspergers, which would you choose? I would rather not have it, although I am doing just fine with it.

People with Aspergers tend to fixate on a few areas of interest, and religion and politics happen to be mine. Aspergers includes a deficiency in social skills, and social isolation is one reason that I believe in Jesus. Although I have problems with evangelicalism, I've always liked the way that they present the Lord as a friend, as someone who loves me and has a plan for my life. Even on days when I do not fit in, I can find a friend in Jesus.

For those who have been diagnosed later in life and weren’t aware that they had traits of aspergers.. Were there any cases where this made you interpret the bible (as in those who are born again Christians) differently?? For instance.. I found - interpreting 'love your neighbor as yourself' -- how to interpret how loving another person - when to them the rules of loving are different than to what I consider loving? I got into such a mishap with being to an 'obsessed' level of needing to 'show Gods love' and at the same time ' be a good steward' and also 'submit to authorities'. I am also aware that each person with aspergers is different, so I’m hoping for some help from those who are protestant Christians (not involved in other religion thought too - e.g. Buddhism). A counselor I talked to was quite helpful in this - she said, you know God wouldn’t be a merciful God if He didn’t love you the way He made you. However... also leads me to the question, for aspergers people - does it make it harder to evaluate whether their actions/words as kind to others?

Aspies like structure and predictability, and Christianity gives me that. Not only does it provide me with regular rituals such as church attendance, prayer, and Bible reading, but it also assures me that God is in control of my future. I prefer the idea of divine providence to an unpredictable notion that everything happens on its own, without any plan or purpose.

It seems that Aspergers is more commonly known in the USA. Here, I hadn’t heard of it until my mom told me that she thought I was Aspergian. It was only in 1988 (I think) that Hans Aspergers writings were translated into English for English-speaking Psychologists and Doctors to study

I’ve never really thought too deeply about how asperger's syndrome might affect one's interpretation of scripture. I know far too many non-aspie Christians that have way too literal an interpretation of scripture to start with, and being literal is supposed to be an aspie trait. For myself, I let my spirituality guide me in my interpretation of scripture. As for the scripture you quote - love thy neighbor as thyself - it seems to me that what god is asking is simply that one is as considerate of others as one is of one's self. One is neither asked to be selfless nor selfish. This is a very balanced position. Also, one I not asked to give any more than one is not capable of giving. This is a very balanced approach, which I find deeply profound. Much as we ask to be forgive our trespasses as we are willing to forgive those that trespasses against us. Again, god judges us as leniently or harshly as we judge others. But beyond giving you the above discussion, I’m just not sure what you're diving at here. Are you saying you judge yourself too harshly??? Often we do. We forget that we need to forgive ourselves as well as others. From what you've written, I just can't tell. BTW, I’m a protestant Christian, thought I’m first and foremost of a spiritual rather than of any particular religious persuasion.

The things that give some Aspies a problem with religion are not really problematic for me. God's utter intangibility does not lead me to reject his existence, since we all accept things that we cannot see or touch (e.g., love, air). Overall, the concept of God makes sense to me. The universe had to come from somewhere, and things have to be exactly the way they are for life to even exist. That tells me that there is a creator and designer.

I didn't become a Christian until around the time I was getting dx'ed (about 40). I think I didn't become one earlier because I couldn't understand all the metaphors and so much of the bible is metaphor. I have only started to understand ritual and its significance in the last couple of years. Music and silence always seemed sacred to me. I don't attend a church and I'm not evangelical, so that cuts out a lot of the people contact stuff for me, phew.

Non-Autistic people can actually learn from some autistic people. For example Autistic spectrum people examine details and are a people of "continuity". Now let's look and see how important it is to examine details and how important continuity is! First of all God is a Loving yet, “EXACTING God". His Word is Exacting, His nature is Exacting. He says what He means and means what He says. He/His Word is the perfect Judge. We are to "examine ourselves"....

Back in the early 1970's when I was in the 4th grade I was tested for Autism and other learning disabilities. My parents were never told any diagnosis, but I was placed in special ed classes for the next 5 years. My family was not religious until I was 15. I became a Christian to follow my parents. I read the bible and took it very literally, more so then the others. We where what would be termed today as "Evangelical". I quickly learned that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John had many similarities and would read them in comparison. I found lots of differences and had many notebooks listing them in tabular form (I love tables) This made church and family members mad and I was told that it was bad and evil to read and dissect the bible in such a way. It's who I am, how I work and understand things. he did not understand this. As I grew I took an interest in near-east myths. I found more comparisons to make tables for. I myself had problems as I grew older with the bible. As a literal person, I could not take the bible as anything inspired, but very much contrived and re-contrived by men. That now has been many years ago. My first big problem with the bible was oddly enough about slavery. The bible treating it no differently than any other bronze or early iron aged culture did. I still read the bible every day and night, as it is one of my hobbies, but now all of my tables are in computer data bases.

I am a 24 year old from England who has recently found out he may have Aspergers Syndrome. I'd love to talk to other Christians who have Aspergers Syndrome.

Christianity in general seems to equate being a good Christian with being a social extrovert. "Jesus reached out to sinners, and so we should too," we are told. Evangelicalism also emphasizes community, small groups, and accountability (which I see as social control). Introverts, people with social anxiety, or those who have problems reaching out to others are made to feel as if they are not truly pleasing to God. And, of course, happy happy Christian extroverts get on my nerves anyway. So Christianity has its dark side, as far as I am concerned.

From a Christian perspective, Autism/ Aspergers has been found to be the result of moms/dads with mental illness. They have not found a direct correlation between vaccinations - Autism/Aspergers. Knowing that, moms/dads with mental illness should responsibly think over their decision to pass it on to the kids.

My 5 year old is on a waiting list for speech therapy, until then, I will do the best I can by God's Grace. I might consider taking him to an autism clinic, say once a week, but I will have to be there with him at all times! He is a very intelligent boy, but has trouble communicating and has several typical ritual behaviors that autistic spectrum people have. It would be nice for his dad to help too, but he has his own agenda in life, so I move on, God Bless.

I was glad to read your messages, and see on who is truly desirous to know the depths of God's word, and not content to receive the promises of God without searching out the True depths of them. I was in a forum for those with Aspergers who consider themselves Christian, but I found that many were not Christian, although labeled themselves as such. I left the group because of their having, in the main, left the word of God....

I teach kids with special needs. Often I come across the opinion that religion is not for people with special needs. I am studying how to make the teaching of RE more meaningful in schools, specifically for autistics. I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on the matter! Particularly - what you find meaningful about your faith, and how faith could be taught in a way that fitted with autism.

It's who you are, you are not hurting anybody, so don't feel guilty, just say things in a polite way and they'll understand, and if they do get upset, it's because you make them feel they made a mistake and it's kind of awkward for them, but just explain and say something like "don't worry I appreciate the gesture, it's just that I have this asperger disorder that makes me feel uncomfortable, that's all, no big deal".


I was starting to think that I was the only other Christian on the autistic spectrum! I find it really hard to understand emotion but recently God came into my life and I understood what it meant to be loved by God. Just to understand this was a miracle for me. now i've devoted my whole life to him! I've got a serverly autistic friend who needs to find the love of christ. For her autism is a big barrier, but God's bigger then anything

I am 20 years old, undiagnosed aspie, and, likely, also a bit ADD. My mom is ADD and my dad aspie, and my brother was diagnosed ADD, but has some aspie traits too. We are all Christian. I'm in college now and a Bible study leader. I've learned how to "blend in" with neurotypicals, but I don't have any other Chiristian aspies that I know of here to talk to. While I definitely do have a relationship with God, it can be very hard for me to connect with him in an emotional way and to hear him, mainly because I don't really know how to listen to him. Whenever I try and get advice, it's always from neurotypicals, and, thus doesn't really..."work" for me.... I would love to hear what other Christian aspies have to say....

If it weren't for God my marriage wouldn't be were it is today. I've been married for 15 years and stayed in business for myself 12 years.

It's a new journey. I am honored to be wired differently, but it does explain my daily struggle. I am 42 and was diagnosed with Aspergers in early 2007. I think I only have 50% of the symptoms.

I am 44 years old and I am a Christian who loves Jesus and I am in the process of finding out from my doctor ADHD and Asperges. I prayed about this last week to God to show me the way cause I know there are behaviors about myself that have puzzled me. I have had depression most of my life. Jesus does not exclude anyone from the kingdom of God. God takes us as we are.

I am in the process of being tested for Aspergers. I am 47. As a Christian, I thought rejection was all about spiritual warfare. But even Pastors told me there was something wrong with me. They could not put their finger on it though. I stopped going to church after 3 pastors did that. I have always felt victimized. Now I hope the understanding of Aspergers will help me to survive socializing. Any insight would be appreciated!

I believe the Bible is filled with people with special needs. Joseph (Old Testament), I suspect, may have had Aspergers. Moses had a speech problem which led to his brother Aaron doing the speaking for him. Jeremiah definitely had some sort of depression.

I don't have Aspergers, but my 15 yr old son does. My spouse wasn't diagnosed, but has many characteristics of Aspergers, also. We are all Christians. My child was only diagnosed at 13, so we are still learning about it. It would be nice to talk with others who have similar situations.

I have a 10 yr.old son that is high functioning autistic.He recently gave his heart to God and though he has trouble socializing with others,when he does it is to evangelize and that is so awesome.He was baptized recently,although he doesn't like to go under water.Our pastor did a wonderful job of getting it done.He loves to sing Christian songs and has gotten up in front of our entire congregation to share his special way of worshipping.It has brought myself and others in church to tears to see him pouring his love out to God in a way that is comfortable to him.Kudos to Pastor Jeff for letting Ronnie do what he loves to do!

God will accept anyone whose heart is pure, and if they have suffered any kind of disease from before birth, or after, God is loving and takes it all into account. The same as He surely forgives those who do not realize they have believed lies that were sent to deliberately deceive them.

I myself have a very mild form of Aspergers. I am only 20 so I can be of help to those younger than myself. What I can say is usually we are pretty intelligent people. Most people don't even know I have it until I tell them. The cool thing about it is, the things we obsess on we usually excel beyond the normal level. The important thing is to always tell your loved one that are unique, not strange.

I want to know how to connect with Christians that have Aspergers or have family members with AS. My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed three weeks ago and my 19 year old son probably will be. He has nearly every single symptom! I can't believe we never saw this before now. My spouse also has many of the symptoms and our marriage has been very difficult. We are both in social work and have had many clients with AS and were both surprised when our daughter was diagnosed that we had not see it before. I keep telling my kids that God has a plan for them just as he does for all of his kids and their AS is a part of that. That is very hard to see right now.

I'm a Christian with formally undiagnosed Aspergers and I find it so hard to be accepted in church 'society' that at the moment, I don't go to a church but would really like to join a group that Kathy mentioned! Let me know! Sam

I'm autistic (Diagnosed!) and I've had a strong bond with God ever since I was born. I love God and cannot imagine life without having such a good relationship with him. I thought I would share that with you.
Well by autistic I mean diagnosed with Aspergers. But they're not 100% sure I'm AS they think I may be High Functioning Autism.

I have decided to home school my kids. Most people just don't understand Autistic people, whether they are high functioning or low functioning. It can be very difficult to deal with them at times, but I have put this in God's Hand's. --Mrs. Smith

Where I can, I try to put other peoples' needs before my own. Think that's the Christian thing to do. For me, the core of Christianity is about selfless service to others. If anything, my conscience is simply a tool to tweak me when I get it wrong.

My Autisic Child at the age of 3 1/2- 4 one day saw me holding the Bible and pointed to It, and said "JESUS", I didn't teach him these things yet! Now this is a young "autistic young person" that can't even talk that well, and he had it right, yet many Adult's don't even get It! The very young and innocent never fail to amaze me!

Well, once I found an e-message after my mom died, asking someone if I might have Aspergers. I looked it up. The characteristics were so descriptive of me. But also I noted how they all somehow were related to how I knew I can be into myself and not able to deal with things not going my way. And God had been dealing with me already about all this. So, I saved some money and time, by confessing this to Him and trusting Him for His correction and healing so I would become first attentive to Him and caring about all others as myself. His love cures us into His personality of how He is loving (1 John 4:17).

Yes, and I had been wondering the same thing. Of course, I knew there had to be but did we have a voice? I'm glad to see this here as well as other sites. I have 2 kids on the spectrum, one with Aspergers and one with that vague and frustrating pddnos. I deal with behavior problems that I would like advice on from a Christian perspective.

More comments:

Anonymous said... God may choose to cure the Pastor too
Anonymous said... It seems very narrow minded.
Anonymous said... That is so presumptuous and adds an element of judgment to illness that is really just gross. When I was a kid, my grandmother had a priest to perform an exorcism to get rid of my epilepsy. I don't see how what the pastor is proposing is any different - jest less theatrics.
Anonymous said... The thing that makes me so sad about these type of pronouncements is that there is incredible grace in accepting things the way they are. If anyone lives their life on the basis that things will be better when ... they never fully live in the present and maximise all the blessings that already exist. I do believe the God heals today but He doesn't seem to do it very often but He does help us to live the best life possible with what we've got.
Anonymous said... I don't listen to such gobshitery
Anonymous said... if you were created by God, aren't you just the way you're supposed to be? Maybe s/he needs to learn acceptance.
Anonymous said... ur angry maybe because u know in your heart you ARE normal. this is your normal. it doesn't have to be anyone else's. Trust your heart & all others must prove themselves to u. b strong.
Anonymous said... Whilst I do believe that God can cure people with various illness, I do agree that all should be accepted and I hate the word "normal", what ever that is. I too was told that all I had to do was pray and my illness would be taken away. However, a lot earlier, I had a blessing from an Elder in my Church who said that the problem would not be taken away, but I would be given the strength to cope with it and that I was loved just as I was.
Anonymous said... You should be angry!

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