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Should I tell my child that he has Aspergers?

We struggled with this issue for some time, and eventually sat our son down and told him. In our case, he kept asking why the other kids called him "weird". To tell or not tell your youngster or others of their diagnosis of Aspergers (high functioning autism)? It’s really a personal decision that has pros and cons on either side. Some parents may struggle with telling a 3 year old they have Aspergers, fearing they may not understand; that it could frighten them.

While saying directly “The doctor says you have Aspergers,” may be unnecessary, talking about the characteristics of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in a way the youngster can relate to is vital in helping the youngster towards self-acceptance as they mature.

Being open about your youngster’s different way of thinking and processing, and connecting those traits to Aspergers characteristics is the key to success in helping your youngster towards self-acceptance. The earlier they become comfortable with Aspergers ‘shop-talk’ the easier it will be when they are pre-teen and adolescent age. Kids with Aspergers need to be able to focus on their strengths more than ever at this age when their social-skill deficits can seem more prominent.

Remembering though that people on the Autistic Spectrum do not always ‘connect the dots’ in the correct order, it may be necessary at some point to say “You have Aspergers” for clarification.

So should you tell your youngster’s part-time employer about Aspergers…and if so, when? When they are applying for a job? When they get the job? Or never?

This also comes down to personal choice. However, sometimes it can be helpful to have an employer support contributing to the success of your youngster’s employment experience.

Our son, Jon, doesn’t like to mention it when he’s applying for a position or when he initially begins work. He doesn’t want it to influence the employers’ decision to hire him, one way or another. Then he doesn’t like to tell them of his Aspergers too soon, because he doesn’t want to “freak them out”. But ultimately he likes to tell them of his diagnosis, and explain to them what that means, because he feels like he’s hiding a secret if he doesn’t. As he says, “It’s a part of me, and they can’t know who I really am unless they know of my Aspergers.” (Sometimes I swear he’s a 44 year old inside a 14 year old body!)

So far we’ve been very fortunate in the employer’s who have given our son a job. They’ve been very understanding, and have helped by finding out about Aspergers, and matching the strengths of Aspergers with the duties/tasks assigned to him. They’ve praised his work ethic, his efficiency, his enthusiasm and manners. They’ve been understanding and compassionate when his anxiety or depression has caused him to miss work, and not held it against him the next time he’s there. Just as someone may miss work due to asthma, or the flu they understand that depression/anxiety is part of Aspergers.

The members of our family have reached the stage where telling about Aspergers is just like saying “my eyes are blue” – a comment that helps the listener come to know you (or your son or brother) a little better. After all, life is a never-ending quest to make connections with others, whether fleeting or lasting!

Aspergers Kids and School-Related Issues

Between the age of 6-18 kids spend a third of each day at school, so it’s important to ensure they’re in the best environment for their needs. This is particularly true for kids with Aspergers (high functioning autism).

So what should parents/care-givers look for when choosing a school for their Aspergers youngster, or consider in their monitoring of the school environment?

Kids with Aspergers cope best in schools with small class sizes. This option is less a reality these days, when Education systems worldwide are struggling to survive with less funding and increased consumer demand. However, there are many other procedures and practices you can monitor to make certain your youngster with Aspergers is being educated in an optimal setting.

You should ensure your Aspergers youngster’s school has an extensive, in-depth knowledge of Aspergers; from the Principal to the Classroom teacher, Administration staff and Ancillary staff. This guarantees that whoever has contact with your Aspergers youngster in the course of their school day is aware of your son/daughter’s needs and understands that Aspergers is a neurobiological disorder – not a behavioral issue. So ask what specific Aspergers training the staff at your youngster’s school has completed and check that this is updated regularly. This is particularly relevant for your son/daughter’s Classroom teacher. If no specific Aspergers training has been undertaken at your youngster’s school, insist that this is rectified promptly.

Check the anti-bullying policy of your youngster’s school. This must be a whole-school policy that has a proven and consistent grievance address policy, with successful follow-up procedures. The policy should tackle the needs of victims and actions of perpetrators alike. Zero tolerance for bullying.

Your youngster’s classroom should be aesthetically Aspergers-friendly, as well as having the curriculum structured and delivered in a manner that meets the needs of your youngster with Aspergers. This will include using visual aids and maintaining a low sensory “volume" in the classroom – minimizing noise, light, smell and extremes in temperature. The Classroom teacher should be mindful of the fact that all social interaction will have a cumulative effect on your Aspergers youngster – this will affect the successful outcome of group activities, seating arrangements and ‘buddy’ systems.

Your youngster’s school should have a strong Social Skills program in place, that your son/daughter with Aspergers participates in at least once a week for a minimum of 1 ½ hours. This program must incorporate:
  • decoding language and facial expressions
  • developing friendship skills
  • group/team work
  • physical activity
  • problem solving case-specific scenarios

Ideally the Social Skills program should include Aspergers kids’ non-disabled peers. With consistency and perseverance this skills-specific program will effect positive change in your youngster’s social behavior.

The physical activity component will assist the Aspergers youngster’s co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills, spatial awareness, vestibular systems imbalance and physical fitness levels.

The language component should aim to assist the Aspergers youngster to recognize and decode literal or conflicting statements in our language e.g. idioms and oxymorons. It also assists your son/daughter in identifying the meanings of facial expressions and body language/gestures. This will help your youngster with Aspergers to develop the use of more appropriate facial expressions and body language in their interactions with their peers.

Problem solving specific scenarios that have occurred in the lives of kids with Aspergers helps them to develop a “bank" of appropriate responses/reactions and strategies to use in real life situations. E.g. Your teacher tells you to hand in your project books after lunch so she can mark them, and you’ve left yours at home. What would you do? It helps to hear everyone’s answer, as this provides a non-judgmental forum for the Aspergers youngster; helping them to recognize their “first response" in stressful situations. Hearing that other kids with Aspergers may react the same way helps your son/daughter feel less like “one of a kind". Then, asking “What might be a better way to handle the situation?" develops a number of problem-solving options for your youngster to implement.

Discussions about what makes a good friend; what good friends do in various situations; how friends act; what friends say to each other; how friends share; how friends play together; how friends include each other in games etc, form the basis of teaching friendship skills. Again, using real-life scenarios of incidents that happen in the playground at school/home help Aspergers kids to transfer their knowledge to their interactions with their peers. Specific skills need to be directly taught about appropriate ways to join a game; co-operating with others; turn taking and also subtle nuances like “bending" the rules of a game. Self recognition by the Aspergers youngster of their need for rigidness and rule following, and highlighting that not all kids think this way helps to explain the often-confusing nature of the playground to your son/daughter. They may never be fully comfortable with games like this, but the knowledge gives them control over their choices.

Developing group work skills enables Aspergers kids to participate more successfully in activities in class and at home. The “mechanics" of group work need to be explained to Aspergers kids in a step-by-step process for greatest understanding.

Regular access to an all-encompassing Social Skills program such as this, in a group comprising Aspergers kids and their neurotypical peers provides your youngster with the building blocks of social dexterity for life. It also fosters tolerance and understanding in their neurotypical peers.

Your Aspergers youngster’s school should recognize the need for continuous, open communication between home and school. This can be achieved by a daily phone call between Special Education staff and parents/care-givers each day, with relevant information being relayed to your youngster’s Classroom teacher. Most parents/care-givers and professionals of Aspergers kids understand that sometimes seemingly benign incidents in an Aspergers youngster’s day (before, during or after school) can have a huge impact on their behavior. Knowing that all behavior is a form of communication, we can’t possibly hope to understand the message the Aspergers youngster is trying to convey unless we have all the facts. Continual communication gives those caring for the Aspergers youngster at school and home the “big picture".

Schools should provide support for kids with Aspergers as required, and deliver that support in an equitable manner. Remember though, your Aspergers youngster may need that support provided in an alternative format e.g. instead of in-class teacher aide support, your youngster may function better with organizational support e.g. keeping track of when work is due in; helping them collect/collate research information etc. It’s imperative that you negotiate with the Aspergers youngster themselves to establish the most successful way to provide support.

Your youngster’s school should have a “safe space" your Aspergers youngster can go to when they are stressed, anxious, angry or agitated. This “space" needs to be sensorily “quiet" with soft furnishings – a muted, calm environment. Accessing this “safe space" should never be used as a form of punishment; rather the Aspergers youngster should be encouraged to remove him/her self from an escalating situation before overload and meltdown occur, and rewarded for using this strategy. The Aspergers youngster shouldn’t be “rushed" or “hurried" to return to the classroom or activity – this will only increase their agitation. Patience is the key in the “safe space" strategy being successful. All kids (Aspergers kids included) strive to be the same as their peers, and this “internal driving force" ensures the AS youngster will rejoin his/her class as soon as they are physically/emotionally able to.

Just as neurotypical kids differ from each other, so too no Aspergers kids are exactly alike. Most of them however, experience periods of high/excess energy and will benefit from regular energy “burns" throughout the day. This could be in the form of a brisk walk; a short run/jog or a set of star jumps or other callisthenic exercise (skipping, hopping on alternate feet etc). The need to burn excess energy usually occurs about halfway through each classroom session (morning, middle and afternoon) and also just after each break-time (morning tea and lunch/recess). Your Aspergers youngster’s successful behavior in the classroom can be greatly enhanced by implementing regular energy “burns" into their day. If a Teacher Aide/Assistant isn’t available to supervise this, an alternative is having the Aspergers youngster run errands/messages for the Classroom teacher. However, it’s vital the youngster with Aspergers comes to recognize these periods of high/excess energy, and experiences the benefits of implementing regular energy burns into his/her day.

This list of school strategies is by no means comprehensive, nor is it intended to be. Rather, it’s meant to list the minimum accommodations every school should make for kids with Aspergers. It is a foundation to build on in partnering with your youngster’s school to create an individual Education program for your Aspergers youngster that allows him/her to achieve their fullest potential.

Aspergers and HFA Children and Their Reaction to Pain

As parents of kids with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism (HFA), we are all familiar with the enigma of their unequal reaction to pain and injury. A stubbed toe or paper cut may set off a pain response (e.g., crying, screaming, and sobbing) such as is equaled by the loss of a limb, yet a burst ear drum or broken limb may go seemingly unnoticed.

Click here for the full article...

Ryan's Story: Mother Tells Her Story of Raising an Aspergers Child

First of all, I’m obviously NOT a doctor or a professional. I am simply the mother of a child, Ryan, with Aspergers who has done a ton of research, reading and have talked to several medical professionals about this condition. I am simply giving my opinion and the things I’ve learned about this condition during the last year.

I’m going to try and write as much of this editorial as possible from the knowledge I’ve personally obtained through research and reading rather than give you a ton of medical jargon. Aspergers is a pretty newly diagnosed condition with the first official diagnosis occurring in about 1995-1996. Prior to this condition’s discovery, most children and people with ASPERGERS were diagnosed as “Autistic”, “ADHD” or some other developmental condition.

There is a lot of debate among professionals as to whether or not ASPERGERS should be considered a “form of autism” or a totally separate condition. Either way, ASPERGERS at the current time is considered to be on the mild spectrum of “Autism” or “PDD’s” (Pervasive Developmental Disorders) and is a developmental delay that is rather similar in many aspects to the different forms of Autism.

My husband’s [John] job was the reason for our relocation over 2 years ago. At this time Ryan was not quite 2 years old. When we moved here to our new home, we didn’t know anyone in this area. Our family and friends were at least 4-5 hours away, and we were all alone. Soon enough, we began to make friends and socialize with some people in this area. We began to spend a lot of time with one of the couples we became close friends with almost immediately. This lady is a Speech and Language Pathologist/Therapist. Since Ryan was still pretty young, it was difficult to tell much about his language and speech abilities, but he was definitely “different”. After talking with this friend of mine, we pretty much chalked it up to all the ear infections he had as a baby and this was the reason his speech was a bit delayed. However, over the last 2 years, the delay became significant, and my friend recommended we bring him in to the Speech Center here in town for a free screening. We did just that, and from there it just snowballed.

Indeed, Ryan had significant (moderate to severe) delays in speech and language. He immediately began speech therapy twice a week. It was difficult for me to accept that Ryan needed speech therapy, but little did I know what was ahead. After a month or so of speech therapy, the therapist discussed with me that she felt there was “more going on than just speech delays” and that we should have him evaluated by a Psychologist. What? Now I was freaked out big time. But I knew she was right, so we did go ahead with the evaluation. Thank God for a wonderful Developmental Psychologist here in our area. She came highly recommended and now that I’ve met her, I know from experience that she is simply amazing. She didn’t make us subject Ryan to another doctor’s office, so she came to our home FOUR times before completing the evaluation.

The first session she mainly talked with John and me while she observed Ryan as he played and interacted with her. The next 3 sessions were geared towards testing and evaluating Ryan. She was wonderful with him and he really liked her being here. He thought they were just playing games, so the evaluation was very stress free. She also took the time to come to a therapy session to observe, and then to meet with Ryan’s Speech Therapist to discuss the therapist’s findings and viewpoints where he was concerned.

After the evaluations were completed, we received a “report” that gave us the official diagnosis. The Psychologist was very helpful and sincere in her diagnosis and did everything possible to make it easy on us. She made herself available to us at all times for questions and concerns that we wanted to discuss with her. She really was a godsend!

We Have A “Diagnosis”, Now What?

I was in shock. I absolutely couldn’t believe that something of this magnitude was wrong with MY child. Of course, the first feelings and thoughts I had were “WHY?” and then the guilt came. What did I do to cause this? Did I mess up during my pregnancy? Did I have more problems during my delivery than I realized? Did I give this to him somehow? WHAT did I do to cause this, because I know I’m the one at fault?

After the initial shock wore off, I began to read, read, read and read some more. Anything and everything I could get my hands on that had anything to do with Aspergers. I couldn’t GET enough information. Some of it was encouraging and some was very discouraging. Then I began to seek out other people in my position, parents of children with ASPERGERS. I wanted to talk to anyone and everyone I could find that had gone through this. I was fortunate enough to find several opinions members that knew all about this. The internet gives endless possibilities for people like me. I have met several parents over the last few months that I’m now in contact with and it has been very helpful. I also met a family in our church that has a son who is 6 and has autism. We have gotten together several times and let our children play. This has been wonderful all the way around. They were just as glad to meet US.

Now that I had lots of information and had talked to a few people in the same boat, I needed to know what to do next. With the direction of the Speech Therapist and the Psychologist, I was told what our options were. First thing was to get Ryan an appointment with a Pediatric Neurologist. This is to simply check him out and make sure he’s okay “physically”. This will also be the doctor we discuss our options regarding medications with.

Even though Ryan was only 3 when he was diagnosed, he now qualifies for several “services” in the school system in our county. Had we lived in the bordering state, we would not have these options. These options were only available to us because of the state and county we lived in. Coincidence? I think not. We were thanking God that we now lived on THIS side of the state line when at one time we DID live on the other side! I contacted the Preschool Director in our county, and they immediately set up a meeting and here we went. Ryan will now start Preschool full time and he’ll be in a “special needs” class with other developmentally delayed children, some of which have “autism”.

Other than this, he continues to go to speech therapy 1-2 times per week, and we work with him at home as much as we can. Now that we know how he operates and what he needs, we are better equipped to help him during the time we spend at home. I am a stay at home mom, so I am able to work with him a lot right now.

How The Diagnosis Changed Our Viewpoint & Our Strategy

Prior to getting the ASPERGERS diagnosis, we thought we had a “strong willed, hyper active, boy” on our hands. We knew he wasn’t “typical”, but we chalked it up to those things. Now that we had a REASON and a means to explain our child’s behavior, we could stop thinking we just had a “bad kid”. The diagnosis was a shock, don’t get me wrong, but we were almost relieved to know that there was indeed a reason for our child’s issues and behaviors. Immediately, things were put into perspective. We now knew the reason for all of his odd behaviors and why he did the things he did.

Our strategy of “we have got to make this kid behave” changed to, “we have to help him in every way we can”. It has not been easy, but we’ve made a lot of progress and conquered some difficult tasks over the last several months. Speech Therapy has been miraculous for him. We’ve seen things come about in him that we thought would take MUCH longer than it did. For this we are very thankful.

Our Experiences With An ASPERGERS Child

So how does he act? What are his problems? What makes him “different”? These are questions I hear a lot when someone wants to know more about Ryan and his ASPERGERS. A complete stranger doesn’t always notice that there is anything going on, but if you are around him for any length of time, you’ll probably notice it. ESPECIALLY if you are familiar with toddlers this age and the things they can do and their language abilities. If you have no experience with toddlers, you may not really notice that much of a difference in Ryan, but if you have been around toddlers at all, you will most likely see that he is different.

He knows no strangers. He will talk to anyone and everyone. You probably won’t understand what he’s saying, but he’ll chatter to you all day if you will listen. He does a lot of what is called “jargon”. Its speech, but it’s not understandable. Sometimes mom or dad can interpret, and sometimes we can’t. He doesn’t know how to have a “typical” or “normal” conversation. He only knows how to tell you what he knows. His latest is telling everyone we see that “We saw Jonah”, meaning the Veggie Tales Movie called “Jonah”. That was a big deal to him, and I made a point to “talk” to him about the events of that day, so now he tells everyone that we saw the movie. It’s one of the only lines he knows how to start a conversation with.

Up until 6 months ago, he couldn’t even answer simple yes/no questions. If you asked him a question that required a yes or no answer, he’d either scream and cry (meaning no) or grunt and point (meaning yes). Now, at least we had an idea of what his answer was, but we knew he needed to be able to say yes or no in response to questions. He can now do this in most instances, but we still have some issues with it from time to time.

When he talks to you, he may look your direction, but he makes very little direct eye contact. As a matter of fact, the therapist is working on this with him and it's been difficult. It's seemingly painful for him to have to make eye contact for longer than a second or two. He's working on it though. One way I've gotten him to look at my eyes for longer than a second is by asking him to tell me what color my eyes are. Works every time :)

He does a LOT of what is called “echolalia”. This is where the child repeats back to you what you have said to him. Ryan does this ALL the time. Why? This is how he responds to something that he doesn’t understand. If I ask him a question and he doesn’t understand what I’m saying, he’ll just repeat it back to me. OR, he’ll repeat it back to me until he grasps it, then he’ll answer me. It depends on his comprehension of the question. Sometimes he’ll eventually get it and answer me, and other times he’ll keep repeating it to the point of making himself upset. That’s when I have to re-phrase the question, or figure out a way to SHOW him what I mean with objects or pictures or by acting it out with another person.

He is just learning to tell us that he hurt his foot, arm, head, etc. He doesn’t know all body parts, but he’s getting there. If he got hurt while no one was in the room, we’d be left to guess where he was hurt. He would just cry. Now he can at least point and show us where he’s hurting. But, this is the extent of his being able to explain or tell us about pain. He’s had numerous stomach bugs, ear infections, sinus infections, and many other illnesses that we know causes pain or discomfort, but he has absolutely no idea how to tell us about a headache, earache or stomachache. Pain is a foreign concept to him except for telling us he bumped his head on the coffee table. Even though he's almost 4 years old, for us it's identical to dealing with a sick infant when it's time to take him to the dr. to figure out what's wrong.

He has what are called "food aversions". He is super, super, super picky about food, and there are certain food textures he will not put into his mouth. He doesn't eat any type of cut up meat. As a matter of fact, the ONLY meat he'll eat is a McDonald's cheeseburger. That's it. He absolutely will not eat any type of gummy or gooey candy (such as gummy bears or gumdrops). If he has to chew it longer than 5 seconds, it's going to get spit back out. Meal times are always challenging because there are only a handful of foods he'll eat without fighting us. But we do what we can.

He is a creature of habit and routine. He has been since the day he was born. He expects things to be the same as they were last time, and if there is change, there are consequences. This is one sure way to cause him to have a “meltdown” as I heard it adequately described by another parent. A few examples would probably be the easiest way to describe these situations. He has a routine throughout the day. He gets up, he eats breakfast, he plays and watches some TV, he eats lunch, he goes potty, he takes a nap, he gets up and gets a snack and some juice, he watches a movie, he plays, he eats supper, he puts on his pajamas, he brushes his teeth, he goes potty, he tells daddy goodnight, he sits with mommy in the rocking chair, we sing a song, we read a book and then he gets in bed. Granted, there are a few other things in there that are variables (such as going to a dr. appt., therapy, or the grocery store) but for the most part, this is his daily routine. If you even think about changing this schedule, you will regret it dearly.

When he gets up from his nap, you better have the cookies and juice waiting or else. If you forget to brush his teeth at bedtime, he’ll now tell you but before he could tell us, he’d just scream until we figured out that we had forgotten. Ask me if we ever forget anymore ;-) Routine is his safety net. If you change it, you totally rock his world.

Another routine example: He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that on Thursdays (although he doesn’t understand days of the week) we go to Speech Therapy, and then we go to McDonald’s for a happy meal. And I mean THE same McDonald’s location too. He knows that we first place the order, and then we go to Window #1. He can count, so he knows the window #’s. He knows we pay at window #1. He knows we then drive up and get the food at window #2. That’s just the way it goes. A few weeks ago, we pulled up and that day no one was at window #1. I had to pull up to window #2 to pay AND to get the food. This blew his mind. I broke the routine and he couldn’t grasp or comprehend why. This type of thing literally causes him pain. He began to scream and have a major tantrum or meltdown. There was NO reasoning with him. He didn’t care that we DID get the food; he just kept screaming, “Go to #1”! The tantrum lasted for over 45 MINUTES! And this was a pretty mild one. There are endless examples, but you get the point.

He doesn’t understand sarcastic statements or tones. He takes everything literally. He doesn’t understand the concept of life and death, real and fantasy and many emotions or feelings. He’s almost 4 years old, but if you turned on a really scary horror film in front of him, he’d have absolutely no idea that it was supposed to be scary. He doesn’t understand “violence” and “language” on television. He just doesn’t grasp concepts like this. He is just learning to identify the difference between someone having a “happy” expression or a “sad” expression on their face. This has taken MONTHS for him to grasp.

He lives in a fantasy world most of the time. His favorite thing in the world is his movies and his toys. Even if he’s not watching television, he likes to listen to his movies while he plays. He memorizes EVERY single part of every movie he owns. He spends 80-90 % of his time re-enacting scenes from his videos and replaying them over and over. He even uses language and phrases from his videos in real life conversations with us and with other people. Sometimes he actually uses the phrases in context, but they are still not his original thoughts or expressions. Sometimes he’ll repeat a scene from a movie over and over and over until we literally stop him and literally make him snap out of the zone he’s in. We do this many times every day.

Now that we know things that will set him off, we can do our best to avoid them. However, there are some things we feel he has to learn to deal with. It depends on the situation. I know he wants his snack after naptime and that’s fine. I know he wants his happy meal on Thursday and that’s fine. I know he wants to sing and read a book at bedtime and that’s fine. But there are times when something upsets him when we feel it’s something he should be able to cope with so we do our best to calm him and make him okay in the situation. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. There are times when we do have his snack ready after naptime but he’ll still begin to have a tantrum because the cookies are not in the same bowl or the juice is in a different cup. That’s when we feel he should be okay with it since the snack and juice are still there. We’ll reason with him that it’s the same thing, and if he won’t settle down, we make him go sit in his room and that is something that always allows him to calm himself down.

Depending on how upset he is, it could take anywhere from 1 minute to 10 minutes for him to calm down. This is a tactic that has been very effective for us (having him sit in his room quietly until he calms himself down). This method isn’t considered “time out” when it’s in this type of setting, although we do use “time out” as a means of discipline when he’s simply displaying bad behavior.

Basically, we’ve learned to live with and deal with the aspects of this condition. We aren’t pros, but we are learning day by day how to handle things better and how to help Ryan the best ways we can.

Any Upsides to All This?

Definitely. First of all, I don’t take my kid for granted anymore. I definitely realize that he could be in MUCH worse shape mentally and/or physically and I don’t take one second for granted anymore. I love this kid more than I ever did before, if that’s possible. All this really opened my eyes to parenthood. I have been given a responsibility, and I have to make sure my child gets the best that life has to offer. I am responsible for how well equipped he’ll be to deal with real life when he’s older. I know I can’t control things, but I have been given the duty to make sure he is given every opportunity to get better.

Even though I don’t wish this on anyone, and I still struggle with it myself on many days, I am so thankful that I now have an explanation for why Ryan is the way he is, and I now know what to do about it. Thanks to doctors, other parents and books/articles out there, I have a better grasp on this and how to deal with it. I’d rather know what the problem is and deal with it than to ignore it, live a lie and deprive Ryan of the help he deserves.

I now have the opportunity to help other parents out there who are struggling with this very issue. Since this is a fairly new disorder, there is limited information out there on ASPERGERS. I am now able to become a part of the information that is available by being able to share our experiences with others. I am an information fanatic. I always want to get my hands on books dealing with ASPERGERS, but nothing compares to talking with another parent of a child with ASPERGERS and what they have been through, what they have learned and what advice they can give to help me be a better parent to my child.

Ryan has“innocence” about him that I can’t really explain. He knows nothing about September 11th. Even if you told him, he wouldn’t understand. He knows nothing about the evil in our world. He knows nothing about the war, violence and terrorism out there. He has no concept of murder, death, rape, assault or any other violence that we see on the news every day. He knows when he’s a “bad boy” but that’s about the extent of what he knows is wrong in the world. I am almost comforted by the fact that he knows nothing about these things. But I know when he’s older it will be inevitable for him to learn and know about them.

He’s VERY smart. He has been able to count to 20 for quite some time (even earlier than most toddlers do); he knows all colors, shapes and the alphabet. Not only can he count to 20 and say the entire alphabet, he recognizes numbers and letters out even out of order. He knows every single movie and every book he owns by memory. He knows where they are, what they are and what they are about. Even from another room he can tell you every book he owns. He remembers EVERYTHING. We can take a road trip that is several hours long, and the second time we make the trip, he knows where we are and where we are going by the time we have gone 3-4 miles. We travel a LOT since we have no family or friends here locally, so he has memorized a LOT of routes and scenery.

He is also the most loving and affectionate child you can imagine! He loves to snuggle, hug and give lots of sugar. He is my heart!

In Conclusion

I know this has been rather lengthy, but I wanted to discuss as many aspects of ASPERGERS as I could, from a parent’s viewpoint. There are lots of medical things I could have included, but there are so many other resources for that type of information. I simply wanted to offer an inside perspective of this disorder and how we’ve dealt with it over the last year.

To any other parents out there who have a child with any type of developmental or psychological disorder or condition, I hope this has helped in some way and I’m ALWAYS available to talk via email to anyone who would like to email me.

Aspergers has definitely changed the lives of Ryan, John and I forever. We have a long journey ahead of us, but we intend on making it the easiest and most pleasant journey we can, especially for our adorable son who was given to us by God. Thanks to "Online Parent Support" and the My Aspergers Child eBook, we are much much better off today and making continued progress - one day at a time.

When do you tell a child he/she has Aspergers?

Dear Parents of kids with Aspergers:

Re: How or when do you tell a child he/she has Aspergers?

Since all children with Aspergers (high-functioning autism) are different, I can only tell you how I told Matthew, and leave the judgment call up to you. We found out Matthew had Aspergers when he was 5. We decided to tell him as early as possible, hoping he would embrace it instead of completely rejecting the idea.

My wife and I then researched different parts of this spectrum and when we were ready, sat Matt down and begin to tell him. We started out by telling him that everybody is born with a gift. Some are born to be athletes, some with great music talents. We stated he was born with the gift of Aspergers. When then stated that Aspergers give him the ability to see life differently (out of the box). If all people see the world the same, then we would not have great inventions. People who look outside of this box can view the world in a whole different way.

We also gave him names of famous people who had Aspergers, to put his mind at ease. I also found that giving him this list gives him hope that he could change the world one day. We also used television personalities so Matt could see people on television who have it. For example: Lisa Simpson, Spock, House, Gissom from CSI, and now Sheldon from the Big Bang theory.

We have found that in using this strategy, Matt has not only accepted his diagnoses, but now has become proud of it. This was his gift.

My Aspergers Child: Help for Parents with Out-of-Control Aspergers Children

The "Out-of-Control" Child on the Autism Spectrum

Moms and dads often ask how to deal with and help the high functioning autistic youngster that seems to be out of control. How do you control or manage the kid that intimidates, hits, punches and seems to enjoy torturing their siblings? What do you do with the kid that argues, is defiant, and refuses to participate or follow directions can be difficult to live with and can create disharmony within the household?

CLICK HERE for the full article...

Aspergers and HFA Children with Anger Problems

Many moms and dads recognize that their Aspergers or high functioning autistic (HFA) child has a problem with anger management. They feel their child needs to develop anger management skills, or needs to find some kind of anger management counseling that will help them get along better in life -- in school, at work, with a parent, with siblings, and others. In some cases, professionals may have diagnosed the Aspergers or HFA child with a “conduct disorder”, or “oppositional defiant disorder”.

Types of Anger—

The natural response to fear is to fight it or avoid it. When confronted with fear, animals and humans both go into “fight or flight”, “violence or silence”, or “gun or run”. They engage in the conflict, or they withdraw. Though many moms and dads may equate “child anger management” with the “fight-violence-gun,” uncontrollable rage, parents must also recognize that anger may be “turned inwards” in the “flight-silence-run” mode, which can often times be as dangerous, if not more so, than expressed anger.

Generally, anger falls into three main categories: 1) Fight, 2) Flight, or 3) Pretend to be “Flighting”, while finding indirect ways to Fight. Most children on the autism spectrum who have anger management problems will go to either extreme of fight or flight. They tend to become aggressive, mean, and hostile, or they withdraw into themselves and become extremely silent, silently stubborn, and depressed.

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

“The Fighters”: Child Anger Turned to Aggression—

“The fighters” are pretty simple to recognize. They are aggressive. Many times, the characteristics of Aspergers and HFA children with anger management problems are included in the professional diagnosis for “Conduct Disorder” or an “Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)”. Some of the warning signs in the following list are taken from the criteria for professional diagnosis. Others are additional common signs of anger management problems for children that are “fighters”.
  • Destroys property
  • Difficulty accepting a “No” answer
  • Does not follow rules
  • Frequently vocalizes anger
  • Furious temper
  • Has left holes in walls and doors from violent outbursts
  • Initiates fights with others
  • Loud and yelling
  • Makes threats
  • Often demeans or swears directly to parent or others in authority positions
  • Often feels rules are “stupid”, or don’t apply
  • Openly and often defiant of requests
  • Physically cruel to animals
  • Physically cruel to people
  • Seems to have “emotional diarrhea”, and “lets it all out, all the time”
  • Seriously violates rules (at home, in school, or society in general)
  • Uncontrollable fits of rage (usually these “temper tantrums” are used as threats to get their way)

This list does not list every possible warning sign for the “fighters”. The child “Fighters” have anger management problems when the problems are creating an unsafe situation for themselves, for others, or for property around them. If animals and/or people are the focus of the anger and aggression, the problem is extremely critical to address. Aspergers and HFA teenagers who have abused animals or people as kids are at a higher risk of becoming a threat to society than those who have not. Where these warning signs seem to be a part of daily life, intervention is strongly suggested. Intervention can be through anger management counseling, an anger management program, or a program dedicated and experienced in working with special needs children with anger management problems.

“The Flighters”: Child Anger Turned to Passive Responses—

The “Flighters” can also be fairly simple to recognize. They are passive. They do not fight back when confronted. Many of their characteristics may coincide with the diagnosis of depression. Some of these warning signs are taken from the professional diagnosis for depression, and others are taken from learning, observations and experience.
  • Deals with difficult emotions by “cutting” the emotions off
  • Does not engage in much conversation
  • Extremely passive, to the point of getting “walked over” by others
  • Has difficulty expressing emotions
  • Holds anger in, then “blows up” suddenly and violently
  • May blame self unnecessarily
  • May have few friends
  • May punch holes in walls or kick doors, when “the last straw drops”
  • May be seen as a “loner”
  • May simply “go along” with whatever, even when it is a poor decision
  • Physical problems may include upset stomach, muscle aches, backaches, frequent headaches, or other physical symptoms from “holding it in”.
  • Seems “emotionally constipated”
  • Seems depressed
  • Seems to have very little emotion
  • Seems to hold anger in
  • Seems withdrawn
  • Tends to spend a lot of time alone
The “flighters” are in danger of destroying themselves emotionally from within. The “flighters” are like a balloon being constantly blown into, with no release valve. When they explode, their anger may be violent, and may lead to harming themselves, harming others, or destroying property. Internalized anger is potentially as destructive to a child as aggressive anger.

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

“The Pretenders”: Child Anger Silently Planning Revenge—

Perhaps the most difficult to detect, the “Pretenders” follow an anger style that seems to be calm on the surface, but is raging, scheming, and planning underneath. They are passive-aggressive. These children do not directly confront the anger as a “Fighter” would do. They will be passive and appear to accept what is said, and then will disregard what is said to do their own thing. They are sneaky. Often, they may be unnoticed. While they are giving a person a hug, they are also stabbing them in the back (so to speak). They lack the courage to be direct, and perfect the skills to be deceitful. They know where the “back door” to revenge is, and will use it often.

They will give the appearance of a “Flighter”. The list of “flighter” characteristics also applies to them. Additional items to look for with “Pretenders” are on the following list.
  • Inconsistency between what is said and what is done
  • May be very good at blaming others
  • May not admit mistakes
  • Often gets caught in lies
  • Sneaky behaviors
  • Tends to avoid direct conflict, while creating problems in other areas
  • Tends to sabotage

These warning signs are a few to look for the “Pretenders”. Aspergers and HFA children who try to manage their anger through the “Pretender” style are as potentially dangerous to others and themselves as the other style. Moms and dads cannot underestimate the “Pretender” style because the danger does not seem to be that of the aggressive “Fighter”.

As has been shown, anger comes in three main styles -- Fighter, Flighter, and Pretender -- and each style has the potential to create big problems for the Aspergers or HFA child, families, and society in general. This post has offered specific warning signs that may indicate if a child on the spectrum has an anger management problem more significant than what is to normally be expected. When necessary, professional and competent intervention is recommended.

==> More parenting strategies for dealing with tantrums and anger control problems can be found here...

More resources for parents of children and teens with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook

==> Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book

==> Highly Effective Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism


Do you need the advice of a professional who specializes in parenting children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders?  Sign-up for Online Parent Coaching today.



Anonymous said...

    I have a question, is a child with asperger's able to kill an animal, such as a cat????
    he was asked if it bothered him and he laughed and said, it made it little sister cry. And would they do these things because of jealousy of the sibling?
    Thank you for your response.

Anonymous said...

    if this were my child I would bring him in to his psychologist. I don't think its typical for any child of any ability to be harming animals...without a proper evaluation there is no way anyone here can answer this question...we would all be speculating. Ask a professional.

Anonymous said...

    RUN to a professional, and if you don't think you found the right one for your child and family, keep looking. Abuse to animals is very serious, and often does not stop there. At this point, you might not know if your child did this out of frustration, anger, etc, or if he enjoys watching reactions (without any real malintent). Whatever the case, intervention is needed ASAP. If you are truly unsure he did it, you are at least acknowledging the possibility, so please don't get scared and back off. Even if he is not the culprit here, his reaction to the situation is not one you should be comfortable with. Blessings and good luck.

Anonymous said...

    I agree with the above comments. I have an Asperger's son who has plenty of anger/aggressiveness issues, but he is always kind and loving to animals. He also gets very irritated with his younger siblings but is never cruel (he might yell at them, etc. if they are "bugging" him). I can't imagine him purposely doing something to make someone cry (unintentionally maybe). I think your child might have something going on besides Asperger's. Early intervention can help--I'd get started quickly!

Anonymous said...

    I certainly wouldn't call this typical aspie behavior... I agree with Megan, RUN to a professional.

    Anonymous said...

    I found that although my daughter does not appear to connect with people emotionally, inherently she displays a lot of compassion for others. It might be an “Aspie like” trait to say something to a person unwittingly hurting the person’s feelings however I also found that strong emotional responses such as crying, laughing or yelling make an immediate impression on my daughter. If your son is displaying pleasure in seeing such a negative response that is something entirely different. Trait’s of Asperger’s is that the person does not identify with others feelings and/or does not know how to respond. Your son had a pleasurable response. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

    cruelty to animals is a MAJOR red flag, part of the homicidal triad. RUN to a psychologist!!!
Anonymous said...

    Did any of you even read the article that proceeds the comments? Hostility toward animals is a common problem with Aspie's, especially those who are "fighters". If you have an Aspie child, you should already be seeing a professional, so that's not the issue. The issue is understanding -- REALLY understanding -- the challenges your child is facing so that you can help him respond appropriately. To the OP: Whether your child killed the cat or not doesn't have to be determined. If he is a Pretender, he may pretend he did it even if he didn't. If he is a Fighter, maybe he did. Whatever. The point now is to give him every possible advantage by educating yourself and then teaching him HOW to better respond to his complex emotions. He doesn't feel or think the way you feel or think; don't expect him to. Ever. But DO expect him to LEARN appropriate, safe modes of expression. It takes time, patience, and persistence. In the meantime, don't add pets to your household. Your child needs CONSTANT supervision, and may always need it. My son turned 21 today, and I still spend 99% of my time "dealing" with the issues that result from being the parent of an Aspie. It's a commitment unlike anything you could ever even imagine, so buck up, educate yourself, and get down to the hard job of teaching this child what he needs to learn to survive in our cruel world. And DON'T rely on message boards as your source of information. Rely on the experts.

   Anonymous said...

    I actually am the one with AS and I was just looking at websites to better understand myself and my behaviors especially when I was little. I am a girl with AS who is now in her teenage years but when I was younger I was defiantly both a "fighter" and a " pretender". I still am in some ways but I have found that my temper is getting better as I am getting older.

    Anonymous said...

    I have a 15 year old with aspirers and lately he has been very fascinated with poronography. He ordered over $500 with of porno on his cell phone ( which has since been taken away) and ordered $600 of porno movies on my tv. Last night we got home and he had tries to rent another porno and he I told him no that is no acceptable and he hit me in the cheat very hard and left a bruise. I don't know what to do for him.

ASD: Difficulty Identifying and Interpreting Emotional Signals in Others

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