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High-Functioning Autism and Sibling Issues

"Any tips for helping my 'typical' kids to understand their older brother (high functioning autistic)?"

Almost more than spouses, brothers and sisters are thrown together for better or for worse. When a sibling has an autism spectrum disorder, it can complicate that relationship because one youngster lacks social skills and another just can’t figure out “why my brother acts that way.”

Tips for Parents—

1. Don’t accept bad behavior from your HFA youngster, and don’t expect perfection from your other kids. That can lead to resentment and acting-out.

2. Fully educate yourself about your HFA youngster, and then inform his siblings on an age-appropriate basis. Know that kids on the autism spectrum find it very difficult to pick up on social cues and often have intense, narrow interests. Even a young sibling can understand that, “Jacob gets upset when we stop talking about trains, but we’re working on ways to make that better.”

3. Realize just as you may mourn the loss of a more mainstream youngster, his siblings may also be sad they don’t have the kind of sibling relationship that other siblings enjoy. Let them talk about those feelings.

4. Seek support groups. Mom and dads in those organizations likely have other kids, too, and they can be a valuable resource for the siblings of your HFA youngster.

5. Set aside quality time alone with each youngster. This may sound difficult, but one way to accomplish that is to take one youngster at a time on an errand or personal appointment when you can. You’ll have valuable “car time” with the youngster in tow.

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism

6. Understand that HFA is an “invisible” disorder. Siblings may be embarrassed in front of their friends or at the mall when their brother (who looks no different than any other kid) can’t stop his weird mannerisms (e.g., clenching and un-clenching his fists).

  • All siblings fight.
  • Never compare your HFA child to his siblings. It will create feelings of unworthiness about himself and anger toward the siblings.
  • Your "special needs" youngster will learn crucial social skills in interactions with siblings. Seize upon teaching moments.

Letter from a parent regarding siblings of HFA children:

It has been two years since my oldest son was diagnosed with high functioning autism, and while we have all come a long way since that day, it has become obvious to us that our younger son (there is only a year between the two) has had to go down a much longer road to get to the point where he can understand his brother.

When we first discussed the difficulties our older child faced, our younger son didn't want to hear them. He didn't want to know that there was something different about his brother. He cried for many nights after, grieving the loss of his idea of what an older brother should be like. He became so depressed and upset over the diagnosis that I took him to see the psychiatrist who had diagnosed my older son. She reassured him that all his feelings were normal, it was okay to feel stressed by this development and suggested ways in which he could deal with his feelings.

After the grieving stage came the anger. This was a very difficult stage for us to deal with. He wouldn't even look at his brother except to glare at him from time to time. He wouldn't speak to his brother unless he had to, and when he did, he spoke in a really rude tone of voice. There were many times when we had to step in and "have a talk" with him about his attitude. Finally, when we pointed out that his behavior wasn't helping the situation at home and that we needed him to be more accepting of his brother, he settled down.

His first steps into trying to understand autism came in the form of questions. He would ask why his brother behaved a certain way, or did a certain thing and we would answer as best as we could. Then he started to make statements like "My brother does that because he hates change". As situations arose, we explained them to our son and he developed an understanding of the disorder. When the kids at school asked him why his older brother was a "freak", he wouldn't say a word. At the end of the day he would tell us these stories and we would make suggestions about how to deal with these situations. While this issue of the other kids calling his brother names still makes him very uncomfortable, he no longer responds by taking out his anger on the family.

Over the past year we have made a point of teaching our younger son about the communication difficulties his brother has. With the literal interpretation of words being the cause of many disagreements between them, my younger son can often stop an escalating fight by using humor or word play to diffuse the situation. Two years ago this would have been impossible.

Don't misunderstand me, it has not been easy to explain the intricacies of autism to a 10 year old sibling but I am glad now that we did. The boys get along much better than they have for several years and the younger one is providing much needed support and understanding for the older one.

==> Click here for more information on sibling issues and the autistic child...

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD



•    Anonymous said... My 12 year old son has a very hard time dealing with and understanding his 9 year old sister who has autism. He too feels embarrassed by her. He avoids being around her if he can. This article was helpful. It is hard for me because she could learn so much from him, but he is not willing to give her the time.
•    Anonymous said... Holly Robinson Peete has two children, one on the spectrum. Her other child wrote a book about it. I have not personally read it, but have heard good things about it from others who have.
•    Anonymous said... Really great article with very interesting information. You might want to follow up to this topic!?! 2011
•    Anonymous said… Thank you for this post. I have an almost 13 yr old aspie and an almost 11 year old son with bipolar. I never know how much to tell one boy about the other thank you for this post. I have an almost 13 yr old aspie and an almost 11 year old son with bipolar. I never know how much to tell one boy about the other.
Post your comment below…

Asperger's Syndrome: Different Pathways to Diagnosis

There are several different pathways to the diagnosis of Aspergers. Some kids receive the diagnosis fairly early in life, while some individuals are not diagnosed until well into adulthood. In some cases, kids are inaccurately diagnosed with another disorder, (e.g., a language disorder, depression, schizoid personality), and are only later correctly diagnosed with Aspergers. Some kids are considered autistic early in life, but progress well enough to ultimately be diagnosed with Aspergers.

The impact of the diagnosis of Aspergers on a family is no doubt partly related to the manner in which the individual was diagnosed. Families who recognize early on that there is something seriously wrong with their youngster and are given a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (and only later learn their youngster has Aspergers) will experience many of the reactions families with autistic kids have. These reactions are described below. Many families, whose kids progress far enough to no longer warrant an autism diagnosis, experience considerable relief and pride in their and their kid’s accomplishments. At the same time, they still struggle with complex feelings related to their youngster's Aspergers diagnosis. If the diagnosis is made in a parent or other relative when a youngster in the family receives the diagnosis, a different constellation of feelings is often set into motion. In these families, the adult must grapple not only with the diagnosis of a disability in the youngster, but with coming to terms with his own disability as well.

Because many kids with Aspergers were originally felt to have an autism diagnosis, the following remarks address the social and emotional issues for the families of kids diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These remarks generally refer to adult family members, primarily moms & dads and sometimes grandmoms & dads:

It is hard to overestimate the impact the diagnosis of ASD has on a family. For many moms & dads, this pain is so searing that even years later, the memory automatically causes tears. All moms & dads wish for healthy kids and this diagnosis shatters that hope irrevocably; never mind the fantasy of "perfect" kids, it shatters the premise that one has a normal youngster.

There is generally a kind of anxiety surrounding the birth of a baby that the youngster be healthy and many of these kids early on seemed to be fine. To learn that one does not have the normal little girl or boy one thought one had is an especially painful blow.

Compounding the impact of the diagnosis of ASD is the fact that it, unlike some other handicaps, affects multiple and diverse aspects of functioning. There may be impairments of cognition, motor skills, language, behavior, and certainly social and emotional interaction. ASD affects the way in which kids respond to and relate to their moms & dads. This is most dramatic in those autistic kids who act as if people do not exist. There is nothing more chilling than the gaze of a youngster who appears not to see. Such difficulties tend to make moms & dads feel helpless and as if they don’t matter. Most families become preoccupied with ASD and see it as the central feature of their lives. According to one father, "There isn't an hour that goes by that I don't think about it." Another parent said, "Will I ever be happy again?"

Asperger's Syndrome: Social and Emotional Difficulties


There has recently been considerable interest and research into the possible connection between autism spectrum disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This interest includes both the similarities in symptoms as well as genetics. Hyperactivity, inattentiveness and impulsivity can be present in a number of childhood onset disorders, including ADHD as well as autism spectrum disorders. Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are often considered as having some characteristics indicative of Aspergers. Although they are two distinct disorders, they are not mutually exclusive and a youngster could have both conditions.

One nine year old boy with Aspergers, Jake, displayed severe symptoms of hyperactivity. He could barely contain himself when in his therapist's office, preferring to remove all the books from her bookshelf and trying to race down the hallways.

Another possibility is that of misdiagnosis. Some kids originally diagnosed with ADHD have later been re-diagnosed with a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum.

Perhaps the central feature of Aspergers is the unusual profile of social and emotional behavior... with ADHD, the kids tend to know how to play and want to play, but do so badly... kids with ADD have a diverse range of linguistic skills and interests, while there is a distinct language and interests profile for those with Aspergers. Their interests tend to be idiosyncratic and solitary, in contrast to those kids with ADD whose interests are more likely to be conventional for kids of that age. Kids with both conditions prefer and respond well to routines and predictability, can experience sensory sensitivity and have problems with motor coordination... Both conditions can be associated with impulsivity but this feature tends to be less of an issue with Aspergers... The youngster with ADD has a propensity to have problems with organization skills... With Aspergers, the profile includes unusual aspects of organizational skills such as unconventional means of solving problems and inflexibility.

Obsessive-Compulsive Traits—

Inflexibility regarding routines and rituals is a very common characteristic of people with autism and Aspergers. In Leo Kanner's writings about autism in 1943, he referred to the youngster with autism as having an "obsessive insistence on sameness".

While many people with autism spectrum disorder display inflexibility and rigidity, sometimes the symptoms are extreme and may warrant an additional diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is conceivable that some higher-functioning autistic people's quasi-obsessive behaviors reflect true symptoms of a co-existing OCD. There was a woman with Aspergers who needed to check her doors and stove many times a day. Also, there was a man with Aspergers who needed to wash his hands very frequently because he feared contamination by germs. In these two examples, the extreme nature of the symptomatology and the fact that the people involved were troubled by their rituals support the diagnosis of OCD.

A commonly asked question is how to make a distinction between obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the unusual preoccupations of many people with Aspergers. In general, people with OCD realize their behavior is odd and are upset by their inability to control their symptoms. The special interests of people with Aspergers are different from a compulsive disorder in that the individual really enjoys their interest and does not try to resist it. As Janice, an adult with Aspergers said, "It's fun!"

There is considerable controversy in the field about whether people with autism or Aspergers who have milder ADHD or OCD symptoms should be diagnosed with multiple disorders. In other words, does the individual have Aspergers with hyperactive traits or is it preferable to diagnose him with Aspergers as well as ADHD? Does he have Aspergers with obsessive-compulsive characteristics or Aspergers plus OCD? Some clinicians feel that autism spectrum disorder, including Aspergers, is a broad category encompassing a wide variety of symptoms, with some people displaying more of some symptoms than others. On the other hand, other clinicians worry that many symptoms which respond well to psychopharmacological treatment may go untreated if not specifically diagnosed.


Anxiety appears to be extremely common among people with autism and Aspergers. As one might expect, there are certain situations that typically lead to anxiety in this population. These situations include such things as changes in routine, interference with rituals, things not happening in the expected way, failing at tasks, and sensory overload.

Interestingly, for some people on the spectrum, it is the "little" things which seem to cause the most distress, while more major changes may be experienced with less disruption. Brandon, the boy who became overwhelmed with a change in television programming, looked forward with eager anticipation as his family prepared to move to a new house and, in fact, did quite well before, during and after the move.

If anxiety builds up to a critical level in any child, a temper tantrum may be the end result. Unfortunately, for a youngster on the spectrum, a temper tantrum may be an overwhelming and prolonged event. Furthermore, the techniques often used with typically developing kids may not work and may even prolong the difficulty. Trying to talk the youngster through the experience or reasoning with him is usually not effective. In addition, after the temper tantrum has subsided, trying to process with the youngster what happened and why may even contribute to the return of anxiety as well as the temper tantrum. Brenda Smith-Myles has referred to this phenomenon as "recycling".

Clearly, it is preferable to be proactive in preventing temper tantrums whenever possible, rather than trying to stop them once they have begun. In a proactive approach, thought is given beforehand to the kinds of things likely to provoke a temper tantrum in any particular child and either trying to avoid them or preparing for them. For example, for an individual greatly upset by change, one approach is to try to keep things as consistent and predictable as possible. When changes are unavoidable, if they are known in advance, it is often helpful to prepare the child for this fact. Another approach is to teach the child in a gradual, but systematic way, techniques for dealing with the changes and disruptions in life.

In addition to trying to prevent temper tantrums whenever possible, it is useful to have a plan in place to deal with them should they occur. This approach has more likelihood of success if utilized early in the temper tantrum; circumventing a temper tantrum is usually much easier than trying to stop one in full swing. The plan needs to be tailor made to the child; what works for one individual may be quite different from what works for another. It is often useful for teachers to speak to parents about what approaches are helpful in dealing with their kids. Undoubtedly, they have had many opportunities to try out different techniques! For some kids, removing them from the scene and providing them with "settling" activities may be useful. For example, Fred was often helped by being led to a quiet place where he could look at his calendars and yearbooks. For some kids, touch, especially firm pressure, can be a useful technique. On the other hand, for kids who are sensory defensive, touch can be too overwhelming. The following example illustrates one approach to containing a temper tantrum.

Mike had been eagerly looking forward to going on the Swan Boats in Boston. One day, his parent planned an outing in which they rode the subway into town, an experience Mike loved, and then went on to the boats. Unfortunately, just as they were about to board, the skies opened up in a downpour and the attendant announced the Swan Boats were closing. Mike began a full-fledged temper tantrum, complete with screaming, name-calling and flailing. His parent somehow managed to usher him into the subway station and onto the train, where, naturally, everyone else was also congregating because of the weather! Although the train was extremely crowded, the other passengers gave Mike and his parent a wide berth. She sat him down on a seat and knelt before him, placing her face very close to his and cupping his face in her hands. In a soothing voice, she told him repeatedly to look at her and reassured him that he was okay. His sobbing and flailing soon ceased.


Like anxiety, depression is quite common in people with Aspergers. Many people develop problems with low self-esteem and depression during adolescence. It is at this time that many become acutely aware of their differences from their peers. Unfortunately, this is also the time in life when fitting in becomes so critical.

Some people with Aspergers develop affective disorders, which include true clinical depression and bipolar disorder. There is some data to suggest the incidence of these disorders in Aspergers is higher than in the general population. When these disorders do occur, there may be changes in the individual’s predominant mood or in his view of himself and the world. Vegetative symptoms, e.g., changes in sleep, eating, and activity level, may also occur. Of critical importance is the fact that some people with Aspergers and autism display an increase in “autistic” behaviors, for example, stereotyped motor mannerisms, self-injurious behaviors, or aggressiveness, when they become depressed. This fact seems to contribute to the problem of mental illness not being accurately diagnosed in this population, because clinicians sometimes attribute the increased “autistic” symptoms to the autism or Aspergers, rather than to the affective illness. Affective disorders are also more difficult to diagnose in this population because many people with autism spectrum disorders have difficulty communicating their feelings, both in words and in facial expressions. As a general rule of thumb, a significant change from the individual’s baseline level of functioning should raise questions about the possibility of an additional diagnosis.

In "Emotional Disturbance and Mental Retardation: Diagnostic Overshadowing", Steven Reiss, Grant W. Levitan and Joseph Szyszko of the University of Illinois conducted an important study outlining difficulties similar to those described above. They conducted two experiments showing that people with mental retardation were less likely than controls to be diagnosed with emotional disturbances. They coined the term diagnostic overshadowing, meaning that the emotional problems seemed less significant, or were overshadowed in importance, by the presence of mental retardation. Although this study did not include people with autism or Aspergers, it seems highly likely that similar results would occur. The following example illustrates this point.

Tony, an 8 year old with high functioning autism, was a gentle, rather easy-going youngster and was included in a Montessori classroom. During the fall of 3rd grade, he seemed to become more and more depressed, with increasingly frequent episodes of weeping with no apparent precipitant. His condition continued to deteriorate throughout the fall and by Christmas he required psychiatric hospitalization. By this time, he was weeping almost constantly, had become assaultive, and was trying to escape from his family’s home, which was situated near a major highway. In addition, he kept repeating bizarre demands, such as insisting the names of the days of the week be changed to those of the names of the kids in his class. After discharge from the hospital, he went to a residential school, where the psychiatrist viewed his symptoms as indicative of his autism. It was not until sometime later that another psychiatrist correctly concluded that Tony carried the additional diagnosis of bipolar illness.

Asperger’s Syndrome and Sleeplessness

"We've been getting complaints from our aspergers/high functioning daughter's teacher that she doses off during 'study time'. It's becoming a real problem. She seems wide awake and full of energy at home though. What would you suggest?"

Click here for the answer...

Aspergers and Attentional Difficulties

There are several different kinds of attention, some of which tend to be impaired in kids with Aspergers. In particular, there are often problems with shifting attention, the ability to shift attention in a flexible way from one subject to another. Aspergers kids may engage in over-focused, repetitive play for lengthy periods of time, under-reacting to distractions in the environment... These observations suggest good sustained attention, but deficient flexibility in shifting attention. There is a distinction between active and passive (distractibility from outside) attention. In autism spectrum disorder, the problem tends to be more one of active attention. Aspergers kids are not interested in directing their attention to outside stimuli... They follow their own ideas, which are mostly far removed from ordinary concerns, and do not like to be distracted from their thoughts.

A related matter is that of relevance, the ability to judge where it is important to focus one's attention. Aspergers kids are unable to calculate what is relevant in the normal way, hence the observation that the focus of their attention seems peculiar. Thus, one could say they often cannot see the forest for the trees.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for students with Aspergers to have considerable difficulty with schoolwork and homework, because of their attentional problems. This difficulty often exists despite superior intelligence. In one striking example, John, a fifteen year old with Aspergers, had an I.Q. in the superior range, but was failing almost all of his high school subjects. His difficulties were not due to a lack of effort on his part. Unfortunately, almost every time he sat down to study or write, he became flooded with his own rather unique thoughts.

Aspergers and Sensory Difficulties

Many kids with autism and Aspergers have unusual reactions to sensory experiences (i.e., experiences related to the senses of touch, hearing, vision, smell, and taste). About 40 per cent of kids with autism have some abnormality of sensory sensitivity. There is now evidence to suggest that the incidence may be the same for Aspergers. The senses of touch and hearing are most commonly affected; certain kinds of touch, especially light pressure, and certain sounds may be experienced as intolerable. This difficulty is known as sensory defensiveness. Interestingly, while kids with autism and Aspergers are usually hypersensitive to sensory input, at other times they may be under-reactive, particularly to pain and changes in temperature. It is not uncommon for over-reactivity and under-reactivity to co-exist in the same individual. The following examples illustrate these points.

One child became so agitated by the sound of the vacuum (over-reactive) that every time the house cleaners arrived, he attempted to push them out the door. Some kids react to sounds others do not even perceive to be present (over-reactive); a common example of this is fluorescent lights which many individuals with Aspergers find extremely disturbing. Kids have been known to sleep between the mattress and the box-spring (under-reactive), apparently craving the sensory input.

A number of adults with autism or Aspergers who speak and write about the nature of their own experience stress the overwhelming importance of sensory issues to their functioning. Temple Grandin, arguably the most famous person with autism in the world, holds a doctorate in animal studies and teaches at Colorado State University. She has developed a "squeeze machine", a kind of holding device that allows her to control the amount of pressure exerted on her body. She talks about the calming effect this device has on her when she feels stressed.

Similarly, many kids with autism spectrum disorder crave swinging, apparently finding it soothing and organizing to their nervous systems.

Certain clinicians, for example, Stanley Greenspan, M.D., consider sensory difficulties of overriding importance in developmental disorders and believe a number of the symptoms occur in response to the underlying sensory issues. For example, it is no wonder a young kid withdraws if he is overwhelmed by the touch of his parents or if he finds loud noises unbearable.

Aspergers Through the Lifespan

Aspergers (now referred to as "high functioning autism") is a relatively new category of developmental disorder. Although a group of kids with this clinical picture was originally and very accurately described in the 1940's by a Viennese pediatrician, Hans Asperger, the disorder called Aspergers was "officially" recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for the first time in the fourth edition published in l994. Because there have been few comprehensive review articles in the medical literature to date and because Aspergers is probably considerably more common than previously realized, this discussion will endeavor to describe the syndrome in some detail and to offer suggestions regarding management. Students with Aspergers are not uncommonly seen in mainstream educational settings, although often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, so this is a topic of some importance for educational personnel, as well as for moms & dads.

Aspergers is the term applied to the mildest and highest functioning end of what is known as the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders (or the autism spectrum). Like all conditions along that spectrum it is felt to represent a neurologically-based disorder of development, most often of unknown cause, in which there are deviations or abnormalities in three broad aspects of development: social relatedness and social skills, the use of language for communicative purposes and certain behavioral and stylistic characteristics involving repetitive or perseverative features and a limited but intense range of interests. It is the presence of these three categories of dysfunction, which can range from relatively mild to severe, which clinically defines all of the pervasive developmental disorders, from Aspergers through to classic autism. Although the idea of a continuum of PDD along a single dimension is helpful for understanding the clinical similarities of conditions along the spectrum, it is not at all clear that Aspergers is just a milder form of autism or that the conditions are linked by anything more than their broad clinical similarities.

Aspergers represents that portion of the PDD continuum which is characterized by higher cognitive abilities (at least normal IQ by definition and sometimes ranging up into the very superior range) and by more normal language function compared to other disorders along the spectrum. In fact, the presence of normal basic language skills is now felt to be one of the criteria for the diagnosis of Aspergers, although there are nearly always more subtle difficulties with pragmatic/social language. Many researchers feel it is these two areas of relative strength that distinguish Aspergers from other forms of autism and PDD and account for the better prognosis in Aspergers. Developmentalists have not reached consensus as to whether there is any difference between Aspergers and what is termed high functioning autism (HFA). Some researchers have suggested that the basic neuropsychological deficit is different for the two conditions, but others have been unconvinced that any meaningful distinction can be made between them. One researcher, Uta Frith, has characterized kids with Aspergers as having "a dash of autism." In fact, it is likely that there may be multiple underlying subtypes and mechanisms behind the broad clinical picture of Aspergers. This leaves room for some confusion regarding diagnostic terms and it is likely that quite similar kids across the country have been diagnosed with Aspergers, HFA, or PDD, depending upon by whom or where they are evaluated.

Since Aspergers itself shows a range or spectrum of symptom severity, many less impaired kids who might meet criteria for that diagnosis receive no diagnosis at all and are viewed as "unusual" or "just different," or are misdiagnosed with conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder, emotional disturbance, etc. Many in the field believe that there is no clear boundary separating Aspergers from kids who are "normal but different." The inclusion of Aspergers as a separate category in the new DMS-4, with fairly clear criteria for diagnosis, should promote greater consistency of labeling in the future.


The best studies that have been carried out to date suggest that Aspergers is considerably more common than "classic" autism. Whereas autism has traditionally been felt to occur in about 4 out of every 10,000 kids, estimates of Aspergers have ranged as high as 20-25 per 10,000. That means that for each case of more typical autism, schools can expect to encounter several kids with a picture of Aspergers (that is even more true for the mainstream setting, where most kids with Aspergers will be found). In fact, a careful, population-based epidemiological study carried out by Gillberg's group in Sweden, concluded that nearly 0.7% of the kids studied had a clinical picture either diagnostic of or suggestive of Aspergers to some degree. Particularly if one includes those kids who have many of the features of Aspergers and seem to be milder presentations along the spectrum as it shades into "normal", it seems not to be a rare condition at all.

All studies have agreed that Aspergers is much more common in boys than in girls. The reasons for this are unknown. Aspergers is fairly commonly associated with other types of diagnoses, again for unknown reasons, including: tic disorders such as Tourette disorder, attentional problems and mood problems such as depression and anxiety. In some cases there is a clear genetic component, with one parent (most often the father) showing either the full picture of Aspergers or at least some of the traits associated with Aspergers; genetic factors seem to be more common in Aspergers compared to more classic autism. Temperamental traits such as having intense and limited interests, compulsive or rigid style and social awkwardness or timid demeanor also seem to be more common, alone or in combination, in relatives of Aspergers kids. Sometimes there will be a positive family history of autism in relatives, further strengthening the impression that Aspergers and autism are sometimes related conditions. Other studies have demonstrated a fairly high rate of depression, both bipolar and unipolar, in relatives of kids with Aspergers, suggesting a genetic link in at least some cases. It seems likely that for Aspergers, as for autism, the clinical picture we see is probably influenced by many factors, including genetic ones, so that there is no single identifiable cause in most cases.


The DSM-4 criteria for a diagnosis of Aspergers, with much of the language carrying over from the diagnostic criteria for autism, include the presence of:

Qualitative impairment in social interaction involving some or all of the following:
  • and lack of social or emotional reciprocity
  • failure to develop age-appropriate peer relationships
  • impaired use of non-verbal behaviors to regulate social interaction
  • lack of spontaneous interest in sharing experiences with others

Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities involving:
  • inflexible adherence to specific non-functional routines or rituals
  • preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted pattern of interest
  • stereotyped or repetitive motor mannerisms, or preoccupation with parts of objects

These behaviors must be sufficient to interfere significantly with social or other areas of functioning. Furthermore, there must be no significant associated delay in either general cognitive function, self-help/adaptive skills, interest in the environment or overall language development.

Christopher Gillberg, a Swedish physician who has studied Aspergers extensively, has proposed six criteria for the diagnosis, elaborating upon the criteria set forth in DSM-4. His six criteria capture the unique style of these kids and include:

Social impairment with extreme egocentricity, which may include:
  • socially and emotionally inappropriate responses
  • poor appreciation of social cues
  • lack of desire to interact with peers
  • inability to interact with peers

Limited interests and preoccupations, including:
  • repetitive adherence
  • relatively exclusive of other interests
  • more rote than meaning

Repetitive routines or rituals, that may be: 
  • imposed on self, or
  • imposed on others

Speech and language peculiarities, such as:
  • superficially perfect expressive language
  • odd prosody, peculiar voice characteristics
  • impaired comprehension including misinterpretation of literal and implied meanings
  • delayed early development possible but not consistently seen

Non-verbal communication problems, such as:
  • peculiar "stiff" gaze
  • limited use of gesture
  • limited or inappropriate facial expression
  • difficulty adjusting physical proximity
  • clumsy body language

Motor clumsiness: 
  • may not be necessary part of the picture in all cases

Clinical Features—

The most obvious hallmark of Aspergers and the characteristic that makes these kids so unique and fascinating, is their peculiar, idiosyncratic areas of "special interest". In contrast to more typical autism, where the interests are more likely to be objects or parts of objects, in Aspergers the interests appear most often to be specific intellectual areas. Often, when they enter school, or even before, these kids will show an obsessive interest in an area such as math, aspects of science, reading (some have a history of hyperlexia--rote reading at a precocious age) or some aspect of history or geography, wanting to learn everything possible about that subject and tending to dwell on it in conversations and free play. I have seen a number of kids with Aspergers who focus on maps, weather, astronomy, various types of machinery or aspects of cars, trains, planes or rockets. Interestingly, as far back as Asperger's original clinical description in 1944, the area of transport has seemed to be a particularly common fascination (he described kids who memorized the tram lines in Vienna down to the last stop). Many kids with Aspergers, as young as three years old, seem to be unusually aware of things such as the route taken on car trips. Sometimes the areas of fascination represent exaggerations of interests common to kids in our culture, such as Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, dinosaurs, etc. In many kids the areas of special interest will change over time, with one preoccupation replaced by another. In some kids, however, the interests may persist into adulthood and there are many cases where the childhood fascinations have formed the basis for an adult career, including a good number of college professors.

The other major characteristic of Aspergers is the socialization deficit, and this, too, tends to be somewhat different than that seen in typical autism. Although kids with Aspergers are frequently noted by educators and moms & dads to be somewhat "in their own world" and preoccupied with their own agenda, they are seldom as aloof as kids with autism. In fact, most kids with Aspergers, at least once they get to school age, express a desire to fit in socially and have friends. They are often deeply frustrated and disappointed by their social difficulties. Their problem is not a lack of interaction so much as lack of effectiveness in interactions. They seem to have difficulty knowing how to "make connections" socially. Gillberg has described this as a "disorder of empathy", the inability to effectively "read" others' needs and perspectives and respond appropriately. As a result, kids with Aspergers tend to misread social situations and their interactions and responses are frequently viewed by others as "odd".

Although "normal" language skills are a feature distinguishing Aspergers from other forms of autism and PDD, there are usually some observable differences in how kids with Aspergers use language. It is the more rote skills that are strong, sometimes very strong. Their prosody--those aspects of spoken language such as volume of speech, intonation, inflection, rate, etc.--is frequently unusual. Sometimes the language sounds overly formal or pedantic, idioms and slang are often not used or are misused, and things are often taken too literally. Language comprehension tends toward the concrete, with increasing problems often arising as language becomes more abstract in the upper grades. Pragmatic, or conversational, language skills often are weak because of problems with turn-taking, a tendency to revert to areas of special interest or difficulty sustaining the "give and take" of conversations. Many kids with Aspergers have difficulties dealing with humor, tending not to "get" jokes or laughing at the wrong time; this is in spite of the fact that quite a few show an interest in humor and jokes, particularly things such as puns or word games. The common belief that kids with pervasive developmental disorders are humorless is frequently mistaken. Some kids with Aspergers tend to be hyper-verbal, not understanding that this interferes with their interactions with others and puts others off.

When one examines the early language history of kids with Aspergers there is no single pattern: some of them have normal or even early achievement of milestones, while others have quite clear early delays on speech with rapid catch-up to more normal language by the time of school entry. In such a youngster under the age of three years in whom language has not yet come up into the normal range, the differential diagnosis between Aspergers and milder autism can be difficult to the point that only time can clarify the diagnosis. Frequently, also, particularly during the first several years, associated language features similar to those in autism may be seen, such as perseverative or repetitive aspects to language or use of stock phrases or lines drawn from previously heard material.

Aspergers Through the Lifespan—

In his original 1944 paper describing the kids who later came to be described under his name, Hans Asperger recognized that although the symptoms and problems change over time, the overall problem is seldom outgrown. He wrote that "in the course of development, certain features predominate or recede, so that the problems presented change considerably. Nevertheless, the essential aspects of the problem remain unchanged. In early childhood there are the difficulties in learning simple practical skills and in social adaptation. These difficulties arise out of the same disturbance which at school age cause learning and conduct problems, in adolescence job and performance problems and in adulthood social and marital conflicts." On the other hand, there is no question that kids with Aspergers have generally milder problems at every age compared to those with other forms of autism or PDD, and their ultimate prognosis is certainly better. In fact, one of the more important reasons to distinguish Aspergers from other forms of autism is it's considerably milder natural history.

The preschool youngster:

As has been noted, there is no single, uniform presenting picture of Aspergers in the first 3-4 years. The early picture may be difficult to distinguish from more typical autism, suggesting that when evaluating any young youngster with autism and apparently normal intelligence, the possibility should be entertained that he/she may eventually have a picture more compatible with an Asperger diagnosis. Other kids may have early language delays with rapid "catch-up" between the ages of three and five years. Finally, some of these kids, particularly the brightest ones, may have no evidence of early developmental delay except, perhaps, some motor clumsiness. In almost all cases, however, if one looks closely at the youngster between the age of about three and five years, clues to the diagnosis can be found, and in most cases a comprehensive evaluation at that age can at least point to a diagnosis along the PDD/autism spectrum. Although these kids may seem to relate quite normally within the family setting, problems are often seen when they enter a preschool setting. These may include: a tendency to avoid spontaneous social interactions or to show very weak skills in interactions, problems sustaining simple conversations or a tendency to be perseverative or repetitive when conversing, odd verbal responses, preference for a set routine and difficulty with transitions, difficulty regulating social/emotional responses with anger, aggression, or excessive anxiety, hyperactivity, appearing to be "in one's own little world", and the tendency to over-focus on particular objects or subjects. Certainly, this list is much like the early symptom list in autism or PDD. Compared to those kids, however, the youngster with Aspergers is more likely to show some social interest in adults and other kids, will have less abnormal language and conversational speech and may not be as obviously "different" from other kids. Areas of particularly strong skills may be present, such as letter or number recognition, rote memorization of various facts, etc.

Elementary school:

The youngster with Aspergers will frequently enter kindergarten without having been adequately diagnosed. In some cases, there will have been behavioral concerns (hyperactivity, inattention, aggression, outbursts) in the preschool years; there may be concern over "immature" social skills and peer interactions; the youngster may already be viewed as being somewhat unusual. If these problems are more severe, special education may be suggested, but probably most kids with Aspergers enter a more mainstream setting. Often, academic progress in the early grades is an area of relative strength; for example, rote reading is usually quite good and calculation skills may be similarly strong, although pencil skills are often considerably weaker. The teacher will probably be struck by the youngster's "obsessive" areas of interest, which often intrude in the classroom setting. Most Aspergers kids will show some social interest in other kids, although it may be reduced, but they are likely to show weak friend-making and friend-keeping skills. They may show particular interest in one or a few kids around them, but usually the depth of their interactions will be relatively superficial. On the other hand, I have known quite a number of kids with Aspergers who present as pleasant and "nice", particularly when interacting with adults. The social deficit, when less severe, may be under appreciated by many observers.

The course through elementary school can vary considerably from youngster to youngster, and overall problems can range from mild and easily managed to severe and intractable, depending upon factors such as the youngster's intelligence level, appropriateness of management at school and parenting at home, temperamental style of the youngster, and the presence or absence of complicating factors such as hyperactivity/attentional problems, anxiety, learning problems, etc.

The upper grades:

As the youngster with Aspergers moves into middle school and high school, the most difficult areas continue to be those related to socialization and behavioral adjustment. Paradoxically, because kids with Aspergers are frequently managed in mainstream educational settings, and because their specific developmental problems may be more easily overlooked (especially if they are bright and do not act too "strange"), they are often misunderstood at this age by both educators and other kids. At the secondary level, educators often have less opportunity to get to know a youngster well and problems with behavior or work/study habits may be mis-attributed to emotional or motivational problems. In some settings, particularly less familiar or structured ones such as the cafeteria, physical education class or playground, the youngster may get into escalating conflicts or power struggles with educators or kids who may not be familiar with their developmental style of interacting. This can sometimes lead to more serious behavioral flare-ups. Pressure may build up in such a youngster with little clue until he then reacts in a dramatically inappropriate manner.

In middle school, where the pressures for conformity are greatest and tolerance for differences the least, kids with Aspergers may be left out, misunderstood or teased and persecuted. Wanting to make friends and fit in, but unable to, they may withdraw even more, or their behavior may become increasingly problematic in the form of outbursts or non-cooperation. Some degree of depression is not uncommon as a complicating feature. If there are no significant learning disabilities, academic performance can continue strong, particularly in those areas of particular interest; often, however, there will be ongoing subtle tendencies to misinterpret information, particularly abstract or figurative/idiomatic language. Learning difficulties are frequent and attentional and organizational difficulties may be present.

Fortunately, by high school peer tolerance for individual variations and eccentricity often increases again to some extent. If a youngster does well academically, that can bring a measure of respect from other kids. Some Aspergers kids may pass socially as "nerds", a group which they actually resemble in many ways and which may overlap with AS. The Aspergers adolescent may form friendships with other kids who share his interests through avenues such as computer or math clubs, science fairs, Star Trek clubs, etc. With luck and proper management, many of these kids will have developed considerable coping skills, "social graces", and general ability to "fit in" more comfortably by this age, thus easing their way.

Aspergers in adults:

It is important to note that we have limited solid information regarding the eventual outcome for most kids with Aspergers. It has only been recently that Aspergers itself has been distinguished from more typical autism in looking at outcomes and milder cases were generally not recognized. Nonetheless, the available data does suggest that, compared to other forms of autism/PDD, kids with Aspergers are much more likely to grow up to be independently functioning adults in terms of employment, marriage and family, etc.

One of the most interesting and useful sources of data on outcome comes indirectly from observing those moms & dads or other relatives of Aspergers kids, who themselves appear to have Aspergers. From these observations it is clear that Aspergers does not preclude the potential for a more "normal" adult life. Commonly, these adults will gravitate to a job or profession that relates to their own areas of special interest, sometimes becoming very proficient. A number of the brightest kids with Aspergers are able to successfully complete college and even graduate school. Nonetheless, in most cases they will continue to demonstrate, at least to some extent, subtle differences in social interactions. They can be challenged by the social and emotional demands of marriage, although we know that many do marry. Their rigidity of style and idiosyncratic perspective on the world can make interactions difficult, both in and out of the family. There is also the risk of mood problems such as depression and anxiety, and it is likely that many find their way to psychiatrists and other mental health providers where, Gillberg suggests, the true, developmental nature of their problems may go unrecognized or misdiagnosed.

In fact, Gillberg has estimated that perhaps 30-50% of all adults with Aspergers are never evaluated or correctly diagnosed. These adults are viewed by others as "just different" or eccentric, or perhaps they receive other psychiatric diagnoses. I have met a number of individuals whom I believe fall into that category, and I am struck by how many of them have been able to utilize their other skills, often with support from loved ones, to achieve what I consider to be a high level of function, personally and professionally. It has been suggested that some of these highest functioning and brightest individuals with Aspergers represent a unique resource for society, having the single mindedness and consuming interest to advance our knowledge in various areas of science, math, etc.

Thoughts for Management in the School—

The most important starting point in helping a child with Aspergers function effectively in school is for the staff (all who will come into contact with the youngster) to realize that the youngster has an inherent developmental disorder which causes him or her to behave and respond in a different way from other kids. Too often, behaviors in these kids are interpreted as "emotional", or "manipulative", or some other term that misses the point that they respond differently to the world and its stimuli. It follows from that realization that school staff must carefully individualize their approach for each of these kids; it will not work out to treat them just the same as other kids. Asperger himself realized the central importance of teacher attitude from his own work with these kids. In 1944 he wrote, "These kids often show a surprising sensitivity to the personality of the teacher...They can be taught, but only by those who give them true understanding and affection, people who show kindness towards them and, yes, humor...The teacher's underlying emotional attitude influences, involuntarily and unconsciously, the mood and behavior of the youngster."

Although it is likely that many kids with Aspergers can be managed primarily in the regular classroom setting, they often need some educational support services. If learning problems are present, resource room or tutoring can be helpful, to provide individualized explanation and review. Direct speech services may not be needed, but the speech and language clinician at school can be useful as a consultant to the other staff regarding ways to address problems in areas such as pragmatic language. If motor clumsiness is significant, as it sometimes is, the school Occupational Therapist can provide helpful input. The school counselor or social worker can provide direct social skills training, as well as general emotional support. Finally, a few kids with very high management needs may benefit from assistance from a classroom aide assigned to them. On the other hand, some of the higher functioning kids and those with milder Aspergers, are able to adapt and function with little in the way of formal support services at school, if staff are understanding, supportive and flexible.

There are a number of general principles of managing most kids with PDD of any degree in school, and they apply to Aspergers, as well:
  1. Try to avoid escalating power struggles. These kids often do not understand rigid displays of authority or anger and will themselves become more rigid and stubborn if forcefully confronted. Their behavior can then get rapidly out of control, and at that point it is often better for the staff person to back off and let things cool down. It is always preferable, when possible, to anticipate such situations and take preventative action to avoid the confrontation through calmness, negotiation, presentation of choices or diversion of attention elsewhere.
  2. The classroom routines should be kept as consistent, structured and predictable as possible. Kids with Aspergers often don't like surprises. They should be prepared in advance, when possible, for changes and transitions, including things such as schedule breaks, vacation days, etc.
  3. Staff should take full advantage of a youngster's areas of special interest when teaching. The youngster will learn best when an area of high personal interest is on the agenda. Teachers can creatively connect the youngster's interests to the teaching process. One can also use access to the special interests as a reward to the youngster for successful completion of other tasks or adherence to rules or behavioral expectations.
  4. Rules should be applied carefully. Many of these kids can be fairly rigid about following "rules" quite literally. While clearly expressed rules and guidelines, preferably written down for the child, are helpful, they should be applied with some flexibility. The rules do not automatically have to be exactly the same for the youngster with Aspergers as for the rest of the kids--their needs and abilities are different.
  5. Most kids with Aspergers respond well to the use of visuals: schedules, charts, lists, pictures, etc. In this way they are much like other kids with PDD and autism.
  6. Insure that school staff outside of the classroom, such as physical education educators, bus drivers, cafeteria monitors, librarians, etc., are familiar with the youngster's style and needs and have been given adequate training in management approaches. Those less structured settings where the routines and expectations are less clear ten to be difficult for the youngster with Aspergers.
  7. In general, try to keep teaching fairly concrete. Avoid language that may be misunderstood by the youngster with Aspergers, such as sarcasm, confusing figurative speech, idioms, etc. Work to break down and simplify more abstract language and concepts.
  8. Explicit, didactic teaching of strategies can be very helpful, to assist the youngster gain proficiency in "executive function" areas such as organization and study skills.

A major area of concern as the youngster moves through school is promotion of more appropriate social interactions and helping the youngster fit in better socially. Formal, didactic social skills training can take place both in the classroom and in more individualized settings. Approaches that have been most successful utilize direct modeling and role playing at a concrete level (such as in the Skillstreaming Curriculum). By rehearsing and practicing how to handle various social situations, the youngster can hopefully learn to generalize the skills to naturalistic settings. It is often useful to use a dyad approach where the youngster is paired with another to carry out such structured encounters. The use of a "buddy system" can be very useful, since these kids relate best 1-1. Careful selection of a non-Aspergers peer buddy for the youngster can be a tool to help build social skills, encourage friendships and reduce stigmatization. Care should be taken, particularly in the upper grades, to protect the youngster from teasing both in and out of the classroom, since it is one of the greatest sources of anxiety for older kids with Aspergers. Efforts should be made to help other kids arrive at a better understanding of the youngster with Aspergers, in a way that will promote tolerance and acceptance. Teachers can take advantage of the strong academic skills that many Aspergers kids have, in order to help them gain acceptance with peers. It is very helpful if the Aspergers youngster can be given opportunities to help other kids at times.

Although most kids with Aspergers are managed without medication and medication does not "cure" any of the core symptoms, there are specific situations where medication can occasionally be useful. Teachers should be alert to the potential for mood problems such as anxiety or depression, particularly in the older youngster with Aspergers. Medication with an antidepressant (e.g., imipriamine or one of the newer serotonergic drugs such as fluoxetine) may be indicated if mood problems are significantly interfering with the youngster's functioning. Some kids with significant compulsive symptoms or ritualistic behaviors can be helped with the same serotonergic drugs or clomipramine. Problems with inattention at school that are seen in certain kids can sometimes be helped by stimulant medications such as methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine, much in the same way they are used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder. Occasionally, medication may be needed to address more severe behavior problems that have not responded to non-medical, behavioral interventions. Clonidine is one medication that has proven helpful in such situations and there are other options if necessary.

In attempting to put a comprehensive teaching and management plan into place at school, it is often helpful for staff and moms & dads to work closely together, since moms & dads often are most familiar with what has worked in the past for a given youngster. It is also wise to put as many details of the plan as possible into an Individual Educational Plan so that progress can be monitored and carried over from year to year. Finally, in devising such plans, it can sometimes be helpful to enlist the aid of outside consultants familiar with the management of kids with Aspergers and other forms of PDD, such as Boces consultants, psychologists, or physicians. In complex cases a team orientation is always advisable.


•    Anonymous said... A MUST READ for Parents!
•    Anonymous said... Maybe people should read this and have a better understanding
•    Anonymous said... The best article I've seen to date. My 13 y/o would have benefited greatly in her younger years had family and school officials known this information. In many places nailed our experience exactly.
•    Anonymous said... The information about how Asperger's presents is very informative and interesting; just be aware that the diagnostic information in the beginning of the article is outdated - the new DSM-5 has changed the diagnostic criteria somewhat and no longer separates Asperger's from other autism spectrum disorders.
•    Anonymous said... It's not outdated for those in other countries - just the U.S. It's still "Aspergers" in the U.K., for example. Also, those who have been diagnosed with "Aspergers" prior to the DSM-5 keep their original diagnosis of Aspergers.
•    Anonymous said... This is a wonderful and informative article! It is spot on with our daughter. I wish more people would take the time to read things like this so they will better understand what Asperger's is all about.
•    Anonymous said... This is the best and most complete article ive ever read for my 8 yr old.

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