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Poor Diet in Teens with Aspergers & High-Functioning Autism

"Any suggestions on what to do for a 13 year old teenager with Asperger's (high functioning) who is perfectly content to eat pizza rolls morning, noon and night - to the exclusion of most other foods? Very frustrating!"

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The Silent Bullying of Asperger's and HFA Students

“My high functioning autistic son continues to be bullied at school, but nobody there seems to take it seriously. His teach said that ‘he seems to start the arguments by annoying some of the other students.’ O.K. Fine. Maybe this is true, but that doesn’t justify bullying. How can I get the school to take this seriously?”
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Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Level 1

"Are the symptoms of high functioning autism the same in males and females?"

Like ADHD, symptoms of ASD level 1, or High Functioning Autism (HFA), are different in girls than boys. Consequently, more boys are referred for an assessment than girls; a ratio as high as 10:1 has been suggested.

Despite that, epidemiological research suggests a ratio of 4:1 (or less) is more accurate, which means that there are potentially thousands of young girls on the spectrum who never get diagnosed.

The primary differences between HFA diagnoses in girls and boys seem to be caused by basic differences in the ways they express themselves. Aggressive behavior is more noticeable, and a youngster who is overly aggressive is more likely to be evaluated. Because girls have a greater ability to express their emotions, they're less likely to act out when they're upset, confused or overwhelmed. Without this behavioral "compass," the other aspects of autism are more likely to go unnoticed.
==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Parents' Comprehensive Handbook

Another similarity between ADHD and HFA in girls is that the symptoms are more passive in nature, which makes them more difficult to notice. Because the symptoms are milder, moms and dads are also more reluctant to bring their child in for a diagnosis.

Some experts speculate that one reason fewer girls are diagnosed is because their friends are more likely to help them cope in social situations, which is where symptoms are most readily identifiable. Nurturing is instinctive in girls, and so the peers of a young girl with autism will intuitively comfort her when she's upset, or guide her through social interactions.

In contrast, boys tend to be more 'predatory' and therefore more likely to tease a boy with HFA. Because a girl's peers do their best to help her, her parents and teachers may never see symptoms - or may not see them often enough - that would warrant a clinical diagnosis.

One of the key symptoms common between boys and girls is a hyper-focused interest one particular thing or topic. For boys, the special interests are often in areas of science or transportation (e.g., trains or airplanes). In girls, the focus is often on animals or classic literature.
==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Parents' Comprehensive Handbook

The interest in and of itself isn't unusual, but a youngster with HFA will have an unusually intimate knowledge of his or her topic of interest. Young girls may play with dolls and have imaginary friends, which doesn't seem at all unusual. However, their interest in these things will continue even when they become older teenagers.

Because social situations are stressful and awkward for girls with autism, they often learn to mimic people who have stronger social skills. They may adopt someone else's mannerisms, facial expressions and even vocal intonations. Again, this is sometimes misinterpreted and may be misdiagnosed as a personality disorder.

Moms and dads should seek the advice of a trained medical professional if they suspect that their child has HFA. Be sure to take note of the behaviors in question, including frequency and environment in which the behavior takes place. Because symptoms are so much more subtle in girls, parents should consult with someone who specializes in autism spectrum disorders.
As with other behavioral or learning disabilities, kids on the spectrum have specific educational rights. Moms and dads of a youngster who's been diagnosed with ASD should familiarize themselves with the school district's policy about things like specialized learning plans. Often, a young girl with autism just needs a little extra attention to keep her on track toward reaching her academic and personal potential.

==> Click here for much more information on autism spectrum disorders in females...

More resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

Loneliness & Friendships in Aspergers and HFA Children

"Is it common for a child with AS to shun peers who attempt to be friends with him? My son seems to prefer to play alone and I worry how this will impact his relationships in the future."

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High-Functioning Autism & Attention Deficit Disorder

"My son was originally diagnosed with ADD (age 4), but now they say he has 'high functioning' autism and ADD (age 6). What is the main difference between these two conditions, and is it possible to have both?"

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Aspergers Kids & Social Skills: Home & School

Angela Ver Ploeg, came to work as a school psychologist in Alaska in 2000, after years of similar work in Ohio and Tennessee. She has a Master's Degree, and an additional Educational Specialist degree. Van Ploeg has immersed herself in the world of kids and teenagers with Aspergers (High-Functioning Autism), and in learning about their daily lives at school and at home. Her intensive study of Aspergers has made her both an expert and an innovator in the treatment programs she recommends to moms and dads and educators. Her insights about the unusual traits of Aspergers are complex and often profound, but her suggestions for families have an encouraging simplicity and practicality.

When asked about the kids she sees with Aspergers, Ver Ploeg says that often they experience many problems. For example, a very bright youngster was brought to her who was being expelled for the last six weeks of school - and it was the third year in a row in which he had incurred expulsion. For these kids, frustration often mounts because they do not cope well with stress. Many of the stresses they face involve their inability to read social cues as well as other kids do; and consequently, they make social mistakes and are often bullied. But instead of seeing kids with Aspergers as indifferent to their social ineptitude, Ver Ploeg says that kids with Aspergers as young as eight years old suffer an agony of loneliness. One eight year old told her, "I can't make friends. I don't have friends." It is only later, as these kids grow older, that she sees them make an adjustment, and adapt to the lack of a more complete social life. She is certain that at every age they care very strongly for others, even though they often have great difficulty expressing their feelings.

The School Environment—

Schools can exacerbate these problems, or they can help alleviate some of the difficulties that kids and teenagers with Aspergers face. Ver Ploeg tells the story of a young boy who was one of 800 kids in a gym - being supervised by one teacher. A large group of boys started bullying the boy with Aspergers, teasing him about why he was hiding in the corner. Finally he picked up a chunk of broken concrete and threw it at them. He was punished, and sent to her office for counseling. But no one sent the bullies to her office. Clearly, that particular school was unhelpful, and probably should have dealt with the incident very differently. Ver Ploeg says that a simple hall pass, allowing the youngster with Aspergers to remove himself from what must have seemed a threatening and confusing situation, could have solved the problem on that day. Hall passes provided as an outlet for times of social stress, offer a simple, practical solution.

Some smaller schools, such as some of the small rural schools Ver Ploeg works with in Alaska, have fewer problems because they practice an ethic of inclusion. Because all the kids and educators know each other (and perhaps in part because of local cultures emphasizing community), there is more acceptance. Kids get used to someone behaving differently, and use expressions such as, "That is just him" (or her). In these kinds of schools with inclusion settings, bullying is addressed by the whole group. Kids may even explain the situation to each other. The inclusion provides the acceptance that fosters healthier relationships.

School Programs for Aspergers—

The best school programs honor all kids' needs, including the kids with Aspergers, and that may mean, for the Aspergers kids, bypassing much of the regular curriculum and focusing on areas that are interesting to them, and intellectually stimulating. If school is fun and challenging for these kids, and they have opportunities to share their special interests, they will do better both academically and socially. Because many kids with Aspergers are also very bright, the school may have to make extra efforts to meet their needs academically. Ver Ploeg took one youngster to a high school algebra class every day for an hour when the youngster was still in elementary school. Social skills training can be even more of a challenge for the regular school, but several approaches can work well, including teaching problem-solving methods, weekly social skills training sessions, and video-taping kids and letting them see themselves, so that they can gradually make adjustments to their social behavior. Sensory integration issues may also be important for many kids and teenagers with Aspergers; for them to adjust fully to the classroom, it often helps to allow these kids to move away from a bright window, or to wear headphones, or dark glasses. Moms and dads should be fully involved in learning about their kid's needs in school, and should meet with school personnel during the IEP and as part of any counseling programs offered to Aspergers kids and their families.

The Home Environment—

The home environment can also help or hinder the youngster or teenager with Aspergers. Ver Ploeg says she has seen some wonderful homes, where kids find both unconditional love, and firm boundaries that provide a necessary structure to their lives. She illustrates her point with a story about a family she knows. When she talks to the father, he says of his son, "Oh, we think he is wonderful - sure he's different from other kids, but he's our boy." This family is very structured, sticks to a schedule with their son's activities, and warns him if changes are coming up. They drive him to regular after school classes for physical activities such as swimming. The family members pour a lot of energy and love into this youngster, but at the same time, provide him with lots of structure. It can be a challenge for families to be so supportive, but the effort pays off. Some home environments are so well adjusted for the youngster that the Aspergers is not noticed.

One of the most important ways that the moms and dads can be supportive - and bridge the distance between school and home - is to organize play dates when the mom or dad can be present to help facilitate social interactions when needed. Visits from friends seem to work best for kids with Aspergers when a mom or dad is involved and provides highly structured activities that all the kids will enjoy. For example, volunteering to be a scout leader is one way to ensure a regular flow of such activities in a structured social environment.

If moms and dads, educators, and school personnel can find ways to honor and respect the special needs and the special abilities of kids with Aspergers, these kids will have a good chance of finding their way in the adult world as well. In the schools, honoring and respecting must take the form of ensuring acceptance for the youngster's differences, as well as supportive programming for those different needs and abilities. In the case of the moms and dads, Ver Ploeg stresses the importance of unconditional love for the unique youngster they have, and providing a structured, consistent environment. The crucial early interventions must help these young kids to love education, and to think about their future. While many go through a rough period during the teenage years, with support they can often emerge into a future with a shining array of possibilities.

Managing “Fixations” in Kids with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

"How much should we allow our daughter [high functioning] to play video games? She would spend most of her time doing this if we let her. My husband and I are divided on this issue, which has caused a riff between us." 

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Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...