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Strategies for Parents and Teachers: Summary of Mark Hutten's Lecture

The autism spectrum extends from “classic autism” (which lies at the lower end of the spectrum) through to Aspergers (which is characterized as being at the mildest and highest functioning end of the spectrum).

Aspergers reflects deviations or abnormalities in four aspects of development:

1. Certain behavioral and stylistic characteristics such as repetitive or persevering features
2. Limited, but intense, range of interests
3. Social relatedness and social skills
4. The use of language for purposes of communication

These dysfunctional features can range from mild to severe.

Aspergers is characterized by:

• a better prognosis than other Autism spectrum disorders
• difficulties with pragmatic, or social language
• extending into the very superior range of cognitive ability
• high cognitive abilities - or, at least, “normal” IQ level
• normal language function when compared to other autistic disorders

Diagnostic Criteria from DSM—


A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:
  1. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
  2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
  3. lack of social or emotional reciprocity
  4. marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction

B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:
  1. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
  2. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereo-typed and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
  3. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
  4. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)

C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrase used by age 3 years).

E. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood.

F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia.


One of the primary features of Aspergers is the child’s passion for favorite topics or special interests. Some of these areas include:

• astronomy
• dinosaurs
• extraterrestrials
• geography
• history
• machines or machinery
• maps
• math
• meteorology
• music
• reading
• science
• social studies
• space travel
• trains
• weather

Socialization deficits:

• Are inflexible and incapable of coping with change
• By school age express desire to fit in socially
• Described as being "in OUR world, but, ON THEIR OWN terms"
• Different from "typical" Autism
• Difficulties making social connections
• Easily stressed and emotionally vulnerable
• Frequently described as “odd” or selfish
• Highly frustrated by their social awkwardness/alienation
• Lack effective interaction skills — not desire
• Lack understanding of human relations and rules of social convention
• Naïve and lack common sense
• Preoccupied with own agenda
• Seldom interested in other's interests/concerns
• Unable to “read” others' needs and perspectives
• Unable to appropriately respond to social cues

Use of Language:

• Concrete language rather than abstract
• Difficulty understanding humor
• Early years: repetitive phrases or language or stock phrases from memorized material
• Excessively formal or pedantic language
• Hyper-verbal (highly developed vocabularies)
• Laugh at “wrong time” with jokes or interactions
• Many have good sense of humor
• Misused or not used cultural slang or social idioms
• Problems with taking turns in conversations
• Prosody (speech volume, intonation, inflection, rate) is frequently deficient or unusual
• Rote skills are strong
• Typically revert to favorite topic area
• Usually like word games and puns
• Weak pragmatic-conversational-skills
• Some have normal or early language development while others have speech delays, then rapidly catch up, making diagnosis between Aspergers, autism, and speech disorders difficult


Aspergers kids are:

• are often anxious and worrisome
• easily overwhelmed
• highly sensitive
• often engage in rituals

Practical Suggestions:

• consistent routines
• let them know what to expect
• minimize fears of unknown
• minimize transitions
• prepare them for altered plans, schedules or changes
• provide predictable, safe environments


• Introduce to teacher, therapist or para-professional before work begins
• Take tour of building child will be working or learning in
• Learn about child's favorite topics or special interests

Aspergers kids typically display impaired social interaction…

Practical Suggestions:

• Create cooperative learning situations
• Educate peers
• Praise classmates when supportive
• Promote empathy and tolerance
• Shield them from bullying and teasing


• Encourage participation in conversations
• Insensitive or inappropriate comments from Aspergers child are usually innocent
• Model two-way interactions
• Rehearse proper response repertoires
• Teach and support proper reaction to social cues
• Teach WHAT to say, WHEN, and HOW to say it
• Teach/model correct emotional responding
• Teaching WHY & WHAT response is appropriate is necessary
• Use Aspergers youngster’s strengths in exchange for liabilities to foster acceptance


Six steps for understanding challenging communications…

1. Try to figure out what your youngster is communicating with the challenging behavior:

• “I can't remember what I'm supposed to do”
• “I'm mad…scared…confused”
• “This is too difficult for me”

2. Consider how you can adapt the situation:

• Child overwhelmed or over-stimulated? Try reducing amount of time in situation, or avoiding it in future.
• Child expressing confusion? Consider how to make the situation easier to understand; make it more concrete, routine, or predictable.

3. If the message must be communicated, come up with alternate way in which your youngster can communicate his or her needs or wishes more appropriately:

• Help your youngster develop appropriate ways of conveying requests/needs. If screaming when confused by a task, teach youngster to raise hand, ring a bell, or say: “I need help with this…this is too hard.”

4. Practice the “new way” of communicating:

• during the situation, remind (prompt) youngster to use new phrase or behavior
• have youngster practice the “new phrase” or behavior
• model more appropriate phrase or nonverbal signals

5. Reward your child for using the strategy by showing that it gets his or her needs met:

• if asks to leave situation, provide her with immediate break
• if needs attention, stop what you're doing and provide some time/interest
• if your youngster requests help assist her immediately

6. Be sure that the challenging behavior is no longer effective in getting your youngster’s needs met:

• ignore problem behaviors
• provide prompt for the “new, appropriate one
• if youngster screams to avoid situation, prompt him to use an appropriate phrase; don’t allow him to leave the situation while he is screaming

==> The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

How To Have A Stress-Free Christmas

Christmas is often filled with stress. There is a lot of pressure to make Christmas perfect and fun, and to enjoy yourself while you're doing it. This is a tall order in any situation, but when you add to that the stress of having a child with special needs for whom you also want the holidays to be perfect and fun – it can often become more overwhelming than ever. 

Here are 10 tips to help you have a stress-free Christmas with your Aspergers or high-functioning autistic child:

1. Kids on the autism spectrum will always do better when they are not over-stimulated by the many sights, sounds, smells, and unpredictable events of the outside world. You can create an experience in your home that you normally would go out for. For example, instead of going to an evening parade with a festival of lights, you can put Christmas lights all around your house, turn off all the lights, and play Christmas music at a gentle volume. You may be concerned about depriving your youngster of a fun holiday experience, but keep in mind that when your youngster can’t digest the experience, he’s not having the fun experience you want. That’s why, if you can create a digestible version of the experience at home, your youngster can take in and enjoy the experience. By doing this, you are actually giving him more, not less.

2. Focus on a few things you know are important to make sure you have prepared around this time. Of course, some things may need modification so that it is possible to enjoy them with your youngster. For example, if there is a danger of them hurting themselves on fragile decorations, you may have to put them higher up and out of reach, or get new ones that are not so fragile. Some special foods may not be served. These modifications often bring some disappointment, but if the goal is a nice family holiday, it's important and we can adjust.

3. Holiday decorations inside the house – including bright and blinking lights, wreaths, trees, candles and stacks of presents – could be areas of concern. Parents know best what their Aspergers youngster enjoys and at what point things may become overwhelming. However, parents should not expect higher tolerance simply because it is the holiday season.

4. Holiday shopping with an Aspergers youngster may present its own set of challenges, especially when the stores are crowded and noisy. Make a list that identifies the items you’re shopping for, and do not roam the stores trying to decide what to buy. Keeping the trip short and being organized will help minimize the potential for your youngster to become overwhelmed and have a “meltdown” in the middle of a store.

5. If you are visiting family with your child, send them an email ahead of time to explain what they can do to make the visit comfortable for you and your Aspie. Explain why a group of talkative family members asking your child a bunch of questions might be problematic, or tell everyone the answer your youngster likes to hear when he asks over and over, “How fast does your car go?” Also, designate in advance a calm room or space where he can go to decompress once he begins to be overwhelmed by all of the commotion and sensory input that comprise most celebrations. Every so often, take the youngster to this room and spend some time alone with him.

6. Make the demands on yourself realistic and don't try to do so much that you feel only frustration. Make realistic lists and work on things one at a time. Looking at a whole month of this holiday season is less overwhelming if you take it in small pieces. You may also have to lower your expectations of what you can really do, but at least what you do will be less stressful and make the holidays special.

7. Most parents dread their Aspergers children behaving in a challenging way. We worry about it, we look for it, and we try to stop it as soon as it happens. Ironically, this puts all the focus on what you DON’T want from your youngster. If you don’t want him to hit, for example, focusing on getting him ‘not to hit’ actually creates more hitting. Instead celebrate your child every time he does something well. If your kid sometimes hits, cheer wildly every time he is gentle.

8. Since the holidays are a time for the whole family to enjoy together, it’s important to make siblings aware of how stressful this season can be for their brother or sister with Aspergers. Take the time to remind your other kids of their sibling’s sensory issues, communication difficulties, low frustration tolerance and likes and dislikes. Moms and dads can then share the family’s strategy for avoiding potential issues and discuss what they will do if their best efforts are unsuccessful.

9. So often, we get caught up in the trappings of the holidays – the tree, the presents, the outings that have to go exactly as planned. It’s okay to arrange fun things, but remember that these are only trimmings. They aren’t the gift, they’re just the wrapping. The gift is your special youngster. The gift is sharing hope and sweetness with loved ones. Instead of using the Christmas season as a “planning fest,” use it to see the beauty in your Aspergers kid’s uniqueness. Use it to celebrate what he can do, and use it to feel and encourage compassion for his very different way of experiencing the world.

10. We often put pressure on ourselves to make the holidays perfect, which is unrealistic. In the end, the most important thing to remember is that the holidays are a time to cherish one another and the joy of being together. Whether it’s scaling back or starting new traditions, celebrate in a way that makes the most sense for your family and is something that you, your Aspergers youngster, and the entire family will all enjoy.

==> My Aspergers Child: Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums

Creating an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Students with Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism

Children with delayed skills or other disabilities might be eligible for special services that provide individualized education programs in public schools, free of charge to families. Understanding how to access these services can help moms and dads to be effective advocates for their Aspergers and high-functioning autistic children.

The passage of the updated version of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) made mothers/fathers of children with special needs even more crucial members of their youngster's education team. Moms and dads can now work with teachers to develop a plan — the individualized education program (IEP) — to help children succeed in school. The IEP describes the goals the team sets for a youngster during the school year, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them.

A youngster who has difficulty learning and functioning and has been identified as a special needs child is the perfect candidate for an IEP. Children struggling in school may qualify for support services, allowing them to be taught in a special way, for reasons such as:
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • autism spectrum disorders
  • cognitive challenges
  • developmental delay
  • emotional disorders
  • hearing impairment
  • learning disabilities
  • speech or language impairment
  • visual impairment 

How Services Are Delivered—
    In most cases, the services and goals outlined in an IEP can be provided in a standard school environment. This can be done in the regular classroom (e.g., a reading teacher helping a small group of kids who need extra assistance while the other children in the class work on reading with the regular teacher) or in a special resource room in the regular school. The resource room can serve a group of children with similar needs who are brought together for help. However, children who need intense intervention may be taught in a special school environment. These classes have fewer children per teacher, allowing for more individualized attention.

    In addition, the teacher usually has specific training in helping children with special educational needs. The kids spend most of their day in a special classroom and join the regular classes for nonacademic activities (like music and gym) or in academic activities in which they don't need extra help.

    Because the goal of IDEA is to ensure that each youngster is educated in the least restrictive environment possible, effort is made to help children stay in a regular classroom. However, when needs are best met in a special class, then children might be placed in one.

    Referral and Evaluation—

    The referral process generally begins when a teacher, mother or father, or doctor is concerned that a youngster may be having trouble in the classroom, and the teacher notifies the school counselor or psychologist. The first step is to gather specific data regarding the child's progress or academic problems. This may be done through:
    • conference with moms and dads
    • conference with the child
    • analysis of the child's performance (e.g., attention, behavior, work completion, tests, class work, homework, etc.)
    • observation of the child

    This information helps school personnel determine the next step. At this point, strategies specific to the child could be used to help the youngster become more successful in school. If this doesn't work, the youngster would be tested for a specific learning disability or other impairment to help determine qualification for special services.

    It's important to note, though, that the presence of a disability doesn't automatically guarantee a youngster will receive services. To be eligible, the disability must affect functioning at school.

    To determine eligibility, a multidisciplinary team of professionals will evaluate the youngster based on their observations; the youngster's performance on standardized tests; and daily work such as tests, quizzes, class work, and homework.

    Professionals on the Team—

    The professionals on the evaluation team can include:
    • physical therapist
    • psychologist
    • special educator
    • speech therapist
    • vision or hearing specialist
    • occupational therapist

    As a mother or father, you can decide whether to have your youngster assessed. If you choose to do so, you'll be asked to sign a permission form that will detail who is involved in the process and the types of tests they use. These tests might include measures of specific school skills, such as reading or math, as well as more general developmental skills, such as speech and language. Testing does not necessarily mean that a youngster will receive services.

    Once the team members complete their individual assessments, they develop a comprehensive evaluation report (CER) that compiles their findings, offers an educational classification, and outlines the skills and support the youngster will need.

    The moms and dads then have a chance to review the report before the IEP is developed. Some moms and dads will disagree with the report, and they will have the opportunity to work together with the school to come up with a plan that best meets the youngster's needs.

    IEP Development—

    The next step is an IEP meeting at which the team and moms and dads decide what will go into the plan. In addition to the evaluation team, a regular teacher should be present to offer suggestions about how the plan can help the youngster's progress in the standard education curriculum.

    At the meeting, the team will discuss your youngster's educational needs — as described in the CER — and come up with specific, measurable short-term and annual goals for each of those needs. If you attend this meeting, you can take an active role in developing the goals and determining which skills or areas will receive the most attention.

    The cover page of the IEP outlines the support services your youngster will receive and how often they will be provided (e.g., occupational therapy twice a week). Support services might include special education, speech therapy, occupational or physical therapy, counseling, audiology, medical services, nursing, vision or hearing therapy, and many others.

    If the team recommends several services, the amount of time they take in the youngster's school schedule can seem overwhelming. To ease that load, some services may be provided on a consultative basis. In these cases, the professional consults with the teacher to come up with strategies to help the youngster but doesn't offer any hands-on instruction. For instance, an occupational therapist may suggest accommodations for a youngster with fine-motor problems that affect handwriting, and the classroom teacher would incorporate these suggestions into the handwriting lessons taught to the entire class.

    Other services can be delivered right in the classroom, so the youngster's day isn't interrupted by therapy. The youngster who has difficulty with handwriting might work one on one with an occupational therapist while everyone else practices their handwriting skills. When deciding how and where services are offered, the youngster's comfort and dignity should be a top priority.

    The IEP should be reviewed annually to update the goals and make sure the levels of service meet your youngster's needs. However, IEPs can be changed at any time on an as-needed basis. If you think your youngster needs more, fewer, or different services, you can request a meeting and bring the team together to discuss your concerns.

    Parents’ Legal Rights—

    Specific timelines ensure that the development of an IEP moves from referral to providing services as quickly as possible. Be sure to ask about this timeframe and get a copy of your parents’ rights when your youngster is referred. These guidelines (sometimes called procedural safeguards) outline your rights as a mother or father to control what happens to your youngster during each step of the process.

    The parents’ rights also describe how you can proceed if you disagree with any part of the CER or the IEP — mediation and hearings both are options. You can get information about low-cost or free legal representation from the school district or, if your youngster is in Early Intervention (for children ages 3 to 5), through that program.

    Attorneys and paid advocates familiar with the IEP process will provide representation if you need it. You also may invite anyone who knows or works with your youngster whose input you feel would be helpful to join the IEP team. 


    Moms and dads have the right to choose where their children will be educated. This choice includes public or private elementary schools and secondary schools, including religious schools. It also includes charter schools and home schools.

    However, it is important to understand that the rights of kids with disabilities who are placed by their moms and dads in private elementary schools and secondary schools are not the same as those of children with disabilities who are enrolled in public schools or placed by public agencies in private schools when the public school is unable to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

    Two major differences that moms and dads, educators, other school staff, private school representatives, and the children need to know about are:
    1. Not all children with disabilities placed by their moms and dads in private schools will receive services.
    2. Kids with disabilities who are placed by their moms and dads in private schools may not get the same services they would receive in a public school.

    The IEP process is complex, but it's also an effective way to address how your youngster learns and functions. If you have concerns, don't hesitate to ask questions about the evaluation findings or the goals recommended by the team. You know your youngster best and should play a central role in creating a learning plan tailored to his or her specific needs.

    More resources for parents of children and teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism:

    What To Do If You Think You Have Aspergers


    I suspect that I have Aspergers. What course of action should I take - if any?


    Because individuals with Aspergers are among the most high-functioning and able on the autistic spectrum, they are also the most likely to slip through the diagnostic net. Although many are diagnosed as kids, others reach adulthood either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

    The key to getting an accurate diagnosis is finding a professional who has experience diagnosing children, teens and adults with Aspergers (High-Functioning Autism). A clinician whose only experience is with "low-functioning" autism may not be as helpful. Here is a list of clinicians who have experience in diagnosing Aspergers.

    Grown-ups with Aspergers who seek help with challenges they face are sometimes misdiagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental illnesses. It is important that adults questioning whether or not they have Aspergers seek the services of a professional experienced in diagnosing Aspergers.

    Does it matter if you get a diagnosis or not? Well, if you are functioning well and have a job, and are happy with the life you have, then there may be no reason to get a diagnosis. Conversely, if you are struggling in important areas in your life, a diagnosis can provide a framework for understanding and learning about behavioral and emotional challenges that have seemed unexplainable until now. Although challenges in sensory integration (i.e., the ability to organize sensory information for use by the brain) are not considered diagnostic criteria, most – if not all – Aspies have a sensory challenge of one kind or the other.

    Some areas of difficulty where Aspergers could possibly be a factor include the following:

    1. Are parties uncomfortable or overwhelming? Social events are a great way to meet people, and they can be essential for business, dating, and even marriage. But if you are uncomfortable because you are unsure of what to wear, how to start conversations, you have a hard time reading body language, then these “fun events” can be murder.

    2. Do you a problem focusing on what others are saying while looking at them?

    3. Do you avoid social events because you can't hear the person next to you over the hum of the crowd, or you don't like the touch of shaking people's hands or having people pat you on the back?

    4. Do you have a passionate interest in a certain subject or topic? Perhaps you've been called OCD, but you think you're just very interested in one incredibly fascinating subject matter. This passionate topic could help you in other areas of your life, if only you knew how to use it.

    5. Do you have a tough time making or keeping friends, and don't understand why? Or perhaps your peers are only interested in you when you're engaged in an activity or interest that you share, but you have not built a personal relationship.

    6. Do you have trouble in getting and keeping a job that reflects your abilities even though your credentials look great on paper? It could be that you are very talented but don't have a clue as to how to do the sell yourself during an interview. Maybe the office politics are just something you don't get, so you are routinely passed up when it comes to promotions.

    7. Has someone you are very fond of pointed out certain behaviors that drive them crazy and suggested that you might have Aspergers. Maybe there is something to their suggestion.

    8. Have you ever met someone special that you wanted to get to know better, but didn't have a clue as to how to go about asking him or her out on a date?

    9. If you are a college student, do you have trouble keeping up with coursework and finishing a degree? Perhaps you could use some help in getting and staying organized and planning your time.

    Why you should get a diagnosis, if indeed you do have Aspergers:

    1. Getting a diagnosis may help you find the strategies you need to be more successful in the areas where you are facing challenges.

    2. It may help others in your life understand why you are the way you are, and respond to you differently.

    3. There are Aspergers support groups out there (on-line and off-line) who can help you in many ways so you don't have to feel isolated and figure everything out for yourself.

    4. There is a whole community of people who get who you are, how you think, how you feel, and that you can share experiences with.

    5. You can begin the process of learning to live more adaptively with an Aspergers brain.

    6. You may be eligible for service services in areas of need thanks to having a diagnosis - perhaps help with finding a job or a place to live. 

    How to find out if you have Aspergers or not:

    1. If you know any mothers or fathers of kids with Aspergers, ask them about the clinicians in your area familiar with Aspergers. If those clinicians can’t help you, they will hopefully refer you to someone in your area familiar with Aspergers.

    2. One way to find the right person in your geographical location is to contact The Global and Regional Aspergers Partnership (GRASP), and the Autism Society of America (ASA). These organizations may have chapters in your area. If not, they can provide you with the names of professionals who would know someone to refer you to, in your geographical area.

    3. Typically you need to see a clinical social worker, a licensed professional counselor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or neuro-psychiatrist. It is important to see a professional who specializes in Aspergers, especially one who is familiar with Aspergers in grown-ups.

    ==> The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

    List of Aspergers Clinicians in the U.S.

    Below is a list of professionals (e.g., clinicians, counselors, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.) who have stated that they are familiar with Aspergers (high-functioning autism) and are willing to evaluate children, teens and adults who have the disorder.

    If you are a professional who specializes in Aspergers and other autism spectrum disorders and want to get listed, send me an email [] with your request to be listed on Provide information regarding your credentials as well as your contact information.

    These Aspergers professionals are listed by the U.S. State they practice in and by their names in alphabetical order:

    G. Michael Shehi, MD
    Mountain View Hospital
    3001 Scenic Highway
    Gadsden, Alabama 35904
    Phone: (256) 546-9265

    G. Dean Bathel, LCSW, LISAC
    5210 E Pima Suite 140
    Tucson, AZ 85712
    Phone: (520) 275-6780
    Natasha Hill, LCSW
    Hill Child Counseling
    891 E. Warner Rd. #100-215
    Gilbert, AZ 85296
    Phone: (480) 612-4444

    Linda Andron-Ostrow, LCSW
    1637 Malcolm Ave. Ste. 2
    Los Angeles, CA 90024
    Phone: (310) 475-9620
    Web Site:
    Abbe Barron DMD, PhD
    337 So. Beverly Dr. Suite #206
    Beverly Hills, CA 90212
    Phone: (310) 476-7810
    Janet L. Bowden, MA, MFT
    Marriage & Family Therapy, Inc.
    3685 Motor Ave., Ste. 230
    Los Angeles, CA 90034
    Phone: (310) 559-1071
    Web Site:
    Mara Bruckner, M.F.T.
    4505 Las Virgenes Road
    Suite 217
    Calabasas, CA 91302
    Phone: (818)725-7924
    Robin Burkholz M.A.CCC
    973 S. Westlake Boulevard
    Suite # 105
    Westlake Village, California 91361
    Voice/Fax: 805-374-7888
    Michael Cohn, PhD
    Clinical Psychologist
    Calif License # PSY6064
    14025 Panay Way, Suite A
    Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
    Phone: (213) 851-6481
    Marian Lane Diamond, PhD
    Diamond and Associates
    250 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Suite D-5
    Novato, CA 94949
    Phone: (415) 382-7927
    Carrie N. Dilley, PhD
    Synergy Psychological, Inc.
    505 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
    Sierra Madre, CA 91024
    Phone: (626) 539-2001
    Web Site:
    Carl E. Drake, MD, PhD
    Diablo Behavioral HealthCare
    4185 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
    Suite 210
    Danville, CA 94506
    Phone: (925) 648-4800
    Web Site:
    Rita Eichenstein, PhD
    Clinical Psychologist
    California License #14536
    Cedars-Sinai Medical Towers
    8635 West Third Street, 685-W
    Los Angeles, CA 90048
    Phone: (310) 202-6301
    Shawna Fishman, MFT
    1460 7th Street, Suite #201
    Santa Monica, CA 90404
    Phone: (310) 339-9565
    Sarita Freedman, PhD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Adults & Children, Developmental Disabilities
    Author, Developing College Skills in Students with Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome
    26540 Agoura Road, Ste. 100
    Calabasas, CA 91302
    (818) 999-9330
    Bruce M. Gale, PhD
    16430 Ventura Blvd., Suite 107
    Encino, CA 91436-2135
    Phone: (818) 788-2100
    Donald P. Gallo, Ph.D., ABPP
    Board Certified Clinical Psychologist
    21241 Ventura Blvd. Suite 180
    Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364
    Brian D. Halevie-Goldman, MD
    Diablo Behavioral HealthCare
    4185 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
    Suite 210
    Danville, CA 94506
    Phone: (925) 648-4800
    Web Site:
    Leslie A. Hendrickson-Baral, MEd
    3636 Fourth Avenue, Suite 210
    San Diego, CA 92103
    Phone: (619) 220-2458
    Web Site:
    Kenneth L. Herman, PhD
    1137 Huntington Drive, Suite A-2
    South Pasadena, CA 91030
    Phone: (323) 344-0123
    Web Site:
    Bruce Hirsch, PhD
    130 S. Euclid Ave., Ste. 1
    Pasadena, CA 91101
    Phone: (626) 395-7833
    Web Site:
    Amy Keller, MFT
    350 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 284A
    Pasadena, CA 91101
    Phone: (626) 396-9468
    Lynn Kilroy, Ph.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    11340 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 320
    Los Angeles, CA 90064
    Specializing in psychotherapy with children, teen, adults and
    families impacted by Asperger's Syndrome
    Jerry Lindquist, PhD, OTR
    8699 Holder Street
    Buena Park, CA 90620
    Phone: (714) 563-6556
    Debra Moore, PhD, Director
    Fall Creek Attention and Behavior Centers
    5900 Coyle Avenue, Suite D
    Carmichael, CA 95608
    Phone: (916) 344-0900
    Web Site:
    David Morrison, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    1337 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 200
    Thousand Oaks, Ca 91362
    (805) 368-8376
    Kyle D. Pontius, PhD
    Adult & Child Psychology
    License #PSY14186
    23441 South Pointe Drive, Ste. 200
    Laguna Hills, CA 92653
    Phone: (949) 454-9016, x3
    Web Site:
    Meredith Rimmer, Ph.D.
    5363 Balboa Boulevard, Suite 436
    Encino, CA 91316
    Phone: 818.906.8151
    Specializing in diagnosis, testing/assessment,
    and treatment for ASD
    Edward Ritvo, MD
    10570 Rocca Way
    Los Angeles, CA 90077
    Phone: (310) 825-0220
    Patricia Robinson, MA, MFT
    2500 Old Crow Canyon Road, Ste. 218
    San Ramon, CA 94583
    Phone: (925) 915-0924
    Web Site:
    Karen L. Schiltz, Ph.D.
    Karen Schiltz Ph.D. and Associates
    4764 Park Granada, Suite 109, Calabasas, California 91302
    Phone: 805-379-4939; 818-518-1057
    Web Site:
    William J. Shryer, LCSW, BCD
    Diablo Behavioral HealthCare
    4185 Blackhawk Plaza Circle
    Suite 210
    Danville, CA 94506
    Phone: (925) 648-4800
    Web Site:
    Ilene Umen, M.A.CCC-SLP
    Woodland Hills, California 91364
    Phone: 818-906-0407
    Curt Widhalm, MA, LMFT
    4519 Admiralty Way, Suite C
    Marina del Rey, CA 90292
    Phone: (424) 571-3557
    Eileen Zaroff, M.A. LMFT
    17737 Ventura Blvd.,
    Encino, Ca. 91316
    818-886-9410 Extension 2
    24509 Walnut Street,
    Newhall, Calif. 91321
    661-287-5996 Extension 2

    Gary Macdonald, PhD
    1175 Osage Street, Suite 201
    Denver, CO 80204
    Phone: (303) 573-0839 x107
    Tiffany Wind, PhD
    3300 E. 1st Ave. Suite 650
    Denver, CO 80206
    Phone: (303) 829-9724

    Michael S. Cohen, PhD, ABPP
    CT and NY Licensed Psychologist
    7 Whitney Street Extension
    Westport, CT 06880
    Phone: (203) 381-9396
    Web Site:
    Marcia Eckerd, PhD
    Associates for Children and Families, P.C.
    83 East Avenue Suite 217
    Norwalk, CT 06880
    Phone: (203) 299-1331
    E-Mail :
    Eric B. Nicholson, MD, PhD
    16 River Street
    Norwalk, CT 06850
    Phone: (203) 838-8168
    Fred R. Volkmar, MD
    Yale Child Study Center
    230 South Frontage Road
    P.O. Box 207900
    New Haven, CT 06520-7900
    Phone: (203) 785-2510

    Caroline L. Bias, MS, CCC-SLP
    Speech-Language Pathologist
    2000 Derby Glen Drive
    Orlando, FL 32837
    Phone: (321) 947-6282
    Myles L. Cooley, PhD, ABPP
    9121 N. Military Tr., Suite 218
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
    Phone: (561) 694-0001
    Web Site:
    Gary M. Eisenberg, PhD
    Clinical and Child Psychologist
    950 Glades Road, Suite 1A
    Boca Raton, FL 33431
    Phone: (561) 392-1414
    Gregg L. Friedman, MD
    2500 East Hallandale Beach Blvd., Ste 702
    Hallandale Beach, FL 33009
    Phone: (954) 456-1996
    George Kachmarik, MS, LMHC
    FL 2199MH
    Pasadena Villa Adult Residential Center
    119 Pasadena Place
    Orlando, FL 32803
    Phone: (407) 246-5250
    Timothy P. Kowalski, MA, CCC
    Speech-Language Pathologist
    Professional Communication Services, Inc.
    1401-A Edgewater Dr.
    Orlando, FL 32804
    Phone: (407) 245-1026
    Web Site:
    George Lindenfeld, PhD, ABPP
    Frederick Avenue
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Phone: (904) 257-0780
    Lynda Mance, LCSW
    Mandarin Counseling
    12058 San Jose Blvd., Ste 703
    Jacksonville, FL 32223
    Phone: (904) 260-0454
    Krista M. Marchman PhD
    215 Celebration Place, Suite 500
    Celebration, FL 34747
    Phone: (321) 559-1222
    David W. Peterson, EdD, LCSW
    TeamWork, LLC
    237 Lookout Place, Ste. 200
    Maitland, FL 32751
    Phone: (407) 252-5418
    Marie T. Rogers, PhD, PA
    Licensed Psychologist
    Florida License #PY6312
    3650 N. Federal Highway, Suite 209
    Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
    Phone: (954) 782-6461
    Bonnie Slade, PhD
    4951 Babcock Street Suite 3
    Palm Bay, FL 32905
    Phone: (321) 729-0870

    Candice L. Barnette, MA, CCC-S
    6815 Forest Park Drive
    Suite 124
    Savannah, GA 31406
    Phone: (912) 352-4045
    Rees Chapman, Ph.D.
    108 Mountain Drive
    Dahlonega, GA 30533
    Phone: (706) 864-0695
    Michael Johns, PsyD
    3678 Vineville Avenue
    Macon, GA 31204
    Phone: (478) 477-2220
    Drs. Melissa Lang & Dana Weinstein
    Center for Psychological and Educational Assessment
    6111 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
    Building F Suite 103
    Atlanta, GA 30328
    Phone: (770) 352-9952
    Robert W. Montgomery, PhD, BCBA
    Reinforcement Unlimited
    PO Box 1572
    Woodstock, GA 30188
    Phone: (770) 591-9552
    E-Mail: RWM@Behavior-Consultant.Com
    Michael Mueller, PhD, BCBA
    Southern Behavioral Group
    1950 Spectrum Circle, Suite 400
    Marietta, GA 30067
    M. Kevin Turner, PhD
    Transitions of Augusta
    103 Rossmore Pl.
    Augusta, GA 30909-5769
    Phone: (706) 364-7165
    LaRonta M. Upson, PhD
    913 Main Street, Suite H
    Stone Mpountain, GA 30083
    212 Arrowhead Boulevard
    Jonesboro, GA 30236
    Phone: (770) 375-8124

    William M. Bolman, MD, FAPA
    1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 620
    Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
    Phone: (808) 944-2597
    David E. Roth, MD, FAPA
    Mind & Body Works, Inc.
    3036 Diamond Head Road
    Honolulu, HI 96815
    Phone: (808) 923-7684

    Jack Alban, PhD
    Idaho License # PSY 162
    111 Palmer Drive
    Nampa, ID 83686-8313
    Phone: (208) 467-2741

    Jerry L. Boyd, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    P.O. Box 406
    1901 Eighteenth Street
    Charleston, IL 61920
    Phone: (217)348-7911
    Fax: (217)348-3909
    Bryan Bugay, LCPC
    550 Frontage Road, Suite 3515
    Northfield, IL 60093
    Phone: (773) 318-8959
    Todd R. Lendvay, PsyD
    1644 Colonial Parkway
    Inverness, IL 60067
    9113 Trinity Drive
    Lake In The Hills, IL 60156
    Phone: (847) 458-7442
    Aimee Micetic, MA, LCPC
    13717 South Route 30, Unit 159
    Plainfield, IL 60544
    Phone: (815) 676-6535
    Anthony Rotatori, PhD
    Sandra Burkhardt, PhD
    Saint Xavier University
    3700 W. 103rd St.
    Chicago, IL 60655
    Phone: (773)298-3476
    Dana Steiner, LCPC, BCPC
    1800 Nations Drive, Suite 202
    Gurnee, IL 60031
    Phone: (847) 668-6290
    Frederika C. Theus, PsyD
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    Institute on Disability and Human Development
    1640 West Roosevelt Road
    MC 626
    Chicago, Illinois 60608
    Phone: (312)413-1490
    Elizabeth A. Zavodny, PsyD
    The Institute for Family Development
    15010 S. Ravinia Ave., Suite 19
    Orland Park, IL 60462
    Phone: (708) 403-3200

    Dick Socwell, MS, MSEd
    Licensed Psychologist #529
    ADHD Clinic of Eastern Iowa
    3100 E Avenue NE, Suite 101
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
    Phone: (319) 396-1066

    Dana K. Fitzer, LSCSW
    ASAP Expert Counseling
    8906 W 97th Street
    Overland Park, KS 66212
    Phone: (913) 952-6696

    Ginger Walker, LCPC-C
    836 Main St. (2nd Floor)
    Westbrook, ME 04092
    Phone: (207) 615-9692

    Tom Holman, PhD
    19642 Club House Road, Suite 610
    Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879-3046
    Phone: (301) 990-0792
    Karen Kuell, MSW, PhD
    4424 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 300
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    Phone: (301) 951-1990
    Jorge C. Srabstein, MD
    20528 Boland Farm Road, Suite 207
    Germantown, Maryland 20876
    Phone: (301) 916-5300
    Carol Watkins, MD
    2360 W. Joppa Rd. Suite 223
    Baltimore, MD 21093
    Phone: (410) 329-2028
    Anthony B. Wolff, PhD
    Spectrum Behavioral Health
    1509 Ritchie Highway
    Arnold, Maryland 21012
    Phone: (410) 757-2077

    Sangeeta Dey, PsyD
    Pediatric Neuropsychologist
    594 Marrett Road, Suite 22
    Lexington, MA 02421
    Phone: (781) 799-8585
    Ann A. Helmus, PhD and 6 colleagues
    NESCA Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents
    90 Bridge Street
    Newton, MA 02458
    Phone: (617) 658-9800
    Wayne Klein, PhD
    Family Neuropsychology
    741 Pond Street
    Franklin, MA 02038
    Phone: (617) 512-9166
    Rehab Hospital of the Cape & Islands
    RHCI for Children
    280-D Route 140
    Forestdale, MA 02644
    Phone: (508) 833-4166
    Margaret A. McPhee, PhD
    Center for Neurointegrative Services
    394 Lexington Street
    Lexington, MA 02420-2825
    Phone: (781) 862-2333
    Cheryl Muzio, PsyD
    Clinical Psychologist
    40 Center Street, Suite A
    Northampton, MA 01060
    Phone: (413) 586-7123
    Liana Peňa Morgens, PhD
    Clinical Neuropsychologist
    298 Crescent Street
    Waltham, MA 01453
    Phone: (781) 899-1160
    Web Site:
    Fran Peterson, MEd, CAGS, LMHC
    Family Works
    51 Union Street, Suite 304
    Worcester, MA 01609
    Phone: (508) 791-9340
    Helene Pniewski, MD
    Timothy Martin, PhD
    89 Access Road, Unit 24
    Norwood, MA 02062
    Phone: (781) 551-0999
    Web Site:
    Allan J. Rooney, PsyD
    Clinical Neuropsychology
    418 Main Street, 3rd Floor
    Worcester, MA 01608
    Phone: (508) 757-5694
    Web Site:
    Jeff Turley, MD
    475 School Street
    Suite 17
    Marshfield, MA 02050
    Phone: (781) 934-9325
    Stephen J. Wieder, MD
    155 Low Street
    Newburyport, MA 01950
    Phone: (978) 462-3496
    Web Site:

    Richard Howlin, PhD
    114 North Main Street
    Chelsea, MI 48118
    Phone: (734)475-6070
    Jed Magen, DO
    College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Michigan State University
    Phone: (517) 355-4456

    Andrea Bieberich, PhD, LP
    11900 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 132
    Minnetonka, MN 55305
    Phone: (952) 835-6776
    Anne J. Ford, LICSW, LLC
    17819 Hutchins Drive
    Minnetonka, MN 55345
    Phone: (952) 470-1186
    Web Site:
    Mitch Leppicello, LICSW
    1789 Woodlane Dr. Suite C
    Woodbury, MN 55125
    Phone: (651) 739-7539
    Robin McLeod, PhD
    Counseling Psychologists of Woodbury
    1789 Woodlane Drive, Suite C
    Woodbury, MN 55125
    Phone: (651) 739-7539
    Steven J. Ruff, MA, LAMFT
    Nystrom & Associates, LTD
    Merchants Bank Building
    7300 West 147th Street, Suite 204
    Apple Valley, MN 55124
    Phone: (952) 997-3020
    Sandy K. Sondell, PhD, LP
    Pediatric Consultation Specialists, PLLC
    3021 Harbor Lane North, Suite 210
    Plymouth, MN 55447
    Susan Storti, PhD, CCC
    Jennifer Bennett, MS
    Learning & Language Specialists
    1405 Lilac Drive
    Golden Valley, MN 55422
    Phone: (763) 545-7708

    William G. Collins, PhD
    Reintegrative Health Institute
    1610 Des Peres Road, Suite 340
    Saint Louis, MO 63131
    Phone: (314) 984-8412
    Web Site:
    Kathy Harms, PhD
    Kathy Harms & Associates
    851 N.W. 45th Street - Suite 110
    Kansas City, MO 64116
    Phone: (816) 452-7775

    James W. Irby Jr., PhD, ABPP
    4500 I-55 North
    Highland Village, Suite 234
    Jackson, MS 39211
    Phone: (601) 982-8531

    Lynn Carlson, LCSW
    100 Second Street East
    Whitefish, MT 59937
    Phone: (406) 863-4810

    Lorrie E. Bryant, PhD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Nebraska License #469
    Behavioral Pediatric and Family Therapy Program
    4501 South 70th Street, Suite 120
    Lincoln, NE 68516
    Phone: (402) 483-1936
    (Children and Adolescents Only)
    Diane C. Marti, PhD
    Williamsburg Behavioral Psychology, LLC
    3801 Union Drive, Suite 206
    Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
    Phone: (402) 489-2218
    (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Families, & School/Employer Consultation)
    Caryll Palmer Wilson, PhD
    Williamsburg Behavioral Psychology, LLC
    3801 Union Drive, Suite 206
    Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
    Phone: (402) 489-2218
    (Children, Adolescents, Adults, Families, & School/Employer Consultation)

    Katherine Z. Souza, PhD
    Community Chest, Inc.
    991 South "C" St.
    Virginia City, Nevada 89440
    Phone: (775) 847-9311

    Larry Welkowitz, PhD
    Asperger Resource Group
    Keene State College
    Keene, NH 03435-3400
    Phone: (603) 358-2517

    Michael J. Asher, PhD
    Behavior Therapy Associates, P.A.
    35 Clyde Road, Suite 101
    Somerset, NJ 08854
    Phone: (732) 873-1212
    Web Site:
    Ronald Barabas, MD
    3350 Highway 138W
    Bldg. 1, Suite 117
    Wall, NJ 07719
    Phone: (732) 556-0200
    Holly L. Blumenstyk, MEd, LDTC
    20 Community Place, Ste. 8
    Morristown, NJ 07960
    Phone: (973) 540-0995
    Web Site:
    Annette L. Becklund, MSW, LCSW & Associates
    Valley Park Office Complex
    2517 Highway 35 G-103
    Manasquan, NJ 08736
    Phone: (732) 292-2929
    Thomas D. Boyle, Ph.D.
    675 Morris Avenue
    Suite 202
    Springfield, New Jersey
    Phone: (973) 467-9422
    Nevine Fahmy, MD
    Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist
    50 Bridge St.
    Metuchen, NJ 08840
    Phone: (732) 754-4354
    Steven B. Gordon, PhD, ABPP
    Behavior Therapy Associates, P.A.
    11 Clyde Rd., Suite 103
    Somerset, NJ 08873
    Phone: (908) 873-1212
    Elliot A. Grossman, MD
    205 Ridgedale Ave.
    Florham Park, NJ 07932
    Phone:(973) 966-6333
    Daniel B. LeGoff, PhD
    1001 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite E-2
    Vorhees, NJ 08043
    Web Site:
    Mark Mintz, MD
    1001 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite E-2
    Vorhees, NJ 08043
    Web Site:
    David P.Osterhout, LCSW, BCD
    Elmwood Business Center
    Building #3, Suite 303
    733 State Highway #70, East
    Marlton, NJ 08053
    Phone: (856) 782-8383
    Mark Pesner, PhD
    Fairfield Commons
    271 Route 46 West
    Suite G101
    Fairfield, NJ 07004
    Phone: (973) 276-9040
    Gilda D. Rivera, MS, OTR/L
    Occupational Therapy Associates of Princeton
    219 Wall Street
    Princeton, NJ 08540
    Phone: (609) 921-1555
    Howard Rudominer, MD
    59 Springbook Road
    Livingston, NJ 07039
    Phone: (201) 716-9500
    Kai-ping Wang, MD
    Adult, Adolescent & Child Psychiatrist
    Hudson Psychiatric Associates, LLC
    79 Hudson St., Suite 203
    Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Phone: (201) 222-8808

    Robert Annett, PhD
    Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic
    Department of Pediatrics
    University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Center
    Albuquerque, NM
    Phone: (505) 272-2345
    Jim Jenson, MD
    Department of Psychiatry
    University of New Mexico
    Phone: (505) 272-6130
    Mary LeCaptain, EdD, ABPP
    2741 Indian School Road
    Albuquerque NM 87106
    Phone: (505) 255-8682
    Kim A. Rubin, MA, LMSW, NCSP
    Rubin Educational Resources
    1800 Old Pecos Trail, Suite J
    Santa Fe, NM 87505
    Phone: (505) 989-8910
    Web Site:

    Candice Baugh, MA, LMHC
    26 Court St., Ste. 1210
    Brooklyn, NY 11242
    Phone: (917) 604-3578
    Kenneth A. Bonnet, PhD, ABPN
    114 East 32nd Street
    Mezzanine Floor
    New York, New York 10016
    Phone: (212) 889-6540
    Joseph Coppolo Jr, PsyD
    3 William Avenue
    Staten Island, NY 10308-3142
    Phone: (718) 967-5404
    Jennifer Daily, LCSW
    276 5th Ave. Ste. 507A
    New York, NY 10001
    Phone: (917) 727-3163
    Andy DeBaun, CSW
    52 Booth Street
    Pleasantville, NY 10570
    Phone: (914) 773-0770
    Lynda Geller, PhD
    Spectrum Services
    303 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1003
    New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 686-3535 x205 or (718) 406-3848
    E- Mail:
    Web: or
    Greg Hannahs, MD
    49 West 24th Street, Suite 610
    New York, NY 10010
    Phone: (646) 369-4797
    Glenn S. Hirsch, MD
    NYU Medical Center
    Child Study Center
    550 First Ave, NB 21E7
    New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 263-8704
    Nursel Kahya, PhD, BCBA
    8 Beaver Hollow Lane
    Airmont, NY 10952
    Phone: (845) 290-0365
    Jeffrey I. Kassinove, PhD
    124 West 79th Street, Suite 1E
    New York, NY 10024
    Phone: (212) 580-0080 or (516) 592-7404
    Robert Katz, MD
    Affiliated: Sagamore Children's Psychiatric Center
    Private Practice: Syosset, NY
    Phone: (516) 364-6545
    Amy Keller, MS CCC-SLP
    Speech-Language Pathologist
    100 West 26th St. Apt. 11C
    New York, NY 10001
    Phone: (516) 782-8804
    Martin L. Kutscher, MD
    Pediatric Neurological Associates
    125 South Broadway
    White Plains, NY 10605
    Phone: (914) 997-1692
    Web Site: www.PediatricNeurology.Com
    Steven Marcal, PsyD
    Center for Disability Services
    314 South Manning Blvd.
    Albany, NY 12208
    Phone: (518) 437-5732
    Ruth Nass, MD
    NYU Medical Center
    400 East 34th Street, RR 311
    New York, NY 10016
    Phone: (212) 263-7753
    Richard R. Pleak, MD
    Schneider Children's Hospital, Suite 135
    New Hyde Park, NY 11040
    Phone: (718) 470-3517
    June Rousso, PhD
    15 West 72nd Street Apt. 16N
    New York, NY 10023
    Phone: (212) 496-4111
    Lisa Salvato, PhD
    19 West 34th Street, Penthouse
    New York, NY 10001
    Phone: (646) 530-8536
    Web Site:
    James Snyder, MD
    Long Island Psychiatric, PLLC
    2 Main Street, Suite 8
    Roslyn, NY 11576
    Phone: (516) 626-2182
    Web Site:
    Alan V. Tepp, PhD
    800 Cross River Rd.
    Katonah, NY 10536
    Phone: (914) 232-1000
    Web Site:

    Lisa C. Brewer, MA
    Licensed Psychological Associate, NC License #1234
    665 A Israel St.
    Hendersonville, NC 28739
    Phone: (828) 693-3338
    Steven R. Edelman, MA, LPA
    Behavioral Counseling and Psychological Services, PA
    916A Hay Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28305
    Phone: (910) 485-1703
    Michael L. Reed, EdD, PhD, NCSP
    Psychological/Therapeutic Resources, LLC
    504 Pollock Street
    New Bern, NC 28562
    Hal Shigley, PhD
    3717 National Drive, Suite 220
    Raleigh, NC 27612
    Phone: (919) 909-2288
    Seth E. Tabb, MD
    Family Psychiatry & Psychology Associates, P.A.
    104-A. Fountainbrook Circle
    Cary, North Carolina 27511
    Phone: (919) 233-4131
    Fax: (919) 233-4168
    Web Site:
    David A. Verhaagen, PhD
    Trey Ishee, PsyD
    Frank W. Gaskill, PhD
    Southeast Psychological Services
    2701 Coltsgate Road, Suite 101
    Charlotte, NC 28211
    Phone: (704) 365-6262
    Web Site:

    Carol A. Bline, PhD
    Developmental Associates
    2386 Parkview Drive
    Grove City, OH 43123-1858
    Phone: (614) 578-1185
    Daniel L. Davis, PhD
    Tennenbaum and Associates
    5151 Reed Road
    Columbus, Ohio 43220
    C. Christopher Fiumera, PhD, BCFE
    204 South Gay Street
    Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
    Phone and Fax (740) 392-5399

    Jay Edwards, PhD
    Emanuel Medical Office Building
    501 North Graham, Suite 365
    Portland, Oregon 97227
    Phone: (503) 219-9992
    Darryn M. Sikora, PhD
    Oregon Health Sciences University
    Child Development and Rehabilitation Center
    707 SW Gaines Rd./P.O. Box 754
    Portland, Oregon 97207
    Phone: (503) 494-2749

    Michael P. Freidman, EdD
    15 Presidential Blvd. Suite 202
    Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
    Phone: (610) 667-6269
    Linda M. Gourash, MD
    Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics
    Fort Couch Towers
    180 Fort Couch Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15241
    Phone: (412) 831-0355 x1 (appts) or x534 (voice)
    Margaret J. Kay, EdD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Nationally Certified School Psychologist
    2818 Lititz Pike
    Lancaster, PA 17601-3322
    Phone: (717) 569-6223
    Web Site:
    Robert Sherry, PhD
    302 Castle Shannon Blvd.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1404
    Phone: (412) 344-5554
    Cynthia Stauffer, MS
    Licensed Psychologist
    New Passages
    3235 North Third St.
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
    Phone: (717) 579-6715
    Robert Elden Wilson, MD, PhD
    Saint Vincent Health Center
    232 W 25th Street
    Erie, PA 16544
    Phone: (814) 452-5490

    Laurence M. Hirsberg, PhD
    One Regency Plaza, Suite 2
    Providence, RI 02903
    Phone: (401) 351-7779
    Lori L. McKinsey, PsyD
    Developmental Disabilities Program
    Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital
    1011 Veterans Memorial Parkway
    East Providence, Rhode Island 02915
    Phone: (401) 434-3400 ext. 158

    Private Practice:
    44 Love Lane
    Warwick, Rhode Island 02886
    Phone: (401) 885-0462

    Idalyn S. Brown, PhD
    Suite 115
    222 West Coleman Boulevard
    Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
    Phone (843) 216-6400

    Janis G. Neece, PhD
    Cherokee Health Systems
    7714 Corner Road, Ste. 105
    Powell, TN 37849
    Phone: (865) 947-6220
    Cherokee Health Systems
    6350 West Andrew Johnson Highway
    Talbott, TN 37877
    Phone: (423) 317-9344, ext. 3
    Karen L. Weigle, PhD
    The TEAM Centers, Inc.
    Director of Clinical Services and The Chattanooga Autism Center
    Medical Towers, Suite 102
    1000 East Third Street
    Chattanooga, TN 37404
    Phone: (423) 622-0500

    Alex Alexander, PhD
    1220 Ector Street
    Denton, TX 76201
    Phone: (469) 446-1588
    Web Site:
    Christopher J. Anagnostis, PhD
    Clinical Psychologist (Child and Adolescent)
    6410 Southwest Blvd., Suite 105
    Fort Worth, TX 76109
    Phone: (817) 732-6767
    Woody C. Childress, PhD
    5658 Westcreek, Suite 400
    Fort Worth, TX 76131
    Phone: (817) 731-2468
    Pilarita Cortez, MD
    Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
    125 West Hague Suite 320
    El Paso, Texas 79902
    Phone: (915) 532-1005
    Paul T. Elliott, MD
    600 University Village Center
    Richardson, TX 75081
    Phone: (972) 234-0352
    David L. Falkstein, PhD, LSSP
    101 W. McDermott, Suite 109
    Allen, TX 75013
    Phone: (214) 727-0250
    302 E. Brockett St.
    Sherman, TX 75090
    Phone: (903) 891-0506
    Bruce Feltrup-Exum, MDiv, LMFT
    3840 Hulen Street, Ste. 602
    Fort Worth, TX 76107
    Phone: (817) 735-4165
    Maria Fishel, PhD, LSSP
    4534 Westgate Blvd., Suite 230
    Austin, TX 78745
    Phone: (512) 748-6373
    Steven Gutstein, PhD
    The Connections Center
    4120 Bellaire Blvd.
    Houston, Texas 77025
    Phone: (713) 838-1362
    James R. Harrison, PhD
    402 West Lamar, Suite 102
    Sherman, Texas 75090
    Phone: (903) 868-2961
    Ethel W. Hetrick, PhD
    Oak Forest Psychological Services
    2834 Bill Owens Parkway
    Longview, TX 75605
    Phone: (903) 759-6588
    Greg Hupp, PhD
    Hill Country Behavioral Medicine
    1001 Ave. E
    Marble Falls, TX 78654
    Phone: (830) 265-4554
    Dr. Melinda Lang and Jamie Thomas
    737 Oakwood Trail
    Fort Worth, TX 76112
    Phone: (817) 994-8040
    Beth Lusby, PhD
    Cornerstone Assessment and Guidance Center, LP
    1213 Hall Johnson, Suite 200
    Colleyville, TX 76034
    Phone: (817) 428-9810
    Robert Mandell, PhD
    AAA Mental Health
    2007 N. Collins Blvd., Suite 503
    Richardson, TX 75080
    Phone: (972) 690-6700
    Denise McCallon, PhD
    Clinical Child Psychologist
    Children's Medical Center of Dallas
    Department of Psychiatry
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
    1935 Motor Street
    Dallas, TX 75235
    Phone: (214) 456-5912
    Rachelle K. Sheely, PhD
    The Connections Center
    4120 Bellaire Blvd.
    Houston, Texas 77025
    Phone: (713) 838-1362
    Sarah L. Sirbasku, PhD
    595 Round Rock West Drive, Suite 303
    Round Rock, TX 78681
    Phone: (512) 279-8353
    Alicia Snow, PhD
    The Learning Assistance Center
    28301 Tomball Parkway, Ste. 400
    Tomball, TX 77375
    Phone: (713) 240-8609
    Alice R. Wiedenhoff, PhD
    Clinical Psychologist
    Child Study Center
    1300 West Lancaster
    Fort Worth, TX 76102
    Phone: (817) 336-8611
    Fax: (817) 870-4860
    6040 Camp Bowie, Suite 58
    Fort Worth, TX 76116
    Phone: (817) 732-7748
    Fax: (817) 370-8504
    H. Denise Wooten, PsyD
    1422 W. Main, Ste. 206
    Lewisville, Texas 75067
    Phone: (972) 436-6158

    C. Rick Ellis, EdD
    Spectrum Psychological Services
    1020 Independence Blvd., Ste. 204
    Virginia Beach, VA 23455
    Phone: (757) 640-1882
    Robert S. Falk, PhD
    Dominion Behavioral Healthcare
    703 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 101
    Richmond, VA 23236
    Phone: (804) 794-4482
    Michael Oberschneider, PsyD
    Ashburn Psychological Services
    44110 Ashburn Shopping Plz., Suite 251
    Ashburn, VA 20147
    Phone: (703) 723-2999
    Christina Ralph, PhD
    MindWell Psychology
    4455 Brookfield Corporate Drive, Suite 101
    Chantilly, VA 20151
    Phone: (703) 568-2045
    Web Site:
    Jorge C. Srabstein, MD
    5201 Leesburge Pike, Suite # 1002
    Falls Church, Virginia 22041
    Phone: (703) 578-3900
    Patricia Velkoff, PhD
    243 Church Street, N.W., Suite 300-A
    Vienna, Virginia 22180-4434
    Phone: (703) 938-6100

    Darrow A. Chan, PhD
    Northwest Psychological Services
    1104 Market Street
    Kirkland, Washington 98033
    Phone: (425) 827-3019
    Judith E. Gorman, MSW, DCSW
    Biofield Healing Arts
    5275 S. April Drive
    Langley, WA 98260
    Phone: (360) 321-7226
    Christopher Nelson, PhD
    Wilburton Ridge Office Park
    365 118th Avenue SE, Suite 110
    Bellevue, WA 98005
    Phone: (206) 459-4817
    Thomas M. Stallone, PsyD, PC
    Attention Disorders Clinic of Vancouver
    100 East 13th Street
    Vancouver, WA 98660
    Phone: (360) 696-1646
    Cary Louise Terra, MA, LMFT
    Terra Therapy
    600 1st Avenue, Suite 526
    Seattle, WA 98104
    Phone: (206) 890-4858

    Chris Nelson, PhD
    American Foundation of Counseling Services
    130 E. Walnut Street Suite 700
    Green Bay, WI 54301
    Phone: (920) 437-8256

    Aspergers professionals in other countries:


    Anthony Attwood, PhD
    The Macgregor Specialist Centre
    568, Kessels Road
    Queensland 4109
    Phone: (61) 73349 7683

    Janine Manjiviona, PhD
    PO Box 2121
    Lower Templestowe, 3107, Melbourne
    Phone: (03) 9891 6835

    Julie Peterson, Clinical Psychologist
    Embracing the Other Half Psychology Clinic
    43 Livingstone Ave.
    Pymble NSW
    Australia 2073
    Phone: (02) 9988 0760



    Sharon H. Blott, BSW, MEd
    Registered Psychologist # 2612
    745 - 37th Street NW
    Calgary, Alberta T2N 4T1
    Phone: (403) 270-9400 #110

    Joel Jeffries, MB, FRCPC
    Clarke Institute
    250 College Street
    Toronto ON M5T 1R8
    Phone: (416) 979-6863

    Shawn Reynolds, PhD
    6770 - 129 Ave.
    Edmonton, Alberta T5C 1V7
    Phone: (780) 440-0708

    Kevin Stoddart, PhD
    180 Bloor Street West, Suite 601
    Toronto ON M5S 2V6
    Phone: (416) 920-4999


    Hong Kong

    Caleb Knight EdD
    Child and Family Centre
    15F The Strand
    49 Bonham Strand East
    Sheung Wan,
    Hong Kong
    Phone: 852 2543 0993



    Julian Martinez Carbonell, MD
    Cayetano Rodriguez # 49 Colonia Centro.
    Xalapa, Veracruz Mexico
    Telefono: 18-84- 12

    J. Gomez-Plascencia, MD
    Eclipse 2745 J. del Bosque
    CP 44520 Guadalajara
    Phone: (3) 647-0328

    Jose Eduardo San-Esteban, MD
    San Francisco 2-101
    Col.Del Valle
    Mexico City
    Phone: (525) 669-3879

    Jorge Trevino-Welsh, MD
    Ave.Hospital #106
    Col. Sertoma
    Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
    Phone: 528 3464535


    United Kingdom

    Tim Williams
    Department of Psychology
    University of Reading
    Earley Gate
    Reading RG6 2AL
    Phone: 0118 949 5008

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