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My Son Was Recently Diagnosed With Aspergers – Now What?!

Even if moms and dads have recognized that their youngster has problems, a definite diagnosis of Aspergers brings intense emotion, sorrow and many questions. Aspergers is on the high functioning end of the autistic spectrum, but still presents many problems in daily life.

Dealing with a Sense of Loss when Aspergers is Diagnosed—

All moms and dads have hopes and dreams for their kids and these begin to form before birth. When a diagnosis of Aspergers is presented, some or all of these aspirations are crushed. After grieving for the loss of dreams, it is important to replace them with new ones. These should be along the lines of helping the youngster fulfill his or her potential. There are many resources available for kids with Aspergers, and it is important to look into these and see what suits the youngster best. In spite of their difficulties, many Aspergers kids are very bright and excel in certain academic areas.

Balancing Family Life and Aspergers—

Kids with Aspergers often have siblings who are unaffected. When a diagnosis is confirmed, moms and dads may turn all their time and energy to helping the affected youngster. It is vital to maintain a balance and ensure that other kids are given undivided attention, and time and space to vent their own hurt and frustration at the diagnosis. As far as is possible and appropriate, include them in what is happening and encourage them to help the Aspergers sibling with practicing social skills, speech and interaction.

Don’t Cast Blame—

No one has positively identified a cause of Aspergers. It is unhelpful for moms and dads to dig into their backgrounds and blame some quirky relative for the diagnosis they have received. Casting blame will not change anything and is generally unjustified. It is far better to accept the diagnosis, work through the initial shock and determine to keep family life as normal as possible while helping the youngster with Aspergers to achieve his or her potential.

A diagnosis of Aspergers can be a hard blow to moms and dads. Dealing with the loss of hopes and dreams is a process, as is learning to balance normal family life with therapies and doctor visits. The important thing is to create new dreams and always look to the future with hope and expectancy.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

Aspergers Children and Speech Problems

Approximately 50% of kids with Aspergers have delayed speech. While many kids grow out of this by age five, others go on to experience other language problems. These generally fall into one or more of the following three areas of linguistics:

1. Pragmatics and Aspergers—

Pragmatics refers to language usage and the way that context relates to meaning. Kids with Aspergers often have difficulty in holding a normal conversation where there is give and take and social interaction. While most people learn these skills by observing others, those with Aspergers may need personal coaching. Problems with pragmatics manifest in the following forms:

• does not allow the other person to talk
• does not use people’s names
• focuses exclusively on topics that interest them
• gives too much detailed information
• interrupting others
• lack of facial expression and eye contact
• lack of greeting
• oblivious to boredom in others
• oblivious to emotional reactions in others

2. Semantics and Aspergers—

Semantics is defined as the meaning or interpretation of a word, sentence, or other language form. While many people with Aspergers are extremely intelligent and avid readers, they often struggle in this particular area. They may have problems with the following:

• difficulty in understanding jokes
• difficulty in understanding metaphors and figures of speech
• interpreting everything literally
• pedantic speech
• problems with understanding teasing
• sarcasm is not understood

3. Prosody and Aspergers—

Prosody refers to the tonal and rhythmic aspects of speech. People and particularly kids with Aspergers often have a strange manner of speaking. It may come across with words enunciated precisely and formally and the speed, volume and rhythm may be odd. Problem areas to look out for include the following:

• difficulties in coordinating speaking and breathing
• little or no inflection
• monotonous sound
• stilted or formal speech
• strange rhythms of speech
• talking loudly

Help is Available for Linguistic Difficulties—

Aspergers kids and grown-ups with language problems can benefit from one-on-one training with a parent or speech therapist. The problems are often tackled individually and it takes perseverance and repetition to see lasting results. Methods vary but could include the following:

• practicing eye contact and body language
• practicing normal pronunciation and inflection
• teaching how to start a conversation
• training them not to interrupt
• use of pictures to explain figures of speech

It is never too late to seek help for speech difficulties and while a person may never sound completely normal or be able to hold a perfect conversation; there are definitely ways to work towards a great improvement. The key to success is often a commitment from a parent or family member to work with the youngster or grown-up for extended periods of time.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

"Letting Go" of Adult Children with Aspergers

There's always an explanation. A 23-year-old Aspergers college grad wants to hold out for the right job rather than jump into an underpaid makeshift position. Rents are so inflated. A 24-year-old Aspergers daughter moving out of her boyfriend's apartment couldn't possibly afford a place of her own. With two bedrooms to spare, parents can re-house her -- right?

Whatever the reason, young adults (even some without Aspergers) are returning home in increasing numbers—following graduation, the dissolution of a relationship or the loss of a job. They often live rent-free and subsidized, with no scheduled date for departure. But while much attention has been paid to live-at-home "adultescents," little has been said about their parents, many of whom are Baby Boomers who greet their boomerang children with open arms. For a variety of emotional and demographic reasons—their desire to be close with their children, a yearning for youth—many of today's parents (the original Peter Pan generation) just don't want their adult kids to grow up.

As parents, coming to terms with our adult kid's limitations also means facing our own...In midlife, a central aspect of parents' identity is how our kids have turned out; that is, what kind of adults they have become. The lives of grown kids constitute an important lens through which we judge ourselves and our accomplishments; it is through reconsidering their adult successes and failures that we seek, retroactively, to validate the kinds of parents we were and the responsible caring we provided.

What distinguishes baby-boom parents from those of earlier generations is how much importance we place on our kids' inner psychological qualities as well as their educational and occupational success, moral and ethical values, and satisfaction in their relationships.

A recent study that examined how we evaluate our adult kid's achievements and adjustment - and how those assessments affect how we feel about ourselves - indicated that wanting our kids to be personally fulfilled is a goal unique to our generation. Having gone to sometimes extraordinary lengths to ensure it, it's no surprise that our kids grow up expecting us to provide it and give up the responsibility for finding it themselves, in the places that truly adult people discover it; in the satisfactions of work, love, connection, commitment, self-sufficiency and achievement. We cannot make our grown kids happy: As long as we expect that we can, they will, too. And we will both be disappointed.

It may be very difficult to move away from a job that wasn't done perfectly, especially parenting, but parenting skills were never designed to work for grown kids. We need to define the limits of our relationships with them and our involvement in their problems, since those are the only limits we can set now. We need to find ways to stay in meaningful contact with them while we work through our own midlife tasks of coming to terms with our gains and losses, reconsolidating our identity, and reclaiming our lives now that we have reached the limits of our parental role.

What is called the "post-parental imperative" demands that we make sense of who and what matters when we return to the self we put aside to raise our kids. Because we've done that -- whether we think we flunked or passed parenting, it's over. We won't get another chance at it, which is the good as well as the bad news. Our job now is to come to terms with the choices we've made in our own lives, abandon some dreams and commit to fulfilling others, allow the silenced voices inside us to be heard, and make the most of the time that's left. We can do that - we must do that - regardless of whether our kids ever achieve what we still believe is their golden, unlimited potential. But that will only be possible if we start concentrating on our own lives while we're waiting for them to get lives of their own.

Moms and dads used to let go when their kids reached age 18. The idea was, “If you can go to jail, I'm no longer responsible for you.” But that changed during the 1990s, when Baby Boomers' kids turned 18 and devoted parents realized that they had poured their emotional and financial resources into their kids from the get-go. Hyper-investment is hard to turn off.

Some argue that perma-parenting stems from the indulgence of an immature and spoiled generation. Others blame the phenomenon on the heavy hand of social and economic forces. And our very definition of adulthood is in flux—with a homestead no longer a key component of adult identity.

But a rising chorus of psychologists and sociologists says parents simply aren't letting go when they ought to—not only impeding their kid's adult independence but also hampering their own post-parenting lives. In the absence of an acute crisis or devastating financial setback, the consensus is that moms and dads should look twice at the reasons they continue to shelter their grown offspring. If parents can get over the idea that they're not being 'parent enough' or that their children still 'need' them, then they can get on with their new lives.

Letting Go Of Your Adult Aspergers Child—

1. Chain her in her room so she cannot leave. Alright, you can’t do that. Instead be grateful that you have raised an independent child who is ready to take life’s next step.

2. Have a ‘set down’ with him before he leaves. Use this time to discuss finances and checkbooks. Explain carefully about the Devil called CREDIT CARD and how it sneaks up on college students and steals their souls. Ok, it is not that serious, but…! Tell him about some of your experiences—good and bad—when you were first on your own. In that way you can answer some questions before he ever has to ask them.

3. Move into the dorm with him. Well, now, wouldn’t that be a sight? Mamma’s boy has to have mommy live in the dorm with him. Besides, I am not sure, but I think there are rules against that kind of thing. And it makes you look like your family tree has no branches on it.

4. Plan a day for just the two of you to spend together. Take off work and just play. It may require some planning ahead. Just remember if you plan to hike on an unmaintained trail in the mountains, take extra food and water, a flashlight with extra batteries, a GPS, a satellite phone, and a book on how to send smoke signals.

5. Write a letter to your youngster for her to read once she gets to school, basic training, or wherever she is off to. Use the time to tell her how proud you are of her and list the reasons why you know she will be successful. Emphasize the wonderful qualities she possesses so she can go back and re-read them later when she is feeling down. Stress the fact that you are a phone call or an email away and that you will come running if she ever needs you.

6. Be brave on the big day. Try not to cry and cling to him and say things like “I’m losing my baby” through hysterical tears. It really embarrassed one of my kids.

7. Go home and get a life! For so many years, this youngster has been the center of your universe. Now there is a huge hole in that life and you need to fill it up as quickly as possible. Take up a hobby, join a club, do volunteer work or run for President. Do anything that focuses on you and the future instead of the void in your soul.

8. Remember that she is not gone forever. You will again hear the phone ringing incessantly and doors banging. But from now on, whether you admit or not, it is something of a relief when the house gets quiet again and you can look forward to the next visit.

9. Remember, they are not so sad. Don’t expect them to cry. Instead you may hear things like, “Well, Mom, I think we are set here. You should get on the road.” In their minds, they are rubbing their hands together with a sinister laugh thinking, “Oh boy, I am free from the mother bonds now. I can do anything I want to do.” It is okay—think back to how you felt. Just try not to remember those things you did you never wanted your mother or father to find out about. I am a big believer in the fact that I don’t need to know everything!

10. The only thing worse than letting go of your youngster is never getting her out of the house. When you are sad, just picture a 35 year old playing video games yelling to you for more ice cream or chips while you are doing her laundry and cleaning her room because she is still not doing it.

11. You and your youngster are moving into a new relationship that is great! When you can stop being just a parent and move into the friendship stage of your relationship, your world becomes complete. You can be each other’s confidantes and buddies. It is the best! You are no longer responsible for anything where this soul is concerned. You can just love him. You can feel pride from watching him making a difference in the world, just like he always made a difference in yours. Look forward to that companionship!

The combination of high rents and an unstable job market, increased college attendance and delayed marriage and parenting conspire to inch the age of perceived adulthood upward. According to a study by the National Opinion Research Center, most Americans don't consider a person an adult until age 26, or until she or he has finished school, landed a full-time job, and begun to raise a family. Living independently from one's parents is expected by an average age of 21, yet living on one's own is considered less of a determining factor in reaching adulthood (only 29 percent say it's an "extremely important" step) than completing an education (73 percent) and supporting a family (60 percent).

Shifting parental attitudes toward boomerang children have much to do with generational differences, the result of each generation correcting and overcorrecting the excesses of the previous one. The wave that preceded the Boomers, the Swing, or Silent, generation (born during the Depression and World War II, 1930-1945) and their kids, Generation X (born 1965-1978), were brought up during eras of economic recession, reduced birthrates and familial instability, when raising children was not a societal focal point. Moms and dads of Boomers were eager for their children to grow up and leave the household so that they could be free to pursue their own lives. Boomeranging home was a mark of failure for both kids and parents.

In contrast, the Baby Boomers themselves (born between 1946 and 1964) and their Echo Boomer offspring (1979 and 1994) have had the happy fortune to be born during periods of prosperity and family growth that place an emphasis on parenthood.

All this attention, it turns out, has been directed toward raising well-adjusted and well-rounded children, and guiding those self-same children into fulfilled adulthood, creating patterns along the way. Previous generations emphasized education and financial independence over all else for their kids. In contrast, Boomers are the first generation for whom their kid's emotional fulfillment is a primary goal. Their parental mantra has been, 'Be happy or I'll kill you.' In an effort to gratify their children, Boomers have become unusually invested in their lives—determined to have an authentic, intimate relationship with their kids.

To achieve this level of chumminess, moms and dads have often acted less like stern grownups and more like their children' peers, joining the youth culture wholeheartedly at the mall, even purchasing the same teen-oriented clothes for themselves. This closeness continues and strengthens as Echo Boomers reach early adulthood. The generation gap used to be a significant barrier between parents and adult children. But today's fifty-something parent and twenty-something youngster have a lot of the same values and desires.

Today's twenty-somethings and their moms and dads communicate better and are closer. Indeed, in a survey of 1,003 high school students, a whopping 78 percent said that "having close family relationships" ranked highest (above money and fame, among other things) in defining success. But closeness also creates problems. It becomes hard for these parents to say, 'I'm the leader in this family and it's time for you to go'. We've gotten too friendly with our children.

Studies suggest that grown children' well-being is a major determinant of well-being for midlife parents. But over-identification with adult kids means moms and dads can lose perspective on what's best for one or both parties. You see your children' successes and failures as your own and thus try to immunize your youngster against failure. With such a high level of emotional and financial investment, many parents see the status of their adult kids as a final parental exam. And moms and dads don't want a bad grade—either for themselves or for their children.

Not surprisingly, parental involvement in children' lives has pushed its way onto campuses, where "helicopter parents" hover, trying to help their children through college financially, emotionally and even academically. Moms and dads have been known to intervene in roommate disputes following an emotional e-mail plea from a youngster, or call a professor to question a grade. In response, universities are scheduling special parent orientation events, hiring parental "liaisons" to handle questions and demands, and firing off terse-but-diplomatic guidelines.

Many Boomers don't seem to be trying all that hard to empty the nest. Boomerang children are staying at home so they can save money to rent or buy a place of their own instead of living with roommates. Often, they're spending lots of money on clothes and cars and vacations in the process. Unless we put our foot down, why should they move out?

But it's not just privileged white children hanging out at home. Working-class twenty-somethings have long boomeranged following high school or vocational training because entry-level wages make independent living a financial challenge. Still, lower income Americans today are even less able to be independent than just a decade ago. Furthermore, America's growing diversity means more adult kids at home come from immigrant and ethnic communities in which living at home during one's twenties is normative and even favorable. A national survey of Latinos found that 78 percent agreed "it is better for kids to live in their parents' home until they get married."

Perhaps expectations are higher as well. Many experts say today's twenty-somethings don't want to downscale by sharing a walk-up with three roommates when their middle class parents have a house where they can crash. Boomers don't want their children to rough it either. Emotional and financial dependence is a two-way street. This generation has taken it upon themselves to make their grown children happy. We've abrogated our responsibility to insist they make a life for themselves. Instead we're providing it for them. Often, if moms and dads don't house their grown children, those with extra cash will help an adult child purchase a home.

Perma-parents suffer potential financial and emotional repercussions. The empty-nest years are a crucial time for adults to bone up for retirement, rather than pay off their youngster's credit cards or feed another mouth. Keeping the children also prevents couples from reconfiguring their lives in a post-parenting marriage, when, historically, many marriages break up. When marriages do end in divorce, or when one spouse dies, moms and dads may be especially inclined to reconnect with their adult children.

The empty nest is doubly empty when you don't share it with a partner. Nevertheless, for women who find themselves widowed or divorced in their 50s or 60s, being too involved in adult kids's lives can be a big mistake. They have decades ahead and need to find a way to approach their lives as individuals.

Married or not, adults who re-feather the nest past its prime postpone their own personal development. During the late 1990s, a spate of books with titles like Give Them Wings or As You Leave Home: Parting Thoughts from a Loving Parent appeared to address the challenge of accepting kid's adulthood. But despite the temptations—pleas for help from adult kids, the desire to pitch in financially, the urge not to let go—experts agree that having children at home is generally a bad idea.

Unless the youngster is suffering from a crisis, adult kids belong on their own; empty nest parents have their own lives to attend to. Boomeranging home may not be such a bad idea for twenty-somethings, but it may not be best for parents. Moms and dads like being in a position to help their children, and they like the fact that they get along well enough to live together. But parents are usually ready by then to move on with their own lives.

Indeed, many psychologists believe the post-parenting period is one in which people have the opportunity to reconfigure their identities—to relocate, downshift or change a career, become more involved in the community, take continuing education courses or learn new creative skills. Carl Jung in particular emphasized the importance of this last stage of development. Having an adult child lurking around the house and feeding off the parental nest egg robs moms and dads of some of this latitude. These parents end up impeding their own transition into a new period of adulthood. It's a flight from life. Perma-parents, perhaps it's time to grow up!

Launching Adult Children With Aspergers: How To Promote Self-Reliance

ASD Teens and Sexual Issues

The two most important issues to address with ASD (high functioning autistic) teens are sexual safety and social issues related to sexuality. It comes down to education directed to personal and sexual safety - starting with closing and locking the bathroom door, knowing who can and can't help with menstrual care, and understanding the difference between good touching and bad touching.

Very few programs exist to teach young people with ASD about sex and sexuality, and because ASD teens are often unaware of social cues and peer expectations, clear, direct education is often critical. For example, they need to know they should lock the bathroom stall, and they need to learn how to do it. Sometimes moms and dads think it's safer if they take their youngster into the bathroom with them, but the challenge with that is that the person most likely to cause abuse is someone the kid knows, not someone he/she doesn't know. And if you don't teach your son/daughter to close and lock the door in a public bathroom, he/she's too open to abuse.

Beyond day-to-day hygiene and the issues of bathroom and locker room safety, it's important to address the social aspects of sexuality. Unlike most youngsters, teens with autism are unlikely to learn about sexual norms from peers or even from teachers. So it's up to moms and dads to pick up the slack. Some things that almost anyone on the autism spectrum can learn about include:
  • bathroom and locker room independence
  • circles of comfort (who may touch you or ask you to undress)
  • good touch/bad touch
  • reporting of past events such an inappropriate touch

For parents of these special needs teens, however, there's a second level of difficulty: teaching even the most basic social aspects of sexuality. Even masturbation has a social component. ASD teens need to know when and where it's okay to touch themselves, and they need to understand the absolute need for privacy.

For kids on the spectrum going to middle school, if we're not pre-teaching, they'll get a skewed vision of human sexuality. Right now, there's no curriculum that truly addresses these issues in a functional way, and there's little research on the topic. You're also teaching values and social competence.

How can parents begin to think about this issue?
  • Be concrete (talk about the penis or vagina, not the birds and bees).
  • Be consistent and repetitive about sexual safety.
  • Be sure to address the social dimension of sexuality.
  • Find someone of the same gender to teach the basics of safety and hygiene.
  • Redirect inappropriate behaviors. For example, if a child is likely to masturbate in class or in public, give him something to carry or hold, etc.
  • Strongly reinforce for all appropriate behavior.
  • Think ahead - be proactive ("pre-teach").

The change from child to adult is an especially dangerous time for ASD adolescents in our society. From their earliest years, kids watch television shows and movies that insist that "sex appeal" is a personal quality that people need to develop to the fullest. ASD adolescents are at risk -- not only from AIDS and STDs -- but from this sort of mass-market encouragement.

Sexual content is regularly marketed to younger kids, pre-teens, and teens and this affects young people's sexual activity and beliefs about sex. According to the fact sheet, Marketing Sex to Children, from the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, kids are bombarded with sexual content and messages:
  • 42% of the songs on the top CDs contain sexual content -- 19% included direct descriptions of sexual intercourse.
  • Before moms and dads raised an outcry, Abercrombie and Fitch marketed a line of thong underpants decorated with sexually provocative phrases such as "Wink Wink" and "Eye Candy" to 10-year-olds.
  • Girls who watched more than 14 hours of rap music videos per week were more likely to have multiple sex partners and to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
  • 83% of the episodes of the top 20 shows among teen viewers contained some sexual content, including 20% with sexual intercourse.
  • On average, music videos contain 93 sexual situations per hour, including eleven "hard core" scenes depicting behaviors such as intercourse and oral sex.

TV, movies, and music are not the only influences -- the Internet provides adolescents with seemingly unlimited access to information on sex as well as a steady supply of people willing to talk about sex with them. Adolescents may feel safe because they can remain anonymous while looking for information on sex. Sexual predators know this and manipulate young people into online relationships and, later, set up a time and place to meet.

Autistic adolescents don't need a sexual predator to introduce them to online pornography. It comes to them through porn spam on their e-mail or by inadvertently clicking on a link to a porn site. Through pornography, young people get a twisted view of what constitutes normal relationships. In fact, pornography is directly related to sexual abuse, rape, and sexual violence.

Just as sexual preferences are learned behavior, most or all sexual deviations are also learned behaviors, with pornography having the power of conditioning into sexual deviancy. Pornography can be addictive, with the individual becoming desensitized to 'soft' porn and moving on to dangerous images of bondage, rape, sadomasochism, torture, group sex and violence.

At the very least, addiction to pornography destroys relationships by dehumanizing the individual and reducing the capacity to love. At worst, some addicts begin to act out their fantasies by victimizing others, including kids and animals.

ASD adolescents also have their own cultural beliefs about what is normal sexual behavior. Although most teenage girls believe that sex equals love, other adolescents -- especially boys -- believe that sex is not the ultimate expression of the ultimate commitment, but a casual activity and minimize risks or serious consequences. That is, of course, what they see on TV. The infrequent portrayals of sexual risks on TV, such as disease and pregnancy, trivialize the importance of sexual responsibility.

Other misconceptions include:
  • a girl can't get pregnant if it's her first time
  • a girl can't get pregnant if she's menstruating
  • all adolescents are having sex
  • having sex makes you an adult
  • something is wrong with an older teen (17-19) who is not having sex
  • you are a virgin as long as you don't have sexual intercourse -- oral sex doesn't count

Clearly, moms and dads are in a tough spot. But there are some key ideas that help make sense of things.

These adolescents should learn the facts about human reproduction, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. Of the over 60 million people who have been infected with HIV in the past 20 years, about half became infected between the ages of 15 and 24. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 25% of sexually active adolescents get a sexually transmitted disease (STD) every year, and 80% of infected adolescents don’t even know they have an STD, passing the diseases along to unsuspecting partners. 

Your child needs to know that adolescents who are sexually active and do not consistently use contraceptives will usually become pregnant and have to face potentially life-altering decisions about resolving their pregnancy through abortion, adoption, or parenthood.

Health classes and sex education programs in the schools typically present information about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy risk, and contraception. However, evidence shows that traditional sex education, as it has been offered in the United States, increases sexual knowledge, but has little or no effect on whether or not adolescents engage in sex or use contraception.

Moms and dads, too, need to know important information, such as the younger the age of first sexual intercourse, the more likely that the experience was coercive, and that forced sexual intercourse is related to long-lasting negative effects.

The following is all related to later onset of sexual intercourse:
  • Attending church frequently
  • Good school grades
  • Having better educated moms and dads
  • Parental supervision
  • Sexually abstinent friends
  • Supportive family relationships

The challenge for any person is to make sense of facts in ways that are meaningful in life -- in ways that help them think and make wise choices. Schoolroom lessons leave much to be desired in this regard.

Commitments and values differ so widely in society that schools cannot be very thorough or consistent in their treatment of moral issues. According to a growing body of research, moms and dads and religious beliefs are a potent one-two combination when it comes to influencing a teen’s decisions about whether or not to have sex.

Moms and dads can best help their ASD adolescents from becoming sexually active by:
  • letting adolescents know that they are expected to abstain from sex until marriage
  • maintaining a warm and loving relationship with their kids

Moms and dads who are involved in their kid's lives, and who confidently transmit their religious and moral values to their kids, have the greatest success in preventing risky and immoral behavior.

For this reason, it is more important for teenagers to see real-life examples of people who understand and deal responsibly with their sexual natures.

Morals are not abstractions. Morals have to do with real-life commitments to people and things that have value. Moms and dads and other influential adults (at school, at church, and in the community) need to show adolescents the difference between devotion and infatuation and help them make the distinction in their own hearts.

ASD adolescents need to understand that satisfying sexual relationships -- like other relationships -- require careful thought and wise action.

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

Aspergers in the Family

It used to be thought that individuals with Aspergers did not marry because of their social difficulties. This is not true! There may be many undiagnosed people with Aspergers who have spouses and kids. Some may manage marriage and family life very well, others may have great difficulties. Living with an individual with Aspergers can be very difficult because of the very subtle nature of the disability. There is no physical sign of the disorder, and it can be hard to explain to friends and family that the peculiar behavior is not deliberate.

What Spouses Say—

The following are direct quotes taken from case histories written by spouses of individuals with Aspergers:

"Anything he cannot face he throws away, and the consequences are -horrific... He keeps copious lists of 'things to do, but I have to tell him what they are. If I am not there, he loses the lists... His social behavior is appalling; falls asleep in company, makes rude noises."

"All the unwritten rules of behavior were puzzling to him... Something which you think is obvious, is not to him... lack of perception about other people's intentions.. he does not recognize the needs of others... He did not seem able to project his mind into a hypothetical situation, or put himself in somebody else's shoes to see what it would feel like... He cannot see that his kids should be distressed because he does not visit them for weeks. He signed their birthday cards with his name until told they would prefer him to put 'Dad'."

"... the paradox of an apparently kind and gentle man behaving with cold cruelty, and then being distressed and surprised by the result."

"... he fails to recognize or understand other people's feelings... an inability to recognise when behavior is not appropriate."

What Can You Do For Yourself?

The first step in coping with any disorder is educating yourself about it. This can be especially difficult if your spouse has Aspergers. One very successful man with Aspergers describes himself like an 'anthropologist on Mars'! It can be difficult to understand that apparently hurtful behavior by your husband may not have been meant that way, but may be due to an inability to read your thoughts and feelings. You may need to be more frank and explicit than you would like, in telling your spouse what you are thinking and feeling and what you need him/her to do in response.

Because Aspergers can be seen as a disorder of insight into thoughts and feelings, it may be very difficult to engage your spouse in the sorts of discussions that marriage counselors or family therapists use. Indeed, such therapists may not have heard of Aspergers and may need information from you in order to avoid misunderstandings. You may like to think about other approaches instead - perhaps it will be more useful to talk to a counselor on your own, to have a chance to think through your feelings and decide possible coping strategies.

In brief, the following three steps have been useful for some spouses:
  • Consider whether diagnosis would help
  • Contact with others in the same position, for understanding listening, support and advice
  • Counseling for yourself and your family

What Can You Do For Your Spouse?

As well as your spouse having difficulty understanding your needs for emotional closeness and communication, it may also be hard for you to understand your spouse's needs. He or she may be interested in things that seem very boring to you, or may find apparently normal social situations very stressful. Try and remember that he/she may not be able to read all the social cues which you understand without even trying. So getting very emotional (even when you have every right!) may not be the best way to get through - while a calmer, reasoned discussion (even writing things down) may work better. Avoiding personal criticism can help; one spouse suggests a more impersonal approach, e.g. instead of saying "You shouldn't do that," saying "People don't do that in social settings."

It may be hard for your spouse to change from routine, and he/she may need plenty of notice when such disruptions will occur.

If your spouse acknowledges his/her social difficulties, it may be useful for him/her to see someone who knows about Aspergers and could offer practical advice, or social skills pointers, rather than more insight-centered 'talking' therapy.

Aspergers and Genetics—

Some research shows that there are strikingly similar features in first or second degree relatives on either side of the family, or the family history includes "eccentric" individuals who have a mild expression of Aspergers. There are also some families with a history of children with Aspergers and classic Autism.

Should a relative have had similar characteristics when younger, they have a unique advantage in helping the child in that they know what he/she is going through. There is no formal identification of the precise means of transmission if the cause is genetic, but we do have some ideas as to which chromosomes may be involved. As our knowledge of genetics improves, we may soon be able to predict the recurrence rate for individual families.

But it may be a mistake to dwell exclusively on the genetics of Aspergers. There must be other factors involved. Experts suspect such variables as prenatal positioning in the womb, trauma experienced at birth, or random variation in the process of brain development may also play a role.

Even if you could identify the genes involved in Aspergers, it's not clear what you would do about them. It's not as if they are lethal genetic defects, like the ones that cause Huntington's disease or cystic fibrosis.

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