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Rebellious Aspergers Teenagers

"Why does my Aspergers teen reject everything I say? Why is he so argumentative and defiant?"

These are some of the many questions you, as a parent of a rebellious Aspergers (high-functioning autistic) teen, might be asking yourself right now.

The teenage years can be a very rough time for both the teen and the parent – especially when you consider the challenges that are part of the Aspergers condition.

Why do Aspergers teens rebel?

It's normal for any teenager to show a little bit of rebellion now and again. However, teenage rebellion that is constant, interferes with normal daily functioning, and is destructive calls for much more attention. Aspergers teens rebel for a variety of reasons:
  • Peer pressure - Some forms of rebellion can begin with pressure from peers to join in various destructive behaviors.
  • Independence - These years are a constant struggle between dependence and independence. Rebellious adolescents want to have total independence and prove to you that they can do things themselves. At the same time, they are overwhelmed and still desire parental protection.
  • Hormonal changes - As adolescents bodies are changing, hormone fluctuations can bring about all sorts of mood changes.
  • Discovering their identities - Adolescents are at a point in their lives when they are trying to figure out who they are as a person, their likes/dislikes and what they will be doing for the rest of their lives. They use this time to test and try out many identities until they find one they are most comfortable with.

In what forms do adolescents rebel?

How your Aspergers teen chooses to rebel depends on his own individual feelings and problems. Some forms may include:
  • Argumentative - quick to anger, overly defenseless
  • Change in appearance/interests - trying out new clothing styles, hairstyles, tastes in music
  • Rejection of rules/curfews
  • Running away from home
  • School problems - cutting classes, missing school, drop in grades
  • Spending more time with friends away from family members
  • Substance abuse - experimenting with alcohol and illicit drugs

How can you prevent teenage rebellion?

Preventing all forms of rebellion can be a difficult chore as some of this behavior is a normal process of growing up. Keeping the dangerous forms under control is necessary though in order to avoid further problems from developing. If your Aspergers teen is showing harmful rebellious behavior, further treatment with a mental health professional should be sought. Rebellion could be due to another underlying problem. 

As moms and dads, the following methods can be helpful in keeping rebellion at a minimum:
  1. Don't be too harsh with criticism - Adolescents like to experiment with their individuality to discover who they are. As long as it is not harmful, let them try out new things. Give your opinion, but don't criticize.
  2. Keep an open relationship with your teen - Let them know that they can always come to you with their problems, under any circumstances. If your rebellious teenager feels the need to be alone, give them some space to work out their problems by themselves first.
  3. Punishments should be fair - Set reasonable consequences for broken rules as unfair punishments can create further rebellion.
  4. Set up some reasonable house rules - If your rules are to strict, your rebellious adolescent might feel the need to break them. Give your adolescents some say in home of these rules and curfews so that they feel some ownership over them.
  5. Try not to argue with your rebellious adolescent - Yelling and arguing with your rebellious adolescent about your differences only sets a bad example of how to deal with problems. Try to approach the matter at hand in a calm fashion. If that cannot be done, give yourself some space for a while and talk about it at a later time once tempers diminish.

==> Help for Parents of Teens with Asperger's and HFA

Adult Aspergers Children Who Move Back Home – or Never Leave

Older Aspergers (high functioning autistic) kids (19-years-old and up) are moving back home – or have never left! Why is this? 

Between a troubled economy, crushing student loan debt, and social skills deficits that are part of the Aspergers condition, grown Aspergers kids are moving home at ever-increasing rates – or they have never left!

It's hardly surprising that a mixture of emotions (e.g., anger, anxiety, and possibly joy) flows when junior moves back home. If you're still trying to decide if this step is right for you, the "Are You Ready for a Refilled Nest?" quiz may help (located at the bottom of this article). But if you've already taken the plunge, it may be helpful to understand where the boomerang trend and its accompanying emotions are coming from, and the issues most likely to arise.

House Rules—

Moms and dads love their children. They want the best for them. When they see their children clearly making mistakes and bad choices, they immediately want to intervene. The key is to remember that they are grown-ups now and they have the right to make the choices they make as well as face the consequences, good or bad, of those choices. This is when all those years of teaching them should be kicking in. We all learn through our mistakes, and we all continue to make mistakes as grown-ups. Our adult Aspergers kids have the right to live as a mistake-making / consequence-facing human, just as we do.

When House Rules are established, they need to remain focused on the Household. The following is a general list of common areas to address:

• Chores— How will they be divided? Obviously the adult kids need to be responsible for the cleaning of their own private areas, but what about shared living areas? What is the timeline for doing the chores in the common areas? How will the laundry facility be shared?

• Company— If the entrance to their private living areas is not private, you have every right to set hours for entertaining. Other areas to address would be those house rules other members of the household must follow such as no one of the opposite gender in the bedroom, no company in the house after midnight, etc. House rules apply to all in the household.

• Conditions of Residence— These would be rules as to why they are being allowed to move in and what will cause an eviction. Some moms and dads have a general rule that any youngster living with them must be attending school full-time, working, or serving in the armed forces, as there will be no 'free ride'. If the youngster is in school full-time they live in the home rent-free. The other circumstances require the payment of rent, usually based upon their ability to pay.

• Household Influence— If you have a rule against no alcohol, no drugs, and no r-rated movies, for example, in your home; you have the right to extend that rule to the adult kids. Anything you believe to be harmful to the environment of your home or harmful by way of example or risk to the underage kids is eligible for rule setting in this category. These items must be carefully addressed so they do not become matters of running the adult child's life, or about what they do outside of the home. These rules need to stay strictly focused on the home environment.

• Rent— Does this amount cover just shelter, or are food and utilities covered as well? If food is not covered in the amount, will they buy their own groceries, or contribute groceries to the household? When is the rent due, and what is the late payment policy? Will a deposit be required? Will said deposit be returned in part or full? If so, under what circumstances?

• Their Kids and Pets— Keeping them under control and also living according to house rules. You have the right to have your privacy and your belongings respected. You have the right to expect them to parent their own kids and care for their own pets. This area can become an area of contention when moms and dads desiring to be helpful begin to interfere in the parenting style and routines of their adult kids. This is a huge no-no. They are grown-ups and those are their kids. Unless your grandkids are in imminent danger, you have no right to interfere.

Running Their Own Life—

It is difficult to see someone you love make choices that you know will have a bad outcome, or which you do not personally agree with. As moms and dads of adult Aspergers kids, you must first and foremost respect their rights as grown-ups.

Whether they live under your roof or not, you have no right to insist upon setting rules which interfere in their right to choose for themselves what to do with their own life. Some examples of Running-Their-Life Rules are as follows:

• How they dress or style their hair
• How they parent their own kids
• Places they may go
• Their diet and exercise program or lack thereof
• What line of work or field of study they may be involved in
• Where they may attend church or if they attend church or not
• Where they may work or go to school
• Whether they get piercings and tattoos
• Who they may associate with outside of your home.


In some cases, there is true and imminent danger involved to the safety and welfare of your adult youngster, their kids, your own underage kids, or yourself. In these cases, you have every right and responsibility to act. A few examples would be as follows:

• Alcohol and Drug abuse. If their life or the life of another is at risk by all means intervene. This is where programs such as Al-Anon can help you understand the dynamics and what you can and should do. You may have to become acquainted with the principles of Tough Love and actually hold an Intervention to help your adult youngster.

• Clear animal abuse or neglect as outlined by your state or local government. Your opinion that something is neglectful or abusive must be substantiated by state or local law before you have the right to intervene because it may well be just your opinion.

• Clear child abuse or neglect as outlined by your state government. Your opinion that something is neglectful or abusive must be substantiated by state law before you have the right to intervene because it may well be just your opinion.

The best way to teach our kids is through the example that we set. They learn far more from what we do than what we say, and they do watch what we do very closely. If we expect them to live a certain way, we must be consistently and without hypocrisy living that way ourselves. Then, if we set a good example, they may choose to adopt our philosophy and way of life for themselves. They also may choose to go their own way. The point is that it is their life and their choice, and that must always be respected.

Preparing a Lease—

Writing down the terms of a room and board arrangement eliminated all sorts of problems. My grandson learned that he would be now responsible for his own food and laundry, and that the six hours of weekly yard work were not negotiable since he was receiving a value of $500 a month in free rent & utilities. Other terms included "quiet hours" from 11pm to 7am and no overnight guests. By addressing these issues in a businesslike manner, there was no question of who was responsible for what, and how the rent would be dealt with. It solved the problem for us and is an excellent example of why a lease should be drawn up with our adult kids when they find themselves living back at home for a while.

What should be covered in the lease? From our experience, we learned that it was helpful to address these issues in our lease agreement:

• How will the chores be managed? This is one of the problems where resentment can build up in a hurry, if not addressed before an adult youngster moves back home. While moms and dads are more than happy to help their children out if financially possible, this doesn't mean the youngster gets a free pass from household chores. Yes, chores. With an extra person in the house, there are extra dishes, extra laundry, and extra stuff lying around that needs to be picked up. Asking for your youngster to help out with assigned tasks is not unreasonable and should be addressed in the lease so there is no misunderstanding.

• How will the groceries be managed? Feeding an extra mouth can also cost money, especially if that mouth belongs to an adult male with hollow legs. How we solved the problem with our grandson was to install a 6 cubit foot refrigerator freezer in his basement kitchenette. He bought his own food and left the stuff in our frig alone. With an extra adult in the house, a grocery bill can increase by 50%. Setting guidelines for how the cost of groceries will be handled should also be part of the lease.

• Who will pay the extra utility costs? Having an adult youngster living at home costs money. There's the added cost of hot water for that extra shower and extra laundry, plus the high speed DSL, cable television, or an extra phone. Extra water also means a higher sewer bill. If you can't afford the extra cost of utilities, who pays the additional cost should be part of the lease.

• Will there be rent? Our adult kids often move back home because they are trying to recover financially, and aren't in a position to pay rent or utilities. If you aren't charging your adult kids rent to help with expenses, then it is not unreasonable to ask for work in lieu of payment. Yard work, painting the house, or "whole house" cleaning on weekly bass is one way to work off the rent without having to pay cash.

If you were managing a rental property, you might have rules of occupancy which might include no illegal activities, no loud parties, no unauthorized roommate or pets, no smoking, or other activities that you find objectionable. Just because your boarder is your youngster, he doesn't get to carry on in a way that jeopardizes the quality of your life. And, just because he IS your youngster doesn't mean you have the right to invade his privacy and snoop around his room. Writing down the house rules in a lease takes out the guesswork of out what is permitted and what isn't.

While a lease isn't necessary for every situation, sitting down and discussing ground rules is an important issue that moms and dads should insist on when an adult youngster is wanting to move back home temporarily. By discussing expenses in a businesslike manner, deciding how the work will be divided, and writing it all down, a family can avoid hard feelings and misunderstandings that can lead to damaging a family relationship.

Sample Rental Contract—

When your grown-up child moves back home, it’s best to draw up a contract to outline expectations and financial agreements. Some families draw up formal paperwork, others use a rental contract simply as a guideline for discussion. Here’s a sample rental contract to get you started:

1. Cooking, laundry and chores: (Name) will mow the lawn on Saturday, grocery shop on Sunday using the family shopping list, and cook dinner on Mondays and Wednesdays. He is responsible for the purchase, laundering and maintenance of his own clothing and any personal items.

2. Guests and quiet hours: Household quiet hours run from midnight to 6 a.m., unless otherwise arranged. No overnight guests without prior arrangement.

3. Rent: Beginning with his second monthly paycheck, (name) will pay $200 (or whatever amount) a month to cover rent and food. 

4. Set a time limit and a goal: This agreement runs from June 15, when (name) moves home, until (date), when he will have saved enough money to get an apartment of his own, i.e., first and last month’s rent and a security deposit. 

5. Utilities: Beginning with his second monthly paycheck, (name) will pay 25% of the utilities, including water, gas, electrical and cable.

Quiz: Are You Ready for a Refilled Nest?

Depending on distance and family dynamics, a grown child's move back home can be a major undertaking. If you're pondering whether you're ready to refill that empty nest, this quiz may help. And if the answer is "no," consider that there may be other, less drastic ways to help your youngster get back on his feet.
  1. Are the chances of his finding satisfying full- or part-time work in your town better than where he is now?
  2. Do you have a good, supportive relationship with your youngster? 
  3. Does he visit frequently and without any particular problems?
  4. Does he need to get his feet back on the ground after a devastating life event - a bad break-up, divorce or medical crisis?
  5. Does he still have close friends in your area? Depression and loneliness are, unfortunately, common problems for the Aspergers adult. His support network needs to encompass more than his wonderful parents.
  6. Does your youngster have specific plans - he wants to buy a house, pay off debts, go to grad school or find a job - that would be made possible by a dramatic, temporary change in his living situation?
  7. Does your youngster respect your privacy and your needs? 
  8. Can he be relied on to follow mutually agreed upon rules?
  9. Is your home and bank account large enough to accommodate your returning youngster?
If you answered "yes" to all - or nearly all - of these questions, welcoming home a returning, grown youngster may be a great solution for your family, particularly if you talk frankly and openly about concerns, lay ground rules ahead of time and keep the channels of communication open.

A "no" answer to any of these questions is a red flag - not insurmountable, but definitely worth exploring alternative ways to help your youngster deal with his challenges, short of moving in with you.


It's necessary to set standards. This means spelling out clearly what is acceptable behavior and enforcing the consequences of inappropriate behavior. Don't be afraid to lay down rules. Moms and dads don't have to accept intolerable behavior. Make sure the youngster knows there are boundaries that can't be crossed. You are not curtailing the youngster's rights. Remember, you have rights, too.

And what about money? The key is to communicate about it. To avoid money quarrels, discuss openly who pays for what. Don't be shy about insisting that a youngster who's working contributes to the household expenses.

If the conflicts persist in spite of your efforts, most cities have family counseling services that can help moms and dads and kids work out the problems.

No matter what brought the youngster home, there comes a time when the "visit" must come to a close. It was, after all, only temporary. Be especially sensitive to when the youngster has stayed long enough. Realize why the child is at home in the first place. If moms and dads begin to feel exploited, or feel that the children are getting too comfortable, it may be time to force them to get on with acting like grown-ups.

==> Launching Adult Children With HFA and Aspergers: How To Promote Self-Reliance

Preventing Temper Tantrums in Children with Asperger's Syndrome

Kids with Aspergers (high functioning autism) have difficulty in communication, a wish for everything to stay the same, and sticking to their favorite routines. They can get very angry and upset if something unexpected happens or when they do not understand what they are told or what is expected from them.

Their frustration levels are much higher and even the slightest thing can set them off. To outsiders their sometimes violent tantrums seem to be without a cause. As a grandparent of a boy with Aspergers, I know from experience there is always a reason for him to express his frustration in such a way.

Typically, rages in Aspergers kids occur when the youngster has experienced a maximum sensory overload and can no longer interpret the environment stimuli occurring around them. The rages and outbursts may occur because of miscommunication between your youngster and another youngster, or when your youngster is simply not able to interpret the communication occurring in their environment.

In most kids with Aspergers, rages occur because of frustration in their ability to interpret and communicate effectively, and in combination with the sensory overload of the activities around them. If you feel that your youngster is experiencing rages, temper tantrums, and outbursts due to environment stimulation complications, it is important to place your youngster in an environment where you can, to some extent, control what happens in the environment. Progressively, over time you can increase the exposure that your youngster experiences in their environment as a way to slowly teach your youngster how to manage and respond to the stimuli without experiencing feelings of rage.

When your youngster lives with Aspergers and has feelings of rage, it is important to understand some of the early warning signs that a temper tantrum is about to occur. In kids with Aspergers, biting of the lower lip or chewing on their play things is quite common when feeling distressed. In addition, your youngster may begin to pick at their hands or fingers and show signs that they want to rock in a chair. Some Aspergers kids, when feeling frustrated, may begin pacing, or even bolt out of a room as a way to alleviate the frustration they feel when too much stimulation is present.

All of these early warning signs are important to signify that a rage is about to occur, and when you see these warning signs in your Aspergers youngster not only should you defuse the situation, but also look around the environment to determine what could possibly be causing the rage to occur. By learning by experience, you can teach your youngster how to more effectively manage their rage and feelings of frustration so as to create a more peaceful, tantrum-free, environment in which to live.

Causes of tantrums—

Kids with Asperger have more trouble communication so are unable to express their frustration in a more acceptable way. Their anxiety level is much higher and they are known for their extreme reactions. It can be as simple as being touched unexpectedly or a stranger bumping into them and they feel it was done on purpose.

Another problem for those with Asperger can be sensory overload. Some kids with Asperger, have great difficulty with their senses such as the feel of their clothes, tags inside their clothes or the taste or texture of certain foods in their mouth. These uncomfortable senses make them feel uneasy and lead to built up stress. Anger tantrums can be a seen as a stress release.

What NOT to do—

One thing I learned over the years is this: never give in when they are throwing an anger tantrum. For example, if your youngster asks for a cookie and has an anger tantrum because you said "no," you will reward him for this behavior if you give him the cookie anyway. This way they are rewarded for their unacceptable behavior - and guess what - they will do it again and again and again because it pays off! I know it’s hard to stay calm, but shouting back will not work. Hitting you youngster will not work either. Realize it is the only way they can get rid of their frustration.

What you can do—

Isolated your youngster or walk away from the scene yourself if you feel unable to control your own feelings. Be direct and tell them they are on time out so they can calm down until they are able to talk about it. Find out the reason why your youngster has an anger tantrum so you both can learn to avoid it in the future. Trying to distract or redirect your youngster might help when they are still young. Holding your youngster firmly and not allowing him or her to escape can work sometimes. It is called holding therapy and it can have a calming effect when deep pressure is put on the body.

What worked for me and my grandson was to put our hands against each other and let him try to push me as far away from him as possible. It would put pressure and strain on his arms and legs and help him to vent his frustrations. Don’t let him push your body or get physical, just pushing through the hands will calm him down. I never gave my kids the idea they should be ashamed for their feelings of frustration or anger. It’s okay to be angry but it’s not okay to hit or hurt somebody because of it. Being angry is not something they are able to control, but they do have a choice what they do with their anger. Try to talk about it to them, create an open communication with your youngster. Support him or her in any way you possibly can.

Just never give in to their expressed wishes while they are angry, or they will learn being angry and throwing anger tantrums will pay off and give them what they wanted in the first place.

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

Aspergers Children Are Picky Eaters

Getting Your Asperger Child to Try New Food: As if coping with Aspergers (high functioning autism) wasn't difficult enough, meal times can become the battle of the century trying to get your Aspergers child to eat something, anything. Sometimes, due to their sensory issues, getting a child with Aspergers to eat can make you want to pull your hair out. One day they will eat something, and the next day they scream when it comes near their mouth … not to mention your fears as a mother or father that your child is not getting adequate nutrition.

So what do you do when your Aspergers child becomes a picky eater? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Make a game of trying a food. Have him help you prepare a new food, and then both of you taste it. Or make a food a funny color as a joke, and then eat it.

2. Make your Aspergers child a "menu". Have him choose an appetizer and a main course. Provide him with two choices in each category. Make both appetizer choices foods he does not typically eat. Serve him a very small portion of the appetizer he chooses, start with just one bite. Provide a choice of at least one main course food that he prefers, but tell him appetizer comes before the main course and he needs to choose and eat the appetizer before he will be given the main course. Stress to him that as soon as he tastes the appetizer it will be time for the main dish, and provide a lot of positive reinforcement for eating the appetizer. Try to stick with the same appetizer choices for about a week to allow him to get used to them. If he starts picking the same appetizer on consecutive days, begin increasing the serving size until he is eating a typical amount.

3. One option is to try the same food in another form. If they were unimpressed by the orange slices, provide them with a glass of orange juice.

4. One possible issue is the upset over food touching other food. This can be easily remedied by using divided plates that do not allow contact between areas and therefore, the food remains separated.

5. Outside of meals, try talking to him about new things in general, and how trying new things is sometimes scary – but also lots of fun. You could remind him of things he was scared of initially but now enjoys, and then point out that trying new foods is similar.

6. Won't touch green vegetables? Serve them some V8. Of course, this can become difficult and you can feel like you are running a restaurant if you have other children you are preparing meals for, but like all aspects of the Aspergers world, it takes adjustments. The less you indulge in the food fight the better chance you have of overcoming the issue.

Though coping with Aspergers and picky eating can be a somewhat daunting task, it is essential to keep trying and doing your best as a parent to provide your child with what they need. If you notice a complete lack of certain nutrients or foods in their diet, your best approach may be supplements. Do what you can, and in time it becomes easier and more like second nature. It's a long and gradual process, but stick with it.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

Aspergers in Babies

Self-centered behavior, repetitive behavioral patterns, and difficulty in social interaction – all these symptoms point to Aspergers in your baby.

Aspergers is a part of the family of autism spectrum disorders. Those suffering from the syndrome show difficulties in social interaction, along with repetitive and restricted behavior and interests.

This syndrome differs from other autism disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Unlike other autism disorders, it is also very difficult to track and diagnose. The babies suffering from this syndrome might exhibit a few symptoms only and even they might be difficult to identify. Unlike the kids suffering from autism, those with Aspergers might show no delay in language development. They usually have a good control over grammar, but do exhibit a kind of language disorder. There are no delays in cognitive development or in age-appropriate self-help skills, such as feeding and dressing themselves. However, they may have problem with attention span and in organization. Such kids usually have average and, at times, above average intelligence. Read on to explore the causes and symptoms of Aspergers in infants.


The causes of Aspergers are not very clear. Researchers are still investigating for the exact reasons behind this syndrome. It is believed that the pattern of behavior that characterizes Aspergers may have many causes. The condition seems to have a hereditary factor or component in it. Studies indicate that Aspergers may be associated with other mental disorders as well, like depression and bipolar disorder. Researchers are also looking for any possibility of environmental factors affecting brain development.

However, what needs to remembered is that Aspergers is not caused by emotional deprivation or deficient upbringing of a person. Some of the behavior may appear deliberate and intentionally rude, but people should not mistake it as the result of bad parenting or upbringing. It is a neurological disorder whose causes are not yet been fully understood. Currently, there is no treatment for the disorder, as the causes are so vague, so a youngster with Aspergers grows up with the same. However, it generally does not affect the normal living of a person.


• Babies suffering from Aspergers usually stay away from other people. They are more of a shy nature and indulge in minimal interaction with the people around them.
• Kids suffering from Aspergers are often highly self-centered. From their talks and behavior, it seems that nothing matters to them more than their own self.
• Clients may also face problems with regard to non-verbal cognitive abilities, which can be average or below average. The verbal ability remains average or above average.
• Such children even tend to have a robot-like scripted speech or way of conversing. They keep repeating the same things again and again.
• Such children tend to show some kind of an obsession with any complex topic or situation, which does not even require the amount of attention they are giving.
• The babies suffering from Aspergers might also lack in common sense. They may find it difficult to apply their brain in common situations.
• The kids suffering from the syndrome may face some problem with regard to reading and writing. They may also have problem in subjects like math, where reasoning is required.
• The syndrome often projects some odd behaviors and mannerisms. The children may behave in a strange manner to a certain situation, or just generally.


This syndrome is very difficult to diagnose as kids suffering with Aspergers functions well in most aspects of life. So, their strange behaviors can easily be attributed to them being different. According to mental health experts, the detection of the syndrome at the earliest is very important. Interventions involving educational and social training perform while a youngster’s brain is still developing is highly recommended. Though the symptoms are not very clear, but if you are able to detect even few of them, it is advisable to recommend your youngster to a doctor. A complete psychosocial evaluation will be done while examining the baby. This will include careful examination of the history of symptoms, the language and motor skill development of the youngster and other aspects of personality and behavior.


• Language Therapy— Kids suffering with Aspergers show some difficulty in speaking and communicating, though they have good control over language. There is a need for them to go through a language therapy to make their expressing ability fluent.

• Medications— There are no medications as such for Aspergers. But some medications as prescribed by a specialist may improve some specific symptoms that might be complicating your baby’s progress.

• Parent’s Education & Training— It is very important for the moms and dads to be completely aware about all the aspects of the disorder. The moms and dads whose youngster is suffering with the disorder should be well aware of the disorder and its affect, so that they can take proper care of their kids, as prescribed by the specialist.

• Psychotherapy— Once a youngster grows up they can also undergo psychotherapy or a cognitive therapy for better results.

• Sensory Integration Training— The sufferers of the syndrome might be highly sensitive to certain things or situations. So, a sensory integrated training can be conducted by a specialist, which will help decentralize the stimuli to which the kids are highly sensitive.

• Social-Skill Training— Kids suffering with Aspergers are self-centered. They don’t mingle well with the society. It is important to give them some social-skill therapy. The moms and dads or the family members can only help them by comforting them and granting confidence in them at social gatherings.

• Specialized Educational Interventions— Kids suffering with Aspergers can also face problems in educational field, so a special educational intervention is a must.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...