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How Do I Parent an Adult Child with Aspergers?


My 20-year-old child has Aspergers. He is intelligent and is doing well in college -- but is lonely. He has met a woman online who wants him to move to Texas, and I fear for his safety. He is obsessed with moving and believes that "friends" are waiting for him. How can I help him see that he may be headed for trouble?


In cases like this, it seems like experience is the best teacher. I can see both sides: that of the mother convinced her youngster is making a potentially fatal mistake and wanting to do anything to prevent it; and of the young adult who has experienced nothing but loneliness and rejection all his life and who finally believes he has a chance to make it on his own and find both friendship and love. He is not likely to be persuaded from his dreams, and you may damage your relationship with him if you push too hard.

Could you ask him more questions about the relationship? How long ago did he meet her, what are her interests, what is the thing he most loves about her, what are his plans for once he gets to California, what is his idea of an ideal relationship....subtle questions if possible to gauge how much he really even knows about her and how serious he is, and what a relationship really means to him. If it sounds serious and valid, you can be relieved; if not, you can hopefully subtly push him in the right direction. The other thing you can do is let him go, but try to get him to promise you that he will call X amount of times per day, get as much contact info as you can - her phone number and address, his itinerary, etc.

I do think that if he could just have some social success, maybe he wouldn't be so bent on chasing this lady to the other coast. And meeting other people on the spectrum through support groups could give him that. But he may or may not be interested in learning about Aspergers and meeting other people with it.

I wish I could offer you something decisive to do. If he does go, just try to prepare him for the possibility that it might not quite work out the way he thinks it will. Tell him that relationships take time and don't always work out; the most important thing you can do, actually, is not to antagonize him so that he is not too embarrassed to come home if things fall apart. Make clear to him that you love him and will support him no matter what he does, and that you will help him in any way you can and that he always has a home to come back to. Hopefully, he will spread his wings a little and keep the lines of communication open with you. Get him a cell phone if he doesn't already have one.

Launching Adult Children With Aspergers: How To Promote Self-Reliance

Emails from Parents Regarding PC Tattletale

“After learning hearing so much about the chat rooms, my space, FaceBook and other sites kids frequent today I became concerned with my child on the computer for hours at a time. Purchasing PC Tattletale put my mind at ease. I now know who my child chats with, what they say and of course the web sites he visits.”

“Although I have good kids, I know they are susceptible to influences from others and sometimes don't use good judgment in what the post on the internet. This way I can keep an eye on everything to make sure they are safe and not getting involved in anything questionable.”

‘As a parent it is our responsibility to teach our kids about internet safety. But, I do also understand that some kids don't realize the true consequences of the harm that can happen when they talk to strangers or view harmful material online. By using this monitoring software I am able to see if my kids are at risk to any predators online. I looked into several other programs and so far PC Tattletale has the best features.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

‘As moms and dads we have the right to know exactly what our kids are doing on the internet. It's nothing different than getting to know their friends and find out what they are doing. The internet is great but also can be very dangerous, and PC Tattletale has helped me understand my child's way of thinking and also be on the watch out mode for friends that I don't want her hanging out with.”

“Being a single mother, it gives me an extra set of eyes to protect my kids. I know there are a lot of moms and dads that would be surprised what their kids are doing. I was and I'm glad I was able to put a stop to it by using PC Tattletale.”

‘I always wanted to know what my child did online - but I felt it was an invasion of his space. But after a Dr. Phil show where he said I had an obligation to know so I bought the program and boy am I glad I did!’

“I am one of the computer experts in my Church and I have received many inquiries regarding how to monitor child activities. I did some research and selected your product because it looked like it would do what others in my Church are looking for. It does and I am now recommending it to others. I also am considering holding some educational sessions to help them install and use your software effectively. The screen captures feature has given me great insight into usage of the family PC. We home school and this feature has helped us to discover and correct times when some of our kids were "playing games" during school time instead of actively doing their school work.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

“I believe even the most trusted teenager needs to be monitored. A mother should always be one step ahead of their child/kids. It makes it a lot easy to tackle a situation, than a problem.”

“I believe in the adage "trust, yet verify" and that is exactly what this software allows me to do. I feel better knowing that as of yet my childs relationships with older teens are above board. They are not trying to persuade her to do things that I feel are inappropriate. I know that if an inappropriate situation should arise, I will be able to protect my child from her own naivety.”

“I bought the program, for the concern of my grandchilds, aged 13 & 15. When at my house, they spend a lot of time on, and other questionable web sites, which greatly concern me. For my own peace of mind, (with my childs consent), I decided to purchase this program, to monitor them. I think it's a wonderful program, and I’m thrilled to be able to know who they are chatting with and who they are emailing. My child and I are quite happy with the results.”

“I consider monitoring my kids's activities on the computer to have saved one of my kids lives or from being abducted. My 2nd oldest child, when she was 13, (She turned 14 in April) had a chat with someone in a kid's chat room. He wrote to her that he was around 16 years old and in High School. He also lied about his location. After a while he wrote her a personal e-mail with things that a 13 year old shouldn't have read but made it sound like he wanted to be her boyfriend, etc. After doing some research on the computer myself, I found out this guy was 32 years old and lived in the same city as us! I was in shock and I admit, Upset!”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

‘I feel that there is too much pornography on the internet, and way too easy to access. I therefore decided to try out your product to ensure all kinds of unsuited material would be inaccessible from our personal computer. The program was good at preventing the material reaching our PC too.”

“I have not been able to find another program that has all of the features this one has. My favorite is the screen recording, but I use them all. We've told our child over and over that the 16-yr-old girl talking to him on the internet may very well be a 50-yr-old man, looking for little boys who are gullible enough to believe him. With this program, there may still be a chance for someone to contact him once, but with me checking the recordings every day, I can end it before something bad happens.”

‘I like the fact that it is hidden and only I can access it and see all that goes on the computer and Internet It’s a great program!’

“I like using the PC Tattletale because I feel more at ease knowing that I will be seeing whatever my child sees and I will be able to help him should he need help. The scary part is that I have learned that there are a lot more predators than I first realized!’

“I purchased this software just in time. The insight the documentation provided allowed me to know what was going on and reference it thru possible other methods of access. I turned my child's attitude around just in time before she could have back strongly influenced by the wrong crowd of people. PC Tattletale offered great insight into what my child was thinking and feeling - rather than what she was telling me.”

“I told my kids I was putting tattletale on our computer. Knowing that I am monitoring has worked well. Before PC Tattletale I found them on sites I didn't approve of occasionally, but with PC Tattletale they stay away from those sites. PC tattletale has made me feel much more comfortable with my kids being online. I don't feel like they are going to be the targets of the many bad things that I know can happen on the net.”

“I tried many different programs and they either didn't work or were very difficult to install. PC Tattletale was extremely easy to install and worked right away. PC Tattletale has given me peace of mind. I no longer have to worry if there is something or someone trying to hurt my kids.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

“I was a computer consultant starting in 1997, and was going to many homes in the Atlanta area, and saw how many kids were just given free rein on the 'net, simply because moms and dads were unaware of HOW to see or monitor what they were doing. I saw horrible stuff that parents had no idea about. Already, I've told at least 20 or so people about PC Tattletale PC monitoring software in about 2 years.”

“I was concerned about my 15 y.o. child and who he was spending time with and what they were like. Turns out that many of them are dealing drugs and committing crimes. If I had not downloaded PC Tattletale I never would have known what my sons and his friends were up to. He has since stopped hanging with these kids who now have all been arrested on several occasions. My child is now spending his spare time in an organized sport that he is really enjoying while his ex friends are spending time reporting to a probation officer.”

“It gives you a sense of security in knowing that you are taking care of your kids while they are online. I loved the fact that it was so simple to use. I can't believe that it kept track of all the information.”

“It has helped me keep an eye on where he goes and I can also check MySpace sites by following where he has been. It just makes me feel more at ease knowing that I can see everything that goes on.”

“It is good to see what the kids are up to and if they are listening to the rules of the computer use and respecting your request. I like that I can see everything that is going on and what is being said in the chats and emails. My husband had a very ugly divorce and his ex is very bitter and with held access to his kids for over 5-years, now that the child has come to live with us we need to be able to monitor what is going on, because the child did not come without many issues.”

“My child does not know about the PC Tattletale program. Seeing where she goes, and says online helps me with "stories" and the "hypothetical scenarios" to teach her the importance of not abusing the internet or accessing inappropriate web sites.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

“My wife and I felt like we were in the dark with our child's life and the people that she hung around. We caught her lying about things she was doing and places she was going. So now since she basically lives on the computer, we know exactly what's going on at all times. PC Tattletale is the only way you're going to know what is going on all of the time. It's amazing all of the small details that get left out when talking to your child directly. It has helped build a trust. Our child knows that in order to use the computer, she has to have it monitored which has helped tremendously.”

“PC Tattletale has enabled me to give them more freedom on the web and teaches them to use their good judgment in selecting what they do online. They know they will be held accountable for their actions, and if they get into something they shouldn't then PC tattletale is there as a safety net to allow me to protect them from something that might harm them.”

“PC Tattletale has helped me keep an eye on where he goes and I can also check people's MySpace sites by following where he has been.”

“PC Tattletale has helped me to understand how my child is using the computer and the extent of their relationships online. I learned something very unexpected. It helped me to understand how my child thinks while doing homework. I was able to see how many times during the course of doing homework they got distracted by instant messages, music videos and web surfing. No wonder very little homework was getting done!”

“PC Tattletale is the best parental control I have ever seen; with the added benefit that it also records activity so I can see where my kids are going and what they are doing. If I don't watch my kids and correct them when they are wrong then they will think that their actions have no consequences.”

“PC Tattletale just makes me feel more at ease knowing that I can see everything that goes on MySpace is very popular among teens and the more I go through the many teens that display drugs and tell all I wonder where all the parents are. I have found a lot of information concerning my child’s friends and plans, so I think every mother should have a copy on the computer and find out what their child is doing.”

“PC Tattletale keeps you informed on what your kids deal with at school and helps you to understand situations and also provides material to discuss with them. I love being able to easily read their emails and chatting. It has brought up situations to discuss with our child regarding the use of bad language, the issues dealt with at school with friends, etc. I love it. Also, it is very easy to use.”

“Thanks pc tattletale for saving my child from going down the right path. Had I not downloaded your software I would never have know the extent of his friend’s illegal activity. Thanks for helping me be a better mother.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software 

“The installation and interface were very smooth and easy to use and geared more towards home/family use rather than office/employer/employee like comparable software. The single license for two computers was an awesome bonus. Especially compared to some other software in this category. When I accidentally downloaded and installed an older version of the software, I was notified by you and informed that I had the wrong version. The notification also included the links I needed to get the correct one and instructions necessary to remove and reinstall the software.”

“The latest information about FaceBook, MySpace, etc in addition to the publicity about chat rooms and unmonitored IM among kids and others who pose as kids made my wife and me decide we need to monitor much more closely. PC Tattletale had everything we wanted. We need to mandate accountability in our kids and they need to know that the internet is not a private site--that everything they do and say is monitored by someone, and it might as well be their moms and dads catching them before something wrong happens. It is easy to use and monitors our kids's every move. This will let us keep our kids safe, teach them important lessons so they don't fall, and also let them learn that honesty and morality are always better than sneaking around accompanied by borderline behavior.”

“There is simply no time for naivety in our society. With all of the temptations placed upon our kid's via the internet, we can't just assume that they're not succumbing to that temptation. We must put our kids 1st, at all cost... and if they lose a little privacy as part of that cost, so be it!”

“You can see everything that happen on pc and give the mother the opportunity to speak with kids (or block) if necessary. This software just give me more peace of mind. I also think this software is affordable - especially with the fact that you can monitor 2 pc's!”

“You might be surprised at what you find out is not what you expected. Thanks so much.”

==> Click Here To Try This Parental Control Software

PC Tattletale: Parental Control and Internet Monitoring Tool

Dear Parents,

PC Tattletale offers a complete Internet Monitoring and Parental Control Software solution, that's unmatched in the industry. PC Tattletale Parental control software contains all the PC monitoring tools you'll need to keep your Aspergers child safe - in a single easy to use software suite!

Your purchase of one (1) PC Tattletale registration key lets you use the software on TWO computers at NO extra charge! Also, they give you a 7 day FREE trial, so it’s all too confusing – just don’t order it!

Check out these features:

1. Advanced Keystroke Logger - Records all keystrokes including passwords, "hidden characters" and true keystrokes too - including MySpace.Com and FaceBook.Com account passwords.

2. Email Monitoring - PC Tattletale captures both in AND outbound mail, records Outlook and Outlook Express, AOL Email, Eudora, SMTP/POP3 Email, MS Exchange Email, Hotmail, Yahoo Email, MSN System Email and Google Gmail. PC Tattletale can even send you copies of your youngster's emails in REAL TIME so you'll know what's going on even if you're at the office!

3. PC Tattletale captures the name of each software program that your youngster used, when that program was started and how long the program was active.

4. PC Tattletale makes it easy to keep tabs on what your youngster is doing on and other social networking web sites. Using the powerful screen capture and key stroke recording technology, PC Tattletale makes it easy for you to see exactly what they post on their account, what their password is, what they are say when they use My Space to chat, instant message and much more!

5. PC Tattletale solves the problem of helping you stay on top of what your youngster does when you're not there to watch over their shoulder. And it gives you the tools to invisibly monitor your youngster and help keep them safe on the Internet.

6. Powerful Chat Recorder - Records all chat sessions and Instant messages - Captures both sides of ANY Chat conversation or Instant Message, including: AOL Chat Rooms and Instant Messenger, AOL Triton ICQ Chats, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, Trillain chat and even!

7. Screen Shots Captures - PC Tattletale's "DVD like" controls and playback makes it as simple as clicking the “PLAY” button to watch EVERYTHING your youngster did when they were online! PC Tattletale even separates the screen captures by user and date. This means you can focus only on the youngster you want to watch. You save time by zeroing in on suspicious activity. Works with Internet Explorer and Fire Fox too!

8. The special "Stealth Technology" -- Once installed PC Tattletale will not appear in the Windows Start Menu, Desktop, Task Manager, Program Files Folders, or even the Add/Remove programs menu because PC Tattletale is TOTALLY invisible to the user.

9. URL Specific Web Filtering and keyword blocking -- Specify any web site that you want blocked. If your youngster tries to go to a web site that contains that keyword, PC Tattletale displays a "404 Page not found error," leaving them wondering why they can't get into blocked site.

The company guarantees that if PC Tattletale Parental Control and PC Monitoring Software doesn't give you a window into your child's/teen’s online world, and the peace of mind to know exactly what they see, where they go and who they talk to, then they will issue you a complete 100% refund!

I have used this software since 2006. I highly recommend it! This is like having a trusted babysitter watching over your Aspergers child's shoulder and reporting to you - in real time - exactly what's he is doing online!

You've got absolutely nothing to lose to try it!!

Mark Hutten, M.A.

Click here for a free trial ==>

What is important to know before my Aspergers teenage son turns 18?


What is important to know before my Aspergers teenage son turns 18?


Stepping into adulthood can be a confusing and difficult time for the Aspergers (high functioning autistic) teen. However, it does not have to be. Many teens with Aspergers are fairly well adjusted after years of living with the associated symptoms and adapting to better fit into their environment.

Here are a few areas that can cause problems for the teenager with Aspergers:
  • Employment
  • Independent living skills
  • Post secondary education
  • Relationships and social skills
  • Self-care issues

Moms and dads can help their Aspergers teen prepare for life as an adult by making sure he has the right amount of support. Support can come from many sources. Parents, teachers, school advisors or counselors, medical professionals, therapists, friends, and support group members cover most, if not all, of the basic areas of life.

Some geographical areas offer support for the Aspergers teen through government agencies. With a qualifying diagnosis, your teenager may be able to receive health insurance coverage, housing assistance, various therapies, vocational training, and career counseling, just to name a few possibilities. Check with your local government or disability services office to learn more about availability in your area.

It might help if you make a list of the skills you would like to see developing in your Aspergers teen. By making this list, you will be able to see his strengths and weakness and help determine a plan for his immediate future.

Here is a sample list:
  • Social skills and relationships-- Does he have the ability to relate to others and communicate, verbally and non-verbally? Should he continue with social skills classes or perhaps find a home program?
  • Self-care-- Does he have good personal hygiene? Does he understand the importance of regular medical care and keeping track of his medications?
  • Coping skills-- Can he handle the anxiety, emotions, and frustration often brought on by change? Should he begin cognitive therapy to help with his emotions?
  • Career and college choices-- Has he chosen a path based on his special interests and talents? What colleges are grabbing his interests? Do these schools offer disability support services?
  • Basic living skills-- Does he understand the importance of housekeeping, budgeting, and grocery shopping?

Moving into adulthood does not have to be daunting for your teenager with Aspergers. Teens can develop the necessary skills for college, career, and independent living with the right support.

Discipline for Defiant Aspergers Teens

Aspergers Meltdowns versus Temper Tantrums

One of the most misunderstood Aspergers (high functioning autism) behaviors is the meltdown. Frequently, it is the result of some sort of overwhelming stimulation of which cause is often a mystery to moms and dads and teachers. They can come on suddenly and catch everyone by surprise. Aspergers kids tend to suffer from sensory overload issues that can create meltdowns. Kids who have neurological disorders other than Aspergers can suffer from meltdowns, too. Unlike tantrums, these kids are expressing a need to withdraw and slowly collect themselves at their own pace.

Kids who have tantrums are looking for attention. They have the ability to understand that they are trying to manipulate the behavior of the others, caregivers and/or peers. This perspective taking or "theory of mind" is totally foreign to the Aspergers youngster who has NO clue that others cannot "read" their mind or feelings innately. This inability to understand other human beings think different thoughts and have different perspectives from them is an eternal cause of frustration.


A tantrum is very straightforward. A youngster does not get his or her own way and, as grandma would say, "pitches a fit." This is not to discount the tantrum. They are not fun for anyone. Tantrums have several qualities that distinguish them from meltdowns.
  • A youngster having a tantrum will look occasionally to see if his or her behavior is getting a reaction.
  • A youngster in the middle of a tantrum will take precautions to be sure they won't get hurt.
  • A youngster who throws a tantrum will attempt to use the social situation to his or her benefit.
  • A tantrum is thrown to achieve a specific goal and once the goal is met, things return to normal.
  • A tantrum will give you the feeling that the youngster is in control, although he would like you to think he is not.
  • When the situation is resolved, the tantrum will end as suddenly as it began.


If you feel like you are being manipulated by a tantrum, you are right. You are. A tantrum is nothing more than a power play by a person not mature enough to play a subtle game of internal politics. Hold your ground and remember who is in charge.

A tantrum in a youngster who is not Aspergers is simple to handle. Moms and dads simply ignore the behavior and refuse to give the youngster what he is demanding. Tantrums usually result when a youngster makes a request to have or do something that the parent denies. Upon hearing the parent's "no," the tantrum is used as a last-ditch effort.

The qualities of a tantrum vary from child to child When kids decide this is the way they are going to handle a given situation, each youngster's style will dictate how the tantrum appears. Some kids will throw themselves on the floor, screaming and kicking. Others will hold their breath, thinking that his "threat" on their life will cause moms and dads to bend. Some kids will be extremely vocal and repeatedly yell, "I hate you," for the world to hear. A few kids will attempt bribery or blackmail, and although these are quieter methods, this is just as much of a tantrum as screaming. Of course, there are the very few kids who pull out all the stops and use all the methods in a tantrum.

Effective parenting -- whether a youngster has Aspergers or not -- is learning that you are in control, not the youngster. This is not a popularity contest. You are not there to wait on your youngster and indulge her every whim. Buying her every toy she wants isn't going to make her any happier than if you say no. There is no easy way out of this parenting experience. Sometimes you just have to dig in and let the tantrum roar.


If the tantrum is straightforward, the meltdown is every known form of manipulation, anger, and loss of control that the youngster can muster up to demonstrate. The problem is that the loss of control soon overtakes the youngster. He needs you to recognize this behavior and rein him back in, as he is unable to do so. A youngster with Aspergers in the middle of a meltdown desperately needs help to gain control.
  • A youngster in a meltdown has no interest or involvement in the social situation.
  • A youngster in the middle of a meltdown does not consider her own safety.
  • A meltdown conveys the feeling that no one is in control.
  • A meltdown usually occurs because a specific want has not been permitted and after that point has been reached, nothing can satisfy the youngster until the situation is over.
  • During a meltdown, a youngster with Aspergers does not look, nor care, if those around him are reacting to his behavior.
  • Meltdowns will usually continue as though they are moving under their own power and wind down slowly.

Unlike tantrums, meltdowns can leave even experienced moms and dads at their wit's end, unsure of what to do. When you think of a tantrum, the classic image of a youngster lying on the floor with kicking feet, swinging arms, and a lot of screaming is probably what comes to mind. This is not even close to a meltdown. A meltdown is best defined by saying it is a total loss of behavioral control. It is loud, risky at times, frustrating, and exhausting.

Meltdowns may be preceded by "silent seizures." This is not always the case, so don't panic, but observe your youngster after she begins experiencing meltdowns. Does the meltdown have a brief period before onset where your youngster "spaces out"? Does she seem like she had a few minutes of time when she was totally uninvolved with her environment? If you notice this trend, speak to your physician. This may be the only manifestation of a seizure that you will be aware of.

When your youngster launches into a meltdown, remove him from any areas that could harm him or he could harm. Glass shelving and doors may become the target of an angry foot, and avoiding injury is the top priority during a meltdown.

Another cause of a meltdown can be other health issues. One example is a youngster who suffers from migraines. A migraine may hit a youngster suddenly, and the pain is so totally debilitating that his behavior may spiral downward quickly, resulting in a meltdown. Watch for telltale signs such as sensitivity to light, holding the head, and being unusually sensitive to sound. If a youngster has other health conditions, and having Aspergers does not preclude this possibility, behavior will be affected.

==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism

Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...