They do not comprehend the verbal and nonverbal cues used to further our understanding in typical social interactions. These include eye contact, facial expressions, body language, conversational turn-taking, perspective taking, and matching conversational and nonverbal responses to the interaction.
The child's prosody (pitch, stress, rhythm, or melody of speech) can also be impaired. Conversations may often appear scripted or ritualistic. That is, it may be dialogue from a TV show or a movie. They may also have difficulty problem solving, analyzing or synthesizing information, and understanding language beyond the literal level.
This rigidity in thought (lack of cognitive flexibility) interferes with problem solving, mental planning, impulse control, flexibility in thoughts and actions, and the ability to stay focused on a task until completion. The rigidity also makes it difficult for an ASD child to engage in imaginative play. His interest in play materials, themes, and choices will be narrow, and he will attempt to control the play situation.
==> Parenting System that Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder
==> Launching Adult Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance
==> Teaching Social-Skills and Emotion-Management to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Parents' Comprehensive Handbook
==> Unraveling the Mystery Behind High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book
==> Crucial Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism
• Anonymous said... This is Harry!!
• Anonymous said... A very good summary, the perfect description of my son too
• Anonymous said... Great list and good information. Parents looking for answers should be aware that all kids with Aspergers are different and have some of these behaviors to varying degrees. We thrive on routine and social stories/discussions.
• Anonymous said... I don't have any children with ASD but find posts like this very helpful and informative. Thank you.
• Anonymous said... I have a teen who was diagnosed with this several years ago. It is very challenging. What might be some great protocols to help?
• Anonymous said... It's not a typical speech impairment or delay. It's how they use language. Pragmatic language is a struggle for every kid with Aspergers that i know. It means they have trouble with language comprehension, telling stories, and participating in conversations. My oldest had speech therapy for years when he was younger working on all of those issues. He does much better now. It was subtle when he was very young. But as he got older and into school it became very clear that he needed help.
• Anonymous said... My daughter has many of these in one way or another.
• Anonymous said... My son, down to the letter.
• Anonymous said... Pretty accurate for my so as well. The speech to clarify can become an issue as they sometimes speak very fast. Their minds think a whole lot faster than "normal" if we can call it that. But that is some of the issues I have with my Aspie. He knows more words than I do I think. Loves to read, but has low tolerance when others can't understand his train of thought.
• Anonymous said... See I was told by the MD when my son got diagnosed that Aspergers child do not have speech issues/impairments in any way. So he got the autism diagnoses. Had he not had speech issues he would have gotten the Aspergers diagnoses. Not that it matters 6 months after his diagnosed they changed it in the books to ASD and decided to lump it all as ASD if they are on the spectrum.
• Anonymous said... Sound like my little buddy
• Anonymous said... That's my boy.
• Anonymous said... That's my girl, in every way!
• Anonymous said... This an be a daunting time but please be reassured that there is light at the end of the tunnel please feel free to add me and we can chat I have a 7 year old boy that was recently assessed as having aspergers and I find there is a lot of support for the child but not many parent groups with others that are dealing with the same issues I find the best thing that helps mr.7 is a lot of routine and visual aids
• Anonymous said... This is a great breakdown! Concise and oh so accurate for my guy.
• Anonymous said... This is explained well. Thanks
• Anonymous said... This is our Hailey...
• Anonymous said... Waiting for my daughter's diagnosis to be confirmed this sound's like her.
• Anonymous said... I am coming to believe that #6 Sensory Issues is a significant contributor to all the others, or even the primary cause, because the typical self-filtering or coping method is withdrawal and the anxiety about things like riding a bike seems to be based on the fear of the pain of an imagined fall, because those bumps and bruises hurt ten times more. That's my evolving perspective as the father of a 7 year old Aspie Girl who was just diagnosed about 1 year ago.
• Anonymous said... I found out this last spring that my 28 yr. old son has Aspergers. Since then I have researched and been reading and learning (there's so much info out there). He too is high functioning. Guess all I can say to all out there it doesn't matter or old or young just keep learning and stand by their side.
• Anonymous said... I have aspergers. I had problems with sports, but I suspect it was mostly the social part I couldn't handle. My son has bad coordination and team-work is not for him, my daughter has poor endurance, but great muscle strength. My 2 children have aspergers, lying is something that gives them such bad feelings they do anything to avoid it. I on the other hand lied as a child, but it was from bad self esteem and fear of conflict. I was and still am very sensitive to other peoples feelings, so are my children. When they see starving children on tv they cry and can't sleep, they want to help these children, so compassion is huge, the same for me. I think aspies are misunderstood. There are many emotions there. Autism is called "spectrum" because the symptoms vary alot from case to case.
• Anonymous said... I think executive functioning should be on the list. I suppose it fits in with cognitive functioning, but deserves a special mention.
• Anonymous said... I wish I had of known this when our son was young.. I adapted as best I could without knowing he wasn't diagnosed until he was 12.. After many years of going to incompetent Dr, psychologist etc it wasn't till he tried ending it that we found CYMHS they r awesome..
• Anonymous said... It's hard to know What to expect all children are different my son is high functioning just has relationship issues
• Anonymous said... It's true, the sensory aspect really dictates everything they do. Very tricky to balance, but knowing their cues is imperative.
• Anonymous said... My son thinks people are "mean or being rude" to him when they are just expressing their opinions.
• Anonymous said... My son was diagnosed at 8 although school suspected autism at age 5. I didn't really know about Asperger's or high-functioning autism as it is know referred to. At times, with hfa you almost forget their difficulties until they have a tantrum.
• Anonymous said... One thing that I have learned over the last couple years is just when you think you've got it figured out, something else pops up. It's a lot of ups and downs, but if you learn to celebrate the "ups" more than grieve the "downs" it helps!
• Anonymous said... This article is spot on. My 7 yr old has just started junior school. His social problems are starting to become more obvious and he is starting to realise it is something he struggles with. He isnt officially dxd yet, but once he has it on paper the school offer great social groups. In the mean time this piece gives us some great advice that we can adapt for his age x
• Anonymous said... Yes! What a great list, very accurate information.
• Anonymous said… as the wife of an aspergers man and mother and grandmother to more aspergers loved ones,i find TONY ATTWOOD books so helpfull,also have joined 2 local groups,it all helps,i also run a group for other
• Anonymous said… check out you tube video of Clay Marzo, soooo uplifting, it made the week I got the final dx so much easier to deal with, hhe has a more sever case of Aspergers but is one of the BEST surfers in the world, a love of surfing is not the point of enjoying the clip, but please look at it. I hope it takes a little bit off your stress, its so amazing
• Anonymous said… I wish regular people had the capacity to stop thinking of AS as a disadvantage, it is the best gift anyone could ask for. Yes interaction with others is poos, yes showing emotion and feeling comes out wrong, yes we obsess about obsessing about some irrelevant thing but then that is what drives progress. Find a world changing idea or invention and you'll find somebody that spent half their life obsessing about it. I wouldn't swap AS for anything. Great things come from the thinly defined line between brilliance and madness. It is up to you AS people to define that line. You can choose but you have to want it, at times it will be freakin hard.
• Anonymous said… look for a summary of the blessings, those are better to focus on, and plentiful!
• Anonymous said… Read All Cats Have Aspergers! It's straightforward and simple! Great!
• Anonymous said… So hard to summarize & explain to people. Even this condensed description is a lot to take in.
• Anonymous said… Social skills, find a group as soon as possible. Their confidence in themselves is going to dictate their growth.
• Anonymous said… The biggest problems are with other people, I bet this family has been getting on just fine and will continue to do so as long as they keep their own family life private - as everyone has the right to enjoy.
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