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COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for October, 2013]

My son who has Asperger Syndrome , just joined a new school in UK came home today crying his heart out because his so called group of friends ran away from him and avoided him the whole day - and it just broke my heart. He is 14 years old and he faces this same problem when he joins a new school. He was so happy when he found this group but for whatever reason they decided to abandon him. I really hope I can get some help in dealing with this problem.  It is so difficult trying to explain things to him about friendship and how to interact with his peers and being the new guy in school.


My daughter, who is four, has many great days at school.  I know it takes everything in her to make the days great and she really lets us know at home!
I'm wondering if you have any advice  regarding toilet training.  My daughter has known when she needs to go since she was 19 months old.  At home she does not wear a diaper until she requests one.  She is embarrassed that she wears diapers as she's the only one at school who does.  Even her sister who is not quite two is potty trained.  This is really hard on her.  I have stopped talking about the toilet with her as it causes her to become very upset.  She will not sit on it even with a diaper on, even on the special seat she picked out.  She won't use a little potty chair either.  I'm not sure how to gently help her as everything I suggest is met with fury!  I do know that she wants more than anything to be like the other kids and use the toilet.
Thank you for all your advice! I enjoy reading it.


Question: Hi Mark, We have been clients of yours for years and have referred many people to your program.  We now have an 18yr old college daughter who recently moved away to go to school.  We have been using your program with her since she was 12.  She is basically a good kid.  Good grades, no drugs, no boy friends and healthy.  She desparately wants her independence now and when she turned 18, last week went out and got herself a belly button ring (which were not opposed to, but she communicated it after the fact).  We have always used the app Life 360 (gps tracking) for safety.  She now refuses to allow us to use that on her phone. She feels that she is 18 now and can take care of herself.  We discussed the only other option with her that we were comfortable with and that was to give us her roomates phone #'s and to text us when coming and going that she is safe.  She doesn't want to do any of these and even suggested to us "you don't have to pay for me anymore if this is a problem." Are we being overly protective while she is away at school or is this a reasonable request? What should we do?


I listened to your program again and am waiting for more. After listening to your advice I figured out that my son with (HFA) got to level 1. I am an very emotional person and as you know it is hard for them to show reciprocation. I wound up trying to commit suicide while he was with his PCA in Feb. woke up at the hospital and was sent to a mental hospital but have been since the age of 13. I was there a month and he thought I was going to be all better when I got back. I was not I quit Methadone cold turkey in January he had wanted me to and I did in a way but I also tried to commit suicide in January. which I went to jump down the stairs he turned me the right way and I already had 2 slipped discs and know have 3 but may have more will find out soon.

When he was a young boy he always said he loved me and would hug me. I guess looking back I never knew he had Asperger's except for when I did go pick him up he was always alone and building these amazing things. Also in pre-school we had EEE which told me he had fine motor skill problems. It wasn't until he was about 8 I had to send him to a private regular school because the place we lived at was bad and he would get beat up or picked on when he walked home so that was the only option. There after 2 years they tested him and told me he had (HFA) He came home for the 7th and 8th grade but would only play video games or go on his computer. I was the layed  back parent and didn't really enforce rules so no routines. I didn't know anything about his diagnosis maybe I should have been a better parent and looked things up. In the 9th grade is when he really started being defiant about anything I told him to do so in turn I would give up or yell. The yelling really started when he began to verbally abuse me and then I would yell and swear.

When I came home from the hospital in March like I said he thought I would be better but I had to crawl up my stairs I couldn't cook do dishes anything so we started to argue so we're beyond the cops. We realized plus he had been asking to leave. He went to respite for a month in N.H. but HCRS couldn't pay anymore so the only option was for him to temporarily be in the custody of DCF. He is now doing great in school he worked in the summer and he was the only one they asked to work in the fall around his school schedule. Everybody loves him says he's polite well mannered will greet a person and look them in the eye. He will be 16 next month and he seems to be on a power kick because they asked him how often would he like phone calls he set a certain day and time. Know that he's working I agreed that visitations would be an issue. I feel like a failure why don't they make a position for a person to learn what to do and help you instead of having to leave them with the state? Also I feel like I'm dead I have no other family except a cousin who lives an hour away with no car either. I have no friends. It's been 5 months and I miss him so bad I begged for him to come home and he told me not to go there.

What do I do? This woman he is with is very nice and has had several children with her and he likes it there. Should I fight to get him back or let him stay with her where he is flourishing. I have heard I love you 3 times in 6 years. He is my life. Please send me some advice please. My selfishness and ego because someone is doing what I should be doing , wants him back yet at the same time when I have seen him he's smiling.


Hi, I have a daughter with Asperger's (9 years) and I am doing my Master's Thesis on girls with Asperger's. Specifically, if there should be a different diagnosis for girls. I am aware that the DSM-V has removed the diagnosis but also that there is a lot of controversy over the new release.
Would you be willing to provide me with any information you have about girls with Asperger's. Redacted case information would be especially appreciated.
Thank you for your time,


Hello, Mr. Hutton. I'll try to be brief. My daughter Ellyn has an 11 year old, Colin, with asperger's. He has become uncontrollable even though he has been in a special school for the past two years. He has gotten worse, not better. Yesterday he was to see a psychiatrist but I talked my daughter into buying your program instead. I was convinced that there are ways to reach these kids with behavioral techniques rather than therapy and medication.
Today I visited their house to help with a few things. All was well until we were cleaning up from supper and Colin was told to feed the dogs. This was a chore that would take all of one minute but he refused. I immediately told him he could choose to feed the dogs, or if (as he insisted) that he didn't feel well, he could go to his room and lie down. It would be his choice. He said he felt well enough to get on the computer, but not to feed the dogs. I told him the computer was not one of his choices.
Suffice it to say that a royal meltdown ensued. He became violent, he "ran away" in his stocking feet twice, he threatened suicide, he screamed non-stop - and this went on for hours. We remained calm and non-confrontational to no avail. He refused to go to his room and hit me over and over. When I told him it was his choice not to have the computer he simply screamed at the top of his lungs. After 3 hours he was undaunted and still never went to his room. The rest of the family was exhausted and in tears but he didn't care.
I now feel guilty for having my daughter cancel the psychiatric appt. By the end of three hours I felt that the best solution was for my beloved grandson to be put in some sort of facility and removed from the home because no one has any peace due to his behavior. He is a big child and cannot be physically restrained. With these new violent tendencies I am afraid for the rest of the household. My daughter is completely drained and I fear for her well-being as well.
I'm sure this is not a new story to you - but I am beyond perplexed. This child we love so much is literally holding his family hostage by his behavior - and he's only 11. I am frightened and shocked and don't know what to do. I don't even know what to ask except a reply that you have seen this before and the child doesn't become a criminal. This one seems to be well on his way...


Hi Mr Hutten,

My husband & I listened to the online recording of the 45 min seminar today.
I was both relieved and encouraged by it!  I was beginning to think I was the
worst parent on the planet.
I do know that I/we have a love of work ahead of us; but, you have
given me/us hope and encouragement!
My son is now 17yrs old; and, is failing all but 1 class in school.


Greetings From Florida,

I would like to know if you present workshops/training where I can receive my yearly hours needed.  I would have to be able to have a print out of the outline, materials and/or a certificate.
 If so, could you provide a list of the courses you offer.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you and hope you can meet this need because I enjoy your material.


Hi Mark,

I came across your website and I wanted to reach out. I work for a new CBS show and we are doing a special on “out of control” teens. This can be anywhere from intense anger to growing up too fast to being involved with sex and drugs. I was wondering if you could spread the word about our show and reach out to anyone who may be interested in participating and sharing their story. My contact information is below. Thanks so much!

Melissa Recine
Production Assistant
"Serch" (a CBS Television Distribution Production)


Thank you for continuing to supply helpful, informative resources and information pertaining to Asperger's.  Your articles have been a huge asset in helping us with our grandson (age 6) to provide early intervention. We have provided some of the letters to his teachers, and have found local intervention.  He is doing much better now thanks to the support of people like you who make a difference.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Donna

Hello Mark,
Thanks for all your updates.
Our son is 15 years old and has Aspergers and ADHD.
He's at the stage where we really feel he should understand his 'needs' / diagnosis better.
We did tell him and do refer to it but now that he's getting older it would really help if he under stud more to help him believe in strategies to help him cope.
He's a real computer guy, biggest love is Gaming. We do to the best of our ability restrict this (Hard).
Its hard to get him to sit down with a book.
What advice would you give us please?
All thoughts greatly appreciated.


I am awaiting appointments to go and see someone locally about getting a diagnosis for my nine year old daughter, but after reading up on things I am inclined to believe that my girl may have High Functioning Autism.

She has meltdowns over little things, is unable to cope in a classroom environment but seems to do brilliantly one to one, she will happily play with up to four other kids (her cousins) for a while but then there's a fight and she storms off up to her room believing she is being wrongfully punished (sometimes she is), she blames computers and other technical gadgets when she loses a game and will often take her temper out on it, if she makes a mistake (even if over something small) she slaps herself in the face and no amount of me telling her not to will prevent it the next time, when I tell her things i seem to need to over clarify them to her (such as this afternoon, telling her not to take my cellphone outside apparently meant to her that it was okay to take it out of the house but not down the back yard), she's started crying when i leave her at school in the mornings but she's started making her own breakfast and lunch and is eager to get there right up until the point of seperation, and she comes down really hard on herself when things don't go right, to the point of telling me that she will leave because i deserve a better kid.  

When i told her we were gonna get someone to help her learn how to make friends she gave me the biggest thank you hug like i'd just given her a present she'd been hoping for.   I haven't told her about Autism yet although she has heard a description of it as being 'someone who's brain works a little differently'' because a neighbour's grand daughter has autism, and got thoroughly confused when my girl told her that "I'm a boy and my name is Jai" when her grandmother told her that my kid is a girl whose name is Krysta.   She's been adamant for almost a year now that she's a boy, cos she started watching a cartoon about lego ninja's, called Ninjago.  And in that, there's four brothers who are ninja, and the girl character is a Samurai cos only boys can be ninja's.  So Krysta's logic is that she has to be a boy so that she can be a ninja.   I've had talks with her, her grandmother ridicules her, (which i know  doesn't help, but how do you tell your almost seventy year old mother to back the hell off), and she's persistant to the point where she has actually told a teacher at school that she's growing a penis.  

On top of all that going on, in the last few months we've had to deal with getting off the lease in a share accommodation situation turning toxic due to verbal and emotional domestic violence towards me by another flatmate, to the point where we were too scared to come out of our rooms without knowing where he was and if it was safe to do so.   She saw me go through all that... we ended up going to a cheap hotel for a week  while i sought help from a tenancy advocacy crowd to get off the lease, and I know that she will have internalised a lot of that stress, but i had nowhere to send her (solo mother) while i went through it.

So with all that rambling and offloading.... I actually do have a question.  Somewhere.  lol.

Even before diagnosis, and perhaps even after if they don't diagnose HFA, will your course still help me make things easier for her in regard to relating to others, picking up social clues, calming down easier, transitioning between tasks at school and home easier, and getting her off this whole "I'm a boy" kick?    If it will help, I'm considering getting it in a few days, but I don't have money to put into something that won't assist me.
She's been to a paediatrician who said that she doesn't need to be medicated, but he mentioned nothing about autism and i don't know if he even knew about it.  So the psychologist we will be seeing towards the end of the month, who specialises in children under 12, will hopefully shed more light on what's going on.

I hope at least some of this email makes sense, i'm just trying to find ways to help her based on the behaviours she's presenting.
Dear Dr. Hutten,
My 12yo son was recently diagnosed with Aspergers/ADHD/NVLD and has been seeing a Psychologist and Medical Doctor for his depression (is taking Zoloft) but nothing sees to help. His father and I recently divorced and he is not liking that I am dating someone. He has frequent meltdowns and argues with me constantly. He is failing in school but is very smart. He has always had a problem with math and his nerological tests show that he has Dyscalculia. His father doesn't help at all just tells me that taking him to all of these doctors are making matters worse. I just don't know what else to do to help him. Can you give me any advice?
- Exhausted mama

I was wondering if you could help me.  I am a single mom parenting a very smart, previously more often than not “happy to be with me” child.  She was diagnosed with aspergers at age 4 and has had early interventions since Pre-K (social worker, OT/PT, counselor at school, ) and has an IEP and does very well in 4th grade.  She is pretty and very smart but over the course of the last 2 years I cannot get her to listen or comply – she back talks, does her own thing, gets very angry at me – I used to think I had a handle on this but it is very, very, very difficult.  If you could offer and advice, support groups in the Albany NY area – anything – I would be very appreciative. 


Also, I have a question.  Son (a 12 year old 8th grader) was recently diagnosed with Aspergers.  Outside of some minor behavioral concerns regarding what I now know were associated "meltdowns" in certain classrooms over the years, have never noticed any real impact on academics.  Thus, didn't feel the need for a 504 or IEP.  However, this year he is taking both geometry and Spanish I (high school credit bearing courses) at his middle school.  Despite getting permission to provide an online setting for his Spanish I class that would be more conducive to his success, he was placed in an overcrowded classroom of 30 students (he was 30th).  Classroom is small, so desks are tight.  Teacher is very rigid and has not been helpful despite our reaching out to meet and request strategies.  (All factors that are not conducive to son's success given he is classic Aspergers when it comes to distractions and difficulty following string of commands, etc.  Is becoming frustrated with rigidity of teacher and acting out.)  Grade is suffering.  Threats of giving detention instead of implementing strategies.  School administrator inferring that this is about the grade and a teacher/student personality clash has determined that child must remain in class through end of nine week period.  Was initially told child could move immediately by guidance who is now backtracking and stalling.  Any suggestions?

My daughter has an 9 yr old with Aspergers.  He frequently launches into a rage or a meltdown.  My Daughter says the child's psychiatrist says to physically restrain him with her body by wrapping her arms around him during these episodes.  The restraining is horrific, my grandson is traumatized during these restraining.  It is horrible to witness for everyone.  This has been going on for over a year.  I do not see any improvement.  I cannot believe this is a positive experience under any circumstances.  I have asked my daughter to seek out another psychiatrist.  My daughter continues to physically restrain with her own body and it is a physical battle. Any advice?


Hello Mark, I’m glad I became a subscriber today. I’ve been following My Aspergers Child page & Parenting Aspergers Children Support Group for several weeks now & it has helped me better understand how my son try’s to express himself. My wife & I are attending a 2 hour seminar this Saturday at the Ryan Woods Autism Foundation. I know I’ve been in denial for along time now about my son and have to face the fact that he will never be a typical teenager & will always struggle with social issues. Its been difficult to say the least & our father/son relationship is almost nonexistent. My wife & I have lost touch with each other and our marriage is suffering. I know we need marriage counseling, parenting classes, family counseling etc,. As well as work groups for my son to socialize with teens his own age. It feels good just writing to you about all our issues. I need to be able to talk about it to relieve all the built up stress & anxiety I am constantly feeling. Feels like an emotional rollercoaster. We live in CT so if you have any advice on where to go for support or help in these areas it would be greatly appreciated. 


 My son is 16 and resently became aggressive towards his tutor. He is a wonderful child with a lot of empathy towards others. He has been diagnosed with aspergers when he was 9. This is new to us and I want to deal with it in the correct way because his emotional stability is very important to all of us. He has an older sister of 18.


Hi Mark,

I recently read your ebook and think it will be very helpful for a lot of conflicts my husband and I have.  However, we have a regular recurring issue that, each time it comes up, it becomes an increasingly worse scenario and I am having trouble framing it within the guidelines your book suggests. You see, my husband does not  “have my back” if you will. Our son could be beaten up at one of his family events and when I ask for us to leave, he won’t “because we need to be there to support his family”.  Or when I have disagreed with him mom about my own personal needs, he believes his mom makes better decisions about my life and my needs than I do. The last time a conflict between us and his family came up even involved the police! And we’re good people.   I’ve never had the police involved in my life! I feel increasingly minimalized, alone, disrespected, and unsupported.  Sometimes, I even think I’m going crazy? (I mean, I’m sitting here holding a 7 year old who just got brutalized by an older cousin and I’m the only one that thinks we need to take him away from the situation and to get medical attention? Are we not both experiencing the same situation?)

So, I tried to frame this issue in your rules and this is what I got:
'When we are in a conflict between your family and our family, you take your family’s side.  It creates a problem for me because I feel rejected, invalidated, and unsupported.  I know that you usually let me handle my own conflicts and conflicts involving the children because you haven’t heard me ask you for help very often but I’d rather we come up with a plan where you choose me and the kids over your family when I choice is presented.'

Somehow I don’t think he’ll understand.  He often doesn’t understand when I even ask him what his goal is when we’re arguing or he doesn’t understand the idea of putting me and the kids above others. Do you have some guidance?  I’m at the end of my rope.  12 long years of marriage, not feeling understood, protected, and heaven forbid cherished… Thank you if you made it this far through this rambling email!

Answer: First of all, be sure to listen to all the audio files on your download page (and if you can get your husband to listen as well, that would be ideal).

RE: "So, I tried to frame this issue in your rules and this is what I got: When we are in a conflict between your family and our family, you take your family’s side.  It creates a problem for me because I feel rejected, invalidated, and unsupported.  I know that you usually let me handle my own conflicts and conflicts involving the children because you haven’t heard me ask you for help very often but I’d rather we come up with a plan where you choose me and the kids over your family when I choice is presented."

A couple revisions are needed here. I'll just do a bit of a re-write (please review the reframing business again when you get time).


"When a couple is in conflict over their extended family members (i.e., in-laws), I know it's easy for a person to take his biological family’s side because - after all - it's his family, family bonds are strong, and he really loves them. But I’d rather we come up with a plan where we put our marriage first, because our marriage is the foundation for our future. We will be together long after our parents are gone. Don't you think?"


Hello Dr. Hutten:

Recently, your website page was posted on our facebook page. Very appreciated!
However, the reason for my email is to see if you would be interested in contributing
to our Parent Magazine on Aspergers?  OF course, I can spend time over the next week and
review many of your articles and request specific ones, however, before doing so,
I wanted to receive permission and see if you would be interested in this opportunity.

We have over 75,000 readers from our Autism Notebook and over 95,000 from our Parent Notebook.
Our Parent Notebook explores all abilities, however, we have a Learning Differences section and we are the leading resource in the S.Florida region who supports children in this area.

Of course, The Autism Notebook would most certainly be considered as well. However, I am fully responsible for the content of our Parent Notebook and our educators have been asking for more support in this area for their families.  

Just wanted to reach out and see if there's an interest to work on a new title(or titles), and permission to reprint a current article if we find one that would fit upcoming issues.

Warm regards,

Lori Swetoha
Publisher / Editor in Chief
Question: Hi Mark, I recently purchased a copy of your e-book as I only discovered that my 16 year old has Aspergers. His obsession is with guns and the military.  He is currently in High School and seem to have no interest in pursuing a University education at this time.  He is doing very well academically with minimal effort. He is currently in therapy with a Cognitiive Behavioural Therapist, who is trying to get him to change his interests and want him to stop focusing on his obsession with guns. I am thinking that changing his obsession is a futile exercise as he seems not to be able to do so.  He is now beginning to think that the therapy sessions are a waste of time as she is trying to interest him in other areas to which he is not interested. Is a career in the military a good option for him and should I try to encourage him in this direction.

Answer: As mentioned in my material, parents should take an Aspergers child's "passion" and use that passion (i.e., special interest) to help the child mold it into something positive (which can be done in most cases no matter what the passion). In keeping with this philosophy, military school might be nothing short of perfect.


Question: I found your ebook and my husband and I are both reading and listening to the materials.  My husband is 66 and we have been married for 27 years.  He was diagnosed a few MONTHS ago.  You can imagine the ball of tangled string that exists in our marriage.  We live about 15 miles from Memphis, TN.  We have tried several counselors with poor results because no one recognized Aspergers.  Since the diagnosis, we have read several books and all of them tell us that if we seek counseling, it has to be someone who has knowledge and experience working with adults who have Aspergers.  I have not been able to find anyone who meets that criteria in this area.  I am hoping that you may have knowledge of some resources for us…even if we have to drive 200 miles! 

Answer: I have two therapists that I would recommend in your area:

Janis G. Neece, PhD
Cherokee Health Systems
7714 Corner Road, Ste. 105
Powell, TN 37849
Phone: (865) 947-6220
Cherokee Health Systems
6350 West Andrew Johnson Highway
Talbott, TN 37877
Phone: (423) 317-9344, ext. 3


Karen L. Weigle, PhD
The TEAM Centers, Inc.
Director of Clinical Services and The Chattanooga Autism Center
Medical Towers, Suite 102
1000 East Third Street
Chattanooga, TN 37404
Phone: (423) 622-0500

Good luck,

Mark Hutten, M.A.


My son is 4 nearly 5 and over the last 2 years or so he has been showing some signs of something but im not 100% sure as to what. He has very violent meltdowns where he is kicking,  screaming,  biting, lashing out. He does droning humming, pulling at his clothes, walking on his toes, doesn't like certain foods, likes set routines, gets very anxious, shakes,  clicks tongue, he only has 1/2 friends at school,  tends to play on his own more that with the other kids, is over higher intelligence than his peers and doing very well at school. He doesn't always make eye contact when he is speaking or spoken to. He has an obsession on wheels and putting things straight and  neat. Yes he can play quite happily on his own or with his coupla of friends and he can empathise when he notices that there is an upset etc. He also doesn't take turns and he is very literal.

I have taken him to 2 gps who have both referred him to 2 different paediatric people and each time he has been well behaved and they have both dismissed him and his problems do2n to his age and anger problems. When I saw the first specialist I didnt know that his father and his fathers brother have both got aspergrs but I did when I saw the other specialist last week. 

My daughter was diagnosed with the complexities of early childhood bi-polar illness since 8 years old, (and medicated well) as well as Asperger's syndrome (diagnosed around 11 years old), she exists with mixed state bipolar and anxiety disorder to the point that she is barely functioning today.   She is still under the public school with an IEP, although she has completed her academics, and the focus is on independent living skills and vocational readiness/training with a job coach. These programs are both well suited to her; but fears, paranoia and anxiety prevent her attending. While her adolescent psychiatrist and her psychologist (who specializes in AS) are both working hard with her and seem to be on target, she remains virtually non-functional as her anxiety and OCD/obsessive componants rise and she cycles all day long.  It is exhausting for her and for me.  She functions like a 4 - 5 year old emotionally, although she has normal intelligence with some learning disabilities.  She has not attended any program, school or left the house for almost 5 weeks now - which she has gone through before - and is resistent to any self care.  Over this summer, she tried to be independent and on her own (living with a close family friend in their two room with a bathroom guest space) but she failed miserably by week three, although stuck it out another three weeks. Disheartened, embarrassed and realizing how hard it is, she has given up on that dream of independence - at least for now.

I want to help her regain belief in herself and give her a bit more of a push to get on with life, go to program and try again to gain those independent skills - without causing more agitation and aggression toward me or her fearing that she will be abandoned because she can not succeed.  She is complex.


My wife and I have been married for 22 years and have two daughters, aged 15 & 12. We both work, I am en event manager and my wife has her own psychology practice.
A couple of things really stand out about our eldest daughter. She has always had a very oppositional temperament. In the early stages, around 3 and 4 years old, this manifested in her crying uncontrollably every day when being left and picked up from the child care centre. The carers at the centre said that they had never seen a child do this before. She appeared to be quite shy and very attached to my wife.
We have since discovered that she has a very low zinc level and must take supplements and her ability to read and comprehend situations is very immature. We suspect that underlying this is an immense anxiety that when confronted by pretty much anything results in a furious reaction. Academically, she is below average, despite ongoing tutoring.
At around 8 years old it became evident to us that she would never back down in a situation she did not agree with (with us) or when she would not comply with a request from us. We have never been violent, but there have been some very loud exchanges. As I mentioned she won’t back down, so there were occasions when I would forcibly take her to her room; she would then continue to trash her room in anger. After realising that this approach had no effect whatsoever, our engagement in approaching conflict shifted dramatically. When a situation arose, we would try and resolve quickly and not engage is discussion. Two years ago we did get her to complete a number of neurofeedback sessions, which didn’t really seem to have any noticeable effects.
We have attempted a number of strategies to try and create a more serene household as my daughters demanding behaviour has steadily increased and her desire to have things completely her own way has steadily escalated. This has a direct impact on the mood/ environment of our household. Not knowing how she will respond means that we are always on alert. Whilst we have explained as well as we can to our 12yo, it greatly impacts her life as well.



I would like to take the time to Thank you for sending all these information. I also would like to let you know that Bailey has come around full circle. I have tried several different therapist and I have found one that Bailey has opened up too so much. This Psychatrist suffered thru alot of what Bailey has gone thru and it's just amazing how he has turned around.


My name is Mrs. Moore. I am a special education teacher and I was wondering if your online course would work for teachers as well as parents? I have a student with autism and oppositional defiant disorder. His mom has taken him off his medicine and refuses to give him any. His behavior has gone from wonderful to uncontrollable in a matter of weeks. I am truly at my wit's end, feel like i've tried all the tricks of the trade and then some, and I don't know what to do!!!
Thanks for your time!

You know it's funny to read how you describe "out if control teens", it's as if you had met me before. I have stolen from my parents ATM card credit card, I once even bankrupted my dad while he was in vacation I stole countless times my parents cars  and guess they know, and they can't do anything about. They did call the cops once but he didn't do much. But see I'm invincible many of us " out of control teens" are too powerful, we can read parents before they act. Were high deceptive and we will always be a problem to society, you know why? Cause you don't know what to do with us nor does the government. With the prison population increasing beyond the limit.. Who know what could happen. ahah but I like your website. So with a child like me what would you recommend to my parents?   Omar Mostafa


 We've been enjoying your blog with articles and feel I am learning everyday. We have a 15 year old son Vincent, diagnosed at age 3 1/2 with Aspergers. We were fortunate enough to have enrolled Vincent in a social skills summer camp here in Buffalo NY from age 6-11. Every year is a new challenge! This year has been extreme with explosive outbursts at home, sometimes leads to meltdowns and him crying with feeling sorry for himself, worried about girls, bullied in hallways at school, he feels bullied online, likes call of duty and my little pony! He does see a psychologist every other week and a psychiatrist once a month. He takes meds for attention, mood stabilizer and depression. Life isn't fun here anymore.


 Hi,my name is chalina ,I was reading all your stuff online n everything I read was...hey thats this family,thats wht my daughter does,I swore I was lost..completely daughter is 12 n I just got her n her brother back from there grandma about 3 months ago,ive talked 2 every1 I could that might have some ideas...let me explain  A bit,I got incarecerated when my children were 1 n 2 yrs old,I got out when they were 7 n 8 but during those yrs my kids were sent to there dad who held them hostage and did some messed up stuff to my babies,he was placed in prison n my mom got them,then my mom lost them to c.p.s. for abuse n neglect,was placed in a few foster homes,cps gave them back to her after I got out,I got back on drugs when I got out of prison,about 3 yrs ago I got clean and started physically going to my moms to visit them,I wouldnt before because I didnt want my kids to see me high but I always wrote and called them faithfully,anyways I got clean, was constantly in my kids lives,I even lived near them n they would come spend the night every weekend,and things were good,things happened again with there grandma n them so I stepped in and removed them,my kids begged to live with me.well during the time I got clean til now I got disabled,im bed bound now,n my health is very poor,im only 33 and my medical issues are going to be taking my life sooner then most,alot sooner.well since my daughter moved in shes so angry,she lies constantly and steals,yelling,screaming,she wont do what shes told,im so kids know mommy is very sick,and stress is not suppose to be going on for me,my home doctor said it will kill me faster,my daughter knows this but yet she keeps going n going..she gets in my face and she gets so mean with her brother,which my son absolutely loves his sister,but she will treat him bad at times,my spouse is also my caretaker,she trys so hard to defuse the situation but my daughter gets worse.yesterday she had me hysterically crying over the things she was saying,n so stressed out I was throwing up and ended up taking my nitro for my emailing you to beg for advice,for help,because of my issues I dont have the money to buy your books,it all goes on bills,medical and im barely making ends meet, I read all I could on your site and I felt I wasnt alone for once,that others have been there.since I cant afford it I was hoping you could give me some advice,anything at all would help.thats why I gave you some information about her past n mine, I know im not the best parent  I was young and stupid and an addict,its no excuse at all,Im just scared my daughter will walk my old path.i want to leave this world knowing my daughter loves me,and knows that I LOVE HER MORE THEN THIS LIFETIME,and that her heart and head isnt so heavy.n that shes heading in a good scared,im lost,confused,hurt...its 1:59am right now,and I cant sleep because ive been searching for help,answers, suggestions, babies have been thru alot,much more then most children and It kills me that im trying to reach out to my baby girl but I cant reach her.i dont know what to do,the only thing ibDO KNOW is th a t I LOVE HER and I WANT TO HELP HER,TO HELP THIS WHOLE FAMILY,I have her in counseling,my aunt takes her since my spouse cant leave me,I cant go to her meetings,cause I cant walk,im bed bound.and I want to help her so bad...I want to get her and I close..I want her having good memories before I go,not these ones..she basically said she hates me n couldnt care if I died...



Hello Mark, My daughter is still at home with extremely inconsistent ability to care for herself in all manners - bathing, self care, room care, basic cooking, clean up, laundry are rarely accomplished independently during the year.  She can barely get to school regularly. She remains in her room, unshowered and only reading or watching Anime for the past 5 weeks, unable to get out of her room for more than 15 minutes and certainly not to school or to the internship at a job. My question then: are there materials or strategies you have - or resources you can suggest that I can use which might address the significant anxiety and OCD factors that limit her interactions and abilities and keep her very stuck?  she does see a therapist weekly and an adolescent psychiatrist; and is medicated with risperdal, topomax, zoloft and wellbutrin.  She is now 20 years old, still under the public school until 21 years old, with a diagnosis of PDD-NOS, childhood bi-polar illness (always in a mixed-state) with anxiety issues, OCD and social phobia most prevelant at this time.  Of course, the mixed state of her mood instability and agitation factors add another layer to her daily challenges...and to my challenges! Thank you for any suggestions you have to offer.


RE: My question then: are there other materials or strategies you have - or resources you can suggest that I can use which might address the significant anxiety and OCD factors that limit her interactions and abilities and keep her very stuck?
The best course of action here would be to look for the antecedents of your daughter's anxiety. More on that here:
Also, a diagnosis of both Aspergers and Bipolar is especially problematic because there are fundamental differences between ‘Aspergers mood states’ versus ‘mood states of a child without Aspergers’. Four specific domains need to be considered in the process of diagnosis:

• ‘Psychosocial masking’ make some unusual behaviors seem like disorders when they are not.
• ‘Intellectual distortion’ involves confusion in communication; a person may say she is afraid instead of angry.
• ‘Cognitive disintegration’ may interfere with proper diagnosis since a child may exhibit odd behavior in response to seemingly insignificant occurrences.
• ‘Baseline exaggeration’ differences suggest that unusual base behaviors can interfere with proper diagnosis.
Try to find a child and adolescent psychiatrist who specializes in autism spectrum disorders.
Here's a list of my contacts (since I don't know where you live):

Mark Hutten, M.A.



Hi Mark, So far, your ebook and your email help has really been life-changing.  I feel like once I got over my resentment, forgave my husband for past transgressions, and moved forward in a neutral state with your ideas, life has gotten so much easier. Now, I’d really like to have him listen to the audio files with me.  I listened myself (and found myself saying, “yep” over and over again while doing so) but I can see a world of benefit in having him listen, as well.  I feel like I need to tell him I believe he has Asperger’s before I introduce the audio, though.  I want to play up the benefits and make him feel good about it because I know that he’ll shut down if I don’t tread extremely carefully and I don’t know if we can recover from that.  How would you tell a husband he likely has Asperger’s syndrome?  I know you touched on it in the ebook but I really don’t want to screw this one up. Thanks in advance!


Re: How would you tell a husband he likely has Asperger’s syndrome?  ==>  Keep it very simple and short - just as described in the eBook (I think I gave you a line or two that you can recite exactly as is). But then the rest is up to him. You are just planting seeds right now. Don't go for the big win - instead, chip away at his defenses one small tap at a time.



Question: I am intrigued by your success, however, I am not a parent of a child with aspergers, I teach an 8th grader who just began receiving special education services with a diagnosis of Aspergers.  Honestly, I have been skeptical about the diagnosis, but I am more convinced that she definitely has the emotional problems associated with Aspergers.  She is a delightful child and very smart.  The problem comes in when she has to do any school work that she feels is pointless or hard.  Whatever the reason, she just shuts down, does nothing, and won't communicate.  After 2 months of trying to figure it all out, I'm not much closer to an answer.  Her mom is feeling the same frustration and I will certainly pass along your information to her, but do you have any resources for teachers?

Answer:   Click here for highly effective teaching strategies -- specific to the Aspergers condition.


Environmental Triggers for Autism Spectrum Disorder

"What might be some of the environmental factors involved with autism spectrum disorders, and how would they interplay with genetics?"

The rate of diagnosed cases of ASD level 1 (high-functioning autism) grows each year. A number of experts believe that the rising Asperger’s rate is an epidemic that will continue to grow, and they claim that the cause of autism must be environmental.

Other experts argue that the increased number of cases is not due to an epidemic, but instead due to a better understanding of how to diagnose these children with symptoms that were previously missed. Still others claim that the rate of the disorder is not growing more now and would have been larger in the past if the current diagnostic criteria were in place.

Environmental Factors—

A variety of environmental triggers is under investigation as a cause (or contributing factor) to the development of ASD and other autism spectrum disorders, especially in a genetically vulnerable youngster:

1. Mercury: A major toxin to the brain is mercury in its organic form. But according to a report published in Pediatrics, there is no evidence that kids with ASD in the U.S. have increased mercury concentrations or environmental exposures. Though many moms and dads of kids on the autism spectrum believe their youngster's condition was caused by vaccines that used to contain thimerosal (i.e., a mercury-containing preservative), the Institute of Medicine concludes there is no causal association. Even so, many Autism organizations remain convinced there is a link.

2. Gluten and Casein: Another environmental factor may be associated with gluten and/or casein consumption. A popular hypothesis follows this logic:  Wheat gluten and casein contain proteins which break down into molecules that resemble opium-like drugs. Kids on the autism spectrum have compromised digestive systems (called "leaky gut"). Leaky gut syndrome means that a child’s intestines are unusually permeable, allowing extra-large molecules (e.g., proteins) to leave the intestines. Thus, instead of simply excreting these large opium-like molecules, ASD kids absorb the molecules into their bloodstreams. The molecules travel to the brain, where they induce a state similar to that of a drug-induced "high."

When wheat and casein are removed from the diet, the youngster no longer experiences the high, and his behavior and abilities radically improve. A corollary to this hypothesis states that when a youngster's preferred diet is mostly comprised of wheat and dairy products (e.g., pizza, crackers, milk, ice cream, sandwiches, etc.), that proves that the child is addicted to the opiate-like molecules and would benefit from the GFCF diet. In any event, if your child will only eat a few foods, and these select foods involve wheat and/or dairy, then you will want to have him tested for food sensitivities.

3. Pesticides: Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy may boost risk. In a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers compared 465 kids diagnosed on the autism spectrum with nearly 7,000 “typical” kids, noting whether the mothers lived near agricultural areas using pesticides. The risk of having an autism spectrum disorder increased with the poundage of pesticides applied and with the proximity of the women's homes to the fields.

4. Organic Pollutants: Exposure to organic pollutants that have built up in the environment is another area of concern. For example, polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs (substances previously found in electrical equipment, fluorescent lighting and other products) are no longer produced in the U.S., but linger in the environment. Particular types of PCBs are known to be developmental neurotoxins.

The Genetic-Environmental Interplay—

Researchers are focusing on how the interaction of genes and the environment play a role in autism. Among the findings so far is that the immune system functioning of the mother may play a role in the youngster's later development of an autism spectrum disorder.

Researchers took blood samples from 163 mothers – 61 had kids with an autism spectrum disorder, 62 had normally developing kids, and 40 had kids with non-autistic developmental delays. Then they isolated immune system antibodies (called IgG) from the blood of all the mothers. They took the blood samples and exposed them in the laboratory to fetal brain tissue obtained from a tissue bank. Antibodies from the mothers of kids with an autism spectrum disorder were more likely than antibodies from the other two groups to react to the fetal brain tissue. There was also a unique pattern to the reaction.

In an animal study, researchers then injected the antibodies into animals. The animals getting the IgG antibodies from mothers of kids with an autism spectrum disorder displayed abnormal behavior, while the animals given antibodies from the mothers of normally developing kids did not exhibit abnormal behaviors.

In another study, researchers found that levels of leptin (i.e., a hormone that plays a role in metabolism and weight) was much higher in kids on the autism spectrum than in normally developing kids, especially if the disorder was early in onset.

Critical Developmental Windows—

Asperger’s and other autism spectrum disorders are considered to be “developmental” disorders, meaning that disruption of specific maturational steps in the brain is thought to be prerequisite for developing the disorder. With many cases of autism spectrum disorders now routinely diagnosed before age 2, sensitive windows of developmental vulnerability must occur during the prenatal and/or early postnatal periods of development. Within those periods of development, there are likely to be narrower windows of greater risk for environmental exposures. Thus, it would seem that the prenatal and early postnatal periods should be a primary focus for risk of the disorder.

No single environmental factor explains the increased prevalence of Asperger’s or other autism spectrum disorders. While a handful of environmental risk factors have been suggested based on data from human studies and animal research, the most significant risk factors remain to be identified. The most promising risk factors identified to date fall within the categories of physical and psychological stressors, infectious agents, environmental chemicals, drugs, and dietary factors. However, the rate at which environmental risk factors for autism spectrum disorders have been identified through research has not kept pace with the emerging health threat posed by the disorder.

Additional research is needed, but perhaps more importantly, successful risk reduction techniques for autism spectrum disorders will require more extensive developmental safety testing of drugs and chemicals.

Motor Skills Disorder in Kids with ASD Level 1 [High-Functioning Autism]

"Is it common for children on the autism spectrum to be rather clumsy and to have problems with motor skills? If so, how can it be diagnosed/treated?"

Neurological in origin, Motor Skills Disorder (MSD) is a developmental disorder that impairs motor coordination in daily activities. Many kids with ASD or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) experience deficits in motor skills development, which often manifest as abnormal clumsiness (although it may not be major enough to be considered a disorder in and of itself).

MSD is a result of weak or disorganized connections in the brain, which then translates to trouble with motor coordination. Movements are performed because the brain sends messages to the area requiring action. MSD is a result of weak or poorly structured neural pathways to the moving parts of the body.

Clumsiness is a matter of poor balance and gross motor coordination. The origin of this deficit is the vestibular system of the inner ear. The vestibule is an organ responsible for maintaining balance and coordination and is located beside the cochlea, which acts as a sound receptor. Although they attend to different information, the proximity of the vestibule and cochlea allows them to work together. But, if one system is not functioning well, the other is concurrently affected.

ASD children with MSD tend to have an overly sensitive tactile system that causes them to perceive the most gentle touch as objectionable. They may also have a very low pain-threshold or an automatic reaction of fear when touched (i.e., “tactile defensiveness”). This is a result of a sensory processing disorder, which is a problem in the way the child’s brain interprets information received from the senses. This issue (similar to that of coordination) originates in the vestibule, because all sensory information is transmitted to the vestibule before being sent to the cerebellum (i.e., the part of the brain associated with movement).

Kids with MSD often suffer with low self-esteem resulting from poor ability to play sports and teasing by their peers. The disorder can be extremely disabling both at school and in everyday life due to impairment of functioning. Young people with this disorder are also at risk for obesity due to the higher rates of physical inactivity.

Kids with MSD have a variety of symptoms depending on the age of diagnosis. Infants may present with non-specific findings, such as floppy baby (i.e., hypotonia) or rigid baby (i.e., hypertonia), and may be delayed in their ability to sit, stand or walk. Toddlers may have difficulty feeding themselves. Older kids may have a hard time learning to hold a pencil, throw and catch a ball, ride a bike, place a drinking glass on the table without spilling the contents, etc.

As children with this disorder age, they often avoid physical activities, especially those requiring complex motor behaviors (e.g., sports, dancing, drawing, gymnastics, swimming, cycling, etc.). This is due to the child’s propensity to fall or trip more often than others and their inability to complete motor tasks adequately. These children may have more bruises or superficial skin injuries due to being "clumsy." They may often feel unable to judge spatial distances, have difficulty with shutting off faucets, turning off devices, and tend to have trouble putting together puzzles or toys.


If you suspect that your youngster may suffer from MSD, consult with your doctor. The first step in diagnosis is conducting a complete physical, neurological, and motor exam in order to determine that other movement or neuromuscular disorders are not causing the problems. During this exam, the doctor will ask you about various major developmental milestones to try to understand just how "lagging" your youngster's development may be. The doctor may refer you to a child neuropsychologist for more extensive assessment with some of the following tools:
  • The Bender Gestalt Test is used to assess visual-motor integration and visual perception skills (e.g., whether the eyes and the parts of the brain related to vision communicate with each other appropriately). This test consists of nine figures that the youngster must copy.
  • The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency assesses the fine and gross motor skills of kids ages 4 to 14. These tasks often appeal to kids because they are similar to typical childhood activities (e.g., throwing and catching a ball, running, doing pushups, etc.). This test is the most widely used assessment of motor ability, and can be used on a wide range of young people, from able-bodied children to those with severe physical handicaps. 
  • Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Test Battery for Children, an assessment for kids ages 5-8 years, provides a measure of overall functioning and hones in on specific motor skills or impairments that may be present. A corresponding test for older kids (ages 9-14), the Halstead Neuropsychological Test Battery for Children, is also available.


Physical or occupational therapists can work with young people affected by MSD to develop and improve their physical skills and strengthen their muscles. Community-based services in the home or school-setting may also be beneficial. Also, "by-pass methods" can be used (i.e., special adaptations such as allowing an unlimited amount of time for HFA kids to take tests, providing modifications in requirements for handwriting, using specialty tools such as left-handed scissors, adaptive writing instruments that help these kids to achieve academic and occupational goals, etc.).

Targeted multi-sensory interventions include Sensory Integrative Therapy and Perceptual Motor Training:
  • Sensory Integrative Therapy teaches children how to properly absorb and sort information about sensory experiences (e.g., touch, body position, sound, how hard to bite down, how wide to open your mouth, etc.).
  • Perceptual Motor Training involves retraining the child's body to recognize and prioritize various sources of stimuli and respond accordingly (e.g., they may learn how to use certain muscle groups rather than others while walking or grasping things).

The course of MSD is unpredictable. For some autistic kids, the disorder essentially goes away after a while. For others, the lack of coordination continues through the teenage years and into young adulthood. Though early intervention is better than later intervention, treatment received as a grown-up can still help lessen the severity of symptoms.

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

Teaching ASD Children to Self-Manage Their Behavior

 "I need some useful behavior management strategies for a very out of control 6 yo boy with autism (high functioning). Thanks in advance!"

Teaching kids with ASD or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) to manage their own behavior allows parents to spend less time dealing with challenging behaviors at home. Managing your own behavior is called self-control. Self-control skills are used to help HFA children to pay attention to their own behavior. These young people can learn to monitor their own behavior and control their own actions through using self-control techniques. 

In order to help a child on the autism spectrum learn to monitor his own behavior, parents should ask themselves the following questions:
  • Are there any factors or challenges that my youngster faces that need to be considered before implementing a self-control plan?
  • Is my youngster able to make an accurate self-assessment of his behavior?
  • What goals do I have for my youngster in using a self-control plan?
  • What is it that interests or engages my youngster that may be used to begin a self-control program?
  • What is my youngster’s current level of self-control?

How to teach HFA children to manage their own behavior:

1. Parents should assess their youngster’s current level of self-control to accurately report on her behavior. For instance, the parent may ask the youngster as she sits watching television, “Did you pick up your dirty clothes and put them in the laundry basket?” If the parent has just seen that the dirty clothes have not been put in the basket, yet the child responds that she did put them in the basket, the parent will know that her youngster currently does not accurately “assess” her behavior.

It’s easier to have a child assess behaviors around activities in which she is currently engaged. Some kids may not be able to accurately assess their own behaviors and may need to be taught how to self-assess prior to using a self-control program. Parents may need to teach their child to correctly report if she did or didn’t perform a task that the parent asked about (e.g., doing chores, completing homework, etc.).

2. Parents can identify what observable behaviors they want their youngster to learn to self-manage. Each step needs to clearly describe what the youngster should do. For instance, your son may be taught that when told to “get ready for dinner,” he should stop playing computer games, wash his hands, and take a seat at the dinner table.

3.  Once the behaviors have been identified, they are visually displayed for the youngster using photographs or drawings on a poster. The youngster is given a way to monitor her behaviors using a checklist or chart that shows the activity with a place to indicate whether she performed the step correctly (using a check mark, smiley face, sticker, thumbs up/thumbs down, etc.). Parents can laminate the chart or checklist and use a wipe-off marker so that it is reusable.

The goal of the chart or checklist is to teach the youngster how to independently engage in appropriate behavior – not to punish or withhold activities. It can be used to chart special activities that the youngster earns. Oftentimes, kids on the autism spectrum respond well to the use of an earned “special” activity if they complete the chart (e.g., having time on the computer). If the self-control chart includes a special activity, the youngster can choose the special activity. A visual representation (e.g., a photo or picture cut out from a catalog or magazine) of the special activity can then be placed on the chart as a reminder of what the youngster can earn when the chart is complete.

4.  The youngster is taught to engage in the desired behaviors and then to monitor his performance. Once the chart is prepared, the parent should review the chart with the youngster after the activity has occurred. The parent can review the steps that are listed on the chart and explain how the youngster’s performance will be marked (e.g., “The first picture shows ‘I put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket’. If you put your clothes in the basket, we are going to place a smiley face on the chart. If you did not put your clothes in the basket, we will not place a smiley face on the chart. Let’s see what happened. Did you put your clothes in the basket? Yes, you did. We can put a smiley face on the chart.”).

Once parents have reviewed the system with the youngster and they believe the youngster understands it, they should try it out the next time the activity occurs. During the activity, parents can remind their youngster of the behaviors on the chart. When the activity is over, they can help him mark the chart.

5.  Parents should provide positive attention or feedback to their youngster while she is learning self-control. When parents give their youngster feedback for using the chart, they should praise her for engaging in the behavior and the accuracy of her ability to self-manage. Over time, parents can gradually provide less assistance for using the chart. The goal will be to get the youngster to use the chart independently until she does the behavior easily and no longer needs the self-control system.

Self-control skills are designed to teach autistic kids how to engage in appropriate behavior, independently. Over time, parents should decrease their assistance and support their child to use self-control skills independently. If the youngster misses a step or does not complete the chart, parents can gently redirect him to complete the step and encourage him to try harder the following day or during the next activity.

When methods to teach self-control skills are carefully implemented, positive changes in behavior can be expected. Self-control skills are most effective when parents implement the self-control program systematically and monitor their youngster’s progress. When an autistic youngster has difficulty with the process or is not making progress, the self-control system should be reviewed, and additional instruction or new procedures should be implemented.

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...