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Aspergers and Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)

Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects the lining of the digestive tract. Some researchers believe that this digestive problem is a contributing factor to Aspergers (high functioning autism). The digestive tract lining becomes irritated and permeable. As a result, undigested food particles (particularly proteins) and toxins end up leaking into the blood stream. This leakiness can lead to disturbances in neurological brain function.

Part of the problems inherent in LGS is that the body is naturally designed to fight off foreign entities. The food particles and toxins cause the body to put the immune system into overdrive, which is suspect for causing autoimmune disorders. Specific symptoms indicate that there might be a problem with a permeable intestinal tract. They include:
  • aggressive behavior and mood swings
  • anxiety, confusion, and nervousness
  • asthma
  • bed-wetting
  • bloating and constipation
  • chronic pain
  • diarrhea and gas
  • discomfort in the abdominal area
  • disorientation and memory problems
  • fatigue
  • indigestion and heartburn
  • poor immunity
  • recurrent infections
  • shortness of breath
  • skin rashes

Aspergers kids who suffer with LGS are bound to suffer frequent bouts of allergies or common illnesses as protein substances and other “hard-to-break-down” molecules filter through their intestinal tracts into the intestines, causing the body to misinterpret them as a harmful substance (such as a virus) and go into an anti-body production overdrive to combat these.

Other complications arising from LGS are caused when the child’s body starts to cause an auto-immune disease. As a result, (a) the body begins to attack itself, and (b) bacteria (that should only be found in the intestinal tract) gets transported to bloodstream, which causes infections and weakens the liver besides resulting in increased toxicity elsewhere in the body.

To avoid these problems associated with LGS, it is advisable for parents with Aspergers children to raise their awareness of this disorder. This includes avoiding intake of a diet that is high in carbohydrates, alcohol and caffeine content, and drugs such as ibuprofen and antacids – all of which work to reduce the impermeable nature of the intestinal walls that is a measure of disease control. Also, since the digestive system of Aspergers kids is very sensitive, medical advice strongly recommends going on a gluten and casein free diet – and avoiding spicy food.

There's a variety of supplements for LGS. The process of choosing the right ones for a specific case can be time consuming, but the results can be quite dramatic! While a diet composed of a combination of vitamins and minerals can be ideal, it might be better to take a gradual approach to introducing these elements into Aspergers children’s diet.

1. Shark liver oil often tops the lists of supplements that can be used to treat LGS.

2. Vitamins and minerals that can be used in the treatment of LGS include:
  • beta carotene
  • co-enzyme Q10
  • digestive enzymes
  • glutamine
  • methyl sulfonyl Mmethane (MSM)
  • selenium
  • vitamins A, C, and E

3. Other dietary supplements include:
  • aloe vera juice
  • barley grass powder
  • bovine colostrums
  • garlic
  • Kolorex Intenstical Care capsules
  • lactobacilus
  • lactoferrin
  • olive leaf extract
  • virgin coconut oil

Frequently track your youngster’s progress, and make sure to use a systematic approach for introducing different elements. After you've selected the best supplements for LGS, the results can be well worth the effort. Consult your child’s doctor before beginning any program.

Part of answering the questions about LGS revolves around finding out how the condition affects the brain. Research is a continuing process, which we hope will provide more answers in the near future.

The Aspergers Comprehensive Handbook

Aspergers Teens Talk About Their Struggles

Teens with Aspergers Talk About Their Life-Challenges:

Your older teenager or young “adult child” isn’t sure where he is going in life, and he is asking you for money every few days. How do you cut the purse strings and teach him to be independent?

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Help for Neurotypical (non-Aspergers) Siblings

Caring for an Aspergers (high functioning autism) youngster takes a tremendous toll on the whole family, and neurotypical siblings are no exception. As moms and dads, our exhaustion, stress, and uncertainty about how to respond to the needs of other children can leave us feeling guilty and drain our reserves — and might tempt us to downplay or ignore the impact a youngster's disorder may have on his siblings. By being aware of what neurotypical (i.e., non-Aspergers) brothers and sisters are going through and taking a few steps to make things a little easier, moms and dads can address many issues before they unfold.

Family routines and dynamics naturally change when a youngster has Aspergers, which can confuse and distress neurotypical siblings. In addition to fear and anxiety over the disorder, they often experience the feeling of loss of a "normal" family life, and loss of their identity within the family.

It's normal for neurotypical siblings to:
  • worry about the Aspergers sister/brother
  • fear that they or other loved ones will catch the sibling's “disease”
  • feel guilty because they're “functional” and can enjoy activities that the sibling cannot
  • be angry because moms and dads are devoting most of their time and energy to the Aspergers sibling
  • feel neglected and worried that that no one in the family cares
  • resent the sibling who may never have to do chores
  • resent that the family has less money to spend now because the sibling is receiving services and/or treatment
  • be nostalgic for the past (wishing things could be like they were before the Aspergers sibling came along)
  • feel residual guilt for being "mean" to the sibling in the past
  • experience generalized worry or anxiety about an uncertain future

The way brothers and sisters express their needs will vary considerably — some may act out, some may try be the perfect youngster, and many will do both. Most studies find that siblings of a youngster with Aspergers or Autism are not at any increased risk for mental disorder, although they may be at greater risk for behavioral and emotional manifestations of their distress.

Pay attention to any changes in children' behavior, and talk to them frequently about how they're doing and what they're feeling. The more room children have to express their emotions, the less emotional turmoil and fewer behavioral problems they're likely to have. Signs of stress in children can include any changes in sleep patterns, appetite, mood, behavior, and school functioning. Younger kids may pick up on parental stress and show regressed behaviors (i.e., doing things they did when they were younger and had already outgrown). Even if you don't see any signs in your children, you can be pretty sure that changes to their routine and seeing their moms and dads and other family members upset is likely to be causing them stress.

While you may not be able to take away the source of your children's emotional pain, you can help alleviate their stress and make them feel secure, cared for, and supported. These suggestions will help, but it's also helpful to seek support (e.g., through counseling) to help you take better care of all your kids:

1. Accept the situation for what it is. Realize just as you may mourn the loss of a more mainstream child, the Aspie’s brothers and sisters may also be sad they don't have the kind of sibling-relationship that other siblings enjoy. Let them talk about those feelings.

2. Be patient and attentive. Have a lot of patience with regressive behavior, especially on the part of neurotypical children, who may have trouble making sense of emotions. At a time when moms and dads' nerves are frazzled, it can be hard to stay patient and attentive, but it's essential for siblings. However, it's not a good idea to let children behave inappropriately or get away with behaviors that you would not have allowed before the Aspie received an Aspergers diagnosis. Rather than make a youngster feel relaxed, this can increase anxiety, jealousy, or feelings of abandonment.

3. Become informed. Fully educate yourself about your Aspergers child and then inform his brothers/sisters on an age-appropriate basis. Know that Aspergers kids find it very difficult to pick up on social cues and often have intense, narrow interests. Even a young sib can understand that, "Michael gets upset when we stop talking about trains, but we're working on ways to help him."

4. Include siblings in the treatment and care. Including neurotypical children in some of the treatment sessions can help demystify the disorder. They also can benefit from connections to other client’s' siblings. In addition, giving neurotypical children specific, non-threatening "jobs" can help them feel like an important part of the treatment process. Encourage their involvement in a variety of ways, and let them tell you how they'd like to be involved — maybe helping with social skills training to keep a the Aspergers youngster connected to life at home and school. Many treatment centers offer sibling counseling groups, workshops, and other programs that can help your neurotypical children feel less alone.

5. It's OK to have fun. Enjoying yourself and having fun can go a long way toward relieving stress and recharging your battery. In addition to trying to maintain a normal schedule of activities, whenever feasible set aside some time for your children to spend with friends and family without focusing on the disorder. You also can set aside one-on-one time with your neurotypical children where the focus is on them and everything that's going on in their lives other than their sibling's disorder.

6. Keep it "normal" as much as possible. Try to maintain continuity and treat your children equally. Stick to existing rules and enforce them. In addition to minimizing jealousy and guilt, this also can send a strong optimistic message about your Aspergers youngster's progress. And try not to fall into the trap of relying on neurotypical children as caregivers before they're ready. Accept help so that your neurotypical children can stick to their typical routines as much as possible. Also, do not coddle the Aspergers child any more than is necessary. He will need to learn how to hold his own in life, and dealing with siblings is a normal part of gaining this independence.

7. Keep the lines of communication open. Pay attention to siblings' needs and emotions. Encourage them to talk about their feelings — the good, the bad, and the guilt-inducing — and try to read between the lines of their actions. This can be difficult when you're exhausted and stressed due to caring your Aspergers child, but a little attention and conversation can let your neurotypical children know that they're important and their needs matter.

8. Look forward – not back. If you find yourself feeling guilty for not being a perfect parent to your neurotypical kids, don't beat yourself up — dwelling on the past is not productive. Instead, try to make a point of recognizing your children' feelings and needs now, and move on from there.

9. Say yes to help. Accepting help with transportation, meals, childcare, and other daily activities can take some pressure off of you so that you have the emotional reserves to be there for your family. You'll also be teaching your children a valuable lesson about accepting generosity from others.

10. Understand that Aspergers is an "invisible" disability. Siblings may be embarrassed in front of their peers when, for example, their brother (who looks no different than any other child) can't stop clenching and unclenching his fists.

Can you treat the child with Aspergers the same way you treat his siblings? Unfortunately, you can’t. The Aspie will probably need a lot more support than his siblings do. But at the same time, there are many things you can try to limit the amount of jealousy that the siblings will feel because of this inequality.

My Aspergers Child: Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Aspergers Children

Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Brain

"A lot of literature on autism says that the brain of a child on the spectrum is 'wired differently'. Can you elaborate of this difference?"

Over the past few years, a number of studies have been published linking differences in brain structure and function to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). For example, researchers have noted that:
  • At a certain point in post-natal development, ASD brains are larger
  • Certain parts of the brain may function differently in ASD children
  • Certain portions of the brain, such as the amygdala, may be enlarged in ASD brains
  • “Minicolumns” in the brain may be formed differently and be more numerous in ASD brains
  • Testosterone may be linked to ASD
  • The entire brain may function differently in ASD children

What all of these brain findings have in common is that they point to ASD as a disorder of the cortex. The cortex is the proverbial "gray matter" (i.e., the part of the brain which is largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory).

In many ASD children, the brain develops too quickly beginning at about 12 months. By age ten, their brains are at a normal size, but "wired" differently. The brain is most complex thing on the planet, so its wiring has to be very complex and intricate. With ASD, there's accelerated growth at the wrong time, and that creates havoc. The consequences, in terms of disturbing early development, include problems within the cortex and from the cortex to other regions of the cortex in ways that compromise language and reasoning abilities.

Minicolumns (i.e., small structures within the cortex) are also different among children with ASD. They have more minicolumns, which include a greater number of smaller brain cells. In addition, the insulation between these minicolumns is not as effective as it is among typically developing children. The result may be that children with ASD think and perceive differently and have less of an ability to block sensory input.

ASD really impacts behavioral function in the brain very broadly. It affects sensory, motor, memory, and postural control – anything that requires a high degree of integration of information. The symptoms are most prominent in social interaction and problem solving because they require highest degree of interaction. In fact, ASD children are socially/emotionally far more delayed than anyone ever thought, even if they have a high IQ.

While social and communication skills may be compromised by unique wiring in the brain, other abilities are actually enhanced. For example, ASD children have a really excellent ability to use the visual parts of the right side of the brain to compensate for problems with language processing. This may be the basis for detail-oriented processing – and may be a decided advantage!

ASD children think differently because their brains are wired differently. They think logically and predictably, but differently. It's as if they're colorblind. You wonder why someone doesn't stop at a red light – because they can't see it. Teachers need to be taught this. When the teacher says, "Close your books and hop over to the door" …and the child hops, the teacher feels mocked. But she hasn't been mocked – she's been obeyed.

Understanding differences in the ASD brain may also provide hints for better communication. For example, since it may be harder for a child with ASD to process multiple ideas, or to multi-task, it makes sense to (a) say less, (b) give the facts, and (c) don't give a lot of tone of voice, gestures or distractions. You'd be surprised how many behavior problems are related to that. Remember that the child is dealing with facts, not concepts.

In ASD brains, circuitry is developing into adulthood – but it's not developing in the right way, and it stops developing too soon. With the right treatment, though, it can be pushed.

Animal scientist Temple Grandin has an extraordinary mind. Probably the world’s most famous person with autism, she “thinks in pictures.” Overall, the right side of her brain dominates. Grandin’s enlarged left ventricle is a sign of abnormalities in her left hemisphere, which typically handles language, and may account for the difficulties she has with processing words. To make up for this, the right hemisphere sometimes overcompensates, which can lead to special abilities in music, art, and visual memory. Grandin’s amygdala (the almond-shaped organ said to play an important role in emotional processing) is larger than normal. This is not a surprising finding because among other functions, this region processes fear and anxiety, which are emotional states often affected by autism. Her fusiform gyrus is smaller than normal – also not a surprise, since this region is involved in recognizing faces, which is a social skill that autism may disrupt.

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