Highly Effective Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Learn How to Reduce - and Eliminate - Meltdowns, Tantrums, Low-Frustration Tolerance, School-Related Behavior Problems, Sensory Sensitivities, Aggression, Social-Skills Deficits, and much more...

- anger
- being a mistake
- depression
- hate
- isolation
- low self-esteem
- resentment
- sadness
- ...and self-hate?

- I'm a mistake.
- I'm dumb.
- I'm useless.
- I hate myself.
- I wish I was dead.
- What is wrong with me?
- Why was I born?
- Be your child's best advocate
- Help her comply with rules and expectations
- Help him learn positive ways to "work with" his differences - not to "fight" them
- Learn the specifics of autism-related behavior and how to keep it in perspective
- Look at mistakes as lessons - not as major set-backs
- Re-evaluate your expectations
- Take your power back as the parent
- Tune-in to who your child genuinely is - not what the stereotypical child is (based on social beliefs)
- Cope with your child's difficult and aggressive behaviors
- Understand what is really going on inside her head
- Help him cope better in the community and at school
- Keep the peace at home with the rest of the family
- Greatly improve your child's self-esteem, because "special needs" kids with low self-esteem have very little - or no - motivation to change behavior
- Begging to get your child to respond to simple requests
- Getting pulled into pointless, never-ending arguments
- Energy-sucking power struggles that ruin the whole evening
- Feeling powerless and stress-out because nothing you say to your child gets through
- Trying to "reason" with the child
- Having heart-to-heart talks
- "Confronting" the child or being assertive
- Grounding
- Taking away privileges
- Time-outs
- Counseling
- Trying to be a nicer parent
- Trying to be a tougher parent
- "Giving in" and letting the child have his way
- Verbal warnings
- Ignoring misbehavior
- Medication
- Having the child go live with his other parent (if parents are separated or divorced)
- Having another family member "talk to" or attempt to "mentor" the child
- Threatening to send the child away to a juvenile facility
- Threatening to call the police
- and so on...
- The Comprehensive Handbook on Parenting Children on the Autism Spectrum
- How to Stop Meltdowns and Tantrums
- Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management
- My audio book entitled “Unraveling The Mystery Behind High-Functioning Autism”
- The “Parenting Defiant Asperger's and HFA Teens” audio course
- Access to me, Mark Hutten, M.A., as your personal parent coach (via email correspondence)
- My 100%, Ironclad, "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee
About the Author:
Mark Hutten, M.A. is the executive director of Online Parent Support, LLC. He is a parent-coach (Master's Degree) with more than 30 years’ experience. He has worked with hundreds of children and teenagers with ASD Level 1 and High-Functioning Autism (HFA), and presents workshops and runs training courses for parents and professionals who deal with Austim. Also, Mark is a prolific author of articles and eBooks on the subject.
Contact Information:
Online Parent Support, LLC
2328 N 200 E Anderson, IN 46012
Phone: 765-810-3319
Email: mbhutten@gmail.com
Testimonials :
"Mark. I just wanted to tell you that I have purchased so many Parenting programs for help with my son with ASD. While they do touch on related issues, they seem to operate on the principle that these kids are from the same mold and will all respond to the same forms of discipline. Your program is the first (and I think the last) one that has actually helped my situation. Thank you!!!" ~ D.H.
"Today I spoke to my son's former counselor (whom I was asking for a referral for another counseling, which I did before I found your program). I told her, 'I think I don't need it for now,' because I found your site. I gave her your site and told her to spread the word about your program, since her job deals with parents and kids of similar problems. Thanks for all the help!" ~ A.D.
"Thanks Mark. I have been very impressed with your advice and felt I should 'pay it forward' as we feel we are getting such extreme value for our money. As such, I sent your email address to the doctor who was 'trying' to help us. Our son was so extremely disrespectful during our visit with the doctor that he was exasperated at the end and told us there was nothing more he could do and so we should consider kicking him out at 18 and prior to that, send him to a home for 'raging' teens if his behaviour continued. I also note that our doctor has a Psychology degree. I know he has many cases such as ours, so I sent him your website to pass on to other parents who would benefit from this resource. Kindest regards!" ~ S.F.
"I just started your program, but I am already seeing an amazing and positive difference in my HFA daughter. We have struggled with her behavior since she was 9 months old. I was humbled and astounded to learn that I was a big part of the problem in the way that I was reacting to her. We actually have some peace in our home and she even hugs us and says 'I love you' on a regular basis. She has even begun apologizing for getting angry and being unreasonable. The next step is to help her bring her grades up and stay out of trouble at school. I have every confidence that we have turned a corner and I’m referring everyone I know to your program. Thank you!" ~ T.E.
"My Asperger child (high functioning) had been on medication for ADD for several years. It never seemed to help the way we hoped. His anger was out of control and most of the walls in our home had holes from him punching them. He was violent with his siblings and distant from us. I found your program while looking for a treatment facility to send him away to. I knew it was not safe for his brother and sister if he stayed in our home. About 2 and a half weeks into your program we were able to take him off the medication and he continued to improve. (His doctor insisted we were making a huge mistake and that medication was the only way to help him.) He is changing into a more confident self-controlled person thanks to your program. He used to scream at me how much he hated me. Now when he does not get his way he will yell, 'Why are you such a good parent???' He will try to sound angry, but he is letting me know he is happier with the way things are now. He is learning to diffuse tense situations as well. We have both become better people. Thank you for giving me my son back." ~ K. M.
"Nothing has helped as much as this common sense advice. We've been to counseling, read books, you name it. We can't even put into words what we owe you. Thank you so much for your help." ~ L.B.
"I have purchased your program ... just wanted to say how amazing your work is proving to be. I work in psychiatry but have struggled to discipline my son and to understand his behaviour. I have put in to practice the first week session and already it is working. Your insight into teenagers with Asperger syndrome is amazing... it was like you had written it all for my son and I. Thank you, a thousand times, thank you. I’ll keep you informed of J__’s progress." ~ T.J.
"I wanted to say thank you for all your support, sound advice, and speedy email responses. You were the only person I could speak with, and you helped me enormously. I will never forget your support Mark - when I was terrorised and totally overwhelmed, you gave me the strength and support from half way around the world that allowed me to do my very best for my autistic son. God bless you for your generosity of spirit and your great work." ~ V.T.
"I am so thankful and blessed I found your website. I am incorporating your suggestions into my life with my 15-year-old daughter on the spectrum – and things are going so much better. We are both trying and, though she still goes to counseling, I feel like I have tools to work with her now. Thanks a $$$million and God Bless You!" ~ J.P.
"I started using the language and skills suggested and WOW what a difference it's making already! My most defiant Aspie is being positive, kind and respectful to me. It's hard to change, but I'm convinced this is going to work for my family. I've learned that my actions have a direct effect on my child, and when I show him respect, I get it right back! Thank you so much for retraining me!!!" ~ M.H.
"I have seen such a change in myself and my son, it's amazing. Not that the problems are all gone, but simply by saying I'm not arguing and honoring that, even though I've said it before, surprised him (and me) and put an end to so many problems. It was like I was the MOM again. I guess just having the support of the program helped and knowing there were others out there with the same problems." ~ T. A.
"I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I was trawling the WWW at 02.30 for some help and found your sight and thought I would have a look. I sat in tears listening to you... it was like you had stepped into my home and seen the destruction, the tears became tears of relief that I could possibly make a change in my parenting that could help change my child's behaviour, and so I signed up. It has taken me 2 weeks to get though the first part of the program, but I have already seen tiny creaks for the better in all our behaviour." ~ E.B.
"Thank You Mark! Our prayers were answered with your program/ministry. We are gradually reclaiming control of our family. THANK YOU for bringing love, peace and harmony to our family once and for all this time. Yes there are still those idle complaints here and there and the occasional gnashing of teeth. But we have seen so many improvements in our special needs child since we, the parents, have changed our perspective and attitude." ~ R.W.
"I wanted to just take a minute to Thank You and to share my results thus far with my teen son (aspergers, high functioning) using your methods. We have been in counseling since February of this year and yesterday, we withdrew. In all these months, I never felt like we were making any permanent progress....just dancing around, two steps forward, one step back..etc. Since utilizing your strategies along with having our counselor as a sounding board, here are some of the things that have changed: arguments are fewer and less in intensity, a prevailing sense of peacefulness has come back into our home, my son has become more responsible, he has become more respectful towards me, I now have less "guilt" about saying "No" and less difficulty MEANING it, and there is no longer any question about who the parent is now. I can only hope and pray and continue to implement your strategies to see that he does move forward into his adult life in a more positive manner." ~ A.S.
"I am very glad to have you here working with us parents and "our" kids. I appreciate your insight and your "heart" for these kids. I just watched "Take the Lead", which is based on a true story about a man who made a commitment to teach ballroom dancing to inner city kids in New York who were in "detention" for the remainder of the school year. No one else would work with them. His message to them was simple: have enough confidence in yourself to lead; enough trust in yourself to follow; and to always show respect for others. Very powerful stuff. There are only a few of you around, Mark. Keep doing what you love - it shows." ~ K.H.
“During these past few weeks, my husband and I have been implementing many steps, successfully. Our Aspergers son has been completing his weekly chores with not much complaint. There haven't been any melt-downs around here, and the few irritable times we've had have been much less stressful. I hope it's still ok to email you from time to time to say hi and fill you in on our progress.” ~ T.P.
"My daughter simply couldn't understand her peers and did not socialize well at all. Unfortunately, she knew when she was being teased and became very hostile toward the teaser. Her retaliation often resulted in her having to leave the classroom and spend the rest of the morning in the "quiet room" all by herself. Fast forward... we have been working on "how to interject" and the SENSE method that you discuss in the material. These two skills alone have made just a big difference in her coping ability and level of empathy toward others." ~ M.K.
“I have fired the counselors, weaned my child off medications, and I am ready to begin the work of becoming a stronger, more focused parent. My soon to be ex-husband has also agreed to purchase the program and we intend on working it together to get our teen back on track. I thank you for your help and guidance.” ~ W.S.
"Glad I found these parenting skills. Wish I had known about it long before now. Would have saved us a lot of sleepless night." ~ B. F.
“I wanted to let you know how much I really appreciate your program. It is full of really practical and easy-to-use information to help parents with their Asperger’s and HFA children, and also the rest of the family. As a journalist, I know a thing or two about writing - and this is definitely put together and written very professionally.” ~ I.K.
"I wish my child's teachers would read your ebooks. Since I've been working with him, he does much better at home, but school is still an issue - mostly because his teachers don't get it." ~ N.W.
“In just one week of the course, I saw huge changes in my child with Aspergers Syndrome – and even the teacher noticed. He’s a happier person due to this program. Thank you… thank you …thank you!” ~ C.D.