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Asperger's Children and Resistance to Change: Tips for Parents and Teachers

One very common problem for young people with Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism is difficulty adjusting to new situations. Most of them have difficulty adjusting to a new environment, new homes, different teachers at school, or any other major changes in their daily routines. Even new clothes or changes in their favorite food or drink can cause frustration and emotional outbursts. They rigidly stick to old habits, and their rigidity often results in obsessive and/or compulsive thoughts and behaviors. While there are many reasons these kids resist change, most of these reasons have a common source: FEAR.

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Comprehensive Strategies for Parents to Help Autistic Teens Manage Angry Outbursts

Navigating the emotional landscape of an autistic teenager can be both rewarding and challenging. Among the most significant hurdles parents...