- 13 year old Aspie daughter had her day in court......
- 50 Positive Characteristics of Aspergers
- A Divine Cure for Aspergers?!
- A film made by young people with Aspergers Syndrom...
- About MyAspergersChild.com
- Adult Aspergers Children Who Move Back Home – or N...
- Adult Children With Aspergers: Tips For Parents
- Advocating For Your Aspergers Child
- Aggression in Aspergers Teens
- All About Aspergers
- Amusement Park Precautions for Aspergers and SID C...
- An Aspergers Teenager Talks His Experience
- Anger and Violence in Aspergers Children
- Anxiety and Sleep Problems
- Are Aspergers Children Too Smart For Their Own Goo...
- Are there any medications or techniques to address...
- Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2007 - 2009
- ASD and School Behavior Problems
- Asperger Syndrome and Attention Difficulties
- Asperger Syndrome in Adulthood
- Asperger Syndrome: Epidemiology
- Asperger’s Syndrome Tantrums and Meltdowns: Preven...
- Aspergers Adults and Depression
- Aspergers Adults and Independence
- Aspergers Adults and Self-Medication
- Aspergers and "Problems with Balance"
- Aspergers and ADD
- Aspergers and Anxiety: What Parents and Teachers N...
- Aspergers and Comorbid Bipolar
- Aspergers and Enuresis
- Aspergers and Genetics
- Aspergers and Insecure Attachments
- Aspergers and Interpersonal Relationships
- Aspergers and Lack of Empathy
- Aspergers and Lack of Eye Contact
- Aspergers and Loneliness
- Aspergers and Marriage
- Aspergers and Noise Sensitivities [Hyperacusis]
- Aspergers and Picky Eating
- Aspergers and Public Schools
- Aspergers and Repetitive Thoughts
- Aspergers and Self-Diagnosis
- Aspergers and Self-Injury
- Aspergers and Sensitivity to Touch
- Aspergers and Separation Anxiety
- Aspergers and Social Stories
- Aspergers and Tics
- Aspergers and Violence
- Aspergers Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention
- Aspergers CAST Test
- Aspergers Checklist: Does Your Child Have Asperger...
- Aspergers Children & Behavioral Problems at School...
- Aspergers Children & School Refusal
- Aspergers Children and "Physical Education" Class
- Aspergers Children and "Rigidity"
- Aspergers Children and Aggressive Behavior
- Aspergers Children and Anger Problems
- Aspergers Children and Attachment Problems
- Aspergers Children and Behavior Problems
- Aspergers Children and Lack of Eye Contact
- Aspergers Children and Language Development
- Aspergers Children and Manipulative Behavior
- Aspergers Children and Motor Skills Development
- Aspergers Children and Pica
- Aspergers Children and Relationship Difficulties
- Aspergers Children and School Phobia
- Aspergers Children and School Refusal
- Aspergers Children and Sleep Problems
- Aspergers Children and Social Skills Interventions...
- Aspergers Children and Speech Problems
- Aspergers Children and Video Game Obsessions
- Aspergers Children Are Picky Eaters
- Aspergers Children Who Abuse Their Siblings
- Aspergers Children Who Talk Excessively: What Pare...
- Aspergers Children: Emotions and Being Silly
- Aspergers Children: Obsessions and Rituals
- Aspergers child's fascination with women's clothin...
- Aspergers Diagnosis: Should You Worry?
- Asperger's Documentary - My Crazy Life
- Aspergers in Adulthood
- Aspergers in Adults
- Aspergers in Adults
- Aspergers in Babies
- Aspergers in the Family
- Aspergers Kids and Karate
- Aspergers Meltdowns
- Aspergers Meltdowns versus Temper Tantrums
- Aspergers Men and Relationship Difficulties
- Aspergers Self-Test: Do I Have Aspergers?
- Aspergers Students and Poor Reading Comprehension
- Aspergers Students: Completing School Assignments ...
- Aspergers Students: Educational Considerations
- Aspergers Students: Tips for Teachers
- Aspergers Subtypes: Rule-Oriented, Logic-Oriented ...
- Aspergers Symptoms Across The Life-Span
- Asperger's Syndrome Documentary
- Aspergers Syndrome: A Comprehensive Summary
- Asperger's Syndrome: A Real Story
- Asperger's Syndrome: Research Library
- Aspergers Tantrums, Rage, and Meltdowns
- Aspergers Teen: Behavior Problems
- Aspergers Teens and "Sex Education"
- Aspergers Teens and Alcohol Abuse
- Aspergers Teens and Behavior Problems at School
- Aspergers Teens and College
- Aspergers Teens and Dating
- Aspergers Teens and Employment
- Aspergers Teens and Marijuana Use
- Aspergers Teens and Online Gaming Addiction
- Aspergers Teens and Sexual Issues
- Aspergers Teens and Social Deficits
- Aspergers Teens and Social Difficulties
- Aspergers Teens and Social Skills
- Aspergers Teens and Suicide
- Aspergers Teens and Threats of Suicide
- Aspergers Teens: Learning to Drive a Car
- Aspergers Treatment
- Aspergers versus Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NLD)...
- Aspergers Videos
- Aspergers, ADHD, and ODD
- Aspergers/Autism Online Resources
- Aspergers: A Clinical Account
- Aspergers: Answer to Diagnostic Mysteries?
- Aspergers: Diagnosis and Clinical Features
- Aspergers: Inaccurate Stereotyping
- Aspergers: Parenting Strategies
- Aspergers: Quick Reference for Clinicians
- Aspergers: Treatment and Intervention
- Aspies and Impaired Humor Comprehension
- Autistic Traits In Adults: Online Test
- Balancing Time Between the Aspergers Child and His...
- Behavior Contracts for Aspergers Children
- Behavioral Interventions for Aspergers Clients
- Behavioral Management Plan for Aspergers Children ...
- Being a Role Model for Your Aspergers Child
- Best and Worst Jobs for Aspergers Adults
- Best Aspergers Blogs: Support Groups for People Af...
- Can Aspergers be treated? Yes!
- Can children with Aspergers also get diagnosed wit...
- Can my son with Aspergers truly understand love?
- Can you advise me on social skills training for my...
- Can you help me teach my Aspergers child organizat...
- Can you treat kids with Aspergers the same way you...
- CAST: The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test
- Challenges Faced by Teens and Adults with Asperger...
- Chat with a Therapist
- Complications of the Aspergers Diagnosis: Help for...
- Coping With Adult Aspergers
- Coping with the Holidays: Help for Aspergers Child...
- Dealing with Fixations in Aspergers Children
- Defiant, Oppositional Teens with Aspergers: Simple...
- Developing Friendships: Tips for Children and Teen...
- Do you have Aspergers?
- Does My Child Really Have Aspergers?
- Does My Husband Have Aspergers Too?
- Drugs to Treat Aspergers Symptoms
- Educating Others About Your Aspergers Child
- Emails from Parents Regarding PC Tattletale
- Employment Support for Aspergers Employees
- Evaluating Clients for Aspergers: Advice for Thera...
- Gaze Avoidance in Aspergers Children
- Getting Aspergers Kids Ready For School
- Getting Involved In Your Aspergers Child's Life
- Girls with Aspergers
- Girls with Aspergers
- Good Jobs for Aspergers Teens
- Grandmothers Raising Aspergers Grandchildren
- Grandparenting an Aspergers Child
- Grandparents Raising Aspergers Grandchildren
- Guidelines for Behavior Management
- He has stopped going to school...
- He is having meltdown after meltdown...
- He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non verbal ...
- Help for Parents with Aspergers Children and Teens...
- Help for Parents with Defiant Aspergers Teens
- Help for Parents with Defiant Aspergers Teens
- Helping Aspergers Children Manage Time
- Helping Aspergers Children with Homework
- Helping Aspergers Children with Homework
- Helping Students with Aspergers
- Helping Teachers To Understand Your Aspergers Chil...
- Her meltdowns are unpredictable...
- Home-Schooling Your Aspergers Child
- Homeschooling Your Aspergers Child: Educational Re...
- How Aspergers Teens/Young Adults Can Get a Girlfri...
- How can I cope with my son with Aspergers’ sensory...
- How can I deal with transition between schools for...
- How can I help my daughter with Aspergers to deal ...
- How can I stop meltdowns when routines change?
- How can I teach empathy to my child with Aspergers...
- How can you help transition an Aspergers child int...
- How Clinicians Test for Aspergers
- How Diet and Supplements Can Help Aspergers Childr...
- How do children with Asperger’s cope with physical...
- How do I bond with my 8yr old son that has Asperge...
- How do I help my son with Aspergers to gain the ap...
- How Do I Parent an Adult Child with Aspergers
- How do you discipline a child with Aspergers?
- How do you get the school system to pay attention ...
- How is Aspergers Assessed?
- How Parents Can Help Their Aspergers Child: 30 Tip...
- How should I explain Aspergers Syndrome to my 12-y...
- How should I treat my friend who has Aspergers?
- How to Approach Children with Aspergers: Advice fo...
- How To Date An Aspie
- How to Deal with an Aspergers Child Who Also Suffe...
- How to Deal with Obsessions and Rituals
- How To Help Siblings Deal With An Aspergers Brothe...
- How to Live With Aspergers: A Message to Aspergers...
- How To Monitor What Your Aspergers Child Does Onli...
- How To Monitor Where Your Aspergers Child Goes Onl...
- How to Motivate Aspergers Children
- How to Prevent Meltdowns in Aspergers Children
- How To Survive Christmas With An Aspergers Child: ...
- I don't want to be a prisoner in my home...
- I need to find someone to evaluate my daughter for...
- I suspect my husband has Aspergers. What should I ...
- I want to help my son with Aspergers to get employ...
- I want to teach my child about appropriate sexual ...
- I'm looking for some ways to diffuse a meltdown......
- Inappropriate Responses from Aspies
- Intervention Programs for Aspergers Children
- Interview with an Aspergers College Student
- Is it a good idea to try to stop obsessive behavio...
- Is it true that you shouldn't push someone who has...
- Is there a connection between Aspergers and homose...
- Is there a way to stop aggressive behavior...?
- Is there any method I can use during the meltdowns...
- Job Interview Skills for People with Aspergers
- Keeping in touch with my grown child with Asperger...
- Launching Older Teens and Adult Children With Aspe...
- Learning to Parent a Child with a Diagnosis of Asp...
- Letting Go of Adult Children with Aspergers
- Living with an Aspergers Partner/Spouse
- Living With An Aspergers Partner/Spouse
- Living with an Aspergers Spouse
- Living with an Aspergers Spouse/Partner
- Low Muscle Tone and Motor Clumsiness in Aspergers ...
- Medical Treatment for Aspergers
- Meltdowns and Punishment
- Monitoring Your Aspergers Child’s Activities
- Mother of an Aspergers child tells her story...
- Mother Tells Her “Aspergers-related” Story
- Motivating Teens with Asperger's Syndrome
- My 5 year old was just diagnosed with aspergers......
- My Son Was Recently Diagnosed With Aspergers – Now...
- MyAspergersChild.com - Advertisement As Seen On NB...
- Older Teens and Young Adult Children Still Living ...
- Online Resources for Parents with Aspergers Childr...
- Outcome Research in Aspergers
- Parenting Adult Children with Aspergers
- Parenting Aspergers Children and Teens: Part 1
- Parenting Aspergers Children and Teens: Part 2
- Parenting Aspergers Children: Helpful Strategies
- Parenting Aspergers Children: Preventing Problems ...
- Parenting Aspergers Teens: Double Trouble?
- Parenting Strategies A - Z
- Parenting Teens with Aspergers
- Parenting Tips for Parents with Aspergers Children...
- Parents With Asperger Syndrome
- Parents’ Management of Tantrums in Aspergers Child...
- Partners with Aspergers
- Paxil for Treating Aspergers Symptoms?
- PC Tattletale: Parental Control and Internet Monit...
- Perseveration: Stereotypic Behaviors in Aspergers ...
- Preventing Meltdowns in Students with Aspergers: S...
- Preventing Temper Tantrums in Chidren with Asperge...
- Problems Experienced by Teens with Aspergers
- Problems Getting Up In The Morning: Help for Asper...
- Problems with Sensory Overload
- Promoting Social Communication in Aspergers Childr...
- Questionable Theory of Aspergers
- Raising Aspergers Children: Symptoms and Parenting...
- Rebellious Aspergers Teenagers
- Reward System for Aspergers Children
- Rituals and Obsessions
- School Concerns for Students with Aspergers
- School-related Anxiety in Aspergers Children
- Setting Rules for Aspergers Children
- Should an Aspergers child be placed in school base...
- Shutdowns: A Specific Type of Meltdown
- Spouses with Aspergers
- Surviving Thanksgiving: Tips for Parents with Aspe...
- Talking to Your Aspergers Child
- Teaching Aspergers Children To Lose Gracefully
- Teaching Aspergers Students: 32 Tips for Educators...
- Teaching Boundaries to Aspergers Children
- Teaching Social Skills to Aspergers Children: Intr...
- Teaching Strategies for Aspergers Students
- The 14 yr old has been having meltdowns and the 16...
- The Blessings of Aspergers: 40 Positive Characteri...
- The Bullying of Aspergers Children
- The Diagnosis of Aspergers
- The Difference Between ADHD and Aspergers
- The History Behind "Aspergers"
- The Myths About Aspergers
- The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide
- The Potential Genius of Aspergers
- The schools do not understand the characteristics ...
- The Warning Signs of Aspergers
- Tips for Parents of Aspergers Children
- Tips For Teens With Aspergers: How To Avoid Being ...
- Top 100 Aspergers Blogs for 2010
- Top 100 Aspergers Forums for 2010
- Top 100 Asperger's Websites for 2010 [alphabetical...
- Top 30 Best Books on Aspergers
- Transitioning Aspergers Teens to Adulthood
- U.S. Schools for Aspergers Children
- Understanding Your Aspergers Child
- Undiagnosed and Misdiagnosed Aspergers
- Violent Aspergers Children: What Parents and Teach...
- What are the pros and cons of the APA’s plan to ch...
- What are your thoughts on the necessity of physica...
- What do we do or say to those that think Aspergers...
- What do you do if you think your child may have As...
- What is a “social story” and how is it used?
- What is important to know before my Aspergers teen...
- What is the best way to teach social skills to my ...
- What is the difference between a meltdown and a ta...
- What Is The Difference Between Aspergers and ADHD?...
- What issues should I consider when contemplating b...
- What would be a good punishment for an Aspergers c...
- Working with Schools to Develop an IEP
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Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2010
How to Tell Your Child that He/She has ASD
Receiving the news that your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an event that can invoke a whirlwind of emotion...

Fixated Personality -- The fixated personality type can be characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and the n...
Below you will find the majority of symptoms associated with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), also referred to as Asperger’s. The HFA chil...
"My 5 year old son is a high functioning autistic child - and is constantly swearing. I've tried time-outs, taken games away, us...