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Asperger's Syndrome: Quick Facts

Asperger’s Syndrome is:
  • a complex brain disorder that falls within the Autism spectrum
  • a developmental condition in which people have difficulties understanding how to interact socially
  •  a mild variation of autism; however, individuals with Asperger's Syndrome have normal intelligence and language development
  • a neurological disorder with symptoms similar to those of “classic” autism
  • a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by persistent impairments in social interaction, restricted development and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities
  • an autistic spectrum disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction, motor delays, adherence to routines, average to above-average intelligence, and preoccupation with a particular subject of interest
  • called a syndrome because the cause is not known, but it does describes how a person thinks, feels, and acts as a human being
  • characterized as being at the mildest and highest functioning end of the spectrum, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder Continuum
  • is a developmental disorder in which people have severe difficulties understanding how to interact socially
  • the same diagnosis as Autism, except it explicitly states no retardation or speech problems
  • typically associated with poor social behavior
  • very hard to diagnosis

Children with Asperger’s Syndrome:
  • are often isolated because of their poor social skills and narrow interests
  • are often the target of bullying at school due to their unusual behavior, language, interests, and impaired ability to perceive and respond in socially expected ways to nonverbal cues, particularly in interpersonal conflict
  • display motor delays, clumsiness, and problems with social interaction
  • have difficulty with social interactions and understanding unspoken social cues
  • have traits that make them appear to be perfectionists
  • have trouble interacting with their peers, but can carry on an intelligent and often animated conversation with adult
  • may appear to be physically clumsy
  • may be extremely literal and may have difficulty interpreting and responding to sarcasm or banter
  • may talk at length about a favorite subject or repeat a word or phrase over and over again
  • often have difficulty with transitions or changes and prefer sameness
  • often have limited and very focused interests
  • often mature more slowly
  • often show a stilted or bouncy walk, which appears awkward
  • struggle with a problem and internalize their feelings until their emotions boil over, leading to a complete meltdown
  • take verbal and written communication literally
  • tend to be self-absorbed, have difficulty making friends, are often preoccupied with their own interests and easily become the victims of teasing or bullying
  • typically develop a good to excellent vocabulary, but they usually lack the social instincts and practical skills needed for relating to others
  • typically exhibit distinct awkwardness when in just about any kind of social setting, as well as an all-absorbing interest in specific topics or subjects, utilizing intense focus
  • typically make efforts to establish friendships, but they may have difficulty making friends because of their social awkwardness
  • usually have a history of developmental delays in motor skills, such as pedaling a bike, catching a ball, or climbing outdoor play equipment
  • usually have excellent memories, especially in the area of facts, figures, dates, times and statistics
  • want to know everything about their topic of interest and their conversations with others will be about little else

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