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Strange ASD-Related Obsessions and Fear-Reduction

“My daughter is totally obsessed with the weather. Reads books on it, watches the weather channel constantly, listens to thunder and lightning sounds on the computer, and so on. Is this typical autistic behavior? Why an obsession about weather?”

Nearly all children with High-Functioning Autism have an area of special, sometimes obsessive interest. Often times, these kids develop this interest as a way to overcome fear (however, this is not always the case). 
Weather, especially tornadoes and hurricanes, can be fearful and even terrifying. A youngster on the autism spectrum may develop a preoccupation with weather to cope with this fear. 

She might watch the Weather Channel continuously, read the weather report in the paper numerous times across the day, or read about different weather phenomena – and be able to share details of past storms when the weather worsens. 

In addition, trains are often a focus of interest for many kids on the spectrum, perhaps due to the train’s ominous size, sound, and vibration. 

One autistic child remarked, “The first time I saw a train coming down the track, I thought it was an angry dinosaur. I was scared because I could feel the ground move. After that, I wanted to know all about trains.” This may have been another example of a child becoming obsessed with something that instilled fear in him initially.


•    Anonymous said... And they call it a DISORDER? a child fascinated by the phenomena of the world she lives in?
•    Anonymous said... I would take that choice and behavior any day over the alternatives
•    Anonymous said... It's tranquil, use the weather sounds on the radio when needed to calm the room
•    Anonymous said... Much better than Minecraft... I could learn about/with/from an "obsession" like that.
•    Anonymous said... My aspie son does the same thing. Anything weather related, especially storms, and he has it pulled up.
•    Anonymous said... Our son loves tornado information and the weather channel also
•    Anonymous said... Weather, geology, evolution... Etc. My son has had obsessions forever. I think they're awesome!

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