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Encouragement for People on the Autism Spectrum

There is a philosophy among many individuals in the autism community that people on the spectrum are living their lives on the wrong planet. But this way of thinking favors a flaw-based focus, which is the exact opposite of what we want to achieve. I know in my heart that each of us has a special purpose on this planet. The universe has a plan for you, and your job is to get in alignment with this plan. So, be encouraged my friend. You are indeed on the right planet!

As one mother of an autistic child states: "I agree - too many organizations assume that kids on the spectrum are flawed and need fixing. Now of course there are certain elements that do require help (communication with others for example) But these characteristics can often be addressed with technology and other options. I don't think my daughter is living on the wrong planet - I do think she has a very unique way of viewing that planet though."

==>Living With Aspergers: Help for Couples

==> Skype Counseling for Struggling Individuals & Couples Affected by Asperger's and HFA

Comprehensive Strategies for Parents to Help Autistic Teens Manage Angry Outbursts

Navigating the emotional landscape of an autistic teenager can be both rewarding and challenging. Among the most significant hurdles parents...