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When Your Aspergers Child Can't Make Friends

If your Aspergers child doesn't ever talk about anyone in his class, doesn’t ask to bring a friend home, never gets invited to any of his peers' homes, and seems to be a loner in general preferring to play by himself, then he might be having trouble in the friendship department (his teacher may be able to confirm your suspicions).

Aspergers and HFA children need to understand when to reach out, pull back, blend in, speak up and let go. So, how can parents help their Aspergers child make and keep friends?

Click here for strategies that you can use to help your child make - and keep - friends!

Creative Strategies for Promoting Independence in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Encouraging independence in teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an integral part of their growth, equipping them with essential lif...