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- 30 "Key" Aspergers Traits
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- A Behavior Modification Plan for Your Aspergers Ch...
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- Adults With Aspergers: What Other Family Members N...
- Aggressiveness in Aspergers Children and Teens
- Air Travel with Aspergers Children: 25 Tips for Pa...
- Alternative Education for Aspergers Students
- An Official Diagnosis: How Important Is It?
- Anxiety Management in Aspergers Children: 25 Tips ...
- Anxiety-Free Haircuts for Aspergers Kids
- Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2010
- Aspergers 101: The Basics
- Aspergers Adults and Fulfilling Relationships
- Aspergers Adults and Love
- Aspergers Adults and Relationship Difficulties
- Aspergers Adults with Avoidant Personality: Self-H...
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- Aspergers and Low Cortisol: A New Therory for Aspe...
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- Aspergers and Sibling Issues
- Aspergers and Social Anxiety
- Aspergers and Speech Difficulties
- Aspergers and the "Approach Personality" Type
- Aspergers and the "Avoidant Personality" Type
- Aspergers and the "Fixated Personality" Type
- Aspergers and the “Disruptive Personality” Type
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- Aspergers Child Discipline 101
- Aspergers Children and "Therapy Pets"
- Aspergers Children and Amusement Parks: Avoiding O...
- Aspergers Children and Auditory Processing Disorde...
- Aspergers Children and Bad Language
- Aspergers Children and Bed-wetting
- Aspergers Children and Behavior Problems
- Aspergers Children and Communication-Skills Traini...
- Aspergers Children and Defiant Behavior: 10 Tips f...
- Aspergers Children and Dental Appointments: 40 Tip...
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- Aspergers Children and High Pain Tolerance
- Aspergers Children and Homework Problems
- Aspergers Children and Inflexibility: 25 Tips for ...
- Aspergers Children and Intensity-Seeking: 2-Minute...
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- Aspergers Children and Non-Stop Questions
- Aspergers Children and Oppositional Defiance
- Aspergers Children and Poor Eating Habits
- Aspergers Children and Poor School Attendance
- Aspergers Children and Problems with Bathing/Showe...
- Aspergers Children and Seasonal Affective Disorder...
- Aspergers Children and Sensory Issues
- Aspergers Children and Sexual Curiosity
- Aspergers Children and Sibling Aggression
- Aspergers Children and Social Impairment
- Aspergers Children and Social Phobia
- Aspergers Children and Summer Vacation: 25 Tips fo...
- Aspergers Children and Their Special Interests: A ...
- Aspergers Children and Video Game Addiction
- Aspergers Children Speak Out
- Aspergers Children Who Refuse To Go To School
- Aspergers Critical Issues: What Every Parent and T...
- Aspergers in the Elderly
- Aspergers Newsletters from MyAspergersChild.com [2...
- Aspergers or “High-Functioning Autism” – What Sh...
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- Aspergers Students and School Anxiety
- Aspergers Students and Virtual School
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- Aspergers Teens and Online Gaming Obsessions
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- Aspergers Temper Tantrums: 15 Tips for Parents
- Aspergers Traits That Come In Handy On The Job
- Aspergers versus Autism: What’s the Difference?
- Aspergers: Different Levels of Severity
- Aspies Get a Bad Rap
- Aspies in the Workplace: 25 Tips for Employers
- Auditory Integration Training: Help for Sensory Pr...
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- Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Brain
- Autism Spectrum Disorders: Everything Parents Need...
- Autism Spectrum Disorders: How Parents Can Help Th...
- Autism Spectrum Disorders: Online Resources for Pa...
- Avoiding Meltdowns and Tantrums While Shopping
- Avoiding Negative Reinforcement in the Classroom: ...
- Building High Self-Esteem in the Aspergers Child
- Bullying: How Parents Can Take Legal Action To Get...
- Bullying: Tips for Parents with Aspergers Children...
- Checklist of Asperger Traits
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Advice for Adults wi...
- Coping Skills for Aspergers Teens: 40 Tips for Par...
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- Creating an Individualized Education Program (IEP)...
- Creating Successful Behavior Charts for Aspergers ...
- Dealing with Aggressive Aspergers Teens: 10 Tips f...
- Dealing With Aspergers Children Who Refuse To Go T...
- Dealing with Negative Emotions Associated with Par...
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- Developing Social Skills at Home and School
- Disciplining the Aspergers Child: Special Consider...
- Does Your Child Really Have Aspergers?
- Educational Strategies for the Aspergers Student
- Effective Teaching Strategies for Aspergers Studen...
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- Finding the Right Job: Help for Young Adults with ...
- Free Parenting Aspergers Mini-Course
- FREE Resources for Parents with Aspergers Children...
- Get new parenting skills delivered straight to you...
- Getting Aspergers Children Ready For School
- Going on Vacation: 20 Tips for Parents with Asperg...
- Help For Aspergers Students Who Are Bullied
- Help for Men with Aspergers: 90 Tips for Husbands
- Help for Neurotypical (non-Aspergers) Siblings
- Help With Transitions: Moving To A New Home
- Helping an Aspergers Child Transition to a New Sch...
- Helping Angry Aspergers Children: 15 Tips for Pare...
- Helping Aspergers Children Adjust to the School En...
- Helping Aspergers Children Deal with Disappointmen...
- Helping Aspergers Children Develop Nonverbal Commu...
- Helping Aspergers Children Get to Sleep
- Helping Aspergers Children Through Divorce
- Helping Aspergers Children Transition to a New Sch...
- Helping Aspergers Children Who Get Frustrated
- Helping Aspergers Students Transition To High Scho...
- Helping Aspergers Teens Transition to College
- Helping Older Aspergers Teens Find Work
- Helping Your Aspergers Child Develop High Self-Est...
- Helping Your Aspergers Child to Make Friends: 10 T...
- Helping Your Aspergers Teen Cope With Life
- Helping Your Child Cope with Frustration
- Helping Your Child Deal with Stress
- Home-Schooling Your Aspergers Child
- How Aspergers is Diagnosed
- How Aspergers is Diagnosed
- How Aspergers Is Treated
- How Aspergers Students Learn: Strategies for Teach...
- How Aspergers Teens Can Make Friends
- How can I get my spouse more involved with our Asp...
- How can I help my daughter understand her Asperger...
- How Parents Can Educate Teachers About Aspergers
- How Parents Can Help Their Aspergers Teenagers: 25...
- How should I go about getting my son tested for As...
- How To Be Cool: 100 Tips For Aspergers Teens
- How to Calm an Aspergers Child: 50 Tips for Parent...
- How to Conduct an Assessment for Aspergers
- How To Get Your Aspergers Child To Listen To You
- How To Have A Stress-Free Christmas
- How To Improve Your Aspergers Child's Self-Image
- How To Live With Aspergers: 30 Tips For Aspies
- How To Make Homework Tolerable
- How To Manage Meltdowns
- How To Parent An Aspergers Child: From Childhood T...
- How to Reduce Aggression in Aspergers Children: 12...
- How to Reduce School Anxiety in Aspergers Children...
- How To Write Social Stories
- How will your other children be affected by your A...
- Insomnia in Aspergers Teens
- Interventions for Children and Adults with Asperge...
- Intestinal Dysbiosis and Autistic Spectrum Disorde...
- Introducing “Adults with Aspergers and HFA – Suppo...
- Is Aspergers really a "disorder" -- or just a diff...
- Is My Aspergers Child "High-Functioning"?
- Is there a cure for Aspergers?
- I've been diagnosed with Aspergers -- now what?
- Join Parenting Aspergers Children Support Group on...
- List of Aspergers Characteristics
- List of Aspergers Clinicians in the U.S.
- Making Sense of Aspergers
- Managing Aspergers Meltdowns: Tips for Parents
- Marital Stress and Parenting Aspergers Children: 2...
- Married To An Aspie: 25 Tips For Spouses
- Married To An Aspie: 25 Tips For Spouses
- Married to an Aspie: Advice for the Neurotypical S...
- Misbehavior or Food Allergy?
- Misbehavior versus Aspergers-Related Behavior
- Motives Behind Behavior: Parents’ Analytical Appro...
- Mourning the Loss of a Loved One: Helping Asperger...
- My 7-year-old Aspergers son will only eat bland fo...
- My Aspergers Teen
- Occupational Therapy: Advice for Adults with Asper...
- Oxytocin Hormone Inhalation Improves Social Lear...
- Parent’s Tips for Teachers of Aspergers Students
- Parenting Aspergers Children Support Group
- Parenting Tips for Raising Aspies
- Parent's Letter to Teachers: Assisting My Asperger...
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder—Not Otherwise Spe...
- Pet Therapy for Aspergers Kids
- Popular Screening Tools for Aspergers and Autism
- Problems with Insurance Reimbursement
- Pursuing a Formal Diagnosis
- Refusing To Do Homework: 25 Tips For Parents With ...
- Relationships with Aspergers Men: 12 Tips for Wome...
- Revealing Your Child's Diagnosis To Extended Famil...
- Rules Of The Game: An Aspergers Journey of Hope
- Self-Help Strategies: 25 Tips for Aspergers Teens
- Sensory and Motor Problems in Aspergers Children
- Should You Disclose Your Diagnosis of Aspergers?
- Special Interest or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorde...
- Strategies for Parents and Teachers: Summary of Ma...
- Summer Activities for Aspergers Children
- Supporting Your Aspergers Child To Make Friends
- Survival Techniques for Aspergers Teens
- Surviving an Aspergers Marriage
- Tailored Disciplinary Techniques for Aspergers Chi...
- Talking To Aspergers Children About Puberty
- Teaching Children and Teens with Asperger Syndrome...
- Teaching Interpersonal Relationship Skills: Tips f...
- Teaching Tips for Children with Aspergers
- Teens with Aspergers and Their Struggles
- Test for Aspergers in Babies
- Testing A Child For Aspergers
- The "Female Version" of Aspergers
- The "Specific Carb Diet" for Children with Autism ...
- The Aspergers Questionnaire
- The Benefits to Parenting an Aspergers Child
- The Best Books About Aspergers
- The CAT-kit: Communication Tool for Teaching Socia...
- The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Asper...
- The Damage Done: Over-Indulging the Aspergers Chil...
- The Difference Between Aspergers and PDD-NOS
- The Early Signs of Autism
- The Functional Analytic Approach to Behavior Modif...
- The Gift of Aspergers
- The Gluten-free Casein-free Diet: Does It Really W...
- The Holiday Season: Coping Strategies for Asperger...
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- The Learning Style of Aspergers Students
- The Misdiagnosis of Aspergers Children
- The Misunderstood Aspergers Child
- The Positive Traits of Aspergers
- The Potential Dangers Associated with the “Asperge...
- The School Environment: Issues for Aspergers Stude...
- Theories of Aspergers
- Tips For Aspergers Students Who Are Considering At...
- Tips for Reducing Stress Related to Parenting Aspe...
- Top 100 Aspergers Websites for 2011
- Top 75 Aspergers Websites for 2011
- Transitioning to Adulthood: Help for Older Teens w...
- Understanding Anger and Depression: 2-Minute Tip
- Understanding the Aspergers Child - Part 2
- Urinating In All The Wrong Places
- Viewing Aspergers as a Difference Rather Than a Di...
- Virtual Reality and Learning Social Skills: Help f...
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- What are some other conditions that Aspergers chil...
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- What To Do If You Think You Have Aspergers
- What to Do When You Have Been Diagnosed: Tips for ...
- What To Do When Your Aspergers Child Doesn't Have ...
- When Aspergers Runs In The Family
- Why Females Are Less Likely To Be Diagnosed
- Will my Aspergers child’s symptoms get worse over ...
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- Your Aspergers Child: What The Future Holds
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Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2011
Creative Strategies for Promoting Independence in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Encouraging independence in teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an integral part of their growth, equipping them with essential lif...

Fixated Personality -- The fixated personality type can be characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and the n...
Below you will find the majority of symptoms associated with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), also referred to as Asperger’s. The HFA chil...
"My 5 year old son is a high functioning autistic child - and is constantly swearing. I've tried time-outs, taken games away, us...