- 13 year old Aspie daughter had her day in court......
- 50 Positive Characteristics of Aspergers
- A Divine Cure for Aspergers?!
- A film made by young people with Aspergers Syndrom...
- About MyAspergersChild.com
- Adult Aspergers Children Who Move Back Home – or N...
- Adult Children With Aspergers: Tips For Parents
- Advocating For Your Aspergers Child
- Aggression in Aspergers Teens
- All About Aspergers
- Amusement Park Precautions for Aspergers and SID C...
- An Aspergers Teenager Talks His Experience
- Anger and Violence in Aspergers Children
- Anxiety and Sleep Problems
- Are Aspergers Children Too Smart For Their Own Goo...
- Are there any medications or techniques to address...
- Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2007 - 2009
- ASD and School Behavior Problems
- Asperger Syndrome and Attention Difficulties
- Asperger Syndrome in Adulthood
- Asperger Syndrome: Epidemiology
- Asperger’s Syndrome Tantrums and Meltdowns: Preven...
- Aspergers Adults and Depression
- Aspergers Adults and Independence
- Aspergers Adults and Self-Medication
- Aspergers and "Problems with Balance"
- Aspergers and ADD
- Aspergers and Anxiety: What Parents and Teachers N...
- Aspergers and Comorbid Bipolar
- Aspergers and Enuresis
- Aspergers and Genetics
- Aspergers and Insecure Attachments
- Aspergers and Interpersonal Relationships
- Aspergers and Lack of Empathy
- Aspergers and Lack of Eye Contact
- Aspergers and Loneliness
- Aspergers and Marriage
- Aspergers and Noise Sensitivities [Hyperacusis]
- Aspergers and Picky Eating
- Aspergers and Public Schools
- Aspergers and Repetitive Thoughts
- Aspergers and Self-Diagnosis
- Aspergers and Self-Injury
- Aspergers and Sensitivity to Touch
- Aspergers and Separation Anxiety
- Aspergers and Social Stories
- Aspergers and Tics
- Aspergers and Violence
- Aspergers Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention
- Aspergers CAST Test
- Aspergers Checklist: Does Your Child Have Asperger...
- Aspergers Children & Behavioral Problems at School...
- Aspergers Children & School Refusal
- Aspergers Children and "Physical Education" Class
- Aspergers Children and "Rigidity"
- Aspergers Children and Aggressive Behavior
- Aspergers Children and Anger Problems
- Aspergers Children and Attachment Problems
- Aspergers Children and Behavior Problems
- Aspergers Children and Lack of Eye Contact
- Aspergers Children and Language Development
- Aspergers Children and Manipulative Behavior
- Aspergers Children and Motor Skills Development
- Aspergers Children and Pica
- Aspergers Children and Relationship Difficulties
- Aspergers Children and School Phobia
- Aspergers Children and School Refusal
- Aspergers Children and Sleep Problems
- Aspergers Children and Social Skills Interventions...
- Aspergers Children and Speech Problems
- Aspergers Children and Video Game Obsessions
- Aspergers Children Are Picky Eaters
- Aspergers Children Who Abuse Their Siblings
- Aspergers Children Who Talk Excessively: What Pare...
- Aspergers Children: Emotions and Being Silly
- Aspergers Children: Obsessions and Rituals
- Aspergers child's fascination with women's clothin...
- Aspergers Diagnosis: Should You Worry?
- Asperger's Documentary - My Crazy Life
- Aspergers in Adulthood
- Aspergers in Adults
- Aspergers in Adults
- Aspergers in Babies
- Aspergers in the Family
- Aspergers Kids and Karate
- Aspergers Meltdowns
- Aspergers Meltdowns versus Temper Tantrums
- Aspergers Men and Relationship Difficulties
- Aspergers Self-Test: Do I Have Aspergers?
- Aspergers Students and Poor Reading Comprehension
- Aspergers Students: Completing School Assignments ...
- Aspergers Students: Educational Considerations
- Aspergers Students: Tips for Teachers
- Aspergers Subtypes: Rule-Oriented, Logic-Oriented ...
- Aspergers Symptoms Across The Life-Span
- Asperger's Syndrome Documentary
- Aspergers Syndrome: A Comprehensive Summary
- Asperger's Syndrome: A Real Story
- Asperger's Syndrome: Research Library
- Aspergers Tantrums, Rage, and Meltdowns
- Aspergers Teen: Behavior Problems
- Aspergers Teens and "Sex Education"
- Aspergers Teens and Alcohol Abuse
- Aspergers Teens and Behavior Problems at School
- Aspergers Teens and College
- Aspergers Teens and Dating
- Aspergers Teens and Employment
- Aspergers Teens and Marijuana Use
- Aspergers Teens and Online Gaming Addiction
- Aspergers Teens and Sexual Issues
- Aspergers Teens and Social Deficits
- Aspergers Teens and Social Difficulties
- Aspergers Teens and Social Skills
- Aspergers Teens and Suicide
- Aspergers Teens and Threats of Suicide
- Aspergers Teens: Learning to Drive a Car
- Aspergers Treatment
- Aspergers versus Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NLD)...
- Aspergers Videos
- Aspergers, ADHD, and ODD
- Aspergers/Autism Online Resources
- Aspergers: A Clinical Account
- Aspergers: Answer to Diagnostic Mysteries?
- Aspergers: Diagnosis and Clinical Features
- Aspergers: Inaccurate Stereotyping
- Aspergers: Parenting Strategies
- Aspergers: Quick Reference for Clinicians
- Aspergers: Treatment and Intervention
- Aspies and Impaired Humor Comprehension
- Autistic Traits In Adults: Online Test
- Balancing Time Between the Aspergers Child and His...
- Behavior Contracts for Aspergers Children
- Behavioral Interventions for Aspergers Clients
- Behavioral Management Plan for Aspergers Children ...
- Being a Role Model for Your Aspergers Child
- Best and Worst Jobs for Aspergers Adults
- Best Aspergers Blogs: Support Groups for People Af...
- Can Aspergers be treated? Yes!
- Can children with Aspergers also get diagnosed wit...
- Can my son with Aspergers truly understand love?
- Can you advise me on social skills training for my...
- Can you help me teach my Aspergers child organizat...
- Can you treat kids with Aspergers the same way you...
- CAST: The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test
- Challenges Faced by Teens and Adults with Asperger...
- Chat with a Therapist
- Complications of the Aspergers Diagnosis: Help for...
- Coping With Adult Aspergers
- Coping with the Holidays: Help for Aspergers Child...
- Dealing with Fixations in Aspergers Children
- Defiant, Oppositional Teens with Aspergers: Simple...
- Developing Friendships: Tips for Children and Teen...
- Do you have Aspergers?
- Does My Child Really Have Aspergers?
- Does My Husband Have Aspergers Too?
- Drugs to Treat Aspergers Symptoms
- Educating Others About Your Aspergers Child
- Emails from Parents Regarding PC Tattletale
- Employment Support for Aspergers Employees
- Evaluating Clients for Aspergers: Advice for Thera...
- Gaze Avoidance in Aspergers Children
- Getting Aspergers Kids Ready For School
- Getting Involved In Your Aspergers Child's Life
- Girls with Aspergers
- Girls with Aspergers
- Good Jobs for Aspergers Teens
- Grandmothers Raising Aspergers Grandchildren
- Grandparenting an Aspergers Child
- Grandparents Raising Aspergers Grandchildren
- Guidelines for Behavior Management
- He has stopped going to school...
- He is having meltdown after meltdown...
- He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non verbal ...
- Help for Parents with Aspergers Children and Teens...
- Help for Parents with Defiant Aspergers Teens
- Help for Parents with Defiant Aspergers Teens
- Helping Aspergers Children Manage Time
- Helping Aspergers Children with Homework
- Helping Aspergers Children with Homework
- Helping Students with Aspergers
- Helping Teachers To Understand Your Aspergers Chil...
- Her meltdowns are unpredictable...
- Home-Schooling Your Aspergers Child
- Homeschooling Your Aspergers Child: Educational Re...
- How Aspergers Teens/Young Adults Can Get a Girlfri...
- How can I cope with my son with Aspergers’ sensory...
- How can I deal with transition between schools for...
- How can I help my daughter with Aspergers to deal ...
- How can I stop meltdowns when routines change?
- How can I teach empathy to my child with Aspergers...
- How can you help transition an Aspergers child int...
- How Clinicians Test for Aspergers
- How Diet and Supplements Can Help Aspergers Childr...
- How do children with Asperger’s cope with physical...
- How do I bond with my 8yr old son that has Asperge...
- How do I help my son with Aspergers to gain the ap...
- How Do I Parent an Adult Child with Aspergers
- How do you discipline a child with Aspergers?
- How do you get the school system to pay attention ...
- How is Aspergers Assessed?
- How Parents Can Help Their Aspergers Child: 30 Tip...
- How should I explain Aspergers Syndrome to my 12-y...
- How should I treat my friend who has Aspergers?
- How to Approach Children with Aspergers: Advice fo...
- How To Date An Aspie
- How to Deal with an Aspergers Child Who Also Suffe...
- How to Deal with Obsessions and Rituals
- How To Help Siblings Deal With An Aspergers Brothe...
- How to Live With Aspergers: A Message to Aspergers...
- How To Monitor What Your Aspergers Child Does Onli...
- How To Monitor Where Your Aspergers Child Goes Onl...
- How to Motivate Aspergers Children
- How to Prevent Meltdowns in Aspergers Children
- How To Survive Christmas With An Aspergers Child: ...
- I don't want to be a prisoner in my home...
- I need to find someone to evaluate my daughter for...
- I suspect my husband has Aspergers. What should I ...
- I want to help my son with Aspergers to get employ...
- I want to teach my child about appropriate sexual ...
- I'm looking for some ways to diffuse a meltdown......
- Inappropriate Responses from Aspies
- Intervention Programs for Aspergers Children
- Interview with an Aspergers College Student
- Is it a good idea to try to stop obsessive behavio...
- Is it true that you shouldn't push someone who has...
- Is there a connection between Aspergers and homose...
- Is there a way to stop aggressive behavior...?
- Is there any method I can use during the meltdowns...
- Job Interview Skills for People with Aspergers
- Keeping in touch with my grown child with Asperger...
- Launching Older Teens and Adult Children With Aspe...
- Learning to Parent a Child with a Diagnosis of Asp...
- Letting Go of Adult Children with Aspergers
- Living with an Aspergers Partner/Spouse
- Living With An Aspergers Partner/Spouse
- Living with an Aspergers Spouse
- Living with an Aspergers Spouse/Partner
- Low Muscle Tone and Motor Clumsiness in Aspergers ...
- Medical Treatment for Aspergers
- Meltdowns and Punishment
- Monitoring Your Aspergers Child’s Activities
- Mother of an Aspergers child tells her story...
- Mother Tells Her “Aspergers-related” Story
- Motivating Teens with Asperger's Syndrome
- My 5 year old was just diagnosed with aspergers......
- My Son Was Recently Diagnosed With Aspergers – Now...
- MyAspergersChild.com - Advertisement As Seen On NB...
- Older Teens and Young Adult Children Still Living ...
- Online Resources for Parents with Aspergers Childr...
- Outcome Research in Aspergers
- Parenting Adult Children with Aspergers
- Parenting Aspergers Children and Teens: Part 1
- Parenting Aspergers Children and Teens: Part 2
- Parenting Aspergers Children: Helpful Strategies
- Parenting Aspergers Children: Preventing Problems ...
- Parenting Aspergers Teens: Double Trouble?
- Parenting Strategies A - Z
- Parenting Teens with Aspergers
- Parenting Tips for Parents with Aspergers Children...
- Parents With Asperger Syndrome
- Parents’ Management of Tantrums in Aspergers Child...
- Partners with Aspergers
- Paxil for Treating Aspergers Symptoms?
- PC Tattletale: Parental Control and Internet Monit...
- Perseveration: Stereotypic Behaviors in Aspergers ...
- Preventing Meltdowns in Students with Aspergers: S...
- Preventing Temper Tantrums in Chidren with Asperge...
- Problems Experienced by Teens with Aspergers
- Problems Getting Up In The Morning: Help for Asper...
- Problems with Sensory Overload
- Promoting Social Communication in Aspergers Childr...
- Questionable Theory of Aspergers
- Raising Aspergers Children: Symptoms and Parenting...
- Rebellious Aspergers Teenagers
- Reward System for Aspergers Children
- Rituals and Obsessions
- School Concerns for Students with Aspergers
- School-related Anxiety in Aspergers Children
- Setting Rules for Aspergers Children
- Should an Aspergers child be placed in school base...
- Shutdowns: A Specific Type of Meltdown
- Spouses with Aspergers
- Surviving Thanksgiving: Tips for Parents with Aspe...
- Talking to Your Aspergers Child
- Teaching Aspergers Children To Lose Gracefully
- Teaching Aspergers Students: 32 Tips for Educators...
- Teaching Boundaries to Aspergers Children
- Teaching Social Skills to Aspergers Children: Intr...
- Teaching Strategies for Aspergers Students
- The 14 yr old has been having meltdowns and the 16...
- The Blessings of Aspergers: 40 Positive Characteri...
- The Bullying of Aspergers Children
- The Diagnosis of Aspergers
- The Difference Between ADHD and Aspergers
- The History Behind "Aspergers"
- The Myths About Aspergers
- The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide
- The Potential Genius of Aspergers
- The schools do not understand the characteristics ...
- The Warning Signs of Aspergers
- Tips for Parents of Aspergers Children
- Tips For Teens With Aspergers: How To Avoid Being ...
- Top 100 Aspergers Blogs for 2010
- Top 100 Aspergers Forums for 2010
- Top 100 Asperger's Websites for 2010 [alphabetical...
- Top 30 Best Books on Aspergers
- Transitioning Aspergers Teens to Adulthood
- U.S. Schools for Aspergers Children
- Understanding Your Aspergers Child
- Undiagnosed and Misdiagnosed Aspergers
- Violent Aspergers Children: What Parents and Teach...
- What are the pros and cons of the APA’s plan to ch...
- What are your thoughts on the necessity of physica...
- What do we do or say to those that think Aspergers...
- What do you do if you think your child may have As...
- What is a “social story” and how is it used?
- What is important to know before my Aspergers teen...
- What is the best way to teach social skills to my ...
- What is the difference between a meltdown and a ta...
- What Is The Difference Between Aspergers and ADHD?...
- What issues should I consider when contemplating b...
- What would be a good punishment for an Aspergers c...
- Working with Schools to Develop an IEP
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Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2010
Comprehensive Strategies for Parents to Help Autistic Teens Manage Angry Outbursts
Navigating the emotional landscape of an autistic teenager can be both rewarding and challenging. Among the most significant hurdles parents...

Fixated Personality -- The fixated personality type can be characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and the n...
Below you will find the majority of symptoms associated with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), also referred to as Asperger’s. The HFA chil...
“I have a 9 year old son with [high functioning] autism. My main issue with him is that he is sooooo easily annoyed at EVERY THING! Inc...