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Aspergers/Autism Online Resources


AHA/AS/PDD - Advocates for Individuals with High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Corp
·         Asperger Syndrome Educational Network, Inc. (ASPEN)
·         Aspies e.V. - Menschen mit Asperger-Syndrom - German self-help organization of people with Asperger Syndrome
·         Autism Research Institute
·         Kansas Council on Developmental DisabilitiesThe Autism Connection - A non profit web site dedicated to providing information and resources about Autism to the community
·         Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (O.A.S.I.S.)
·         Spectrum Connection - Your bi-state (KS & MO) resource for families living with autism
·         The Autism Source

Special Ed Law—

Educational Resources—

·         College Internship Program at The Brevard Center,
Melbourne, Florida
(for students with Asperger Syndrome and Non Verbal Learning Differences)
·         Family Education
·         Jenny's Site for Special Needs Kids - Website of author Jenny Clark

Family Advocacy—

·         MPACT/Missouri Parents Act
·         Families Together

Resource Centers—

Parent Support Groups—

·         Vermont Autism Support Daily - free online support group for parents, friends and families of children with autism. Live meetings are also held the first Monday of each month from 7 - 9 p.m.
·         Kansas Support Groups
·         FEATNT - Families for Early Autism Treatment-North Texas
·         Autism Center of Tulsa


·         Technical Alliance Center
·         Sommerville Young Adult Community - designed for those diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders ages 18-25
· - Website of author, Stephen Shore
·         Autism Society of Kansas
·         Autism Society of America
· - Website of author, Rebekah Heinrichs
·         AHA/AS/PDD - Advocates for Individuals with High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Corp.

Social Skills Groups—

·         Kansas Social Skills Groups


·         O.A.S.I.S. Conferences
·         NLD on The Web


·         Parentbooks
·         Starfish Specialty Press

Suggested References/ Libraries/ Newsletters/ Magazines—

·         "Positively Autism" Magazine (read a sample issue)
·         Bibliography on Autism
·         Books on the Autism Spectrum
·         Heart for Autism - Ordinary Families Doing Extraordinary Things

Discussion Boards—

Links for Kids—

·         Stress Free Kids - help children manage anxiety, stress, and anger while promoting self-esteem and peaceful sleep
·          Kids.Net.Au - A search engine just for kids!


·         Eccentrically Speaking - helping adults with autism work on social communication skills

Recommended Parenting eBooks—

How to Tell Your Child that He/She has ASD

Receiving the news that your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an event that can invoke a whirlwind of emotion...