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Natural Treatment for Asperger’s Syndrome?

"What supplements, if any, would be helpful for children (and even adults for that matter) on the autism spectrum?"

Kids with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism commonly have fluctuating moods throughout the day as their emotional development is still in its early stages. Moods may differ from moment to moment based on the youngster’s feelings and the trials of daily life. Events that may seem small and insignificant to adults, may become huge calamities for young minds and this can sometimes cause chaos and distress in the family. Although these ‘childish storms’ may soon blow over, they can come and go many times in the average day – depending on the age and disposition of the youngster.

From worries over imaginary monsters to fretting over the opinion of other kids at school, the moods of both Aspergers kids and teens can be commonly affected by many seemingly normal events, causing mood swings and concern.

On the whole, adults have normally learned how to weather these storms as their nervous systems and emotional development has matured. However, even for adults, routine ‘ups and downs’ may occur as part of daily living and can sometimes become difficult to manage.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to gently and safely support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as to encourage normal and efficient balance of emotion and a soothed state.

There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs to support the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system and maintain balanced mood, feelings of well-being and promote emotional health.

MindSoothe Jr.™ is an herbal remedy especially for Aspergers kids and formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to support balanced mood and feelings of well-being. Regular use promotes the health of the brain and nervous system, helping to support healthy production of essential brain hormones and chemicals related to nervous system health and emotional well-being, thereby helping to maintain balanced mood and optimum performance.

MindSoothe ™ is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy that has been especially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for adults and teens, and comes in a compact capsule form, making it easy to take. MindSoothe can be used to safely maintain emotional health, balanced, mood and harmony in the brain and nervous system, without harmful side effects.

Sometimes erratic, unpredictable impulsive behavior can escalate to frenetic, flustered, and wild outbursts in even the most normal and even tempered youngster.

Aspergers kids may commonly resort to yelling and kicking - even biting - in order to express their feelings and get what they want. This behavior may become increasingly difficult for parents to manage and can cause numerous disruptions to the family’s daily routine. These bursts of childhood temper tantrums are most common during the pre-school years, but may occur from time to time in older Aspergers kids and even adults if they occasionally lose their tempers – which can happen to all of us from time to time.

Natural remedies can help to support a balanced demeanor and homeopathic and herbal remedies are of great benefit in helping to restore calm and a positive demeanor after a common emotional episode. Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Tula Tantrum Tamer ™ is a registered homeopathic remedy which helps Aspergers kids to maintain balanced mood, calm demeanor and reasonable attitude by providing a sound platform to support emotional peace and stability. As a result, Tula Tantrum Tamer can make all the difference to a youngster who is prone to tantrums and emotional storminess.

PureCalm™ is a 100% safe, non-addictive herbal remedy that has been specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for adults and Aspergers kids. PureCalm can especially benefit those individuals needing support for balanced mood and to assist with common nervous tension.

Our brain is like a virtual filing cabinet where the completed tasks, acquired information, and experiences are all processed and then stored - nothing is lost, instead we sometimes need to just take a little more effort to retrieve. Healthy brain functioning, including concentration and focus, are essential if we are to successfully complete our everyday tasks.

Natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system, helping to maintain efficient concentration and memory functioning.

Focus Formula ™ is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural, herbal remedy. Formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for both Aspergers kids and adults, Focus Formula has been used for many years to safely maintain health and systemic balance in the brain and nervous system. Focus Formula contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system and circulatory health, and well-being.

BrightSpark ™ is a safe, non-addictive, registered homeopathic remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected by a clinical psychologist. BrightSpark will help keep your youngster alert while at the same time preventing common restlessness, thereby helping Aspergers kids to concentrate and balance moods. BrightSpark can also be especially effective for Aspergers kids who tend to "act out" or for those who have routine difficulties controlling their tempers or getting along with other Aspergers kids.

A regular and peaceful night’s sleep is a useful indicator of overall physical and emotional health. Healthy sleep patterns are a crucial aspect of a youngster’s development. Aspergers kids commonly resist going to bed – especially when their minds are busy and they can think of a million more exciting things to do! However, Aspergers kids who routinely get away with late bed times may struggle to cope the next day – especially at school – and may become ratty and difficult.

A good night’s sleep is just as important for adults who need to replenish their resources after a demanding day of work and family responsibilities. For many adults, a natural sleep tonic can make all the difference to supporting regular sleeping patterns.

Serenite Jr. ™ is a safe and effective herbal remedy specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to promote junior night time harmony and to assist parents in their task of naturally settling fussy little ones.

SerenitePlus ™ is a herbal formula specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for teenagers and adults. The natural ingredients are chosen for their relaxing and calming properties to assist with occasional routine sleeplessness and to relax and wind down at night.

For the Brain and Nervous System—

For Aspergers kids:

BrightSpark is a registered homeopathic formula used to reduce routine impulsive, restless and erratic behavior – so helping your youngster to listen more calmly, carefully, and attentively.

Focus Formula is used to support brain health and maintain a healthy supply of blood and nutrients to the brain – thereby supporting the brain’s functions of concentration, memory and healthy mental focus, while promoting corresponding health in the nervous system.

MindSoothe Jr. is used to maintain emotional balance, a reasonable attitude and feelings of well-being in Aspergers kids, also supporting the balance of neurotransmitters produced in the brain like dopamine and serotonin, both linked to the maintenance of balanced mood.

PureCalm is an excellent on the spot remedy for nervous system support - widely used to lessen common feelings of being flustered, bothered or on-edge, and to soothe the nerves.

Serenite Jr. is used to support healthy sleep patterns in babies over 6 months and Aspergers kids up to 12 years old.

Tula TamtrumTamer is a registered homeopathic remedy used to reduce the frequency and strength of common childhood tantrums, calm and soothe fiery tempers, while promoting a balanced mood and reasonable attitude.

For Aspergers adults:

SerenitePlus is a herbal formula specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for teenagers and adults. The natural ingredients are chosen for their relaxing and calming properties to assist with occasional routine sleeplessness and to relax and wind down at night.

PureCalm is an excellent on-the-spot remedy for nervous system support - widely used to lessen common feelings of being flustered, bothered or on-edge, and to soothe the nerves.

MindSoothe is used to support emotional well-being and stability , lessen general feelings of the blues, support a healthy motivated attitude, a well-adjusted outlook and positive temperament, as well as support healthy sleep patterns.

Focus ADDult contains a selection of herbs known for their supportive function in maintaining brain, nervous system, circulatory health, and overall well-being.


Anonymous said… amazing if it works! My Aspie is 2 1/2 and out of control. I'd love to try these, we'll try anything if it helps him. Can they be used on kids as young as him? Also where do you get them from? We're in Australia, do they deal internationally?
Anonymous said… I just took my son to a holistic doctor and he gave him a vitamin B complex,magnesium,vitamin c and oats.No improvement so far but its only been a few days.
Anonymous said… I SWEAR by the Focus Formula and brightSpark...both work very well on my son. He is HF Aspergers, ADHD, ODD, and SPD...I am actually going to be ordering the Sleep one for him too. This company offers a 100% money back guarantee if you are not pleased...but you have to use it for a week or so until you see the difference. Worth a try and I'm telling you they WORK!! :)))
Anonymous said… I've just ordered my first shipment of the products put together for Aspergers children from native remedies and I live in the uk. I'm yet to try any kind of herbal remedies, this will be the first time I have used anything other than Meletonin that helps him to sleep. I personally dont see the harm in trying out herbal remedies and if they work then that's a bonus. I'm more scared of ever having to medicate him with prescriptions from the doctor so I am exhausting all herbal remedies but also looking at special food diets thar help break down harmful chemicals in our children that can sometimes cause the behaviour they express.
Anonymous said… My son was diagnosed with PDD, depression and anxiety last week but for the past 5 weeks he has been taking BrightSpark. I have noticed a calmness over him. I have just ordered Mindsmoothe and Pure Calm for added help.

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